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Status Updates posted by oblivionsbane

  1. Who thinks we should have some sorta fun event the day before the map changes since items won't matter? Maybe a PvP tourney with all equipment allowed?

    1. Grouchy


      lotc'ers drive volkswagens so they don't understand

  2. .... Who..... Did Malin, Horen, Urguan, and Krug have children with?

  3. I swear I will never understand how critical some people can be on games. When I was a kid I just loved playing good games. It was only when I came onto the internet I started to notice the little silly problems that I would normally roll my eyes at are game ruining for other people. I will never get it.

    1. oblivionsbane


      Except Sonic the Hedgehog from 2006. That game's hate was well placed.

    2. Moot


      I don't liek to judge games, until I see real gameplay. I also try not to get hyped, because I enjoy games less because of it ):

    3. Ford


      witcher 3

  4. I want them to make a sequel to That 70's Show called That 80's Show.

    1. aron.


      No, you most certainly don't.

    2. oblivionsbane


      ^^^ That's why I want it. It would be so terrible yet hilarious like the 80's.

    3. Heff
  5. So I was chilling in the shower thinking about what the difference between an otaku and weeaboo actually is. The conclusion I came to is that they are basically the same thing. The difference being an otaku actually is Japanese, but they share almost all of the same interests at similar levels.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. meg


      Nah Oblivion is pretty much right. An Otaku is a japanese person with the weird obsession. A weaboo is some non-japanese person who takes it a step further by trying to be japanese in a really odd way.

    3. Skippy


      Solution: You don't be either. You be a normal person who just enjoys watching anime, but doesn't talk about it like small talk.

    4. Blundermore


      I am pretty sure the meaning of Otaku means Nationalist if they're pro all things from Japan and are from Japan.

  6. I pissed about the lag. I do not give a **** about losing; it's more of it was so laggy it was not even fun. I am kind of salty and kind of pissed, but only because the fight was a huge let down.

    1. The Thought Police

      The Thought Police

      Fair enough, I was on the winning side and I didn't actually have much fun.

    2. InfamousGerman


      god bless lotc amirite

    3. InfamousGerman


      god bless lotc amirite

  7. (Joke) Why are there so many dicks in Oren?

    1. oblivionsbane


      Because it's based off of GoT! :D

    2. Sky


      But they cut all theirs off... This joke is factually unsound.

  8. Cyndikate listens to Nickelback!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SodaiKamikaze


      Cyndikate, I'm sorry but if you like Iggy I can't talk to you in public anymore, this is goodbye

    3. mmat


      I think Savin' Me is their best song.

    4. Heff


      even worse cyndikate

  9. Those of you that haven't seen this before, you should.

  10. So I was listening to an anime opening and in 2 watch next's, I got this

    I know how you guys are, so enjoy.
  11. Just a quick fun note to human characters, a year in LotC time is actually half a year equivalent to IRL time. So if your human is 40, he's really probably closer to 20, give or take a little.

    1. VampsWillDie


      you confuse me with this, but I think what you're getting at is how humans age, right? sinc ethey live to 150 it's double?

    2. oblivionsbane


      Basically a year in LotC world is 7 months, while our calendar year is 12 months. It isn't that there are longer months or anything, in LotC there are just shorter years.

  12. The hell, I just got banned for a whole 30 seconds for saying autistic, get on my level.

  13. http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/kalen-forseth#.VJO_6sAOQ The ability apparently refuses to fit, but it goes on to say at the beginning of the next turn both cards are exiled. Wish I could find a better picture too, but meh.
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