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Everything posted by Cjmate

  1. My darling boy became an administrator.
  2. The following note is attached to a bulletin board in Haense. (OOC Note: Former ET-Builder and worked on multiple city/town projects since Anthos. Been building messy medieval since 2012.)
  3. idk how to pick this game back up after so long.


    1. Ford


      Make a new char. 

    2. Arashiha


      ^that, and just jump right into it. ((Whispers, and be a little forceful with introductions, otherwise, you'll be ignored more often than not.))

  4. I miss building. 

  5. Hard to enjoy lotc. None of my peeples play anymore.

  6. Doing a non-pve event on Sunday if 

    anyone is into that. 



  7. Anyone know if the game Foxhole is any good? 

    1. Archipelego


      it looks amazing and its on my wishlist

    2. TankM1A2


      Yes! I played the game with my good friends @sdm @WoodenApples @mra8ur93ss @Youngie5500 and we had an absolute blast. Massive scale warfare with everything from base building, construction, logistics, frontlines, and engaging PVP. If you want to grind and keep the front line supplied, or if you want to construct the defenses to hold said frontline, or if you want to be making the decisive push, the option is yours. Personally, I think its great.

    3. func_Soap


      OMG so WApples and I were trucked within minutes of the map resetting to an island in the middle of the map then just before sdm arrived we took down a truck and its two occupants but WApples bit the dust. I vacuumed up the basic materials (bmats) they dropped and threw down a field crate so I wasn't encumbered by our loot. Then something similar happened with sdm and I taking down another truck headed for this central island.


      Suffice to say, half an hour in chat and the player number has gone up from 30 to the 100 player cap and some random nobody thanks whoever secured the island in chat, the island which is by now cut off from our home base in the North by a filthy Colonist encirclement. Shirt supplies (respawns) in the town hall are running low but we've repaired a refinery and weapons factory on the island to elongate our occupation.


      We thought we had it covered. The two vehicle bridges we had on lock-down with our tunnel network supported foxholes and pillboxes with lighter defences covering the two destroyed (but repairable) wooden foot bridges. However, in our sweep of the island, we missed the two fords (shallow sections of river) leading onto the island. One lead to allied territory and our shirt situation was quickly relieved, but to our dismay, an insidious Colonist base had infested the western side of our island. It took repeated HE grenade martyrs to get through the first pillbox, but their front was covered by two supplied level two foxholes, both of which would annihilate any attempts to push up. We each took out 4 HE nades and charged in from the North. Twelve reached their target, to no effect, with no survivors.


      I can only assume that battle is still continuing as I had to head off to bed, having realised it was the early hours of the morning by this point, but it was great. Play with friends, learn the basics before you play. The game has no in-built tutorial so YouTube is your best bet.

  8. I'm building messy medieval high elf.

    It's like a juxtaposition. 

  9. I can't handle these weekly warclaims. gimme break pvp commoonity. 

    1. Cjmate





  10. Owyn Rothgard-Silverblade Lad of Mordskov General Information Full Name: Owyn Charles Rothgard-Silverblade Pronunciation: O-Win, Chawruls, Rothgaard-Silvurblaid Titles: Noble Child, brother of the Lord of Mordskov ------------ Birth Date: 1611, 16th of The Deep Cold Age: 5 Gender: Male Race: Human Health: Owyn was born a sickly babe, and for years he has spent his time in isolation being treated in the mountains of Mordskov. He is pale, and smaller than his age suggests. Diary:
  11. The following is posted on bulletin boards throughout Orenian settlements.
  12. Is there an Anthos map download? 

    1. Kvasir


      make a post in the support section

  13. I wish I could build MC for a living. 

  14. The following is posted on bulletin boards in several human settlements. OOC Stuff: I built for Courland in Vailor, Adria in Vailor, and built a lot for Dibliusmaximus/Havenok throughout the years on various maps. Am looking for a place to live/rp.
  15. idk what to do or where to go

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      play a halfing? That's a thing you can do

  16. Check out this survey!



  17. Fish Oil Description and effects: Fish oil is a common household ingredient for your common mainlander with little access to the ocean and its fishy goodness. It serves as a supplement and provides needed oils for domestic farmers, particularly those people with a high bread diet. It may not actually do anything beneficial for the user. Recipe: - One vial of water as the base - One salmon (red fish) Author: Shambleau LM Approval Required: No
  18. Beggin_Bill did the best half-orc. He looked like an ogrin from warhammer.
  19. I have 82 caskets. Hard to sell since

    Johannesburg became obsolete. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VonAulus


      I would be willing to buy some cj!

    3. Tornaedo


      How much iron ingot per casket?


    4. Cjmate


      my skype is below if you want to contact me and roleplay



  20. I miss the old forums. It is so hard to edit and format this mess. 

  21. Return the slaaaaab....or suffer my


    1. Swgrclan


      The way King Ramses was animated in that show was, and is, genuinely unnerving

  22. End of the war is shaping up to be 

    cool. I like the look of all these mini 

    nations. Maybe future warclaims

    will be smaller too and reduce lagg. 

    1. Violino


      I appreciate this perspetive. 

    2. Jonificus
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