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Status Updates posted by GodEmperorFlam

    1. Areon


      this says israel, im offended, you must support palestine, stop descriminating, nazi.

    2. Kaiser


      Areon, I get it's a joke, but just enjoy the ******* music.

    3. Areon


      I hate this song


    1. Space


      thought you were going on a nap..........

    2. GodEmperorFlam


      I had to grab some painkillers and decided to post on your wall first.......

    3. Nug


      u lied to me,,,

  2. Never forget beardmancy and bardmancy. Death to illusion

  3. :J

    1. Space


      i don't understand


      but i thought my comparison of homunculucunus to replicants was nice


  4. "I was born in the wrong generation." He mutters, staring at his family's old White Rose uniform.

    1. Suicidium
    2. garentoft


      The young teenage elf let out a sigh, his hand sliding across the old Raine Academy painting with his parents in the front.

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      "Mi wull aveng mi paruntz" mutters an orc.


      then all the three come together and make the sushifish group

  5. [*] rest in peace @Space

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pureimp10


      did u get banned space

    3. Space


      for 4 hours go saying 'i used the word 'fa&%*&^%&%^&' in a non-derogatory way' or somethingl ike that cause i had used it earlier and got a kick

    4. Pureimp10
  6. @Jistuma Please rework alch fuel so that it's not tinker based and actually makes sense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      Because it makes no sense for a tinker to be crafting ALCHEMICAL goods when an alchemist can't do it themselves. If they're going to try and "promote RP" between two professions, they should at least make it done in a way that makes sense RPly.

    3. Medvekoma


      It makes sense RPly since tinker deals with gunpowder too. There's *cough* a tinker shop out there RPly selling such goods.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I think that it promotes the interaction between professions.

  7. @Space I see the red line was edited: 6246ec4b2c.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Corvoo


      Huh, I wonder who in the world could have caused this to be added to the redlines!

    3. Space


      someone linked that to me, lol

    4. SpodoKaiba
  8. @Space Now that Sanders is supporting Clinton, do you know any ways to sneak into Canada??

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. ShameJax


      yes space because socialism words so well

    3. Space


      i'm not a socialist!!


      I'm maybe a 'democratic socialist,' but I disagree with the Bern on some stuff. I also agree with some libertarian views, but disagree with a lot too. I have elements of every political party that I agree with-- like a well rounded person, y'know?????

    4. ShameJax


      moderate!??!?! how rare

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