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Status Replies posted by kingnothing

  1. do i come back - Y or N

    1. kingnothing


      NΒ i dont know you and i think you're weird !

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. drain me, beat me, skype me, sir Sir tophamΒ hatt@kingnothing

    1. kingnothing


      Thomas used to grumble in the shed at night. β€˜I’m tired of pushing coaches. I want to see the world.’ The others didn’t take much notice, for Thomas was a little engine who talked big.

  3. EY!! IM WALKIN ERE!!!

    1. kingnothing


      what can i say but i love lasagna

  4. Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. then your love would also change.


  5. CT stop trying to enforce skin standards on applicants its dumbΒ 

  6. CT stop trying to enforce skin standards on applicants its dumbΒ 

  7. happy easter gamers

    1. kingnothing


      merry bible


  8. What would your character want the most this Christmas?Β 

  9. LT

    >Claim there’s a lorebloat

    >”well guys, we can either get rid of these active creatures who are being played and will never show up in an event or, we could get rid of these inactive event creatures who no one ever plays. Or hell, even some of the OP end game ****.”

    >Chooses to get rid of the active playable creatures instead of the inactive ET only races such as Axolotyn, Ratiki, and OP endgame ****.Β 

    >Wonders why players are unhappy.Β 

  10. I am a reformed gamer, I am sorry for anyone I have offended, been rude to, been toxic to, and all of the above. I wish everyone the best, and I am taking my leave, I haveΒ real life stuff to handle, so I amΒ leaving the server. I wish everyone the best, and have an amazing year.

  11. I can be really stupid sometimes. Like, really stupid. Ask any one of my friends.

  12. i lived *****


    1. kingnothing


      lol try again next time idiot

  13. can I play as a voidal horror?

  14. I came to this server because I wanted to take a break from another. So far I'mactually enjoying this serverΒ and considering on making my stay more permanent! :0 I like meeting new people too

  15. hahahahahahahahahahaha

    1. kingnothing



  16. would anyone actually read my book if i shared it here

    1. kingnothing


      sorry im not perpetually on the forums you neet

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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