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John Ivory

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About John Ivory

  • Rank
    His Imperial Majesty
  • Birthday 05/02/1998

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  • Character Name
    Joseph II
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  1. A pair of ships moored off of Freeport. THE TREATY OF ROSEMOOR 15th of Sun's Smile, 1812 PRONOUNS AND DEFINITIONS The Holy Orenian Empire and the Admiralty of Freeport, are described as “SIGNATORY STATES” in this document. The Holy Orenian Empire and the Admiralty of Freeport, are described as “PETITIONING STATES” in this document. ON SOVEREIGNTY THE HOLY ORENIAN EMPIRE and the ADMIRALTY OF FREEPORT recognize the autonomy and sovereignty of the other, meaning: I. SIGNATORY STATES reserve an autonomous right to govern their people without influence from external powers. II. SIGNATORY STATES agree to engage in diplomatic functions with one another. ARTICLE I: NON-AGGRESSION PACT SIGNATORY STATES hereby agree to a mutual pact of non-aggression, and will refrain from taking military action on any entities affiliated with their banner. If an emergency were to occur, then a diplomatic approach will be used for resolution. ARTICLE II: TRADE SIGNATORY STATES agree to allow free and unhindered trade and commerce. Petitioning states will also compose a direct system of travel between borders (ferry). ARTICLE III: SUBJECTS SIGNATORY STATES guarantee protection under its laws to all subjects of petitioning states, including inneliable rights to life, property, freedom of worship, and due process within the borders of the aforementioned. ARTICLE IV: RENEWAL SIGNATORY STATES agree to reconvene and discuss a renewal of this treaty every THIRTY years. Joseph II, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera. His Grace, Darius Sare, Lord Admiral of Freeport, Marooned Duke and Lord of the Captains.
  2. do you think girls are cute mr hunwald

  3. This question has long been established it's Kyle
  4. THE RUBY-SILVER CONCORDAT, 1787 12th of Sun’s Smile, 1787 With the Empire’s desire to create long lasting partnerships between itself and other nations under the Stahl-Elendil Ministry, the Silver State of Haelun’or and the Holy Orenian Empire have come together to create a treaty with hopes of creating a long lasting alliance between the two nations. In light of this, the Holy Orenian Empire and the Silver State of Haelun’or agree to the following terms. ARTICLE I - The Holy Orenian Empire and the Silver State of Haelun’or agree to cooperate in all matters of research, consenting to a free exchange of scientific discoveries between the two states. ARTICLE II - The Holy Orenian Empire and the Silver State of Haelun’or agree to a free exchange of technology between our two states, both civil and military. ARTICLE III - Out of a mutual yearning to spread the diffusion of knowledge across our two realms, the Holy Orenian Empire and the Silver State of Haelun’or agree upon free access to our academic and scholastic institutions for each other’s citizenry to attend at their leisure. However, out of respect for the security of the Silver State, gate checks may continue for scholars to enter as per the norm. Written works shared between our two states will not be overly proliferated, so as to prevent shared knowledge from being improperly dispersed to unmeritable parties. ARTICLE IV - Mutual defense pact Should the Holy Orenian Empire be attacked by a foreign power or by paramilitary aggressors, the Silver State of Haelun’or will agree to assist in the Empire’s defense. Should Haelun’or be attacked by a foreign power or by paramilitary aggressors, the Holy Orenian Empire will agree to assist in the defense of the Silver State. ARTICLE V - This alliance shall remain in effect in perpetuity, with the successors of both the Holy Orenian Empire and the Silver Council bound to uphold it until either party legislates otherwise. SIGNED, HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anne I, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Empress, forever August, Queen of Renatus, Curon, Salvus and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Princess of Malinor, Duchess of Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baroness of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera. HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Joseph II, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Salvus, and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Prince of Malinor, Duke of Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera. HIS IMPERIAL EXCELLENCY, Jonah Stahl-Elendil, Archchancellor of the Holy Orenian Empire MAHERAL, Mayor of Fih’linan’sae, Malaurir Ikur Sullas SOHAER, Superintendant of Fih’linan’sae, Laurir Eredael Rhenaer
  5. what about the tailcoat. i think that looks nice
  6. The Duke of Helena mourns the loss of such an ancient patriot, sending his condolences to Messrs. Basrid and Drumm.
  7. Jury reform. Where is the jury reform?

    1. argonian


      Where’s my patronage?

  8. “I think George smokes these,” reflects the Duke of Helena as he notes the advertisement posted in the Imperial Gazette.
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