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Elvrohir Aureon

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Status Updates posted by Elvrohir Aureon

  1. .

    Edited by Elvrohir Aureon
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BonesOfTheEarth
    3. Vege


      Am I correct in assuming this status is saying that racist RP isn't allowed 

    4. Vege


      Praise god 

  2. Install MPM after the war is over, dont wanna be shooting at tiny ass Dwarven targets

    1. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      Then turn it off during the war claim?

    2. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      Unless you want realism...

    3. the 1 bow

      the 1 bow

      p sure hit box is the same

  3. Bringing up Malin is like drawing a sketch of Muhammud, yall triggered the real Malin worshippers

  4. but like, can we nap tho

  5. dicks out for Axios

  6. Disgusted by the posting of this BR.

    Apalled that it actually went through.

    Goes to show what being friends with staff can do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gangrel1230
    3. AGiantPie


      This one. 


    4. Kaelan


      I agree one hundred percent. If it was a dispute over items, then the items could have been returned.

      Also, KIIWIKILLA fails to tell the entire story once again.

      I feel I must congratulate the LoTC staff team, showing how corrupt they can be to ban someone who was wronged by a sociopath, self admitted *******.

  7. FMs SERIOUSLY need to chill on removing posts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      I've seen one post removed like ever, but perhaps we look at different topics.

    3. Sythan
    4. tilly


      that's enough out of you sammy sythan

  8. Free zip, he just wants to farm on his halfling

  9. grr give us an update grrr

  10. If+buff+gets+unbanned+and+Heeero+doesnt+im+going+to+laugh

    1. LatzMomo
    2. Heero


      I'd overdose on coke

  11. Is it possible to play LOTC on an Xbox?

    Edited by Elvrohir Aureon
    1. Valannor


      It is not. Apologies.

    2. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      Don't listen to him he's a spy from Sony

  12. Ive been a Legendary Lumberjack, cut a lot of wood in my life, yet I have never seen

  13. Just under 12 hours

  14. LOTC politics is dangerously close to playing Civ 5. Random personalities.

  15. mfw a military has more ranks than members

    1. Publius


      levies summarized 

    2. Space


      Why do Guilds do this? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  16. not sure how much longer I can hold out...

  17. Please help, this **** has been bugging me all day. There's this weird ass pop somg that takes place in a 1940s ballroom where a bunch of old fashioned army guys are dancing with girls. The main character is being chased by some military lady and her goons. In the end a brawl breaks out between the navy guys and the army guys, but the main dude doesn't give a **** since he ends up macking on some girl

  18. Please Please PLEASE get rid of timers for Compost Bins. 

  19. Really disappointed with how that raid was handled. Blatant meta-squadding as the High Elf city population tripled during the attack, then a trial GM takes one of my guys's armor off during countdown, when I try to void the countdown until he can get it back, I'm ignored. 

    Bring back fun raids, one side should win or lose,not get drowned in OOCness. 

    1. Jow__


      Shameful, tsk tsk tsk. 

  20. So is the war between Oren and unsuccessful Oren canceled?

  21. That feel when rebels outnumbered oren by three people and they still didnt get the win DD:

  22. When ignoring isnt enough go for censorship.

    1. Harri


      i hid it, since it literally served no purpose other than just being something to provoke people and whine

      plus i also want nexus gone, 1.8 pvp back and to cut remove all the pvp buffs, just an fyi

  23. When you get hit with the Privacy Act: Chapter 373

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