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Status Updates posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. Ayyyyy just baked this SAT like it was a pie

  2. Beginning on the path to learning Cognatism is a rocky start indeed..

    1. oblivionsbane


      It's an interesting magic. Only trouble with learning it is the lore was accepted despite not entirely being finished.

    2. SodaiKamikaze


      Yeah, I got in contact with the writer of the lore to make sure that I progress properly.

    3. oblivionsbane


      Good ol' Ptah.

  3. Can I create my own lore for monsters? If so, where and how do I post it?

    1. Anawkin


      Lore/Ideas Subforum. And you can.

  4. Daaaaveee, return to meh!

    1. Tethras


      Haha, I meant going out. Although I shall be leaving soon. But first gotta write some stuff up.

  5. Dared the Penny-pinching priest just stole Billy Bob's golden coin throne.. I regret nothing.

    1. gam



  6. Destroyed the Harbingers in a verbal contest. They proceeded to fling frozen fire at me for winning. Feels good to be a dorf.

    1. Elfen_
    2. Varstivus


      ... Sick burn, dude.

    3. Elad™


      *shakes fist* Next time! I'll get you next time!

  7. Does Electricity evocation have magnetism also? If not, would anyone be against me writing up something about it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bakerismaxamis


      I've already tried writing up a magnetism evocation. It was denied on the fact of having such a close relation to Telekinesis.

    3. SodaiKamikaze


      Well, I was thinking of it as more along the lines that, if you forced protons into someone's sword using the magic, then charged someone's shoulder with electrons, the two would begin to pull together, cutting into the person..

    4. Tom_Whiteman


      Ehrrr. Elementalism can control metals (if you have a metal spirit), it's better to leave it to Shamanism

  8. Dwarves prepare for a **** storm. The Starbreakers are coming.

  9. Everyone else gets a cool or fun lil name at cloud temple, and I get "The ******", Nalatac. Wtf is this

  10. For some reason, I cannot connect to the server.. could someone tell me why?

  11. Gahhhh... those antag mobs build up like fat in an obese man's arteries. Its fun after awhile, but once they are kept being spawned while fighting the Prophet guys, it become cringe-worthy.

    1. Shadeleaf


      Well We'll fix that tomorrow! Hope you like fewer that can kick your ass faster

    2. SodaiKamikaze


      I just dont like how the Prophet is like 10 of them packed into one diamond armored skelly. The minons were slightly challenging and more fun.

  12. Good god, being a dwarven Assassino is harder than it looks..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SodaiKamikaze


      lol, I became a dancing italian as a disguise.. I think it is working.

    3. Tethras


      Get Aengoth to be Leonardo for you. Oh and whilst you're at it you might as well target Dtrik since he's the Dwarven Pope. Oh, and I call dibs on being your Uncle Mario.

    4. Katelyn


      I applaud your efforts, A+.

  13. Got wrecked by High Elves today.. then robbed.. Was a pretty chill day.

    1. Crayfishchris


      Shush, bortu ;)

    2. SodaiKamikaze


      :) I had fun, so I will let the beating slide.

    3. Abeam


      I'm so proud of the High Elves!

  14. Hail friends! Just stopping by while I still have a shred of electricity in Nigeria. Gimme the rundown of the new map?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Z3r05t4r


      There is space to do things now. And people don't step on eachothers toes that easily. I am glad it is looking good so far.

    3. Space


      lack of any freebuild is meh :SSSSSSSSSS

    4. Mankaar


      An interesting mix of Asulon and Anthos just with more spans of nothingness inbetween.

  15. Heh heh heh.. I must drag the new players into becoming dwarves so that we can become a better RP area..!

    1. NTE_Killer4life


      Good luck with that... its hell trying to teach new players how to talk like a dwarf.

  16. Holy ****, all praise my good man Lark, he has risen to become a skygod!

    1. Lark


      I only accept food based sacrifices

  17. I am a dwarf and Im digging a hole..

  18. I dont understand how I can make money from anything at this point. But I love the plugin for sure.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Not now you can't, but come 4.0 when people actually start to RP instead of just grind, I see farming guilds, blacksmithy guilds, and other things rising where you can trade stuff for minas.

  19. I have only one question : Why is there not more female Dwarves?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FlareGunCalamity


      There are no female dwarves because ether all know as soon as they begin to exist they will be flirted with nonstop forever

    3. Dtrik


      At least dwarf women do not ftb constantly like human and elf females.

    4. SodaiKamikaze


      Actually, most dwarves don't even talk to one another, let alone flirt with the few dwarvish females that exist.

  20. I think.. it is time for a chill period on LOTC.

    1. Temp


      This is startin' to feel like a console FPS match's aftermath.

    2. Telanir
    3. bickando


      I shot first but he still killed me! H4X

  21. If I rp making stew, would a GM give me renamed soup?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. monkeypoacher


      yup, I used to make soup in Abresi but mostly for the purpose of hot oil or preventing street fights with the heavenly scent of stew

    4. NTE_Killer4life


      Give meh sum soup!

  22. Im Nalatac and I like to RP.

  23. Innovation comes in the form of a dwarven bomb. Beware the Industry.

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