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Everything posted by Lojo613

  1. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! It is not for lack of trying that Canonism is “fake” with no magical or “lore” backing. Canonism is one of the only truly player run and created religions on the server, and staff ******* hates it. All attempts at giving canonism magic systems or any form of mystical elements have been denied, despite Canonism being older than any artificial admagic system and using lore which ACTUALLY OCCURED on the server.
  2. Okay it is a good thing the individual in question isn’t suing LOTC and is instead requesting that the poor practice of the Staff be corrected
  3. thank you for the product placement of my smithy
  4. Initially, prior to my edit, the post read -The production of the Tancannon would be regulated by the Falkenrath Family, but theoretically anyone could produce the design, and so long as they also produce the ammunition, windage would not be an issue. -Should a Falkenade be produced and use ammunition which is not either standardized to it specifically or made by the company that produced the cannon, windage would become an issue, and range would be severely decreased by about half A friend recommended this be changed on the grounds that knowledge of the gun ought to be traceable through people who have actually learned the production technique, rather than just allowing anyone to produce it but with these caveats. The real life Carronade was successful because of the production technique used to produce both it and the ammo in tandem, rather than the “stocky cannon” itself. Alone, the stocky cannon would actually be worse than a long cannon. The intent of requiring the knowledge of the invention to be tracked is that this invention is specific and tied to a character rather than a general “discovery”, and while yes, someone else would be able to imitate the cannon design, unless they understood exactly why the cannon was successful they would face the above issues. Imitation also requires that they somehow either get their hands on a captured weapon, or that they are taught specifically how to create this weapon. To solve these issues and create some interesting RP, the feat system would be used. I personally rp the blacksmith who created this weapon, and enjoy smithing rp and would enjoy teaching people how to create the weapon, which was my intention. Therefore knowledge of the weapon and why it “works” can be disseminated. The intent was not to “hog lore” but rather to promote larger groups to rp with a much smaller group in a location outside of Helena (The ironworks where this cannon was created), where I might add anyone wanting to learn about the gun should it be approved may visit and spend some time learning about the weapon. Although, as you can see above my original intention was just to have the gun in existence, the suggestion to promote rp for the creation of the invention was a plus, and if enough people or the LT believes that it ought to be changed to be accepted, then I have no qualms with changing the lore.
  5. Title Invention Lore - The Tancannon™ or The Falkenade™ Origin Ancient cannon designs as described by Imperial Library Archives In the city square of Helena, a lone blacksmith plys his trade. Among the bustle of the crowd, before his roaring forge, this smith spends his free time diagramming all sorts of weapons and metal crafts. One day, while complaining about the lack of business to a customer, the conversation with a certain Edward Napier moved to the topic of cannons. Unbeknownst to the Minister of Civil Affairs, this conversation had rekindled the lone smith’s imagination. For weeks, this smith had returned time and again to the Imperial Library, scouring the Descendent’s histories for reference to the construction and use of the cannon. By carriage he would travel to his brother’s estate and at the forge he would work in secret. Tancred Falkenrath spent days forging and reforging, casting and recasting steel, bronze, and iron, attempting to come up with the perfect cannon design. As materials began to dwindle, Tancred began to lose hope. Grabbing his bellows to reheat the forge for yet another failed attempt, Tancred was struck with a moment of inspiration. Quickly etching out a design, much smaller than any previous cannons, and based on the anatomy of a bellows, Tancred created the first Falkenade, which he dubbed proudly as the “Tancannon”. Tancred used what cast iron he had to produce a single “Tancannon”. His brother, Leufroy Falkenrath, ever the shrewd businessman, came up with the second greatest contribution to the Tancannon as he and 10 other men helped place the cannon onto a cart. The Tancannon, and all Falkenades, would be designed to take a standardized cannonball unit, allowing the Falkenrath brothers to sell services to the guns even after they are purchased. Description The Tancannon sketch by Tancred Falkenrath as it would appear on a ship The Tancannon is a much shorter and smaller cannon, being roughly a quarter of both the weight and size of an ancient cannon. The chamber of the Falkenade is actually bored one size lower than its caliber, but is compensated by a reduced windage (area between the cannonball and side of the barrel). A pivoting mounting which allows the gun to be rotated, while rearward recoil is contained, with a slider carriage. A wedge is also added to adjust height of the gun, changing the arc of fire.The Tancannon is produced as a “system” including the carriage of the gun, which sits low to the ground and is meant to be rolled across flat surfaces. Due to the much decreased size of the Falkenade, a reduced crew is required to effectively man it, and it is much easier to use than an ancient or long-barrel cannon due to the standardized method of ordinance production. The small size of the gun, as well as it’s inclusion of pivots and wedges, makes it more versatile at a close range than a long gun. The 32 pound variant of the gun weighs less than 1 ton, compared to a long cannon of the same poundage which would weigh around 3 tons. Capabilities A Falkenade on am Imperial Warship as rendered by an unknown vineyard worker Cons: The Falkenade, while weighing much less than traditional ancient cannons and long cannons, would still not truly be viable in battlefield situations as an artillery piece. The weight of the gun prevents it from being placed on cart wheels and moving around quickly and efficiently. Alongside this, the gun is not particularly accurate, and would be best suited against large targets even at close range. Similar to other heavy ancient cannons, it is best suited in a stationary, or ship mounted position, but dissimilar to ancient cannons, it would most likely make for an ineffective siege weapon. The limited angle of fire prevents the Tancannon from being aimed to surpass walls at a distance, and while it has a great range, it would be rather ineffective in piercing walls, both due to its small size and longer reload time. Pros: The small size and standardized production of the Tancannon makes it an excellent naval gun. On the flat surface of a naval vessel, the Tancannon outshines much larger guns by taking far less crew to man, being adjusted to fire more easily, and a far greater amount being mountable due to the weight and size. Similarly, the inaccuracy of the Tancannon is negated in naval warfare by both the size and distance ships will be located at. A Falkenade broadside volley will devastate any ship. Small ships and Large ships alike can be fitted with Falkenades due to the decreased weight and crew cost. Similarly, coastal battles where enemy combatants or cities are within range of Falkenade carrying ships could be effectively shelled every few minutes as the small cannons are rapidly reloaded and adjusted for fire. Siege Information As noted earlier, the Falkenade would not be very effective in regards to siege warfare. Sustained Falkenade fire could theoretically bring down the walls of buildings, but would obviously require sustained accurate shot on a single location for around 3 successive hits. This weapon has a greater range than the trebuchet, but does much less damage ((Justification will be given for this reasoning in the OOC section below)). This cannon could be rigged for use as a field gun, but its size and weight makes it less effective than as a naval gun. For naval battles, this gun would most certainly devastate ships to a far greater degree than ballista, punching effectively through both wood and ironside plating. The standardized ammunition of these Cannons ought to be used, using ammunition with the wrong bore size would decrease the range of these guns by half. Proposed Roll checks (OOC) At a range of 1200 blocks: 1d100 where >80 is a hit At a range of 1000 blocks: 1d100 where >75 is a hit At a range of 800 blocks: 1d100 where >70 is a hit At a range of 600 blocks: 1d100 where >65 is a hit At a range of 500 blocks: 1d100 where >55 is a hit At a range of 400 blocks: 1d100 where >50 is a hit At a range of 300 blocks: 1d100 where >40 is a hit At a range of 200 blocks: 1d100 where >30 is a hit At a range of 100 blocks: 1d100 where >20 is a hit At a minimum range of 10 blocks: 1d100 where >10 is a hit If the cannon is touching something or less than 10 blocks away, it will always hit, but blow back debris. Block ranges that fall between two numbers take the rolls of the lower range, for example 198 blocks will use the 100 block range roll. Using the 1 block 1 meter standard, this cannon would realistically be able to shoot about 1300 meters at a max, which was rounded down to 1200 blocks for the purpose of simplicity. The real life variant of this gun was inaccurate at range, and was proven to be most effective in closer quarters. Should the range of this gun need to be reduced for balance or fairness, that is completely alright so long as it remains true to the written lore proposed here. Damage ought to be ⅓ of that of proposed cannons, but load time and warclaim cost ought to be decreased. Red Lines/Restrictions -The production of the Tancannon would be regulated by the Falkenrath Family, proof of knowledge is required -Requires feat application for tracking purposes, takes up 0 slots. -Should a Falkenade use ammunition which is not either standardized to it specifically or made by the company/individual that produced the cannon, windage would become an issue, and range would be severely decreased by about half -The Falkenade needs some sort of propellant to actually fire the cannonballs, and any individual who desires to use the Falkenade must employ the propellant. -Combat with a Falkenade requires roll checks to determine accuracy based on range -A 2 man crew is all that is required to employ the Falkenade -There must be at least 4 emotes, as opposed to the proposed 5, due to the ease of use of the Falkenade (Those being the (re)loading, arming/packing, aiming, and firing emotes) Purpose (OOC) The cannon used to feature into the lore and existence of LOTC. Unlike hand held firearms, the cannon used to have a place in the lore of the server and was retconned out of existence. Personally, I find the retconning of lore distasteful as it invalidates the experiences of the players and characters who experienced that lore, to know it just poofed away outside of their control. The time frame of the server, as well as the culture, has advanced beyond both the middle ages and early colonial ages, and while certain techlocks must exist to preserve the fantasy feel of the server, the reintroduction of a siege weapon which had already existed within the setting is important to expanding the horizons of both CRP and the civilian playerbase. It is my dream to see naval battles occur, or for naval combat to be incorporated into siege warfare, and this specific gun serves as a stepping stone to interesting naval combat. This gun is a real gun which was invented in 1770 and applied to Royal Navy vessels (and will be cited in the spoilers). Logically, from the culture that exists in Oren at the moment, this gun would most certainly be produced and employed. Contributing new and unique cannon and weapon designs to be employed in CRP is part of what gives each nation a unique flavor and separates one combat style from another, and I believe that this cannon would make an excellent inclusion to the lore and deserves some unique rules for the unique design.
  6. This guy has it right. I had almost the exact same experience. I quit LOTC cold turkey the same way half way through highschool due to how addictive it was and how much it was emotionally draining me. I quit after reading a post titled Operation KABOOM. That was 5 years ago, and at first it was hard, and I missed it from time to time, but eventually I realized that it was actually holding me back at the time from moving on with my life and making friends. I only came back recently due to rona quarantine and chatting up some old friends I met on the server. As an adult, I have a mature enough mindset to not let this game take over my life and understand that the whole point of it is just to kill time, and have fun. If at any point anyone reading this thread has told themselves “No, I can’t, I need to play LOTC”, then you have made a mistake. LOTC should never impede your life. Understand that everything we do on the server goes away, the pixel power does not matter, only the experiences you have and the people you meet. This game is addictive because it is a second life which we are all acting out., and with **** like Nexus back in the day it truly was a time sink. To the kiddies reading this, be careful, use this post like I used Operation KABOOM and fix your life if its broke right now, there is no shame is quitting. The server will most likely be here when you get back. I left for 5 years, and came back. It was still here, and so were my friends. Also ECON gang
  7. [!] A bird would fly onto your windowsill in Luciensport, on it's leg a note coated in coal "Greetings Holy Ser Athos, my name is Dargrind Floreck, for many years now have I forged and have held many apprentices. If you wish, I may teach thee all I know of the craft and it's finer aspects."
  8. #Pray4PopeDaniel


  9. *the application is written in a strange red liquid, probably blood, although, a wonderful lavender and thistle perfume with hints of rosebud does emanate from the page* Application Name: Brutus 'SKULLCRUSHER' Augur Age:35 Gender: male Are you of the Faith? Yes! Brutus also has scrolls from his brother! Brutus loves the Creator, AND HOPES TO ONE DAY GO TO HEAVEN AND SPAR WITH HIM! Previous Theological experiences: BRUTUS ONCE RIPPED A DEMON IN HALF TO GET A RARE CRIMSON HYDRANGEA FOR PERFUME (Brutus also had a priest brother) Previous Militaristic experiences: BRUTUS HAS RIPPED SOLDIERS IN HALF ((OOC Information)) Mc Name: Dargrind Skype (Can PM): on the church chat already fam
  10. Justice4vulc


    1. Jonificus


      he dindunuffin, he a good boy and goes to church erry sunday

  11. *You are building for the roosts when a black crow lands on your shoulder with a note in it's mouth, the note reads "Welcome to the Pick and Hammer Guild of Owynswood. Being of a non Dystovian house, I request that you make your donation of weapons to Baron Brennan Roost, telling him it is from the guild while doing so. This will boost relations with him, and help in the future. Thank you for your cooperation with your special circumstances, please report to Dargrind Floreck for a briefing on special ambassador rules and regulations "
  12. *When you wake up and go outside, you find that a note is pinned to your door with a dagger, the note reads "Welcome to the Pick and Hammer Guild of Owynswood. You are now an honorary merchant and will be briefed on this special and important position by Dargrind Floreck. Please report to him as soon as possible for this breifing!"
  13. *you notice a note tied to one of your horses, a black one in particular, it reads "Greetings good sir, you have been accepted to the pick and hammer guild! Due to your current skill in smithing you have greatly impressed the guild. We would wish to honor you as a veteran member, and such, will be adequately rewarded as so in the guild. Report to Dargrind Floreck or a local guild leader for a brief on rules and regulations. Golden Fortune, the Pick and Hammer Guild!"
  14. *a crow flies up to your window at night and takes the small application letter away, days later, it comes back around the same time at night, dropping off a letter that reads "Greetings, you have been accepted to the Pick & Hammer guild of Owynswood as a smith, report to Dargrind Floreck or any other guild head for a brief of local rules and regulations, Golden Fortune -Pick & Hammer Guild"
  15. *A man in a black cloak pulls you aside from your daily tasks, he says "Ello....I am Elijah Alister, and ye have been accepted to ta Pick and hammer guild" He then hands you a note before walking off* *the note reads "Greetings, you have been accepted to the Pick & Hammer guild of Owynswood as a smith, report to Dargrind Floreck or any other guild head for a brief of local rules and regulations, Golden Fortune -Pick & Hammer Guild"
  16. The Pick & Hammer Guild of Owynswood Forging a better future! What are we? The Pick & Hammer Guild of Owynswood is a trading organization bent on providing better opportunities and a stable workplace for Smiths, miners, and any merchants working in the industry of refining metals and gemstones! How does this work? The Pick & Hammer Guild has a list of benefits and responsibilities listed below, and all of these must be followed, and these are always subject to a change by popular vote! A ranking system for individual branches allows for individuals who have shown outstanding loyalty, trust, skill and innovation to be promoted and gain benefits worthy of their dedication. The List of Responsibilities and Benefits Responsibilities of a Smith The responsibilities of a smith are as listed: To participate in the guilds activities and remain at least reasonably active within the guild community To sell your crafted goods excess of registered amounts to registered merchants of the guild for sale to non-guild members Benefits of a Smith The benefits of a smith are as listed Smiths receive a non-competitive and stable workplace to pursue their craft Smiths may buy Iron from the guild at 4 mina apiece ​New smiths may receive training and apprenticeship under older or higher ranking guild members Smiths may bring up issues in their work environment to guild attention, allowing for these to be addressed as the guild progresses (For example, if the price of leather is too high, we can have a meeting to hire cow breeders and leather workers for the guilds convenience) Responsibilities of a Miner Miners must sell goods to the guild, at negotiable prices. Must participate in the guild's activities and be at least reasonable active in the guild community Benefits of a Miner Miners may keep any ores they dig up for themselves, but, if they wish to sell them for more mina, may sell directly to the guild. Miners may vote on issues to improve their workplace. Miners will be provided with established mining locations, first hand information on the prices of the goods mined, and training on how to better mine and locate ores Miners may also take up apprenticeship under more advanced miners, and be scheduled to go on join mining operations. Requirements of a Merchant Must be able to set up a shop ((Be VIP)) or show documented proof of sales if they cannot. ((Screen Shots)) Responsibilities of a Merchant To sell and buy goods from miners or smiths at a reasonable price To adjust prices, if in an iron recession, or to adjust prices if selling price of items is too high compared to buying price To maintain shops and restock goods Benefits of a Merchant Stability and assurance that your goods will be sold, rather than be outsold by smiths who can create and sell weapons independently for cheaper Direct suppliers The ranks of the Guild Miner Ranks Strip Miner: The strip miner is the starting and basic form of miner. While everyone starts out as a strip miner, one does not have to stay in this position if their mining level is at least Apprentice. To be promoted for strip miner, one must actively participate in the guild for at least a week. Strip miners receive all the rewards and benefits listed in the initial Responsibilities and Benefits, but no extra. Iron Hunter: The Iron Hunter is the second mining rank, and is rewarded to Apprentice miner or higher who has lasted a week in the guild. The Iron Hunter is given the ability to attend Guild meetings, although, may not have a say in the going on's or actions of the guild. An Iron Hunter may enter the dark mines. An Iron Hunter will receive free pickaxes and weapons for the dark mines. An Iron Hunter may apply to join a mining expedition, should he be experience enough, and go on mining expeditions with Deep Miners. For an Iron hunter to advance, he must gather 768 guild points. Guild points are earned by selling iron to the guild at 2 points apiece, or donating it for 4 points apiece, which makes a massive difference. Deep Miner: The Deep miner is the third mining rank, and is rewarded to a proficient miner or higher that has earned 768 guild points. The Deep Miner has a say in the meetings and can vote on things such as councilmen, public voting bills, and even present their ideas before the council and public. The deep miner may apply to lead expeditions into the mines (an expedition is a singular person or a group of people entering the mines to set up an entirely new mine-shaft leading into fresh land), eligible to apply for food and workstations for these expeditions, as well as Iron Hunters to be sent into the mines with them. To get any higher in the guild, you have to be voted in by a group of peers, or selected by either the Founder or Adviser Mining Council: The mining council is the selection of leaders (The number of councilmen varies on number of miners) voted into office by their peers, or selected by the Adviser or Founder. The council will lead and conduct meeting, as well as have the final say (unless the Adviser or Founder is present) in a disputed bill. Councilmen will also meet with the Adviser and Founder to determine if the current bills in effect are helpful or damaging to the overall economy of the guild. The Councilmen are also in charge of attempting to recruit miners, keep miners informed, and determine which expeditions to grant and what workstations, tools, and Iron Hunters will be allotted to the Deep Miners. Smith's Ranks, Merchant Ranks, and High Councilmen Ranks coming soon! Want to apply? The format of your application should be as follows: Name MC Username Current skill in your profession What you want to be registered as in the guild (Miner, smith, or merchant, or if more than one please specify) VIP? Skype Name?(If you do not have Skype this is not mandatory but is recommended) What region(s) or guild(s) are you currently apart of? Golden Fortune from The Pick and Hammer Guild
  17. Dargrind Floreck 147 Dwarf Me people were once hermits in Anthos. While oye was foine with being a hermit, me brothers were nawt. We took all we owned, and went to the Fringe, where we were faced with racism, and violence. Only one human showed us koindness, and his name was Adarian Colin. We were given vast amounts of land, for service under him. He was executed. For years me people wandered, built cities, watched them fall, and moved on. We have been betrayed by all and only a few have kept good to us, and thus, have earned my allegiance. Now I am here, for one man here, was once kin to Adarian. We wish to see him again, and know him and his family as we once did. We do have skype, but my men will receive commands from me, so any orders to me they will hear I have TS, my men do not, but anything said on TS will be relayed to my men by me
  18. The Warband Of Goren The Warband of Goren is the remaining members of the two fallen cities of Drogern and Carraigberg, and devote their lives to Goren, his traditions, culture, language, and the defense and protection of those whom follow him. One does not have to be a Warrior to serve the Warband! Lore The Warband Of Goren was founded after the death of Thales, where it was originally called the Floreck Defense Corps. It was created when Sarco and Kip Floreck were forcefully recruited by the grandaxe clan. After intense brainwashing, which only Dargrind, the leader of the Floreck Clan and his peasant followers resisted, After a corrupt initiation trip, where Dargrind was sabotaged and then banished, it seemed that the Floreck culture would die out. The Floreck Defense Corps was founded and did missions that helped spread Floreck culture, and famously smuggled Dargrind into the Dwarven capital. The Floreck culture has a large part in blood, flesh, death, and sacrifice, as the it grew in the midst of war and hatred that was thrown upon Dwarves at the time. Later, in Athera, it evolved into The Warband because it was felt that the culture was not being fully upheld due to the lack of blood. The Warband currently will use political conflicts to their advantage, not asking money but the ability to hold and do whatever was pleased with prisoners of war. Politically, The Warband has made a blood pact with the Frostbeard Clan, and have returned upon an oath of loyalty to the Hu-Din King of the Ologs. Language The language of Goren can also be found on the Floreck Clan page, which details the full culture and religion of the Warband. Ack too/to/of/for/from/in /it/is/the Beatus drum Corpus Rest/die/war Paz peace Bluud blood Bestia Animal Bestiacorpus meat Mettis Grain Mettiscorpus Bread Bindicus Bind/binding/trap Sovin King/ruler/rider Metalum Ferrum Aurum Metalumcorpus Metal weapons Flinish Flint/sharp Vita Life Structa Bone StructaVita Bone weapon (Excluding dagger) Gal Great GalVita Bone dagger Spiritus Spirit GalSpiritus Great Spirit (Patron of Goren) Rot Root Aquis Water Infernus Fire InfernoAqus Alcoholic beverage InfernoAqusRot Potato MetalumRot Carrot Cave Olen BestaOlen Mushroom (Red) BestoAlen Murshroom (Brown) BestiOlenCorpus Mushroom stew Galmetticorpo Pancakes GalBestoCorpus The flesh of intelligent creatures GalAqui Ritual food of blood, flesh, and bone boiled into a stew. Alien Mind Ari to be (This creates nouns into verbs, and may be used creatively, just use common sense though.) Totuni total TotunAqus wash Alientotunaqusari To be brainwashed corpickgalgoren to sacrafice CorpiBeatari To beat a wardrum Galbluud Lapis mixed with blood to create a ritual paint StructaVitaBluud A special sharp hollowed out bone that is used for drawing blood out of a person by puncture Carraig Stone Berg Fort/hold/town/city/village. Ranks The ranks of The Warband are determined by your deeds not only in battle, but around the bases, loyalty, and intelligence. The more you do, the higher ranked you become, but only in certain areas will you gain control over other players. If you are not a good leader, but have served us for a long time, then you may not have control over other players, but you will be given other special rewards! CorpiSoon (War Son) The War Son is the beginning rank in The Warband. As a War Son you will get the privilege of free alcohol in the taverns of The Warband. You may also live within The Warbands compounds and small bases. You may partake in training, large battles, public sacrifice, small political related skirmishes and depending on whether you can be trusted or loyal, you will move on to the next rank. Being skilled in battle is good, but not enough, please make sure of this when moving to the next rank. MetallumSoon (Metal Son) The Metal Son is the second rank in The Warband, and is earned by proving trust and loyalty to The Warband. At this rank one gains the ability to sit in on feast meetings, prisoner interrogation and small sacrifices. Metal Sons will also be entrusted with information regarding battle times, general ideas, and general politics. Metal Son is also the rank at which you will begin to be placed into the military and/or business group of your liking. To get to the next rank requires time and dedication to The Warband. While trust is not as stressed as it was in getting to this rank, if you show any reason you should be distrusted, you're gonna have a bad time. Specifically, the best way to advance to the next rank is to listen to you're superiors in the special group you have chosen, as they will be able to directly report to me on all your actions. FlinnoMetallumSoon (Sharp Metal Son) The Sharp Metal Son is the third rank in The Warband, and is earned by showing time, and dedication to The Warband. At this rank one gains the ability to begin mentoring the Wars Sons on how to improve in their class. The ability to have a say in the politics of The Warband, and unlike War Sons and Metal Sons, their opinion must be heard. Sharp metal sons also gain the ability to lead small bands of War Sons on small raids. The Sharp Metal Sons also gain the ability to own and run the Taverns of The Warband. To get to the next rank will require showing extreme loyalty trust and dedication to The Warband. While it is not tough, it is not extremely easy either. Showing this kind of loyalty for example would be going on raids, and providing useful information, materials, and skill to help in battle.Doing this will shorten the time it takes to earn extreme trust. You will be put to the test at a random time, and if you fail, then you're gonna have a bad time. Do not worry though, the test is extremely easy and merely tests your loyalty and trustworthiness to The Warband, and it will be disguised as a real scenario. GalStructaSoon (Great Bone Son) The Great Bone Son is the fourth rank in The Warband, and is earned by showing extreme loyalty to The Warband. Once here, you may sit in on all but the most secretive political meetings. Your say in the council grows larger, and you may actively participate by interrupting members (This is not offensive, it shows you care), bringing your ideas to the stand , actively debating, and so on. You are able to evaluate the trust of War Sons wanting to become Metal Sons, and are allowed to enter the back rooms of taverns and compounds. You gain the ability to fully embrace Floreck customs, as your loyalty is not in doubt. You can go on special raids, take private prisoners, and overall become more indulged in the culture. To get to the next rank, you will have to show time and dedication to The Warband. You also have to show loyalty in the form of a few tests which will be in the same form as the test you had to take to become a Great Bone Son. You must also go through a special initiation, as you will now be joining the elite. GalStructo (Great Bone Man) The Great Bone Man is the equivalent of being an elite member of The Warband. You may now become a teacher and instructor to those below you in your class. You will be able to evaluate the the loyalty of Sharp Metal Sons and evaluate the skill, time, and dedication of the Bone Sons. You will be the people in the secretive meetings, and all information shall be shared with you. You will be trusted in having a final say in council decisions, and will lead large battles. You may also be called on to be a diplomat to other empires we wish to house the Warband. Many secrets of the Floreck Culture will be passed to you, and you may take a test to add your blood to the Floreck Clan. You will learn your other perks when you reach this rank, as they are top secret, even though we try to put most stuff out on this page. FAQ Are you guys the cultists? No, so stop asking What will be the tests and when will they be? Part of it is a surprise I don't know who Goren is,or what your history is, where can I find it? On the Floreck Clan Page What is the difference between the Clan and The Warband? The Clan control the Warband, which, in theory, should serve as a way to strain the untrustworthy from the candid. Are you evil heretics? Technically we are heretics to the major religions, but we are not evil, our culture may be based around war, but we do not commit any "evil acts other than that" and are very big in the areas of justice, equality, and friendship. If you don't believe me, Oren used to burn people at the stake for not worshiping the creator, we don't burn people for individual rights. What if I don't like killing? You do not have to be a fighter, one can do just as much for us at home as in the field. How do I get you to build a compound near me? Join us and we'll send over a diplomat as soon as possible Does this council have a set number of seats? No, but the room may fill up, and we will physically run out of seats, so enjoy standing. Do I have to make an application? Yes, but if you met us in-game, then we should accept it ASAP Can I have an application format? No, we just need IGN, RP name, skills, and any other information you want to send us Are you guys too far away? I hate that question, because it is the admins fault! But no, we are not. We should have a base in many capitals as we grow in size What happens after an update? Nothing, you will maintain rank and stature in The Warband, so don't try to desert. If you are inactive, you will still be apart of the Warband, just not counted in meetings and fiscal numbers, so on. Taxes? Yep 10 Minas a week, so vote for one day, then you can pay taxes May I still worship my god? This is tricky, because to get higher up in The Warband, you have to be able to take part in and accept fully the customs of the Floreck Clan. Being of another religion may make you slightly untrustworthy, and will make it difficult to rank up. It is advised to convert.
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