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Everything posted by Lojo613

  1. Who defines honor? Is it within the hands of society to claim alone? Is it the decree of a Rex or Wargoth that defines the bounds of an honorable Uruk? Honor is inherent to every Uruk, and every Uruk shall feel his own sense of truth and morality. Prior to the collapse of the War Nation of Krugmar, slavery, raiding, sacrficing descendants, and violence were acceptable and honorable. Now, in the Iron’Uzg, these things are forbidden and, under threat of law, condemned as dishonorable. I declare that the measure of honor can only come from one source alone, the Great Gatekeeper & Judge of the Dead, Kor. We know that brothers who slaved reside past Kor’s Gates in the Stargush’Stroh. We know that brothers who raided and plundered reside past Kor’s Gates in the Stargush’Stroh. We know that brothers who have lived in violence, tasted the flesh of descendants, and brought them upon altars, reside in the Stargush’Stroh. It is not these acts alone that are dishonorable, but how they are conducted. Violence is not simply a means to an end, it IS the end. Life and all its struggles are given to us to weave forth our legends, to tell our stories and win our glory. Through our violence, our honor is born. We never hear of halfling honor, because halflings do not fight. A man who has never had the chance to test his honor cannot be considered honorable. Honor is a shadow cast by the flames of war. In this Iron’Uzg, the Uruks in charge have made deals with other nations on behalf of all brothers. It is our honorable duty to uphold these deals. This does not mean we must conform to the definitions of honor imposed upon us by other peoples or other Uruks. To be alive is to fight, and nowhere in nature does peace prevail. Just as the great beasts stalk the jungles that they may eat, so too do Uruks hunt for combat that they may taste victory, adventure, and glory. What is dishonorable, we can know in simple terms based on a shared conviction all Uruks have. To slaughter the innocent is dishonorable. To fight those unable to properly resist is dishonorable. To torture the weak is dishonorable. To treat the other descendants like cattle is dishonorable. To desecrate the grave is dishonorable. To strike down a surrendered opponent is dishonorable. To lie is dishonorable. These are things which we know that Kor despises, and that will result in a denial from the Stargush’Stroh. When these fundamental terms are placed in more complex situations, we must understand that in all life there will be acts which derive from these that are dishonorable. To kill kubs is dishonorable. To kill unconscious opponents who have yet had the chance to fight or are unable to fight is dishonorable. To beat slaves is dishonorable. To work slaves to death is dishonorable. To kill slaves is dishonorable. To keep slaves within your bondage forever, with no hope of recourse, is dishonorable. To treat slaves as less than descendants is dishonorable. To eat slaves, or those descendants who did not have the capacity to fight back, is dishonorable. To destroy graves or deny a proper burial when requested is dishonorable. To trick descendants into surrender through deception is dishonorable. To kill one who begs for their lives or surrenders is dishonorable. Given the many ways in which a brother may fall to dishonor in the keeping of slaves, it is understandable that the Rex has banned the practice, not just to appease other nations but to keep less intelligent brothers from falling to the temptation of dishonor. To take slaves is not dishonorable, so long as the slavery is not intentionally lifelong and these slaves are put onto a path to becoming an honorary orc. I disagree that the permanent state of affairs should bar all Uruks from keeping slaves forever, but I agree that the practice as it was only brought dishonor upon more brothers than it had conferred honor to through the creation of honorary orcs. It is through violence that our honor is proven, our glory won, our bloodlust sated, and our path to the Stargush’Stroh paved. This cannot be done by sitting within the walls of our goi, it must be sought out in the wider world. To plunder and raid is not dishonorable, for it is no more wrong to hunt for battle and riches than it is to hunt for game. That the wealth we seek may be divested from our quarry without the need for slaughter and consumption is all the difference and the matter of honor. Should those we demand ransom from be unable to pay, and decide to fight back, then it is the flames of this battle which shall test the honor of the Uruk. To take through a challenge of strength is not dishonorable, it is the way of nature and the way of the Uruk. As noted above, the Rex has designated who can and cannot be plundered, which at this moment falls upon a wide range of peoples. As he is the representative of all of us, it would be dishonorable and a lie to break these pacts that he has made, as we too are bound by them. I make this declaration to help my brothers who disagree with the acts of the Rex come to understand him, and know that there has been no rewriting of our most fundamental codes of honor, but instead a series of pacts, treaties, and pragmatic decisions which has governed the current policy of the Iron’Uzg. Kor-Ur, Kulthark’Izig, formerly known as Krawz
  2. Kulthark’Izig recalls the arrival of the Raguk Yeller with fondness. “Hozh tikz are comin bruddahz, da zhomoz have peeped da way fur uz, now wi must go agh walk it. Dem Buurzspawn nub gonna gruk wub hit em when wi get da forges roaring! Lup’Genththaruz!”
  3. [!] Inside the Rozanian Church, a plaque hangs above the entrance. From deeper in the Church, you hear it chanted. It reads as follows; "Viriliter agite! Vigilate state in fide! Viriliter agite! Et confortamini!" "From the curse of our desolation. In our work we must find salvation Remember man that thou art dust. In the yoke of the cross we trust." "The world’s pattern in our undoing, Be reformed in your mind’s renewing. Holy writ, the scholar’s plume, Ignorance of the law is doom." "Stand in faith with deep conviction, Love thy brethren, endure affliction, In your scabbard keep your sword, Holy soldiers of the Lord." "Prayer unceasing, sacrifices, Purge your soul of all its vices, Quam bonum et quam iucundum, Habitare fratres in unum." "Seven times a day I praise Thee. I have loved Thy commands that raised me. Let my prayer come near Thy sight. Lead my heart in the way of right." "In manus tuas Domine comendo spiritum meum!" "Into thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit." "Redemisti nos Domine, Deus Veritatis!" "Thou hast redeemed us O Lord, God of truth."
  4. Full Name of Man - Arthur Galbraith Date of Birth of Man - 1821 Name of Woman - Safiya Oma Basrid Date of Birth of Woman - 1820 Location of Ceremony - Chapel of the Augustine Palace Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1839 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Father Stor Vuiller
  5. The Futility of War In the end of days, when the shackles of Iblees become his Wyrms, Vargengotz will go forth to conquer and rule. He shall bear six crowns upon his six heads, which are the great kingdoms of the world. (Auspice 1:4-6) All the banners of the world will be struck down before him, and this union of six nations will dominate the whole world in war and shall in turn be dominated by Vargengotz. (Auspice 1:8) The futility of all war is evident, as no nation shall survive the end of days, and those nations that emerge as the six victors will become corrupted and suffer the greatest damnation. There is no such thing as a good war, no such thing as a legacy of nations, because all nations shall fall. One should not vie to have his homeland become one of the six great nations corrupted by Vargengotz, for what dream is this? No man should desire to die in needless conflict against his fellow man, no mother to send her children to be slaughtered like cattle. No brother should strive to slay his kin, and no sister should pray for the destruction of her family. It is clear that someday, wicked iniquity shall lay low all goodly men and women, but the Auspice revealed to us that we might take the lessons of the future and apply them to the present. The Penance of Owyn It should be the goal of all good people to end war, to end killing and conflict, and to restore peace amongst the brothers. We shall all ride side by side from the skies one day, let us ride side by side today as well. To each nation let there be peace. You may say that Owyn destroyed the wicked, and was lifted to the skies for it. I shall say that Owyn’s sin was wrath, that it is not up to man to destroy the wicked, but up to GOD. When Harren was humbled by GOD, it was not Owyn’s duty to then extend beyond his authority and destroy his uncle. (Gospel 4:53) We cannot forget in the zeal of righteousness that GOD did not permit us to destroy our kinsmen, decrying the act of spilling the blood of kin as worse than the rejection of Harren. (Gospel 4:52) As Owyn journeyed to the north, although he made his penance there, we must remember that a penance is a punishment. With every soul Owyn took, he was forced to face the reality of his anger, and by the time Owyn had slain numerous unrepentant he did not feel joy, but rather deep sorrow. (Gospel 5:18) It was that which was the nature of Owyn’s penance, a final realization that no man could hope to destroy the evil of sin within the hearts of the descendants without also sowing destruction and chaos himself. The Exalted Owyn, Defender of the Good Owyn defended the good not with the sword, but with his words. Owyn is not the Exalted of War, but the Exalted of Peace. For more good can be done by a peaceful proverb than by an vengeful blade. "For seven years Owyn Son of Godwin served Harren Son of Horen, and the prophet defended goodly Harrenites from their lords of mixed blood. And by GOD’s will, he authored the Spirit." (Gospel 4:37-38) Conclusion It is not the duty of the good to purge the heathen, the apostate, and the sinner from the world. Such murder of kin is a greater affront to GOD than their own rejection. Force should only be used when absolutely necessary to protect the holy and innocent from the machinations of the wicked. GOD does not demand that we spare the necromancer, nor the demon, nor any other wicked thing which has become one with Iblees. Only against the unnatural and wicked things of Iblees should great violence and death be wrought. It is not up to us, lowly as we are, to determine the purity of those who are still yet in the fire. Every soul may find a chance to repent in their lives, it is not our place to defy the will of GOD and choose to sentence them to damnation.
  6. "HOZH! KRUG KRUG KRUG KRUG KRUG!" Kulthark'Izig roars
  7. Fascinating metal, always good to see more options!
  8. Dear GOD, guide my pen as You have guided my hammer. Your gift unto man is the power of creation, let me use it wisely that I might better the world. Just as You put the heat into the flame, so too place Your love into my heart. There is a myth I have heard time and again spoken about the nature of holiness. I heard it said that for one to be holy, for one to find peace in this life, and attain a goodly standing in the next, there are only two paths. The first is to draw nearer to power, that he who is more powerful is thus nearer to the Throne of GOD. Only great warriors, heroes, kings, and leaders shall truly be regarded well in the skies, just as those who leave their marks upon the states in the world of the living are better remembered than the humble, so too must the same apply in the skies. The second is to draw away from power, from life itself, and drown oneself in nothing but His Word. A life of pious monasticism, holy shepherding, or self sacrificing crusading. While it is true that through these paths men may attain great worldly glory, find peaceful enlightenment, or bring forth great good, this does not preclude the common man from attaining just as serene a state, doing just as much good, and leaving a mortal legacy which shall last for an era. It is here I say that let every common man hold his head high, for GOD has ordained that through diligence a third path is opened. In the whole Scroll of Virtue, the word that shall never rot, there are two professions mentioned by name and at length by the Lord, GOD, Himself; the farmer and the smith. It was GOD who placed the heat into the flame. It was GOD who birthed all knowledge and means by which progress is made and labors are eased. And it is the Divine Word that the forge is the path to strength of heart. Come all ye seekers of virtue and hearts of strength, for it is a path that draws towards enlightenment! “I put into your heart the power of creation, and I created the seed and chaff, and put heat into the fire that reddens iron. And as I have created means to ease your labors, so I have created new labors, and new fruits. For I have blessed you with My miracle of creation, and you shall draw nearer to My throne by your labors. And you shall discover strength of heart as you work the forge and the plow." (Virtue 4:4-7) It is the laborer that draws nearer to the throne of the Lord, and thus, this labor is stated by GOD to be a path to higher skies. Strike steel with passion brothers and sisters, and seek nothing but to create, for that is our miracle!
  9. Stor Vuiller says "This Pontiff is a force for peace. Too often do we forget the nature of Ex. Owyn's Penance, we are too enraptured by the miracle that followed to realize that Ex. Owyn was not rewarded for his act, but his contrition. Ex. Owyn did not admonish the unrepentant and ascend to the Skies because he slaughtered the pagan, rather, he understood the weight of hasty wrath and the suffering it caused, and by being forced to understand what that truly meant in his PUNISHMENT, which was his penance, he did realize that it is not the place of man to slaughter those who may yet be saved. And his miracle was the same as GOD had granted before he had sinned, laying low the wicked just as he did Harren. It is our duty to love our brothers and hate the sin."
  10. "Bl. High Pontiff James II was truly a force of intellect." Stor intones "May we all aspire to be as he was"
  11. “Such a wise and peaceful man! GOD knows he intercedes on our behalf!” The Acolyte Stor Vuiller cried “He shall assist us all in our journey to contrition. St. Pius, hear my prayer!”
  12. "That's my brother!" Stor Vuiller shouts rather proudly to anyone who will listen from his smithy "A GODLY man!"
  13. The Iron Analogy: A Steelsmith's Prayer Oh GOD, Creator of the cosmos, may my spirit be worthy, may my soul be malleable. Save me from the pain of the flame and strike into my heart fear of You. Purge from me my imperfections by the blow of your hammer of judgement, draw out my youth into a fine edged purpose. Leave the steel of my soul stronger and better shaped for your divine purpose. As I am shaped and the glow of struggle leaves my body, as the scale of my fragile form sheds away, let me not fear the icy plunge of death, but embrace it, for I shall return to Your side a complete work. Find favor in who I am, and who I shall become, that I may find a place by your side come the day of judgement. I know, that should my heart remain open to you, my spirit and mind strong and free from impurities, you shall not shape me wrong, for you are perfection. Who is like you GOD? Who can compare to Your glory? All the stars in the firmament of Heaven, the tallest mountains, and widest oceans are all born from your very words. The smallest grains of sand, the dust upon the wind, all the same. Every storm, every flame, all that makes us feel both small and big and afraid and joyous is Your speech manifest upon the cosmos. Even the Aengul, with power beyond mortal comprehension, is but Your breath. Oh truly fathomless GOD, You have wrought creation from nothingness. It is the blind who cannot see that You yet work, the foolish who mistake the ring of Creation's anvil for finality. Let us aspire to fulfill Your will, as is foretold in auspicious aeons. Let us aspire to make the world as you have willed it. Humbly submitted by the Acolyte Stor Vuiller on the 6th of Godfrey's Triumph 1836, Anno Domini
  14. As Kor’s Gate creaked open for one of the founding members of the Mau’Kor, he would find someone was already waiting for him in the Stargush’Stroh. “Throm’ka, Bruddah, latz earned this rest. Mi hoped that Iron leg took many lives.” Beaming with pride Krawz turned, leading Khan towards the battle arenas of their ancestors.
  15. Hey all, this is just a thread to allow for forum linking of some music suggestions on signs I make.
  16. Krawz reads the report, nodding. “Dat iz hozh work from Ar-Gorok. Mi grukkin dat da undead agh aneh uv dere friendz will probableh be pretteh upzet dey were caught flattin peepul.”
  17. Every Uruk was born to die. Every Uruk was born to meet Kor. It is only those chosen by Kor that may pass through his gates into the Stargush’Stroh. It is Kor that lights the way to immortality. His servants are those destined for the Stargush, the fearless harbingers of death whose eternal reward shall come in their valiant defeat. Behold, Brothers, The Chosen Ones of Kor, The Unyielding warriors. The fear of death is lost on these righteous braves, who seek only to please the Great Gatekeeper. The law is simple, the creed universal. Seek Glory, Seek Honor, Seek the Stargush. In the great darkness of life, the eternal light of glory guides our way. In Life Kor’s Chosen are tasked with preserving the honor of all Urukind. Just as Kor lights the way in Death, so too must the Chosen guide the way in life. The Chosen must be willing to assist in any way possible in guiding Uruks towards glory and greatness. Tradition, soothsaying, worship, and honor are both taught and practiced by The Chosen of Kor. To ensure every Uruk has maintained the Hozhzoh and provided ample opportunity to please Kor in every moment of their life, Chosen will often task themselves with leading or supporting activities which they see as a means to this end. Kor’s Chosen may be Ruckas, Haruspexes, Krug’hai, or Shamans, so long as they have made peace with death and adhere to the Law of Kor. Kor’s Chosen may also venerate any other spirits they please. Kor is not a jealous Spirit, as He knows that every Uruk shall eventually walk under His lamp. In Battle Kor’s Chosen are warriors first and foremost. Orcs cannot hope to enter the Stargush without living a life of heroism. Kor’s Chosen should not back down from challenges, nor should they hide away from life threatening situations. Self-Sacrifice and mortal peril are no hurdles for The Chosen as a glorious death is the key to Kor’s Gate. This does not mean Uruks should act recklessly or throw away their lives, Kor does not take kindly to a waste or foolishness, rather, The Chosen should not be afraid to give their lives for victory or glory. In Death A Champion of Kor cares not what happens to his body upon death as his spirit has already started the Great Journey alongside Kor. For the bodies of others, a Chosen One is the guardian of funerals, memory, and preservation. Whatever ritual is deemed fit by the surviving family, the dead Uruk, or tradition, the Chosen shall perform it without question. It is the duty of the Chosen to safeguard the memory of the dead and perform necessary rituals to communicate, purge, purify, and cleanse the spirits of the dead. The symbol of Kor is the Great Gate, live honorably and it shall open for you. Rituals Nearing Kor: The initiation ritual to join a member of Kor’s Chosen requires a near death or life threatening experience. Whether this be a risky surgery by a Haruspex to remove part of an organ, ingesting dangerous hallucinogens, surviving a ghastly wound, being choked to near death, or some other form of traumatic event, nearing Kor allows one to lose his fear of returning to his gentle embrace. Fear Eating: The greatest enemy to anyone wishing to enter the Stargush is fear. Thus, to excise fear from an Uruk their fears are forcibly faced alone. Whether it be ghosts, demons, foul spirits, or beasts, Uruks will be challenged to face their fears whenever they arise and consume whatever they were frightened of. Death Speaking: Kor’s Chosen must remember the deeds of the dead, and as such will tell stories of their names and deeds that they might inspire others to act in the same manner. This goes beyond just venerating great ancestors, and includes all Uruks that die, as every life and death is an Uruk that has met Kor and tells a story. Grave Tending: Kor’s Chosen must preserve the graves, bones, shrines, and totems to the dead, as well as ensure new ones are erected or created as Uruks perish. Forbidden Acts There are but only a few acts which Kor despises and are anathema to The Chosen. These laws in order are: Azh: Raising the dead is forbidden Dub: The slaying of innocent children is forbidden Gakh: The intentional desecration of tombs is forbidden Futh: Breaking an oath sworn to Kor or upon His name is forbidden These acts are known to anger Kor, and shall deny an Uruk access to the Stargush’Stroh until penance is made. Those who have angered Kor cannot be among His Chosen ever again, lest His wrath taint every Uruk. Hierarchy In The Chosen of Kor there exists only three possible ranks, as for all intents and purposes every Uruk is equally Chosen and granted the responsibility of shepherding souls into the Stargush. Gate Peepers: All those who have yet to Near Kor, but wish to, are considered Gate Watchers. They have yet to undergo the process by which they are drawn to Kor and passed under his judgement. They are apprentices under the wing of The Chosen as a whole. When a member of The Chosen has deemed it fit to induct a member of Gate Watchers into Kor’s ranks, or if they experience a nearing of Kor on their own, Gate Watcher will be recognized as a member of Kor’s Chosen. The Mau’Kor: All those within Kor’s Chosen are equal brothers, tasked with doing what they can to bring the light and preserve the memory of Urukind. The Chosen are all Brothers, and shall act semi-autonomous. In matters involving the elevation of a Brother to Elder, The Chosen vote as a family, with votes of the Elders and Chosen weighed equally. Those Chosen with the honorific title of Wise Brother are also ranked here. Elders: The Elders are those elected by the Brotherhood for their wisdom of the will of Kor. Elders hold the position for life or if they violated the Law of Kor. Elders are spiritual leaders, and shall sit in adjudication of all issues brought forth by Brothers. Elders are also those in charge of handling logistics, advising on the induction of new members, and other such necessary tasks of leadership. The power of an Elder is drawn from respect and honor. The wisdom of the Elders is the key to the Stargush, and should not be ignored lightly. New Elders may only be elected when the number of Chosen is more than double the number of Elders. Elders may also step down and pass the mantle onto a New Elder with no shame or dishonor, garnering the title of Wise Brother should they do so. KOR-ÛR FOR KOR
  18. Word reaches Krawz on his big think of the glorious battle and the Fallen Brother Khan. Krawz does not frown at this grim news, instead he smiles, satisfied to know that Kor’s gates are opening for a hero. “Hozh klompin, evereh victoreh iz anuddah grudge , agh evereh grudge iz anudda chance to entah da Ztarguzh’Ztroh.”
  19. Krawz pauses his big think to read the human paper. Krawz then promptly frowns and pens a letter to author. “It is spelled Krugmar, with a K. Why have you misspelled everything? When I lived in Oren I never peeped such heinous errors in spelling. Please rectify this before your merchants embarrass themselves, and possibly get themselves killed by insulting the locals of each region.”
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