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Status Updates posted by Privet

  1. http://prntscr.com/8gjzf7 HB posting this **** like it's hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gangrel1230


      Fizl we need to play League together

    3. Anderssn
    4. Harri


      oi **** off fizl, lemme go wreck some kids and prove i'm better, brb

  2. Does anyone have the Athera map download?

  3. Sad Rad, an album by ThotPolice/Banuba http://imgur.com/a/kHm8L

    1. Heff


      Very relatable and thought provoking

  4. guile de sola has no mercy

    1. Guest


      "No, I'm not a murderer, like you." - Guile to M. Bison.

  5. It'd be lovely if every time a GM updated the rules list there was some sort of announcement, even if it was for a single rule.

    1. Telanir


      Sometimes all there is, is a status update, but it is there.

  6. http://prntscr.com/7zs0zo And they say were killing RP.
  7. Hey who wants to RP killing Savoyards?

    1. Maur
    2. wolfdwg


      Yes, unless they pay me more.

    3. Heff


      well fun!

  8. what if during a war, a gm was stripped of all power to deal with any situation dealing with their home nation and the enemy nation. So a nation couldn't necessarily have a pocket GM.

    1. ShameJax


      Most people think this. Doubt it will ever happen though.

    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      During a battle you are actually required to be de-modded. Long term wars though? There's no point to having that person as GM then if they're crippled from RP obligations.

    3. Cracker


      With all the current civil wars going on, doubt there would be any/many GMs

    1. Privet


      ty other et friend 4 this

    2. Areon


      I wish I could abuse vanish too.

  9. +20 warscore from battles.

  10. Artehs surgery is starting in around 30 minutes, god bless man.

  11. Just cause it's last day of the map doesn't mean you can just troll you pp heads ;c

  12. "I didn't get hit." "No, you did. I didn't exactly see it but I know for a FACT you got hit."

    1. Alakabam


      "I didn't go out of my way to grab the items." >grabs items that are positioned far from the road. "They were just shitty items I didn't care." >logs out when asked to give them back.

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