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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Trinn

  1. Stitched up an old charger that happened to still work after a tweaking. Hot to the touch after a round of charging. 
    The things I do for my computer.

    1. Elfen_


      The things we all do for our computers(sometimes said fixes we do actually cause more problems in future, hehe).

  2. T-The creative wizard tag is gone ??

    1. Heero


      The tag wasn't remove but there was a glitch when updating the forums where everyone with the rank lost it. Wyrnn made a post stating if you lost it to post on the VIP thread with a link to the contest you won.



    2. Trinn



      I forgot where I got it from. time to dig through the forums

    3. Wytchrose
  3. Tfw Sai just freezes and you lose a good 2 hours of drawing. !_!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trinn


      !_! Hrmm... Karma.

    3. Kim


      rereading this made me remember to save my wip

    4. CombatRolePlay
  4. the coronavirus in france might go for a small car trip there ?


  5. The GM applications will block out the sun.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Salvo


      jfc this is cringeworthy

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      amidst the eclipse, vote vor sandk1ng, he will make lotc memes great again

    4. JEEGK


      a request another plus one from trinny

  6. The High elves facing the truth about their impurity........


    1. Samler


      Can't relate to this, must be pure. ;)


    2. - Pastry

      - Pastry

      We do sing about all our problems...

  7. Today I discovered there are two resource islands. . . 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ever


      one at each of the malin docks afaik

    3. Dohvi


      Three I think. Last time I checked, one of the main docks didn't have one. 

    4. Deminisher


      One for each island, except Malin (CT).

  8. Tried drawing with a mouse and I ended up with my kindergarten-tier art.

    top tier top notch. 

    1. Halsi


      I don't rly expect any difference then tbh.

      joking hehe don't hate me daughter

    2. Trinn


      worst mother ever -.- eugh

  9. u have smth on ur face

    1. Axelu


      quit sittin on my face

    2. Trinn
  10. VaultS? When? : (

    1. Skyrunner
    2. Thomas


      Like half the server have their vaults, but the other half don’t. Big dumb.


    3. squishybear7


      Modreq on day 44 as i wait for my chest to be opened

      almost 7 months now since move

  11. Well that charger broke q-q ... G'bye computer till a new charger comes.

  12. What's up with the blind ppl rants lol

  13. whats fun these day dudes

    1. sergisala


      Nothing really, my empress.

    2. saint swag
    3. Sorcerio
  14. wheres 🥶the 🤪 rp

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      in the nicephore family : ) 

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      lets freakin go

    4. Trinn


      i was askin a genuine question u fk tards especially u @callum @maddy 

      i wanna rp!!!

  15. Wtf are you people doing. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meg


      A. Firm. Pat. On. The. Head.

    3. Trinn



      Scary Grandma alert. 

      This is hell on my status.

    4. meg


      Hell has come. And it is grandma pats.

  16. Wtf theres actually a haelunor and laurehlin being used https://gyazo.com/f0397cb5bd0d332c5049a658595a1a3f

    seriously... :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      you change your ign like every month trin =.=

    3. Trinn


      Don't judge me Elk GOSH 

      But yes, every month. Next month it'll be Tr!nn :D 

    4. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      i'm counting on it!!

  17. Wtf wtf what did i miss why is everyone making a statua abt toxicity

  18. Yall throwin' fits for rp positions now? : o

    1. - Pastry

      - Pastry

      finna crap my pants for NL

  19. yes ma’am more art things


    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      very nice but can you draw mechas...


      all real artists can draw mechas prove your value

    2. Trinn


      i.,,,, good question. 

    3. Heero


      he’s totally right, trinn. you need more gundam in your diet

  20. You liar. Get that High Elf banner off your signature.

    1. Chamosial


      Don't ruin it Trinn >:(

    2. Trinn


      Liar. Liar. You're a filthy former druid maniac o3o

    3. Chamosial


      I-I... my heart just broke even though that is completely true. Shush.

  21. ;.; Events just have to happen when I am unable to go on minecraft. . .

    1. Nekkore


      Ha you and me both. XD

  22. Accept my poisoned cookies. My char worked hard on those </3

    (Oh, and if you ever need a new elf addiction - Try Fëanor. This statement is the sole reason of my posting.)

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