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Status Updates posted by Publius

  1. all the proceeds from my book go straight to felsen [*] 


  2. alright the decision fixed one problem and I am calm enough to make some constructive feedback, time to make LoTC great again

  3. Alright, it seems a good time for a Merchant Republic

    1. GlobalAssembly


      That’s literally what Vrakai was supposed to be, sad that it failed :^(

    2. Publius


      @ChumpChump takes a big brain to motivate such things

    3. seannie
  4. and I got a really big team, and they need some really big rings

    1. Pureimp10


      they need some really nice things, better be coming with no strings

  5. And so the story begins...

  6. any lads/lasses that could edit the head of a skin for me should hmu would love them long time

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Publius


      Just need the hair and eyes changed up

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      I might be able to do it, what exactly do you want done?


    4. Publius


      I'll pm ya

  7. any skinners out and about doing skinner things?

    1. oblivionsbane


      I'm trying to skin an orc


    2. Publius


      I hope you get proper fucked for that effort m8 **** you they're an endangered species

    3. oblivionsbane


      That's what makes their skin so valuable

  8. Anyone interested in participating in or hosting performance RP, let ya boy know! I’ll message ya my new disc.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. calculusdesola


      I am interested and would like to participate!

    3. AlphaMoist


      what is performance rp

    4. Publius


      I’ll pm you Alpha

  9. apply today! 


    1. Kvasir


      its in archive and old!

    2. Publius


      *sigh... 'it's eternal, bro.'

    3. Kvasir


      oh yes ok

  10. Are there any RP groups open to Publius? I'm not to proud to work as a toilet scrubber at this point tbh

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Publius


      I will send some official RP letters to y'all about it [!]

    3. Church of the Canon

      Church of the Canon

      Could always be a priest ;)

    4. Publius


      not while I'm married m'friend

  11. Arriving to you by way of the Empire of Man is a letter filled with intrigues concerning the ailing Pertinax line. To read it though, you must pay delivery – do you accept the 0.50$CAN charge?

  12. at least I can say I made an event worse than Treshure right?

    1. Treshure


      wtf like hello

  13. bad news guys, recent war and stuff is preventing the expansion of the railroads. need some cowboys for @NordLord

    1. Enlightenment


      I am quite the effective cowboy, si.

  14. Beginning a series of posts on Publius' death since this war is unending [!]

    1. Jonificus


      White peace now

  15. Blood for coin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blago


      Give me food then Dewper and I will fight for a Publius Belvitz.

    3. Publius
    4. blago


      Belvitz shall weep for mercy.

  16. bombs are dropping today

    1. Ludulo


      that's what I've been waiting for

  17. Brian Cameron on suicide watch

  18. Brube Barbanov is now live

    1. Icarnus


      okay, now this is epic

  19. btw if anyone wants chocolate chip pancakes at Summerhall keep consider this your official invitation

  20. btw my apologies for not finishing the lusty kharajyr series, just wait for fan fics

  21. btw the final part of 'the lusty kharajyr maid' is coming out this week and will be performed live next sunday at the arena district theater

    1. Bvie
    2. Matheus


      I'll pre-order the tickets.

  22. can a staff member please tell me what post I got a warning point from? leslie just ignored my message and I wasn't being ironic when I asked what I did to warrant it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Publius


      this is why screenshotting was essential back in my day before ya doled out the hurt!

    3. Dohvi


      It seems a screenshot was taken. I'll pm you about it shortly. 

    4. tilly


      I meant to link the screenshot, but forgot.  I can't link things after the warn is distributed. Please listen to this song so that you can understand my situation.



  23. can someone teach this old man how to change your cover photo on this here website?

    1. Wrynn
    2. Publius


      the options do not display when I click it

    3. Wrynn


      Hm... it might be a bug with the forums – if you send me a photo on discord I can change it for you ? My discord is Luke#5154

  24. Can staff finally hook Lorraine their region or what?

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