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Everything posted by Adelemphii

  1. can you use a bigger font? I can't read this post without zooming my page to like 250%
  2. anyone wanna play shellshock live

  3. my arm hurts, any arma 3 goons?

  4. A dwarf gives a thumbs up to a bandit who tries to correct his life. Good on him.
  5. I go on the museum server and sit afk sometimes at the tunnelsmasher "clan hall" in athera with an ass...
  6. I never got my tic tacs...

  7. standardize UTC as the global timezone, then we will not have this issue
  8. 1 box of tic tacs and I'll play a race of your choice, or a character in your family. 3 boxes of tic tacs if you're a human family.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twinny


      Seven and i'll spare you from that.

    3. Adelemphii


      idk what a toga is gimme my 7 tic tac boxes @Twinny

    4. Twinny


      38 minutes ago, GodOfPie said:

      idk what a toga is gimme my 7 tic tac boxes @Twinny


  9. this is what I was using this post to test: https://github.com/Adelemphii/InvitePosts/blob/master/README.md
  10. I'm just trying to test formatting for something I'm working on 😉 \nYep. NBSP: this is a picture of my dog « hey please come to my wedding, it's gonna be awesome and I'll make hogobojo do stuff for funsies xoxoxoxoxo \ntest » FORMAL INVITATIONS EXTENDED TO: Bun'choppa - Adele The POG STOG - @Pogchamp Bubba - Bubba Gum - Eater ((OOC: 04-17-2022, Time: 11:00 AM, Location: Adele's House)) test
  11. tech has always been above community u dummy.... community manager was what made u pink
  12. $10 and I'll set up your build server for you ;) wink wink nudge nudge


    or you could pay for renewing my domain name, $16 and I'll include a really neat plugin for building


    the email lied to me, it's actually $20 to renew my domain name. pay the $20 and I'll make u a custom plugin or smth

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure



      I don't actually have a need for a build server but I couldn't resist


    2. Adelemphii
  13. now I have even more reason to be using my /roll 9999 and if I roll a 9999 on child birth I can pk AND have twins on an elf. Success.
  14. "almost 7 years" cringe, real chads do it on the dot
  15. I joined early-mid Athera, but I'm only 18 so I'm not that old :)
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