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The King Of The Moon

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Status Replies posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. [w/wolf] son or [w/panther] daughter 

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      [w/ grass] Offline since 234 Days 11 hours 31 minutes

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. making your persona name shit like "The Soldier" "The Seeker" "The Wanderer" is ******* stupid. no one calls you that. stop

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      I, the Prince of Darkness, vehemently disagree. 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. without naming names, what are some aspects of nation/settlement communities that either draw you in or push you away? what kind of things do you like to see and engage with, or what makes them undesirable to play in?

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      When an OOC want for activity supersedes IC custom and culture.
      That is to say when fantasy nations lose their identity in order to behave as a real world neoliberal democracy should, to be open and inclusive to any and all characters across our shared universe's vast spectrum, which inevitably wears the realm down to yet another metropolitan boiler plate hang out spot to which no character has any incentive to stay patriotic unless they're themselves in a position of power.

      Favouring short-sighted quantity over quality has time and again devolved over tolerant nations into becoming entirely synonymous with each other, abandoning any trace of what made them unique and warranted a separate state in the first place, to the extent that all that keeps them distinct from the countless other anarchic (and usually empty) megacities is a build style and an OOC collective that would rather have power than the other guy.

      Everyone holding hands and singing kumbaya seldom makes sense in the RP context of our world, and whilst it may seem like an enticing way to get as many players involved as possible more often than not it inevitably disenfranchises all of the players you already had, whilst the appeased randoms will just drift to wherever they can find activity at the first sign of stagnation. Strife is often far healthier for national narratives.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. why do human house sigils always got their tongue sticking out

  5. "DARKSPAWN" SUCKS IT'S TOO LONG AND CLUMSY. I put fourth something sorter, like "sullied", or "THE WICKED". Lay down your suggestions!

  6. the freak in disguise. pretending to do a woman for a revenge arc is freaky. malik freaky. 

  7. Braevosi rise up. less than 24h until gaming.

  8. Braevosi rise up. less than 24h until gaming.

  9. Siliti really got the curse of Cain lol

  10. i was using the wayback machine to access needcoolshoes and it works until you try to download something, what do I do!

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      It sadly doesn't have layers (which was minershoes' main appeal for me) but https://www.planetminecraft.com/pmcskin3d/ gets the job done I suppose

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. i was using the wayback machine to access needcoolshoes and it works until you try to download something, what do I do!

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      There's nothing you can do. I've made the same mistake. The skin you made on there is lost, time to find a new skinning site. Sorry buddy

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Embrace stork rp we've evolved beyond the need of /persona prefix [6 months]

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      [8m] Drow Babe: "I am carrying the anti-christ and Iblees shall be reincarnated through me."

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. What DnD class/subclass is your character?

  14. friendly reminder that the wiki and family echo are the weapons of the ontologically evil and from an outdated era to push alternative agendas antithetical to collaborative story telling (and should therefore be ignored entirely).

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      You've CLEARLY not read the wiki article I wrote myself about my noble character from 5 years ago who [did the exact same thing every other noble has done since late Axios]. Then you would've understood how important and relevant they were to the modern day so much so that you'd be CLAMOURING for my OOC permission to say your character is 4% related to him!!!!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15.  So I got banned for powergaming because I had my height a few inches over the human cap. But we have mages running around using napalm flamethrowers and nuclear handgrenades and that's not powergaming and just the rules?

  16. If the U.S beats England in the World Cup, football is now soccer. No discussion

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      U.S.A. didn't qualify for the last world cup and have yet to achieve a better result than the 3rd place reached in 1930. If they beat England (unlikely) they'll still have to convince almost every other country, which uses some sort of translation or localised pronunciation of 'football'.

      In conclusion: if U.S.A. WINS this world cup, I will personally petition for the U.K. to become the 51st state and forever misspell my emotes on LoTC with excessive 'Z's and without 'U's until the end of my days. That's how confident I am that it won't happen (inb4 miracle occurs).

  17. between ST and mods which team snores like honk mimimimi honk mimimimi and which one snores like honk shooo honk shooo

  18. One nation for each race (2 for humans). Bring back politics instead of just whining and leaving. TEDTalk.

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      0 nations, one giant highschool we all have to RP at 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Where have you gone :(

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      The MILF RP scene needs you now more than ever...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. Are Adunians the LOTC ver. of Numenoreans

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      Their execution has always been a lot more Skyrim inspired but I think that was the intention of the original lore.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. Are there any world lore warlords out there that are interested in collaborating? Shoot me a msg on discord: Spindle (Elaine)#7394

  22. Why do people want every conflict to be a world war?

    1. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      Without wanting to sound like a jaded boomer it's genuinely because most players today don't remember a time prior to Pax Orenia when it took half of the entire server to beat the other half.

      It's been the norm for about 5 years now that if there's a war you 'need' to rally 3 other nations to back you up, because the other guy is going to do the same thing. Staff have tried to clamp down on this with stricter rules on the roles of allies and mercenaries but ultimately that just leads to alting and throwaway goon personas meeting the bare minimum to attend warclaims. 

      I remember being a noob in the pre Duke's War days and just stumbling on 30v30 or sometimes even 10v10 fights between random Oren vassals or Iron Uzg clans duking it out over a patch of land, and it made the world feel much more lively. Nowadays though any fight short of 100v100 is just treated as a raid by staff, adding to a player perception that small warclaims 'aren't worth it', especially when they give your enemy time to carry out the aforementioned international rallying cries.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. Is it possible to play LOTC on an Xbox?

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