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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by JEEGK

  1. hahaha, llllll0ser c:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JEEGK
    3. Dohvi


      Tsk tsssk. 

    4. JEEGK


      :c M'Lord Dohvi, please! Have mercy on my poor soul!

  2. Hakuna Matata

  3. harassment will not be tolerated. so long hurferdurfer.

  4. he's p useless to me now, got enough 10-minute deals 

  5. hey app team if you hit quota can we continue doing applications, if not, make me one for the day so I can get her done once more.

  6. hey trinn :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trinn


      Are you ok??



    3. JEEGK


      no im crying 

    4. Trinn







      I mean, don't cry!!!

  7. hey who makes art around here?

  8. hey, i’d love to play among us with you ^_^

  9. Hi guys. this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for the three rep I need to get to 400 today, for the three people that are willing to spare each given one :")

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vege


      rep *****

      **** off cenoring my ******* posts lotc 


    3. Angmarzku
    4. KeatonUnbeaten


      GIVE ME REP so i can be like a big boy

  10. How's everyone doing tonight/day?

  11. I as well believe in Leviticus 18:22, even if you don't, do you have any right to oppress someone over religion? This is why we need @Fireheart back on the GM/Admin team.

  12. I can almost hear Oren's celebration in their chats right now :)

  13. I feel some Christian rap shall sooth my anger. 



  14. I try to sleep for one night, and all this stuff happens on the forums

  15. i wish people would stop writing on your profile 

    1. rukio


      The red tag on a hyena just inspires status updates

  16. I worry sometimes for you friend, just know I love you.

  17. imagine not wanting people to spend money on you hahaha. Weaklings.

  18. Is Disco back.......?

  19. Just because the man has had beef with you and luv in the past doesn't mean he's trying to throw shade towards you guys...

  20. May you rest in peace, you astounding actor, Alan Rickman...

  21. mitto is such a great guy ahahah~ ^3^ c: @mitto

    1. mitto


      hello 911? xD

  22. my name is ichigo kurosaki, and i am a substitute soul reaper!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Summorox


      Someone ban this weaboo

    3. UnBaed


      Hi, I'm freshavacado 

    4. JEEGK


      I know bonkai! You will not be able to ban me!

  23. o7 time to join the Dark Elves

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