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Everything posted by Valaryon

  1. first airplanes then dirty elves summoning mountains?11!1/?
  2. It was intended to be in the original lore but was omitted as we wanted to focus on getting Azdrazi simply passed first and foremost. The intention was to then have a comprehensive expansion on the Azdrazi. A disconnection method is one of the expansions that was agreed upon by the active Azdrazi base and through the LT we consulted when @Taylor rewrote it. Azdrazi are incredibly powerful, and need a method to keep the mentality that our lore defines in check.
  3. 1.15 is literally tomorrow. Most of these issues to any who’ve looked into it – are generated by Mojang’s poor work with 1.14 and 1.15 is primarily a bug fixing update which aims to remedy all the problems 1.14 brought on. Let the Lord of the Craft Team update to 1.15 which is supposedly going to fix all these issues with the Minecraft client. (Mojang’s claim, not mine.) I can imagine Llir and the Dev Team have poured a lot of time and effort into the feat that was moving from 1.13 to 1.14, if I were them I’d hate to see that go to waste. I’d rather give them the opportunity to see if 1.15 fixes the issues plaguing Minecraft and thus Lord of the Craft, if not – let’s go back.
  4. It’s a shame to see you go FunkyBunch! The only encouragement I can give you is that the PvP ‘drama’ used to be much MUCH worse than it is now. The server in my experience has taken great strides to reinforce RP over PvP-goonery. You should give some new locales a try! I used to play Human characters during some of the peaks of the PvP conflicts (the Duke’s War, Dunamis and Renatus drama to name a few). Recently I’ve been giving some new places a try in Sutica and Irrinor and it’s been super refreshing as an old veteran and as a roleplayer. Regardless, thank you for enriching our community with your presence while we had you.
  5. free kincanada

    1. UnBaed
    2. SpiltMemes
    3. Valaryon


      Hey man, I don't got any salt with Luv, just surprised he/she mad another Staff App after how the past few have gone.

  6. I still think it needs more details and information in general.
  7. Anyone for Overwatch in 2 Hours? Played a ton of Alpha and Beta. Add me at RedVengeance#1407.

  8. OOC: Minecraft Name: xRedVengeance Skype Name: You have it. Do you use TS?: Already in it. Are you willing to PK your character if branded a deserter and executed with sufficient roleplay?: Yes IC: Name: Matthias Menethil Race: Human Past Experience: Banner-man of the Lord Marshal, Honor Guard of Summerhall Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: I wish to serve our King the best way I can. I believe that, is through the Vindicators.
  9. Good fight Dunamis/Bandits!

  10. Here's some World Edit work I've been working on in Wow!


    (First image is original WoW - everything else is the altered zone)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Valaryon


      Various world editting using Noggit. All those buildings have interiors with details inside each! If you'd like to see any let me know. I'm working hard on a WoW server project. :)

    3. Kim
    4. Valaryon


      If you're into the project, sign up on our forums and look at some screenshots! We don't post too often but you can see what we're up to! http://www.projectchaos-wow.com/

  11. Any players of Warcraft?

  12. Good fight to all. Was fun.

  13. LotC Weddings are so full of memes.

  14. Kelian smiles to himself "Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they try and touch a Blackwood.."
  15. Once you contact us in-game an engage in RP you will learn more. Please speak with NJBB, xRedVengeance, Eagles2910, or Nickthered20 if you have any questions or need help. Thanks!
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