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9219 Rep Farm Business Owner

About UnBaed

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    opinions of me are fan theories
  • Birthday 12/23/1999

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    The Main Character
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  1. Would people think of me as mature enough for a staff position, or do people think I meme around too much on the server?  I'd like an honest opinion so I could try to fix anything before applying for a staff position.

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    2. UnBaed


      @Fury_Fire I've had other characters but I just never really got into them.  I had Sonja who was extremely loyal and gullible, but she's now insane due to her old age.  I was thinking of bringing her back to try and create some interesting RP in 5.0.  I also had Gregor who did that monster hunter stuff with Rudi and Eagles, he was rather dull minded and foolish at times, but had a good heart.  I've been playing Reza Kovachev more, she's pretty much just an average, curious child looking for trouble with her friend.  I'll be playing her more next map for NJ.  And even if I have been playing only Nemir for most of the time, she's lived with most of the main races in LoTC at some point in her life.  Plus, just because I've had mainly one character doesn't mean I'm not creative enough to become an ET actor.

    3. AGiantPie


      Ok don't be stupid, you don't need to Rp loads of different characters to be staff material that's just bullshit.

    4. BonesOfTheEarth


      True, but generally you'd need to be able to do more than one I'd imagine. Which can be easily accomplished, so no big deal anyways

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