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    opinions of me are fan theories
  • Birthday 12/23/1999

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  1. What are your thoughts on magic characters and creatures befriending others meant to be their sworn enemy in rp?  Example is druids x void mages, or vampires and azdrazi 


    imho there should be consequences for anyone trying to ignore conflict.  This also isn’t to call out anyone specific, just a general thought 

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    2. IsaaKc


      love me some *sips mocha* rp

    3. Tetho


      gib me some of them *sips mocha* rp

    4. Mavromino


      Aight, so first of all obligatory *sips mocha rp* comment


      Now, to the actual comment. I believe it is possible to, in theory, "befriend" a sworn enemy CA/MA in rp but no one has, in my experience, ever actually done it. As Farryn brings up one could go for the angle of trying to "understand the enemy". However, this should not lead to a friendship or anything but instead a temporary truce. An Azdrazi may want to learn of paladinism but that should be angled for manipulation and the paladin or Azdrazi should always intend to backstab. In that way, you're able to balance lore and character. Maybe you rp someone conflicted by their new role who is steadily forced into stepping into line or just going rogue. You can create good drama and conflict by not immediately ripping their throats out but the idea of a true friendship is flawed.


      Going to be blunt now, a significant chunk of people who do the "holy and dark magic friendship" rp are friends oocly. This happened to me with an ascended, who shall remain nameless, not trying to kill my literal murderous morghuul because he was associated with our ooc friend group. I have little doubt most of these conflicting group friendships arise due to similar circumstances.


      In conclusion, the idea of trying to manipulate an enemy group's members for an advantage with a false offer of friendship or potential "conflicting with my purpose rp" is an interesting way to handle two groups that are diametrically opposed. However, the "uWu quirky Azdrazi and paladin friendship/*******" that we so often see should not be tolerated. At the end of the day, lore is lore after all.

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