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Status Replies posted by Angmarzku

  1. Help me beat up Ford for non racially motivated reasons.

  2.  check please

  3.  check please

  4. Inactive ghouls have been purged, if you feel there has been a mistake, PM me or another MAT member.

  5. When there's 3 untouched white-list apps on the recent topics alone just sitting around.. one of them being from 5 hours ago. I need to be on the app team ahh.

  6. Who's leading the AT now? Is it still Ski?

  7. Welp, some staff positions went to ****. See ya

  8. Anyone interested in playing a little Auvergnian girl?

  9. Most people started playing LOTC in high school but here I am two years after graduating, being a noob.

  10. Trivia of the day (not on the wiki, will require inferencing): What is the aspect of Iblees and why does it define him as a tragic character?

  11. @Ang Yeah, I'm a traitor you dragon slave!!!

  12. is there any way to get popped chorus fruit so I can make purpur to make end rods???

  13. hia, applications everywhere.

  14. Advice to anybody considering putting their name in for GM: Trust me, if you're having fun on the server, don't. You won't convince them to remove nexus, use your preferred default, or any of the dozen "common sense" changes that are floating around in your head.

  15. Please stop arguing about politics on lego bricks online. Thanks.

  16. Please stop arguing about politics on lego bricks online. Thanks.

  17. Please stop arguing about politics on lego bricks online. Thanks.

  18. Hi I'm Lefkos, I want to do soul puppetry.  Actually, you know what?  I change my mind, time to be an auger again.  Oh wait, ascended looks p cool- whoa wait, I'm doing lich stuff because I'm bad to the bone *wonk* or!  I can do soul puppetry agai- WAIT im gonna be a monk mhm

  19. Hi I'm Lefkos, I want to do soul puppetry.  Actually, you know what?  I change my mind, time to be an auger again.  Oh wait, ascended looks p cool- whoa wait, I'm doing lich stuff because I'm bad to the bone *wonk* or!  I can do soul puppetry agai- WAIT im gonna be a monk mhm

  20. Hi I'm Lefkos, I want to do soul puppetry.  Actually, you know what?  I change my mind, time to be an auger again.  Oh wait, ascended looks p cool- whoa wait, I'm doing lich stuff because I'm bad to the bone *wonk* or!  I can do soul puppetry agai- WAIT im gonna be a monk mhm

  21. Can't login to Skype. H e l p 

  22. Would you rather live with me or a feminist?

  23. Just thought I'd... drop by and greet an old friend.

    Though... Heh. It's been two years - I'd be surprised if you remembered me all too well.

  24. I ******* hate women. I hate every single one of you. I hate all females on Lord of the Craft. Every single one of you is a power-hungry piece of ****. You all gather around Orenian nobility to sate your undying lust for power and relevance. Every single one of you are Savoyard sluts, despicable """Human""""beings who have no sense of taste in men but power and wealth.


    All I ask is for a wife. I just want a wife, someone who will love me and I will love back. But you can't fulfill this wish, the most simple wish on Lord of the Craft. I, Bruno Buron, have a steady job and many great friends, love walks through the forest, want to have kids, and love iced cream parlors, but you pass me off and chase ******* losers like @Gucko who don't know how to roleplay more than *fades to black.*


    Men of Oren, if you're reading this, the #BetaUprising has begun. It's time to kill off the most despicable parasite ever created, the Savoyard. Soon we will all have comfy wives and reclaim our Oren, but first we must be reborn by fire and sword.

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