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Status Updates posted by Kaelan

  1. Kaelan

    Alright bud. I demand that you remove the leaf images. disgusting 

    1. Knox


      I concur.

    2. LPT


      I refuse. 

    3. Kaelan


      Come on dude! Children play here! They don’t need to see this!

  2. Anyone care to share the potion recipe  for the Moderate potion of strength?

  3. Anyone know how to gather Serpents Stalk and Crouching Feather with the Alchemist Shears?

    Reward is that you

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Plague Kail

      Plague Kail

      The only time I have seen serpent stalk is from fishing. I think that you have to get it from there.

    3. Kaelan


      I'll ask him about it. Thanks! Hopefully he knows or is willing to share the information.

    4. Stump


      Ay dude willing to sell my fishing drops if you need those stalks. I got a ton I've been stocking up for a while now. =)
      Or if you only need a few I'll give 'em out for free. I must have over a stack now, not sure of the exact number.

  4. Are grappling hooks really meant to only jump 1/10th of a block? @Kowaman

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers


    2. Llir


      It seems I mixed up two values in the code. Should be fixed after the next restart!

  5. congrats my dude!

  6. Congratulations on forum admin

    1. Riftblade


      thanks, took a while to bring the team back

  7. daily good morning lads status update

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sophiaa


      i’m doing great man! 7 hours thru a 10 hour shift 

    3. Fireheart


      It’s going just swell! thanks! When we gonna rp again? ?

    4. Kaelan


      Dude I saw you teleport to me and I just got so nervous. Sometime soon!

  8. Did you fall from heaven, and land on your face?


    'Cause boy you are ugggggggggggggggggggggggly!

    1. ThatWeirdGirl


      At least I don't need to force innocent fish to be my friend.

  9. Do they still sell lock picks? If so, where?

    1. Wrynn


      There's a location in each nation capital that sells them - you just have to find it in the capital.

  10. dude when did you become a dev wtfff

    1. Kaelan


      DUDE! Alright, nobody knows. This is a private channel anyways! 

  11. dude you look breathtaking in green ?

    1. Deer__



  12. Everyone is ww2buff

  13. Good morning guys! 

  14. good morning lads 

  15. Good morning Mister Ankan my silver friend & the rest of LOTC!


    I hope you all have fantastic days! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaelan


      How are you today Ank? 

    3. Ankan


      Very good! I just made some currant-jam! 

    4. Kaelan


      Ooo! Sounds tasty! You really must be having an excellent day! 


      It makes me happy to hear that my friends on LOTC are leading good lives. 

  16. Good morning Mister Lackless! As well as good morning the rest of LOTC!

    1. Haseroth


      kaelan are you ok

    2. Kaelan


      Quite fine! Thank you for asking! 

  17. Got two hockey sticks. Pretty good considering my main one is breaking at the toe and the back up I have was bought last minute when I broke my last one. I don

  18. Hey lackless uwu 

  19. Honestly why do you people care if we use tactical nukes once we hit that kill streak? You don’t rp in Irrinor so it shouldn’t matter. Go fix your lore then come back aight. Lore team lost all credibility till lore games is done. 

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