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Status Replies posted by FlemishSupremacy

  1. The ET team is dead. Its filled with mostly brainlets that can’t do events besides *spawns mobs* *emotes garbage* *hands out meaningless ET signed items*


    1. FlemishSupremacy


      Leap, that’s a needless amount of ad hominems lmao, you could’ve clarified what you meant with your initial rather vague statement.

      That said, while i agree there have been some rather unenjoyable events lately, there have also been those that were quite fun, even from aforementioned ET such as Aesopian and Malgonious (rip) 

      Please, make a feedback thread with constructive ideas on how to Improve ET, rather than making such bold statements over a status update. I’m sure @Xarkly would love to hear all suggestions you might have for his team.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  2. Giant wolves treated like guard dogs should eventually turn into dogs. Get rid of edgy monstrous carnivorous pets. 

  3. i just realized screamingdingo is grimreaper98. how the hell after he world edited a playerbase nation land away in a hissy fit?

  4. told you dominion would fall

  5. Thank you to everyone that attended/assisted this morning with the event, hope you had fun!

  6. What does it feel like to spend 400 dollars for vip

  7. bring back racial buffs if you dont want to bring back nexus

    1. FlemishSupremacy


      even the orc damage boost wouldn't have saved you against eli, pond!!!

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  8. PM me your orc grievances. Any and all complaints. Fill my inbox please. I want to know what others think. 

  9. when gm doesn't follow protocol and removes my fort i have been at daily for 'inactivity' lul, wheres the 15 day inactivity check sign like it's supposed to be, huh?

  10. >ACU posts meme warfare, posts stay up
    >I post 1 on elves, it gets removed
    ?????????? y fm team?????

  11. " How we are viewed is irrelevant. How we view ourselves is important. "


    This quote from the Elven discord best describes their community lmfao. I don't mean any offence by this, don't ban me or kick me out of the Discord <}:^(

  12. Indisputable proof that traps are not gay:



    IMG_2680 (1).JPG

  13. I know none of y'all really care, but I just needed to get some stuff off my mind. A really close friend of mine who I grew up with was killed today over something that he could've just walked away from. Just know guys that sometimes it's ok to just walk away. There's nothing wrong with swallowing your pride.


    Sorry for posting this here. I just needed to say something to someone.

  14. Sad, it could have been a great fight... so many of hours of multiple people preparing for it wasted within a few sad minutes... so much hype turned into stress and disgust towards the staff. However, i am sure that there will be other oportunities to redeem errors and have a fight as good as it should have been.

  15. Lmao been an industrial conveyor engineer for 2 years now, and would acc be so cool if i saw one in minecraft

  16. "GLOBAL ASSEMBLY IS EVIL!" Says Renatus as they literally purge every person associated with it and still claim to be the good guys

  17. wife, are you finally coming back to me!??!


  18. i cant believe my dog died on new years day

  19. I see absolutely no difference between a elf and a fat sheep

  20. seeing the repeated problems with the warserver, perhaps we should just do the future warclaims on the main server

    Trading lag for lack of horses and massively delayed warclaims isn't worth it.

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