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Status Replies posted by FlemishSupremacy

  1. Friendly reminder that maximum human height is 6’4” and if you’re roleplaying otherwise I am going to stabby stab. 

  2. i made tower image.png.79647e82f27fbab2cd24fe0d4e7e6bf0.png

  3. /whitelistalt isn’t working?


    Cause of Death: Being three inches too tall

  5. Hey guys! If anyone is interested in playing an Elven child of high elven/wood elven descent with an active family please message me on the forums or on Discord. Thanks ?

  6. Friendly reminder that maximum human height is 6’4” and if you’re roleplaying otherwise I am going to stabby stab. 

  7. We fuckin dying out here ✊?✊???????

  8. put warclaims on bannerlord pls

  9. Lookin’ to get back into lotc. Anyone need a char played?

  10. anyone else buying that sweet sweet mount&blade II bannerlords,,,,

  11. i was going to sugest making a mom a mod bc they seem to be able to handle immature people n **** disturbers but then i realised ya’ll already tried that and that didnt play out well

  12. still waiting someone to notice and respond to a staff report I sent 1.5 month ago

  13. What is the Dev Team’s new excuse for the server lag? Cant use the 1.14 line anymore. Perhaps its time to actually look into your files and see how to improve them?

  14. Wipe out all admins and have all the moderators decide the next generation on a fortnite match

  15. I wish there was a common enemy . Like  how the undead used to be.

  16. Flemish is already alting it’s fine

  17. feeling like 2 emps B) 

  18. feeling like 2 emps B) 

  19. i waited two months to post this https://prnt.sc/qjil78

  20. community gonna despise you for not mentioning or pollin whether to move to roleplay-hub hahaha

  21. The loophole thing is somewhat true, but mods can still decide the punishment on their own accord disregarding the ban protocol.

  22. The loophole thing is somewhat true, but mods can still decide the punishment on their own accord disregarding the ban protocol.

  23. Daily reminder: 

    Pun_ didn’t leave the building, she was booted out for diddling kids. 

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