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Status Updates posted by Ixli

  1. legit just don’t ban him on Saturday? don’t get it, if one of the head moderators stated it was a moderation mistake that’s getting narthok banned

  2. LT are increasingly disappointing; we’ll continue using Acid in the Helf Community, as we have for literal YEARS. Thanks, but no thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tasty_cheesecake


      ixli they just want u to rp making the vat of acid vs just pouring lava in a pit and calling it acid

    3. Ixli


      @FlamboyantTyrant @ScreamingDingo toxic and inherently evil


      @tasty_cheesecake small boi

    4. AlphaMoist


      I hear cactus green is a healthier alternative. Acid might leave you with some horrid shivers

  3. on hiatus stop pinging me over discord thx <3 love yu all

  4. Overlords just a little salty his toxicity isn’t welcome anywhere, o7


    mad that he got kicked out of a discord, ignore his BAIT

    1. Harold
    2. overlord2305


      I got kicked out of a discord? 
      Also, I think we've landed in the rather ironic situation where we assume one another to be salty....more salt I guess

      Edited by overlord2305
  5. Pls read my economic theory

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      What would you import tho there’s hardly stuff to import, specially if you’re a faction that gets access to dedicated grinders and builders

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Just import literally anything you can get a monopsony on tbh. It’ll make you control the market prices for it. Not very useful, but it’ll make you economically relevant.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      but what’s the point of importing anything if there’s very little or no use for it and how i’d control stuff if anyone can get anything easily


      we need nexus

  6. Prepare for the content mod

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I’ve been actually content moded once when i reached 4 warning points, dark days

  7. productive, eh?

  8. rep this status and get a free cookie          Image result for cookie .png

    1. Zacho


      fake e cookies


    2. ElevenJellyBeans


      cookies are a lie.


  9. SeNd PrOoF yOuRe IxLi

  10. shoutout to @Skale for giving me my 500th rep

  11. So, is there like an official owner of LOTC? Would that be you? 

  12. Stop leaving pulp fiction on my posts 


    1. excited


      @Gargled your post is a pulp fiction meme

  13. U know what it’s time staff make feedback on the community bias !!!!!!!

  14. ur kinda cute pls dont delete l8ter

  15. We didn’t start the fire

  16. welves shot first


  17. Ixli

    what’s ur estimated time till the war starts on renatus?


    i give it 4 months 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ixli


      aight I’ll let the sails loose and pull the anchors up 

    3. Vege


      get the garlic bread in the oven 

    4. Ixli


      put a loaf in my oven?

  18. When will we get a response, admins?

  19. Who do you have as your main persona now a days luvvy dub dub 


    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      Amorette Acal'elor

  20. ya know the forums are slow when im screaming at myself cause i cant change meh theme

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