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Everything posted by LeoRabbit99

  1. -=-~(*)~-=- The Applicant Form -=-~(*)~-=- OOC: MC Name?: LeoRabbit99 Discord?(Required, can PM me.): LeoRabbit99#2143 -=- IC: Full Name: Richard Baruch Race: Human Age: 29 Reasoning for joining?: I am a biologist. It seems appropriate to join a guild of scholars to share and acquire findings with colleagues. When are you free for an interview?: Bird me to schedule one Do you swear to follow and uphold all of the Guild's rules and customs?: Indeed What position do you seek?(If an official position, let me know.): Researcher What is your favorite color?: All colors are pretty -=-~(*)~-=-
  2. I'm not fond of where this is going. I'm find with it as it stands but despite you saying otherwise, I easily see this developing into a way in which the druids create lore to make their characters look like the heroes and the mages look like ****. There's already a good argument to be made on both fronts. Keep it that way instead of giving yourself empowerment through ooc lore writing because you want your character to be right.
  3. Pretty dumb question but just to clarify, transfiguration?
  4. I'm glad someone rewrote the lore, I've always thought them cool +1
  5. Why don't we have werewolves?

    1. Jentos


      We do my friend.. Oh we do.

      I know of two magics that are able to achieve this... Just need to find out which :I

    2. Parker


      xd xd xdx xd

    3. Babehab


      Because no one can/is willing to write them properly

  6. I'm finding comments saying that this race brings nothing new and that you can just play something else if you want to be a giant irritating. No, this provides a new style in which to play something as. Not everything has to fit your subjective view of what "copies" or not for it to be enjoyable for players. This race brings a dedicated Nordic culture to the server. +1

  8. @Narthok [!] The breeder would find a note nailed to the stables the next time he arrives to tend to the horses. It reads: "I'm in need of a study horse; one of good stock and good speed. I'll take one off your hands. Prepare a note and send it down to Sutica to myself, Richard, if you're still interested in selling. -Richard"
  9. "When does this ever work." Richard scoffs a snorts of derision. "It's damn near impossible to find a nation that actually cares for it people."
  10. Very nice clarification on armor however in my opinion, I'd bump the complete fatigue of plate armor to three magics, not two. I think someone with exercise should be able to wear full plate if they limit themselves to one magic so people can play that warrior-mage type of character. If you mastered two magics, you'd be able to play more of a rougish-mage and anything after, you'd be that sterotypical frail, robed wizard.
  11. I get home to see my little cousin at my house whom I entertain and play with: she has a good time and eventually leaves. I can't wait to just sit down from a long day of school, finish my homework then relax and immerse myself into lotc. I jump on and talk to one of my friends who I make plans with for when I complete my assignments. I log off and get to work with stuff I think will only take an hour. Nearly seven hours later, I'm tired as ****. I finally finish HALF my homework with a broken key from the frustration with incredibly difficult problems and 4 hours until I have to wake up. I woke up two hours doing more work and now I have to go to class, work some more after that, then go to class again. Sigh...

  12. This was a good read but to my understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, I thought it was clear that the void was strictly suppose to be a realm of complete nothingness besides the arcanic energies that reside within it. If I'm wrong, I'll definitely +1 it.
  13. Looking for someone to draw character art for my persona. I'll pay, ofc.

    1. LeoRabbit99


      Edit: Message me an offer if intrested

  14. "I'll take some tomes. Bird me when you'd like to sell."
  15. [Application] RP Name: Richard Baruch MC Name: LeoRabbit99 Known Arcane Arts: None Position Desired: Student When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Anytime I'm on, which is a lot or pm me on the fourms
  16. I can't get on lotc, is this just me?

    1. Nug


      i'm getting it too :(

    2. bickando


      server is crash

    3. DarkElfs


      Lotc's down for count at the moment so Welp dude time do something other than rp it seems... I got no real life noooooo!

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