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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Shogging tournament at Pendlemere-by-Cotton-Lake in 10 minutes! Be there!

  2. 8/10, I see you 'round the forums quite a bit
  3. ((I'll do some farming for you if you'd like)) "T'is biggun needs ah farmah? Why dun' ye jus' gi' yerself ah 'alflin' loike meh?" Gerald the halfling would say ((Vet farmer soon to be masterful, and Gerald is RPed a bunch by me)) ((Skype email: [email protected]))
  4. Sweet! I should totally make a lore post on this if I ever have the time!
  5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xslyQmbqX0E

    Free kaiser as you listen to this amazing shire music!

  6. HalflingRP=BestRP

    1. MrMineLoveDude
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Spread the word my fellow! May it ring across every inch of the world!

    3. Zacho


      I was thinking of making a halfling who is super weak but has a heart of gold and can cook like gordon ramsay


  7. ((If only there were islander halflings))
  8. 4/10, I might have seen you on the forums a few times, I haven't ever seen you in game though.
  9. Well, looks like a veteran halfling player got banned for something random... yay...

  10. How many hairy halflings can happily haggle over the height of a horseshoe?

    1. Stolos



  11. Halflings have the most interesting of conversations

  12. There's a new halfling village in town


    1. Archipelego


      the boys are back in town

    2. NotEvilAtAll
  13. Add me on skype if you would like to learn more about the halflings! I also am making a chat called "All the halflings in one chat", which is exactly as it sounds!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Skype is the medium of the halflings right now, Sorry :(

    3. Archipelego


      im gonna end up being a rogue at this rate

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      It's ok buddy.... We can just Forum message each other untill the end of days

  14. ((Good job on this)) Gerald the halfling remembers seeing Merridolph in the Mellsburrian pub, "Ah, gud times, gud times"
  15. "Ye s'ill usin' 'em minas li'l boy!" Gerald the halfling would scorn "'Aven' ah told ye othahwise alreadeh! Ye don' evah seem ter learn, 'owevah. Yer jus' as impropah as ah though' ye were." Gerald would fold his arms as if to make a statement "Oi'll give ye ah nice warm meal an' teh blessin's of Knox fer t'a s'aff thin'" Gerald would shout out to the people bidding
  16. Have you ever noticed that 90% of people's skins don't have mouths?

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      A lot don't have eyebrows either!

  17. Congrats on your ET app being accepted. I can't wait to see that halfling event you described on your app! I hope you have good luck the world!    - the halfling main 

    1. ScreamingDingo


      you know pitches are just pitches, doesn't mean they're going to do it




    2. Smaw


      Cheers brother. It is something I'll be doing.

  18. Should I make an AMA, or have I not become that lowly yet?

  19. Any ideas for increasing the halflings population? Festivals, more pipeweed, etc. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _Jandy_


      First off, don't listen to people who have never played halflings. Try asking people who have played them what could bring them back, why they left, etc...

    3. senor_tortuga


      um they need people who have never played halflings to start playing them

    4. _Jandy_


      Sure, but they don't have a very good understanding of the existing culture and lore. It doesn't make sense to ask them what the issue with the halflings is, does it? 

  20. Is this the end for the halfling race? ;(

  21. R.I.P my characters hands, stealing 100 carrots is just too much for the humans to handle, it seems

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fat robert

      fat robert

      ;( maybe if you didnt ignore our emotes and waste 1 hour for us trying 2 search u then spamming looc and whining and crying ;( because u didnt want 2 be searched over some carrots and fought back and now u get punishment ;((((

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      ^^ you guys weren't perfect either, just saying, when there is 6+ people all attacking one person, there is bound to be confusion, especially when you consider that I main halflings and am only used to RPing with 2-4 people at a time, I got overwhelmed with emotes (I'm sorry that I'm not the fastest typer in the world (Not sarcasm)) the main reader the RP lasted so long was because I didn't surrender, and you didn't spend an entire hour trying to search me (30 minutes? Maybe it felt longer for you guys, I dunno) GG fam, no harsh feelings. I got wrecked for my petty crime, And my hands were eaten by an orc you fed me too, and my head was chopped off as well, with some lucky fella getting it as a trophy. All for taking a few too many carrots. tough justice. (Expect to be denounced by the halflings for what you did to their leader, they won't be happy) XOXO, jumperhand3, the halfling main, see you all tomorrow!

      Also, I don't remember you guys responding to my parrying  attempts, I guess in the end, we're all imperfect beings in an imperfect world. I hope my head makes a nice decoration :)

      Sorry for the double post

    4. fat robert

      fat robert

      dude are u high i asked u two react to my emote three times and you didn't even reply back we aren't gonna respond to your parrying attempts there were three people attacking you in the same time and you're trying to parry them all in one emote wtf lol 

  22. Sorry for the anger of the previous Status Update I sent you

    I forgive you 100 times over

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      In fact, Now I'm Happy  that your making another halfling village (Not sarcasm)

    2. EdgyMagey
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      That deserves Rep right there

  23. So, your making another halfling village, aren't you?

    I thought having 2 halfling villages was enough...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archipelego


      oi fam, im active!... usually not in any of the villages tho :/

    3. Angmarzku


      this is for a single hobbit family. bugger off kids

    4. NotEvilAtAll
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