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Child Neglecter

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Everything posted by Child Neglecter

  1. a593af695ecebefaf5651bb1c2cf5719.jpg 


    literally me

  2. And so too did rise one such soldier, borne of accursion that did encroach with promises of enlightenment; promises fulfilled, words unforeseen, yet unforgotten. A hand that had seen it's own destruction in flames grasped by the commands of a Greater, the Vicar, and a hand that had been reborn in tumultuous torment borne of repentance and retribution forged in ruin and agony. A hand, that now, held naught; naught but an inkling of hope for a GOD that would not answer. The toll of a knell, for one's death, but a death that could not truly be sanctified as truth. Was it truly to be? To be not?
  3. "GOD Bless the Vicar of GOD, blessed is he." So uttered the Auditor of the Tribunal, Cardinal Armand Allobrogum.
  4. The Cardinal Armand Allobrogum submitted his vote before the College of Cardinals, and before GOD himself.
  5. As the soul of the Vicar lay within the winds that blew over the Holy Court of Balian, the Auditor shook his head - sombre, for once, eyes that seemed dead and lacking in their typical intrepid frenzy stared unto a future without the High Pontiff - His Holiness, Pontian IV. Or, as he had more familiarly known him by, Adrian. "You were the strongest in your fervour against our enemies. We will always act in alignment with your will, Your Holiness, now and forever." A head full of grey laid itself in waiting; now, in the time of mourning, so too did the Auditor rest, for once.
  6. With the response of the new Duke came a new thought, brought by the Auditor. "The people themselves are not marred by the crimes of the past Duke, the anathema. With this, we will be able to truly decide whether or not the son should be punished for the crimes of his forefather; and the people of Adria the crimes of the ex-Duke. GOD bless."
  7. The Auditor of the Tribunal, Cardinal Armand Allobrogum, raised the letter before the Inquisitors present within the Holy Court, below Balian. "A great injustice, brought upon Man, and upon GOD, by these agents of tumult." So too did he gaze unto the scales that laid resting within the chamber, and came to one final decision. "We will rise against the scourge, and lay unto the foul lizardfolk a thousand blades blessed by His Light. I will stand against them, alongside you."
  8. INQUISITORIAL LETTER IUTEM AD EJECTIONEM LUMINEM IUSTITIAE TO CAST THE LIGHT OF JUSTICE THE AUDITOR OF THE TRIBUNAL ARMAND CARDINAL ALLOBROGUM Addressed to the Fallen Brother, Gwendel Vilac. Gwendel Vilac, your words do not reach deaf ears, your writing does not reach unto blind eyes. Know that GOD said first; “There is neither Human nor Elf, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in GOD.” Know that this promise you bear in your letter is not one only toward myself, the Auditor of the Tribunal, nor toward the Holy Mother Church, but toward GOD Himself. I do not take your words lightly. You will be summoned for trial, through the holy words of the Subpoena Duces Tecum, and you will face non-partisan judgement in the name of GOD. Return to your homeland of Balian with your head high. Feel freedom in the fact that GOD acknowledges the importance of family, above all. Blood is thicker than water, and faith is stronger than fear. Be enveloped by His light, and see your wife and children. This does not come from my good faith, or my trust in you, but from my communion with GOD, for He has spoken to me. He has granted me the faith to welcome you home. So come, Gwendel Vilac. Come home. Pray, and hold faith in the fact that GOD will keep you safe, and envelop you in His light. All shall be weighed against the scales of judgement. DURA LEX SED LEX THE LAW IS HARSH, BUT IT IS THE LAW
  9. One Auditor of the Tribunal, Cardinal Armand Allobrogum, stared unto the scales that lay giganticised within the Holy Court beneath the basilica in Balian - closing his eyes, he bowed himself in prayer, awaiting for communion between him and GOD, so as to grant him the fortitude to stand against the enemies of humanity, and the neutrality to grant non-partisan judgement unto all, in the name of GOD, and through Him. "And so, shall it be."
  10. TRIAL OF THE HERESIES OF ERIK EULER JUDGEMENT OF THE TRIBUNAL DIES IUDICII: TRIAL OF HERESY BY DEFROCKMENT AS PUBLISHED BY THE AUDITOR OF THE TRIBUNAL IN THE NAME OF HIS HOLINESS Let it be known to all that the word of Canon Law is absolute, and all things are judged before the eyes of God, in the presence of The Almighty. Truly, there is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the denizens of iniquity may hide themselves. The word of GOD is absolute, and so too lies His Canon Law as rules absolute for all Man. Upon this day, Sigismund’s End, 21 - 1916, the heretic Erik Euler, once known as Father Renzfeld, was tried and judged for his crimes against the Holy Mother Church and Humanity itself. It is as inscribed within the tomes: §9. A person who violates a proclamation of anathematization has committed a crime. §2. The form of anathematization is a prohibition on Canonists from associating with, professing, or supporting the subject of anathema. §4. Canonists residing in lands under the rule of one who has been pronounced anathema should make all efforts to overthrow them, or failing that, to flee their rule. By decree of the Auditor of the Tribunal, His Eminence, Cardinal Armand Allobrogum, Erik Euler, once known as Father Renzfeld, was called to trial regarding his multiple crimes breaching Canon Law through the holy callings of the Subpoena Duces Tecum, and was tried in the presence of the Auditor. In the case of this trial, the evidence was overwhelming beneath the eyes of GOD as to the crimes of Father Renzfeld, Erik Euler. He pleaded that he had done all he had done in the name of GOD, and yet, due to the unholy and hypocritical nature of the crimes he had committed, he was charged as guilty of all crimes named. Before the presence of GOD, as well as all present, within the Holy Court, his punishment was to be defrocked, stripped of all his titles and rights to exercise sacraments as a Priest of the Holy Mother Church. No longer Father Renzfeld, but Erik Euler. With this determined, he was tried for his crimes as a Man against Humanity and the Holy Mother Church, and declared to be in contempt of humanity for his support of the anathematised Duke and the Azdrazi as well as the Darkspawn that the Duke has shown his support for by making alliances with and harbouring them. For these crimes, he is to be banished from all Canonist lands from this day forth. All shall be weighed against the scales of judgement. DURA LEX SED LEX THE LAW IS HARSH, BUT IT IS THE LAW
  11. INQUISITORIAL LETTER IMPIETAS INCREPATIONES TO REBUKE UNGODLY PLEAS OF THE AUDITOR OF THE TRIBUNAL ARMAND CARDINAL ALLOBROGUM Addressed to the Father Renzfeld. It has come to the attention of the Dicastery for Canon Law, and subsequently to the Tribunal of our Holy Mother Church, that you have chosen to, through your pleas against this war toward His Holiness, and thus the Holy Mother Church and GOD himself, to show unwavering support towards the anathematised duke and his accomplices, despite their crimes against humanity. It is stated within the tomes, as such: §9. A person who violates a proclamation of anathematization has committed a crime. §2. The form of anathematization is a prohibition on Canonists from associating with, professing, or supporting the subject of anathema. §4. Canonists residing in lands under the rule of one who has been pronounced anathema should make all efforts to overthrow them, or failing that, to flee their rule. The Tribunal, by word of the Auditor, Cardinal Armand Allobrogum, calls you to trial, within the Holy Court lying beneath the Basilica of Balian, through the holy words of the Subpoena Duces Tecum. You will be tried lawfully beneath the eyes of GOD, as any other. All shall be weighed against the scales of judgement. DURA LEX SED LEX THE LAW IS HARSH, BUT IT IS THE LAW
  12. WE WUZ KANGS N SHIT in all seriousness, where's CT
  13. One Auditor of the Tribunal, Armand Cardinal Allobrogum, read the Pontifical Letter after his recent mass in Vienne, whilst imbibing of a cigar. "The law is harsh, but it is the law. Dura Lex, Sed Lex. GOD Bless."
  14. me when Sons of The Forest on lotc [this is sick huge W]
  15. Vargs don't exist.

    1. Unwillingly


      Varg rlly don't exist

  16. in the interest of possibly trying to prevent minmax but also allow someone to carry stuff like pvp gear, minas, and other bits and bobs, perhaps it'd be better to go more into depth about what metals can and cannot be carried, or what quantity of it can be carried based on mass take gold - a slayersteel blade being carried by a kani user is a bit iffy, but a gold trinket like a necklace or so and such, something that doesn't weigh very much and is used solely for vanity, would be fine i think it'd be a good idea to go more into depth to perhaps disallow 'roleplay metals' - boomsteel, thanhium, lunarite, etc, explaining that despite how much mass of any of them you could be carrying, their nature alters the level of disturbance of resonance in comparison with other metals
  17. honestly I'd argue it's completely useless and pointless to have food decay people want to RP on this server without worry of necessarily having to encounter "mechanics" that unnecessarily hinder them. For food decay to become a thing again you'd need to make the old ways of prolonging food from expiring possible again, which basically means you're asking for Nexus. "but muh realism!", some might say what's really realistic about this whole thing is that about 99.99% of people who RP on LOTC pay no mind to the food that they are eating anyway and I think most people would be happier if the hunger mechanic were to be removed entirely from LOTC. saves about 10 slots of inventory space. think about it. do you actually roleplay eating when you eat? never seen anyone do it in all my years on the server, so I'll operate on the assumption that people don't, and the concept of food as a whole in terms of being a physical thing that exists within Minecraft is taken as a separate mechanic from the action and roleplay of eating itself.
  18. I actually really liked that system where you could complete missions for NPCs that required travelling certain distances to deliver things like potions. You used to be able to buy potions from an NPC at spawn and deliver them to another NPC at Elvenesse, who would buy them for slightly more, thereby allowing for people to get big llama caravans going on. You could do that, but on a more progressive scale where you’d be able to use the money you got from that to enter a market system that requires a lot of money to start off with, but with larger profit margins for your efforts. But, also a cool down system that basically prevents you from being able to make too much too quickly, and perhaps occasional changes to profit margins over time with each of the different NPC missions/trades, which can change how much money people can make and encourage player-player purchasing, perhaps.
  19. TRIAL OF THE HERESIES OF VALENTINA AVORAN JUDGEMENT OF THE TRIBUNAL DIES IUDICII: TRIAL OF HERESY BY FIRE AS PUBLISHED BY THE AUDITOR OF THE TRIBUNAL IN THE NAME OF HIS HOLINESS Let it be known to all that the word of Canon Law is absolute, and all things are judged before the eyes of God, in the presence of The Almighty. Truly, there is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the denizens of iniquity may hide themselves. Upon this day, Godfrey’s Triumph, 1 - 1912, the heretic Valentina Avoran was tried and judged for her crimes against the Holy Mother Church and Humanity itself. It is as inscribed within the tomes: §1. An unrepentant apostate, schismatic, or heretic incurs excommunication automatically. §2. A person who engages in concubinage, adultery, or fornication has committed a crime. §4. A person who is gravely irreverent of a corpse, sacred place, sacred object, an individual suitable for veneration, or a relic, has committed the crime of sacrilege. §1. A person who utters or publishes blasphemy, or incites contempt of or sedition against the Church, has committed a crime. §9. A person who lies in the course of an ecclesiastical trial has committed a crime. §12. A person who conspires or attempts to commit a breach of canon law has committed a crime. §13. A person who encourages or commands the breach of canon law has committed a crime. By decree of the Auditor of the Tribunal, His Eminence, Cardinal Armand Allobrogum, Valentina was called to trial regarding her multiple crimes breaching Canon Law through the holy callings of the Subpoena Duces Tecum, and was tried in the presence of the Auditor, as well as the Pontifical Secreteriat, Ottomar van Alstreim, and His Eminence, Cardinal Teodosio Tyria, both Iudex Sanctae Legis, acting as Inquisitorial Judges for the duration of the investigation and trial period. With all evidence put forth, Valentina pleaded guilty to all crimes she had been charged with, and due to the heretical and sanctity-corrupting nature of all of her crimes, was condemned to be burned by the Holy Flame, before the presence of GOD, to death, purging her of all sin. All shall be weighed against the scales of judgement. DURA LEX SED LEX THE LAW IS HARSH, BUT IT IS THE LAW
  20. Love a good burning at the stake.

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