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Status Updates posted by Tigergiri

  1. PART 7 is up bois

  2. do people listen to the truth that ive been telling for months now that im not on staff? People listen to what they listen to...  

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEsvIK526tg }


    I’m taking my time in the back of room
    Don’t assume I’m as cold as I seem
    Widen the eyes, show the teeth, Holding hands
    like it’s planned, how do they know what they mean

    I go up to a friend grab his arm what’s the code
    i should know? do you struggle like me
    he says finish your drink, then we’ll bounce, get it down
    Hit the town I still don’t know what he means

    Am I
    Missing something vital here?
    Cause I
    Woke up feeling kind of weird

    Guess I’ll just pretend - play along
    Till they figure it out - I don’t quite belong
    Mmmm, mmmm
    Fake it till you make it but I’m getting it wrong 
    think I’ve figured it out I don’t quite belong
    Mmmm, mmm

    Suddenly face to a face, man to man
    understand? I say yes but I don’t
    It’s working a charm, here take this, you’ll be wired
    But I’m tired, I’d rather smoke it alone

    In goes the drink and the fire and out
    Comes the doubt and the stutter and shame
    I chew over a word, but it’s wrong, No I’m fine,
    What’s the time, I think I’m done with this game

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. yandeer
    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      actual schizo post

    4. J33xt101


      Don’t worry, just my daughter thinking about Mynebor.... ^^^^^ 

  3. Snow elves at leats had a central home.. god to think what would happen to Dark elves who have been split since what valor?

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      you’ve missed the entire reason why they were removed

  4. let rukio post her lyrics :n: its the only thing i come back for


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. D4NNA


      rukio is a spiritual lyricial individual aint no political

    3. DylanDeNewb


      tiger who hurt you

    4. Tigergiri
  5. i looked at this website for the first time in a weeks.. and im left with middle school copypasta.. jesus christ

  6. Now, this is a story all about how
    My life got flipped-turned upside down
    And I'd like to take a minute
    Just sit right there
    I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

    1. Honourary


      Just sit right there

    2. Erilobar


      In West Philadelphia born and raised
      On the playground is where I spent most of my days
      Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
      And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school

  7. lets start a status chain to confuse the mods


  8. i do skin auc


  9. I am doing tarot card readings to feed my coffe fund. (5 bucks) fight me mods

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigergiri


      @FMs_do_it_for_free sureo!  add me on discord Tigergiri#0744


    3. Malaise


      can you read your cards and figure out why i would pay $5 for a tarot reading

    4. saint swag
  10. The 8.0 transfer feels like the one mean girls song “where do you belong!”

  11. does anyone need a child played?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rukio


      I’m calling dibs for down the road in the future .. . 

    3. Tigergiri


      Yes just cash in your child @rukio

    4. rukio
  12.  you ever fall into that hole where you can listen to a single song for hours? 

  13. Animatic in process 

  14. The color puple. 


  15. wash your hands and your key board down

  16. Hey, guys, I recognize you have heard this one once, But I'm telling you to wash your hands. Then wipe down your keyboard, even if you wash your hands it means nothing if you reuse your dirty keyboard. Please be safe out there! If anyone is scared or require someone to talk to I know @VonAulussent out a message in LOTC discord but, My Dms remain open I completely understand any panic (my Father and my little sister are in lockdown in Italy, My brother is stuck in Florida by himself and can't go home because of travel bans and doesn't have an American drivers license.  Im stuck at my apartment and my mother has decided she wants to do a visit to every state.)  I Understand any panics and I am here for you. ❤️ Sincerely Tiger 

  17. anyone want to join a random family?

  18. Songbirds songbirds songbirds 

  19. Hi

    1. rukio


      Greetings Tigeriri 

    2. Tigergiri


      woooooooow i feel so special ❤️ happy holidays 

    3. rukio


      xoxo you as well

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