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About ___South___

  • Birthday 10/03/1999

Contact Methods

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    Cutie South#9219
  • Minecraft Username

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Bullfog Phrogerous | Frederick Louis Hartcold | Dmitriev Novikov Tsecsar | Oncith Indoren
  • Character Race
    Wonk | Heartlander | High Elf | Dark Elf

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  1. “Jrent… Jrent… Roberta Leopoldine de Chalons, that sounds more badass.” Proclaimed Alexander Leopold Hartcold.
  2. IGN: ___South___ RP NAME: Hjordamer Doomforged AGE: 30 ACTIVITY REQUIREMENT: Clan CANDIDATE: Alaric Grimgold
  3. Skin Name: Amber Discord Tag: Tsecsar Boy#0001 Bid(s): 15 USD
  4. Dmitriev Novikov Tsecsar smirks upon seeing his mother being elected as a Royal Alderwoman. "Ha! I knew she'd get elected! Never a doubt in my mind."
  5. Dmitriev Novikov Tsecsar would be walking along the streets of Karosgrad, doing his usual patrol of the city when he came across the flyer. A smirk found its way upon his visage when he replied, "Ah yes. My mother shall definitely make a splendid Alderwoman." And with that, he continued his patrol, spreading the word to everyone of her running for Alderwoman.
  6. Frederick had been waiting outside Helena Road 2, patiently awaiting the arrival of his cousin before the word of his suicide reached his ears. Frederick was never known to be the emotional type... But he was particularly close to George out of all his cousins. George was more like a brother to him than a cousin... So when news did reach him, the man got down to his knees and let out silent sobs of guilt. He had no idea his cousin was going through something this tragic, and wished he could've done something about it... But it was too late for such. "I am sorry.. I will help raise your kids to be good men like their father, I swear it."
  7. Quite a nice piece of lore. I give it a +1 and hope to see it implemented!
  8. Full Name: Micaiah Rutledge Date of Birth: 1775 Place of Birth: Old Rutledge Freehold, Arcas Address [N/A if none]: St Karl's 1 Race: Farfolk (Southeron) Gender: Male Bloodline [Commoner/Noble/Former Noble/Royal]: Commoner Reason for Enlisting: I want to serve my country in the most honorable way possible. By protecting our country. [Username: ] ___South___ [Discord: ] Cutie South#9219
  9. Discord: Cutie South#9219 skin title: Nobleman Bid(s): $30
  10. Discord: Cutie South#9219 Skin Title: Nobleman Bid(s): $13
  11. RP Name: Louisa Antonia Pruvia MC Username: TheJollySouth Discord: Cutie South#0001 What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Helena/Oren Do You Wish To Come?: Yes....... What Skills Can You Bring?: My combat skills...
  12. Discord: Fridtjof Nansen the Sloth#9220 Bid: Northern Nobleman- 2200
  13. ___South___


    Camillia grew up in Carolustadt, following the Canonist religion. A very strong believer in the Canonist faith. She has been groomed to become a housewife someday. However she has always had thoughts of becoming something more. But only time will tell of what she truly wants to be.
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