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Everything posted by Kitomine

  1. A BEEautiful SLEEPOVER [!] A drawing made by Charlotte Valentina herself! Issued by BEElian 10th of Peter’s Glory 54 B.A. BEELIAN Me and my twin brother are starting a new kingdom of BEElian and we want YOU to come and join us! We will have different positions and LOTS of fun things to do so you definitely DON’T want to miss out. THE SLEEPOVER Today we invite YOU, yes YOU, reading this paper and happen to be a kid, to come and join the BEST RUTHERN TWINS on a night of laughter and chaos. JOIN BEELIAN TODAY!!!! Signed, Her Highness, Charlotte Valentina vas Ruthern, Dictator of BEElian His Highness, Demetrius Laonicus var Ruthern, Dictator of BEElian
  2. "Why Hyspia.. why..?" The Vicereine whined as she began to create a plan to ensure her children's safety.
  3. Amity sat at her vanity, husband at her side as she applied makeup to his features! Truly the best test subject.
  4. Cosméticos de Hyspia Cosmetics of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia Hyspian Cultural Codex I: Volume III [!] Missives can be seen hung up around the Haense and Hyspia streets. [!] A painting of a lady's vanity filled with many different kinds of perfumes and cosmetic products. The Natural Appearances of Hyspia The natural appearances you’d find most commonly within Hyspia are those with a tan skin tone ranging from very dark to light tan, hair that can vary from light browns to an almost pure black, and eye colors of brown, black, and on rare occasions, green. Curly or wavy hair is seen above all else, each of these characteristics lending itself its own unique type of care in order to meet the beauty standard curated within Hyspia. Fresh, clean skin - neat and clean nails - and full and lustrous hair is all something to strive to meet to look their best. On Hyspian Makeup Hyspia is located on the Ciudad de Plata Isle and is surrounded by flower fields, beach sands, and the crashing waves of the ocean. Due to this, it has direct access to beautiful rich pigments for clothing and makeup alike. Hyspian makeup favors warmer tones to bring warmth to your complexion. Just be careful to use them sparingly so you avoid a sunburnt look, one all too easily achieved with a bit too much blush. On Rouge Rogue is used to bring color to the skin and give a softer, more youthful appearance. When choosing a cheek rogue you need to consider your skin color, those of darker tones would favor a dark red-brown or deep purple while those with lighter tones would look best with a dusty pink or berry. The rogue itself is made of beeswax, oils, and pigments. Typically, pigments are derived from flowers. The most commonly used being: El Ceibo, la Orquídea, la Rosa, Saffron, and Calafate. The petals of the flowers are ground up into a fine powder, and mixed with one another to create a unique shade for each compact. Hyspian lip rouges favor rich reds and oranges, perfectly complimenting the blush of the cheeks. Though, this is better suited on tanner skin tones, if one is pale, favor a lighter red, to avoid a washed-out look. On Varying Powders There are many powders to touch on, the specifics being face powders, brighteners, and shadows. Powders are most commonly made of wheaten flour which leads to a pale cream color. For the tanner complexions out there, pigments are added to deepen the hue of the powder. This cosmetic is used to make the face appear soft and smooth, bringing youth to the skin. Skin brighteners are used to give your skin an extra shine once the powder is applied. The powder itself takes away the healthy glow your skin naturally has, so to bring back the glow you would apply a brightener. Typically, brighteners are made of mica pigments that can be added to other bases to create a different medium of product. Whether that be powder or more of an oil. Shadows is where you get to have a bit of fun, different pigments applied to the eye to match any and every outfit you may wear. Shadows are most commonly seen in Hyspia being warm tones, most notably being a saffron red to match the rouge. Shadows are made by combining pigments together to create each unique shade, the de Pelear family commonly representing the Viceroyal House with a blue pop of color on the lid. The more common populace would typically wear warm oranges and browns alongside Hyspia’s iconic red saffron. Once the shadows are applied, most ladies will apply Kohl to bring life to their eyes. A darker shade for the tan complexions and a light shade for the paler ones. Kohl is claimed to keep the eyes cool and clean, improve vision and strengthen the eyes. Ladies will line their waterlines with the mineral, the warm hue standing out against their skin as you typically go darker with such. It is common to have a bit of fun with Kohl, adding designs as you please. Nail Polish Nail polish has been around since the dawn of time, typically used by men to give their nails a red stain. But for this era of Hyspia, women are commonly painting their nails in many different colors. The de Pelear girls commonly wearing the signature de Pelear blue the house consistently flaunts. The nail polish typically used within Hyspia is made out of beeswax, gelatin, and egg white dyed with orchids, roses, and saffron. A common color among simpler women is a warm brown or red, while the higher-status women have a bit of fun with their colors. The maids within the palace paint intricate designs upon the surface as the girls chat and catch up. To make the nails shiny, apply a paste containing baking soda, lemon juice, and oil. This will give your nails depth and make the design of the nail itself pop against the skin. If you want to go for a matte look, leave the polish as is. Skincare Taking care of your skin is a daily routine, one that cannot simply be taken up and dumped at a moment's notice. For the upkeep of your skin, it is something one must dedicate themselves to in order to achieve their object of desire: A fresh, clean face. Due to this, within Hyspia it is common for spa days to be a regular occurrence. Massages, pedicures, manicures, and facials occur within the Palace for the royals, their close friends, and esteemed guests. The spa days were originally started by Princess Sofia de Pelear, becoming a normal occurrence within the Ciudad de Plata palace. Having become something occurring nearly every day, and having all but replaced teatime in favor of catching up on drama or the exchanging of information about any brief time spent apart as their nails are filed and hair is curled. For many Hyspians, they have an oily or combination-type skin. Should you have a combination skin type, that being oily in some places and dry in others, you may find it’s best to skip moisturizer and only apply it in place of where you need it. As to further skincare and most of all, prevention, apply aloe vera before heading out for the day, use a parasol, or frequently make use of shade. Wearing this will aid from hyperpigmentation becoming a problem, alongside that of freckles, splotches, scars, or acne from getting worse. [!] The depiction of a powdered terracotta mask! Facial Masks and Moisturizing When choosing a facial mask, the key ingredients you’d want to see used are that of clay and aloe vera. An aloe vera mask is preferred to be chilled, applied before bed, and left on overnight while a clay mask if left on overnight has drying effects that will be detrimental to the skin lest it is severely oily. Some benefits of an aloe vera mask are to aid in moisturizing the skin, lightening blemishes, and going as far as to reduce infection and acne both. Meanwhile, clay masks are for brightening one's skin, clearing it up, and managing oily skin that may just be a problem. These, naturally, can be used together for a better experience. Facial masks are recommended to be used one to three times a week, on a longer scale for those of a more oily skin type. [!] A Camel's milk bath is rich, moisturizing, and improves the elasticity of the skin. The Hyspian Royals are never known to go a day without one. Soaps and Exfoliators Picking a soap with moisturizing and exfoliating properties alike is important for this particular skin type. Exfoliation is important for unclogging pores and preventing acne from becoming a problem, while moisturizing properties is important for regulating the oils of your skin. When using soaps, it’s important not to wash your face with scented soap, especially if it is a bar of soap. Due to its scent and dyes, it can leave skin red, irritated, and blotchy. Non-scented soaps are paramount in this, allowing for an irritation-free cleanse. To close this out, the most important thing to keep in mind overall is that everyone has a routine or regiment that works for them. It can take time to find your perfect fit, but stick with what you do know for fact and keep experiments minuscule so you may figure out what the troublemaker is when choosing to change a skincare or makeup regimen. Signed, Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  5. The author of the letter snickers as they read the missive before bursting into full blown laughter!
  6. The Vicereine heard the news, her eyes widening before going cold. She didn't utter a word, not to her husband, not to herself. While she seemed cold and collected on the surface, an inner turmoil was spiraling in her thoughts. Her mind going a mile a minute. She needed to sort through this. Away from everything, from everyone. She knew what she was going to do. She knew what she had to do.
  7. The Vicereine of Hyspia looks forward to the event! Preparing one of her finest dresses and crowns for the occasion.
  8. The little Charlotte bullies her little siblings immediately! Though she’d never forget her elder brother, picking on him alongside the new twins.
  9. Legacy of the Crocodile The Treacherous Seas Awaken 119 S.A. [!] A painting of the Hyspian Coast. ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ [!] Missives could be found among the streets all over Almaris. We thank those that helped us defeat our last attacker, though alas it appears Hyspia has another threat. Fishermen have been going missing, the wood of shipwrecks washing up on our shores. We call you all once again to hear our plea for help. Join us. Join the Legacy of the Crocodile to discover what has plagued these fishermen and eradicate it at once. VIVA HYSPIA! [!] Another missive is attached ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ The Legacy of the Crocodile is a warrior guild founded by His Highness, Francisco and Her Highness, Amity. It was started to help fend off the evil forces of Almaris and protect the lands of Hyspia from harm. With this guild, we vow to defeat anything that threatens our lands be that Spooks or Beasts out of control. Our forces will travel wherever we are needed, just bird His or Her Highness with any and all details regarding the mission. Below contains the information regarding the guild and how to join, if you have any questions bird either of the Highnesses. The Hierarchy of the Guild is as follows: Leaders: The owners of the guild Masters: Highly respected members of the guild, the highest achievable role Members: Your basic member, anyone who has passed recruitment New Recruits: Those who have yet to pass into proper membership Below you will find any and all information regarding how to join and where we are located, we hope to see you there. Join us and help protect our homes, including yours. ✧━───༺༻──━━✧ Signed by, His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear
  10. In reality, the woman felt nothing about the news. She hushed her son in a gentle tone, the forced emotion evident. “Everything is fine Mijo, stay here while mae and vyr Papej handle some things.” With that she followed her husband out, muttering hushed things to him.
  11. Amity reads the missive, a simple “Hm.” In response. The woman was cold, her reaction voidal of emotion. She moved to support her husband, a voice of reason in his rage as she tried to calm him. “A clear mind makes the best decisions, it will be most satisfying if you are calm. Rage clouds the memory of vengeance.”
  12. Legacy of the Crocodile The Siege of Big Bird Year 118 S.A. [!] Missives could be found among the streets all over Almaris. ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ [!] A painting of the LOTC Guild Hall with the prize of their hunt. ✧━━──༺༻──━━✧ 18th of The Deep Cold Year 118 S.A. Recently, the livestock of Hyspia have been going missing. The Viceroy and Vicereine had reason to believe this is a predator due to the blood splatters found near the enclosures, along with black feathers. A Saints Week ago they posted a missive requesting help for the hunt to eradicate this predator so Hyspia doesn’t starve. On this day, their hunt began. The group, consisting of Her Highnesses Francisco and Amity alongside their companions, Slith and Deyn, all grouped up outside the guild hall and discussed where to check first considering their clues. The group decision was to check higher altitudes for anything flying. So they set off towards the highlands of Old Haelun’or. The sky above recedes behind dark clouds as you reach the foot of Storm's Peak. A constant rain patters against its charred, stone walls. . . The group searched around Storms Peak, sticking close to one another in case the predator was to attack. They searched the Haense Vassal for a while before a SCREECH echoed throughout their ears, covering them in an instant as they all flinched. Francisco suggested finding a vantage point and lead everyone inside a nearby tower. They all climbed up the ladders from within, reaching the top soon after. Amity gazed around at the landscapes to try and see anything while Slith took out heat vision goggles. “Does anyone see anything?” The Vicereine asked, to which they all responded with a no. Alas, another SCREECH echoed within their ears, the predator being very close now. “Let’s look around, but be on vyr guard. Don’t attack alone.” Amity uttered as they all descended onto the roof of the Keep, looking around for anything outside the walls. Before them lay a large nest, a black feathered figure asleep within. “I thought we were hunting for something that had AT LEAST more than 2 heads and 6 wings,” Deyn uttered as she gazed at it; Francisco pulled out his bow, loading it with an arrow as he aimed at the figure. “..Apparently so. A very big one at that..” Amity uttered, gazing at the nest. “I can see where our livestock has been disappearing to..” The woman kept her axe ready in front of her. “…Y'know… that looks ah lot like a nest…” Slith muttered somewhat quietly, looking towards the others. “What if it hassah parent?” “What if this one is the parent?” Deyn questioned in response. Though with the group's chatter, the figure awoke. The beast grew from looking rather small to becoming a towering 12 feet tall, gazing at the group with its beady eyes. A Crowdrake. It flapped its wings, sending a gust of air the group's way. Francisco and Deyn were knocked off the ledge from the gust, Francisco suffering from a sprained ankle and Deyn breaking her leg. Amity rushed to her husband's aid, scaling the stone walls until her feet hit the ground. As she did so, the bird approached Deyn. It aimed a talon at her arm, the woman poking her spear at the bird's chest to keep it at bay. “I REQUIRE ASSISTANCE!” She shouted. Slith came to the rescue, taking out a Tanglefoot potion and JUMPING onto the bird's back! The potion came into effect as its wings were bound to its body. “ASSISTANCE IS ARRIVING-“ Amity made her way towards the others, axe at the ready while the Viceroy powered up his gauntlet. The bird started lashing its head around, trying to bite anyone within the area. Deyn attempted to impale the bird with her spear and the Vicereine attempted to slash at the base of its neck. Slith took out his pronged trident, scraping it against the neck to try and inflict Azhl Anemia onto the creature. Francisco took out a falcata, nearing the group as his gauntlet continued to power up. The bird’s neck was too clotted up from the tanglefoot to decapitate the thing so it reared back on Amity in retaliation. The Crowdrake let out a blood curdling SCREECH as Deyn’s spear struck the bird. Ichor spew from its abdomen, the SCREECH stunning Amity, Deyn, and Slith. Slith’s Trident pierced the skin, dealing poison into the beast before the bird continued with it’s attack on the Vicereine, digging a deep gash into her elbow with its beak. She hissed out jumbled Hyspian, mostly consisting of curse words. As she used the axe to try and block the birds attacks using her good arm, Slith groaned, taking out another blade to scrape himself free of the tanglefoot that affixed him so closely to the Crowdrake. Deyn was stunned but her blade remained stabbed into the flesh, the ichor continuing to leak as its life force was drained from the attacks. In a moment of a last stitch effort, the bird reeling its sharpened talons into Amity’s already wounded arm. The flesh tore and armor dented, her arm hanging on by muscles and tendons. Deyn pulled her spear back, aiming to pin the bird down or rake a cut along the side of the creature. Amity allowed her axe to slip so that her hand was at the head of said axe. She aimed the axe to cut off the birds leg to free herself from its grasp, letting out more of those hissed curse words and jiberish hyspian. Slith became momentarily dazed by the efforts and the sudden thrashing. During this, they sought to stabilize themselves by essentially hugging the creature's back, flipping over the heavy trident with both hands to plunge all three blightsteel prongs into it's back. Francisco aims to slice the Calvary blade into the birds flesh, grinning as his gauntlet’s flame turned blue, the final stage of powering up. “STAP. SHAKIN- AHH-.” Slith cried out. “I AM WORKING ON IT!” Deyn yelled in response. “NOTCHU-” They retorted in that same cry. As Amity cut the bird's leg, the thing fell to the ground and gave the woman some relief. Her axe clattered to the ground as she too fell, clutching at the abhorrent wound on her arm that was just barely hanging on.Viscera and gore spews due to Francisco and Deyn's efforts, and as the blightsteel prongs finally perforate the mass of tanglewood that had protected its flesh, it keels over, now limp . . After making sure that the beast wasn't getting back up ever again, the adrenaline would finally wither away, leaving Deyn to suffer through the pain of her fall and along with any other injuries she suffered, ripping her spear free from the corpse and using it as a walking stick. Slith remained clinging onto the creature, gripping the trident in its flesh tightly as he remained somewhat embedded in tanglefoot still- opening a single eye beneath that bronze mask of his to look around. A jet of a very dark blue flame would be thrusted forward at extreme speed, aimed directly for the nest. The flame was hot enough to melt metal. Francisco had his gauntlet pointed in such a direction, and the rest of his body behind it as his sword stayed to his side, not making any assault on the creature with the blade. And succinctly, the nest was set ablaze. It would be wise for those surrounding the crowdrake to step away, as the fire spread swiftly. Juxtaposing that rapidly-moving fire was the stilled crowdrake, dead and lifeless. . . . “A hot hot fire!” The Viceroy speaks before rushing over to his wife, sheathing his blade, and going to check over any injuries she may have “The hell did it do to tu?” “FACKING VOIDAL MAGIC USAHS-” Slith yelled spitefully/with fear, scraping his way off of the crowdrake as fast as possible till he shuffled away from the blazing nest. “Oh….I guess….We are…not taking any of creatures….Wwwwoondrous….Trinkets” Deyn spoke in-between deep breaths, as she slowly dragged herself aaway from the fire hazzard with the help of her spear. The Vicereines arm was dripping with blood, her elbow barely hanging on. She kicked her medic bag towards her husband as she tried to keep her breathing steady. Francisco would take some tippens root and cover the woman's arm in it to stop the bleeding of the woman's arm. “…Hokay who…” Slith looked over at Deyn, crouching down to look at her wounds. “Ough.” “Me leggies be not doing solidly….” Deyn uttered in a tired voice…The endless pouring of the rain not making it all that better. Her right leg was broken and she had minor punctures all across the sides of her neck. Amity unleashed more hyspian jiberish, mostly containing curse words as the elbow was slathered in tippens. Her muscle and tendons were exposed though the blood quickly seemed to clot. Tears budded in the corners of her eyes as her free hand turned into a fist. “Now clean the clotted blood off-” She hissed a deep breath in. “And apply the blissfoil but only a fingertips worth- remove after-” She hissed once more as she forced the instructions from her mouth. “60 Seconds.” “Vale, vale” her husband would speak, using the cloth of his cape to wipe away the clotted blood, before applying the fingertip's worth of blissfoil, waiting a minute before removing it “Todo estará bien, todo estará bien” would be repeated by the man trying to reassure the woman. As the numbing agent sunk in, the woman breathed out a sigh of relief. “Now clean it with the antiseptic and wrap in bandages.” Francisco proceeded to use the antiseptic to clean the wound before wiping it away and going to wrap the arm in bandages. A temporary solution so she didn’t lose her forearm before a medic could properly tend to it. Dragging herself a little bit further, something that was made greater with the help of her spear, Deyn would sit under a small cover, away from the rain and where she could finally calm down, relax and wait out. Slith took out his medical kit, disinfecting the woman's neck punctures. They then quickly smeared tippens into those punctures, then looked down at their leg to make a makeshift cast for it. Afterwards they glanced towards Amity and her simp. “…Chu two good?” “Worry yourself not, I am doing quite nicely…For now….” Deyn spoke rather annoyed, but mostly soaking in the relief of having slain the creature. “Si, my ankle is a little busted, but nothing that won't heal” he responds before going to lift Amity up “She… took extensive wounds to her arm.” “…Do ye need a hand- I mean, er…” Slith paused momentarily. “…Y'need help?” Whilst that torrential downpour continues, so too does the blazing fire - though gradually, it does fizz out and dissipate . . The travel back to Hyspia - or perhaps Haense, would still be arduous in this weather. “Fine now” Amity muttered. “How are vy two?” She rose to her feet, arm held protectively against her torso. The woman moved to the crowdrake as she picked up her axe, bringing it weakly above her head and down onto its neck. It didn't do much as she spat on the bird, hissing “Puta!” She looked back over to her husband, just pointing to its head, axe falling to the ground. Francisco rolls his eyes at his wife before picking up the axe “Tu want me to do it, or do tu want the pleasure” he speaks holding out the axe to her as he stands by the creature. “I can't otherwise I would.” The very irritated woman spat out the words before taking in another deep breath, calming herself. “I can't wield my axe with only one arm, can vy please do it for mae mi amor.” Her husband nods, pulling the axe into both hands as he makes a little spin and goes to chop the Crowdrake's head off with one simple axe swing from above. Once beheaded, he’d pick up the head, handing it to his wife. As she took the head, the corners of her mouth perked into a smile, though only slightly before it fell once more. “Si and getting its damn head is the best reward I could have gotten right now.” “That bird cost us an arm and a leg…!” Deyn jested, sighing “Alas, I believe we should return to the wondrous civility, lest we be overcome by not a horrific feathered beast, but by merely the elements that have already been conquered” she said as she rose to her feet once more, using her spear as a crutch. “Vale… shall we head back now?” Francisco questions, pulling a very bloodied talon out of its foot, as his own prize “At least now we can eat in peace.” “Si. I want to go home.” The injured Vicereine muttered, calling her horse and hoppin on. . . The sky above shifts from the dark clouds and constant rain to the usual sunny skies of Hyspia. The group departs from the dark gloom of Storm’s Peak, returning to the warmth of their home. . . . . . Hyspia’s livestock is now safe, no longer being slaughtered by the vicious Crowdrake. Its head now lay rested on a podium within the Guild Hall, a trophy of their battle. Viva Hyspia! [!] A copy of another missive was attached! ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ The Legacy of the Crocodile is a warrior guild founded by His Highness, Francisco and Her Highness, Amity. It was started to help fend off the evil forces of Almaris and protect the lands of Hyspia from harm. With this guild, we vow to defeat anything that threatens our lands be that Spooks or Beasts out of control. Our forces will travel wherever we are needed, just bird His or Her Highness with any and all details regarding the mission. Below contains the information regarding the guild and how to join, if you have any questions bird either of the Highnesses. The Hierarchy of the Guild is as follows: Leaders: The owners of the guild Masters: Highly respected members of the guild, the highest achievable role Members: Your basic member, anyone who has passed recruitment New Recruits: Those who have yet to pass into proper membership Below you will find any and all information regarding how to join and where we are located, we hope to see you there. Join us and help protect our homes, including yours. ✧━━──༺༻──━━✧ Signed by, His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear
  13. Amity yelled for her husband as she held the missive in her hand, the woman ecstatic. "He actually got the girl! I didn't think he would but about damn time he got married!" She jested.
  14. Wards of Hyspia [!] Missives can be seen hung up around the Haense and Hyspia streets. ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ With her own children growing up, Vicereine Amity Ionna will now be accepting her own wards. Her Highness being the very first Ward of Ciudad de Plata, warding under the last Vicereine Laurelie. If you are to be accepted, you will be granted the following opportunities: ★ A bedroom to yourself in the Hyspian Palace ★ You will be allowed to stay with the Viceroyal Family during your Wardship ★ On your signature you may add ‘Ward of Hyspia’ ★ You will be exposed to different cultures, broadening your own mindset ★ You will be treated as one of our own with the utmost respect and discipline ★ You will be taught on: Etiquette Planning and Hosting your own Events Dance The Arts Writing (Missives, Poetry, Songs, etc) And much much more This is open to both girls and boys, if this interests you at all please bird Her Highness ((Kitomine)) answering the following questions: Full Name: Age: Reason you wish to be a ward: Signature ((With Username)): ✧━───༺༻──━━✧ Viva Hyspia! Signed, Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear
  15. Julietta reads the missive from her Castle of Ooun, she doesn’t quite know what to make of it at the moment. Perhaps when her fellow Queen was around again she could ask her what she thinks. Oh if only her brother wasn’t still mad at her she could ask him instead..
  16. Legacy of the Crocodile A Predator On the Loose! [!] Missives could be found among the streets all over Almaris. ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ [!] A painting of the LOTC Guild Hall ✧━───༺༻──━━✧ 13th of The Deep Cold Year 117 S.A Recently, the Livestock of Hyspia have been going missing. We have reason to believe this is a predator due to the blood splatters found near the enclosures along with black feathers. Hyspia will go into famine if we do not catch and stop whoever it is that is taking our livestock. We, the Viceroy and Vicereine of Hyspia, call upon all the warriors of Almaris to help us on this task! We cannot do it without you. If you have any questions do bird His or Her Highness (Highest_Fire and Kitomine) and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Viva Hyspia! [!] A copy of another missive was attached! ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ The Legacy of the Crocodile is a warrior guild founded by His Highness, Francisco and Her Highness, Amity. It was started to help fend off the evil forces of Almaris and protect the lands of Hyspia from harm. With this guild, we vow to defeat anything that threatens our lands be that Spooks or Beasts out of control. Our forces will travel wherever we are needed, just bird His or Her Highness with any and all details regarding the mission. Below contains the information regarding the guild and how to join, if you have any questions bird either of the Highnesses. The Hierarchy of the Guild is as follows: Leaders: The owners of the guild Masters: Highly respected members of the guild, the highest achievable role Members: Your basic member, anyone who has passed recruitment New Recruits: Those who have yet to pass into proper membership Below you will find any and all information regarding how to join and where we are located, we hope to see you there. Join us and help protect our homes, including yours. ✧━───༺༻──━━✧ Signed by, His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear
  17. Amity wonders why she is so pissed one morning.. perhaps one of her children forgot she existed..
  18. Amity held a wine glass in hand, the woman well on her way to becoming an alcoholic Vicereine. She read the missive over, anxiety pooling in her upper midsection as she downed the glass in one go.
  19. "Right behind vy!" The woman grinned back, picking up the axe her husband had gifted her all those years ago. She was excited to finally get some use out of it.
  20. Legacy of the Crocodile [!] Missives could be found among the streets all over Almaris. ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ The Legacy of the Crocodile is a warrior guild founded by His Highness, Francisco and Her Highness, Amity. It was started to help fend off the evil forces of Almaris and protect the lands of Hyspia from harm. With this guild, we vow to defeat anything that threatens our lands be that Spooks or Beasts out of control. Our forces will travel wherever we are needed, just bird His or Her Highness with any and all details regarding the mission. Below contains the information regarding the guild and how to join, if you have any questions bird either of the Highnesses. The Hierarchy of the Guild is as follows: Leaders: The owners of the guild Masters: Highly respected members of the guild, the highest achievable role Members: Your basic member, anyone who has passed recruitment New Recruits: Those who have yet to pass into proper membership Below you will find any and all information regarding how to join and where we are located, we hope to see you there. Join us and help protect our homes, including yours. ✧━───༺༻──━━✧ Signed by, His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear
  21. Vicereine Amity does her best to comfort her husband and children over the loss of their father and grandfather, truth be told she felt nothing on the matter. The woman long having been numb to the deaths of her family. She had prepared for this grief. What her main focus was now, was to comfort her husband above all else. She knew how hard this would hurt him and she refuses to leave his side. The first words she says to him after the death would simply be "I am with you every step of the way mi amor, it will be vale. I promise."
  22. A NEW PALATINE EMERGES KRUSAE ZWY KOONGZEM Issued by the KINGDOM OF HOONSETI-ROOSKA On the 8th of Vzmey and Hyff, 464 E.S. ✧༺♚༻✧ VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, This past Saints Day the second court of Hoonseti-Rooska took place, however, led by a new Lady Palatine. Missives passed out among the children within the streets of Haense, perhaps it'd be wise to take a read. A NEW PALATINE ★ Princess Julietta takes to the stand, the new Lady Palatine and Regent of Hoonseti-Rooska A NEW KINGDOM ARISES ★ It appears a Kingdom known as Ooun has popped up within the land of Aaun.. Things might start to get interesting within the child Kingdoms. KNIGHTSHIPS OF MANY ★ Since the last Hoonse court, we have had a few new knights enter the ranks ➳ Ser Georg ‘The Epic Hunter’ ➳ Ser Stefan ‘The Quiet Killer’ ➳ Ser Michael ‘The Righteous Goose’ ★ Ser Georg and Ser Stefan were knighted because of their bravery during the Ragman attack while Ser Michael completed a quest granting him his knight title. KNIGHTSHIP QUESTS ★ For those of you wishing to become a knight, talk to Dame Via or Ser Brendell and they will give you a quest. THE UN-BANISHMENT OF GUY ★ This past Saints Week Guy has apologized and has attempted to make amends with those he has wronged, due to this Lady Palatine Julietta revokes his banishment. ➳ Guy will not be trusted or allowed back into Hoonse until he has proven his change. A NEW GRAND LADY ★ With the promotion of the once Grand Lady, the position has been made vacant. Two young Ladies have made their desires of the position vocal, a vote taking place. They each gave a speech, now it is your turn to read their speeches and cast your vote within Hoonse. ➳ Miss Liridona “Uh.. Well…” Liridona took a deep breath “First, Ea will do whatever Ea can to serve our great Koenas! Ag Ea will host lots of events where we can fight bad guys ag go on adventures ag bring honor to Hoonse!” Liri then gestured to her sister once more. “Ea will also work with our Aulic Envoy to create events for niet only children of Hoonse, but ve children of other kingdoms, like Aaun! We will make lots of friends ag it will make our keongzem grow big ag strong!” ➳ Princess Aleksandra “-But, being the Grand-est Lady is meaning that vy must be powerful.” She began, her voice booming despite her small size. “And ea may be very, like, a more young child, but ea'm very powerful and smart.” Uttering this, she does note the shaking tables, yet she refused to let anything ruin her speech. “It is a display of mea power.” She assures the group, holding out her hands. “Ea am so powerful, in fact, that the realm quakes in fear before it is that ea speak!” ★ Sadly, the young Ruthern’s speech was interrupted by an EarthQuake, though we think she got out what she needed to say regardless. Transcribed by, Her Highness, Julietta Laurelai Haverlock Lady Palatine of Hoonseti-Rooska
  23. Julietta is freaking out as she reads the missive, panic seeping into her bones as she runs to find her brother.
  24. THE RAGMAN STRIKES! KRUSAE ZWY KOONGZEM Issued by the KINGDOM OF HOONSETI-ROOSKA On the 15th of Gronna and Droba 464 E.S. ✧༺♚༻✧ This last Saints Day the children of Hoonse hosted a sleepover at the Barony of Zvaevauld. During a game of hide and seek, however, an unwelcome visitor strikes, hunting the kids down one by one until dawn. »--•--« The children were brave and fought hard, Dame Via never backing down from the fight until she eventually got caught. The first to go. Jest also fought valiantly, going up against the Ragman until, he too, was taken and joined Via wherever she was. The children continued to parole the keep, trying to either defeat the Ragman in a battle or stay safe in their hiding spots. They all grouped together on the stairs and discussed their plan, the children were stronger as a group and had to stick together. That's when the Ragman appeared right at the bottom of the stairs! His cane sticking out as both Esperanza and Dario were taken just like Via and Jest. As the children banded together to finally take him down, dawn struck. The sun’s rays making his ghostly figure slowly disappear until he was nowhere to be seen. As he disappeared, the children returned, waking up from the most awful nightmares of their lives. They all decided to regroup in the dining hall where a head count took place. Once all the kids were accounted for, Dame Via made an announcement. Two boys had proved themselves worthy of knightship during the Ragman’s attack, protecting all the kids from his wrath. »--•--« “Welcome to the Order of the Bees, Sir Stefan 'The Quiet Killer' and Sir Georg 'The Epic Hunter'!” The Knight Paramount declared. »--•--« Once all the commotion had calmed down, the little Grand Lady Julietta, made an announcement. With a handmade flower crown in hand she rose to stand above the rest. She called on Dame Via to stand before her, to which the little Grand Lady made her speech. »--•--« “You have shown great bravery tonight in fighting the ragman. You may have gotten caught but I think it is safe to say you were the bravest one here. And with that, I grant you this reward, the bravest knight of them all!” »--•--« And crowned the Knight Paramount with her very own flower crown, green vines and dark blue flowers now sitting atop the girls' head. With this reward of great bravery, it is now customary for Knights to be rewarded by the Grand Lady for their selfless and knightly deeds, the Lady crafting them a gift custom to their person. ✧༺♚༻✧ Transcribed by, Her Highness, Julietta Laurelai Haverlock Grand Lady of Hoonseti-Rooska Her Excellency, Dame Via Weiss Knight Paramount of Hoonseti-Rooska
  25. Amity, the now Vicereine of Hyspia, stares at the missive as she awaited her husband in their bedchambers. She called to him, uncertain of how he is dealing with the new change.
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