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Everything posted by Kitomine

  1. The Last of Four 18th of the Amber Cold 465 E.S. ; 114 S.A. [!] A painting of Princess Amity and her newborn baby On this glorious day, His Highness Francisco Javier of Hyspia & Her Highness Amity Ionna de Pelear would like to announce the birth of their fourth and final child; Javier II Rafael Julian Carlos Wilhelm de Pelear. The Prince shall learn diligently under their parents and carry the family name with pride and elegance. He shall have a bright future as Hyspia’s new generation and will inherit whatever His and Her Highness deem fit as the child age and blossom into his own unique person. We hope Hyspia will welcome these new additions with pride and joy and come celebrate the birth of the next generation of those who will carry on our culture. Viva la Hyspia! As declared by, His Highness, Francisco de Pelear, Crown-Prince of Hyspia Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  2. OF RAGMAN, SNAILS, AND FANS KRUSAE ZWY KOONGZEM Issued by the KINGDOM OF HOONSETI-ROOSKA On this 11th of Joma ag Umund, 463 E.S. ✧༺♚༻✧ VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, The first official court of Hoonseti-Rooska has been one of title-giving, informing, and snail-racing! As declared by the regent and Lady Palatine Alyona Godunov, the court shall now have a transcript scribed by our Grand Lady, Princess Julietta. This is to ensure that each child of the kingdom shall maintain informed on their infant news. »--•--« THE CURRENT ENEMY ★ Ragman He takes you in the night if you do not sleep ➳ The knights are crafting weapons to fight the Ragman ➳ At the Weiss sleepover, sleep in your beds ON TIME ➳ Knights will fight off the Ragman if he does come »--•--« TITLES ★ Esperanza with Vicerory of Hoospia ➳ Esper likes honey and bees ➳ Many will get hurt from Ragman ➳ Esper will be the doctor lady for when the Ragman attacks ➳ Herb juice and candy to recover ★ Ileana with Countess of Jeroovitz ★ Taliya with House Amador »--•--« SNAIL RACING WITH THE DUKE OF VIDOOS ➳ Re-vit-a-fy-ing the art of snail racing ➳ Collect your own snails for a race ➳ Win a trophy ➳ Malcolm likes snails ➳ Test race at Ruthern birthday party ➳ Snail hunt after court ➳ Franziska knows where lots of snails and bugs are »--•--« SER BRENDALL’S MESSAGE ➳ Sleepover in four saints days ➳ Knights are recruiting ➳ Knights have to be willing to fight the bad guys and pass the trial set by Dame Via »--•--« NEW AULIC POSITION ★ Taliya with Aulic Envoy »--•--« IDIOT OF FANS LANGUAGE OF FANS ➳ Esper wants to teach everyone her fans Transcribed by, Her Highness, Julietta Laurelai Haverlock Grand Lady of Hoonseti-Rooska With the approval of, Her Excellency, Alyona Rhetta Godunov Lady Palatine of Hoonseti-Rooska, Baroness of Vooskaya, The Sparrow
  3. Future Vicereine Amity looked to the missive with a deep frown. "If only we knew what was going on,, perhaps we could have done something more to help them."
  4. Julietta looks at the missive, showing it to her mother with great excitement. “Look mama! I’m making friends! Lots of friends!” The little Grand Lady squealed, planning to support her fellow kids however she can.
  5. Amity put her husband on twin duty. Now he shall understand the struggle of children.
  6. [!] A missive is passed out along all the streets announcing the birth of the Viceroyal Twins A Twin Blessing 15th of Snow’s Maiden, 113 S.A. [!] A painting of Princess Amity and her new twin babies. It is with great joy that His Highness Francisco Javier of Hyspia & Her Highness Amity Ionna de Pelear would like to announce the birth of their second and third born children. The twins shall be known as Prince Cesar II Franciscito Javier Duncan Leopold de Pelear, the pair's first son, and Princess Frisketa Medina Francesca Maeve de Pelear as the youngest. The twins shall learn diligently under their parents and carry the family name with pride and elegance. They shall have a bright future as Hyspia’s new generation of twins, a now tradition of the mainline. Each twin will inherit whatever His and Her Highness deem fit as the children age and blossom into their own unique person. We hope Hyspia will welcome these new additions with pride and joy and come celebrate the birth of the next generation of those who will carry on our culture. Viva La Hyspia! May DIOS guide you! As declared by, His Highness, Francisco de Pelear, Crown-Prince of Hyspia, Prince-Regent of Hyspia Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Princess-Consort of Hyspia
  7. The future Vicereine rests next to her twins as she read the missive. The woman's expression shifting to that of amused surprise, very appreciative of her own happy healthy marriage.
  8. Julietta looks at her older brother as if he's crazy.
  9. Amity sighed as she looked in the mirror, her hands gliding over her stomach as she pursed her lips. “I hope they are at least detained before they can hurt another..” she mutters before going to look for her daughter.
  10. Amity looks to the missive with a frown, the woman having no words after she read it. She shook her head with a sigh before she went along with her day.
  11. Amity squinted her eyes at the missive as her family was mentioned, turning to her husband. "This really has nothing to do with us being in relation with Norland, I've never even been to Norland. This is about unneeded violence that is a waste of our men." She'd comment disdainfully. "Idiotas the lot of them.." [OOC] Our men as in citizens of Haense.. Last I checked Rutherns were citizens so pff
  12. Amity does her best to calm her husband down, baby in her arms. “Mi querido sol he is allowed to tell his story.. let’s just be happy that he isn’t going to try to harm any of us any longer, si? He is gone now, let’s not let him disturb us any longer.”
  13. Amity returns to her husbands side, sitting down next to him to read the missive herself. “Hm si. I question what the hell is going through his head to think he can do such things and get away unscathed.” She nodded her head alongside her husband, now turning her focus to her baby.
  14. Amity rests after her stressful birth, her child in the crib next to her. While still mad at her husband, she loves him all the same. Just hoping he doesn't pull that same stunt again. When she wakes, she hopes for his embrace and as her body recovers she whispers "Vy are my pride and joy.. I promise to be the best mamej I can be for vy.." before she doses of.
  15. Amity reads her husbands missive with great disdain, worried for her own safety as she is a prime target of revenge. She prays for herself and for her unborn baby, hoping nothing bad will come to either of them.
  16. Amity tries her best to remain calm, very appreciative of her best friend at her side. However in the dead of night, she’d shed a few tears as guilt overcomes her.
  17. Amity frowns as she reads the missive, rubbing her belly and simply hoping for her baby to arrive here soon. “I cannot wait to meet vy..” The woman mutters to herself.
  18. Amity prepares the youngest Princess's gift, making sure it is perfect for her now hermana-in-law. Lucky for the Vicreine, a certain Princess and Crown Prince will be needing all the help they can get. The soon-to-be Abuela's hands will be very full soon enough.
  19. Amity grins as she reads the missive, quickly running off to go show her dear Fiancé the accomplishment!
  20. Amity is relieved her best friend is taking care of everything, all she needs to focus on now is enjoying her engagement and preparing herself for the wedding.
  21. Amity told him to tell his parents, guess he forgot.
  22. Amity prepares for all the dress fittings and taste testings. The woman giddy over the wedding to the Crown Prince!
  23. Lady Amity grins as she read the courtship announcement, the woman swooning after their last date.
  24. I jumped over the third letter of the alphabet today, I guess you could say I went over seas.
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