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Everything posted by Laeonathan

  1. "Ave Veletz, Ave Adria!" The young Vasyl Otto exclaims in response to the missive, readying his newly-acquired poleaxe for the battle.
  2. "A shame," Raziel murmured then. "But they all die, sooner of later. So you, was he not only 80 or 90? He was a good one, I like him. He shall be missed." He sighed before leaving once more. Other things required his attention. A small memorial would be erected in his honor.
  3. Hmpf. Admittingly I'm really not a fan of the idea of battle-pets in general, since we've got magics centered around that already. Both Druidism and Life Evocation go (somewhat) in that niche. A creature this size would be considered "large" by life evocation lore standards, meaning for combat, you would need five (!) emotes to summon it (T5 Life Evocationist casting Terrestial Conjuration). Even for a druid, who are quite literally centered around animals/nature would need two emotes to convince a creature that size to fight for them (T5 Druid casting Beastspeak). However, both the druid and the conjurationist need to keep focus on said animal. If you look at the creatures immense size - this is way to overpowered, especially since you'd not need to focus on the animal... The druidic communion lore says: ...so apparently such a guideline does exist? (I can't find it though) Looking at this statement within the druidism which cites some guideline by the ST I admittingly cannot find would really make the lore obsolete - since you can just downsize it into a reasonable size and then go on.
  4. "Looks like I won't get to stone the beast, for what he had done to the Princess. A shame." Noted Eredain the Wanderer.
  5. Didnt ST add a similiar thing already with the Nefeli boar? idk i think nobody noticed it though... maybe you could expand/add on them?
  6. "...weren't the Yisars invented by Lisse a few decades ago?" Pondered Lord Raziel upon the writings of the Fartebinder. "I don't think that works. Maybe Lisse imported the ritual...?" Thus he turned to the second yisar ever made amongst tge descendants, "I suspect this mathematical inconsistency is some sort of sorcerous mystery."
  7. "Does this guy ever learn...? At least he is no longer stealing High Elven culture." Barked out Raziel Amethil, curiously awaiting for a response from the Maehr Order. Would they even care? Or just laugh? Only time would tell.
  8. They're actively reusing it on their build server individually. In that case, it's Voxy's builds. In any case it is a matter of respect to at least ask - Carol did so too. And nobody cared after she did!
  9. Who gave you permission to re-use @Voxy's, Leanna's and my builds? The build is to be cleared from the map, according to admins.
  10. "By the Stars- what have I missed, lliran?" Raziel exclaimed looking out of his window as everything was slowly filled with Penguins, "This is... odd."
  11. [!] This small book can be found anywhere within Celia’nor and likely around the world. ♫♬ History of Celia’nor A Chronology Published 159 S.A. / 1955 I.A. by: Lauririi Raziel Amethil “Have you ever looked up into the stars, and wondered where we came from, oem’ii? Many who live now have not seen Ivarielle herself - yet for us, she once was a normal face, like yours and mine. Let me tell you, about how it once was…” - Thelia of Celia'nor ⋆⋅☆ The Lands of Almaris ☆⋅⋆ Ivarielle’s Declaration (54 S.A.) Upon this fateful year, Ivarielle Ibarellan declared her intentions to reform Haelun’or into a monarchy - with her as Princess, so it may continue to prosper. (Declaration found on page 3.) Aheralic Wars (62-68 S.A.) After many years of negotiations, not only the Ferrymen but the entirety of Elvendom, namely Elvenesse (c. Amathine), Fenn, Nor’asath (c. Nor-Veylth), Lubba’s Keep (c. Lurin), declared their support for Ivarielle’s cause. After fierce fighting, Ivarielle was installed as Princess of Haelun’or by an inside supporter. (Details on page 4.) The Great March (68 S.A.) The Republican Forces of Haelun’or did not yet give in; they cut off Ivarielle’s victorious land-forces from Silver Island, thus forcing them to depart the island with much of the population. They marched westwards into allied land, where wood-elven scouts showed them a place worthy of settlement. The First Principality (69 S.A.) Within their encampment, Ivarielle gathered her people and they voted her as their Princess and under the starlit night, the name of their new realm was decided: Celia’nor, the Starland. Malin’or-Horde War (78-82 S.A.) The Alliance of Elvendom which was created by those Celia’norian allies eventually formed Malin’or. After an invasion of their forest by the Horde, Malin’or sought to repel them, supported by the Ferrymen and the Blackvale Vrijkorps. All five major confrontations were victorious for Malin’or. (Declaration of War on page 7.) (Additional information on page 8.) (Land deal on page 9.) (Peace Treaty found on page 10 onwards.) Illarion’s Reign (84-95 S.A.) After the sudden disappearance of the founding Princess Ivarielle, Illarion Ibarellan was appointed Chancellor and then Prince. His reign saw the peaceful expansion of the realm and was seen as one of the most successful in Celia’norian history. He stepped down in favor of Valyris, wife to Ivarielle’s brother Indril Ibarellan. The Tear (122 S.A.) At the end of Vaylris’ largely eventless reign, a voidal tear of still-debated origins exploded below the Celia’norian Palace and ripped large parts of the city apart. An attempt to stabilize the rift only saw minor success. The Downfall (129 S.A.) Instead of crowning Illyria Ibarellan, the appointed heir as the next Princess, Valyris spread lies about Illyria’s supposed treason and replaced her with her own niece, Veralya Wynasul who transformed the Principality into a realm of her own style: Talar’nor. Thus, Celia’nor seemed lost. Yet its enemies forgot: No matter how long the summer’s day, the starlit night would return once more. ⋆⋅☆ The Lands of Aevos ☆⋅⋆ The Starlight Winery (143 S.A.) After 14 years without a home, Thelia and Raziel met within Lurin, discussing a new home for their people. Quickly they gathered some money and bought land from the Silver Lubba, Mika Anarion. On this piece of land they established a small winery from where they began to gather their people once more. Soon, numerous elves joined them and they began to expand the winery into a village. (Missive found on page 14.) The Protectorate (143-153 S.A.) With the village continuing growth, the elves named their new home ‘The Protectorate of Celia’lin’. For the first two years, it was led by Raziel Amethil who however soon made space for the lost true heiress of Celia’nor who had returned recently: Illyria Ibarellan. (Information about the Protectorate on page 15.) The Restoration (153 S.A.) With the rightful heiress on her throne and the people growing top large to stay in that small village in Lurin, Illyria Ibarellan let her people on another march west: This time, they settled in the midlands on a towering plateau. With the support of Húrin, the Prince of Malin’or, Celia’nor was then restored not only in spirit, but also name. (Restoration document found on page 16.) ilMaehr’sae Ilkun’ehya
  12. Raziel Amethil hangs the missive up at the Celian Place as a reminder to hire the Silver Lubba in case of conflict.
  13. The Vintner-Captain, Iheiuh, still seemed rather confused as to why people would use the name of his winery for a Viscounty in Petra. He shrugged, seemingly uncaring. "If you got no imposters, you are not good." Thus he opened a bottle of Starlight Wine and poured it into the cups of those gathered in thhe tavern.
  14. "**** you, sister." Is all Vasyl Otto Sarkozic had to say to his little sister. Damnit... why would anyone host a feast at that time?
  15. Raziel Amethil grumbled as he read the missive, the discontent written in his face. "I do ne like leaving our allies in the dust like that. We had given a word... a word we were not ready to hold. What does our word count, now?" Thus he sat down, hoping they could forgive Celia'nor. He looked outside the city then. No fortifications. No surrounding mechanism of defense. No bufferzone. They truly were never ready. It seemed to have been their only option to leave, no matter how cruel.
  16. Raziel Amethil looked at Kasula in utter confusion as she played dead and fell off the stool, he did not understand Kasula's message. He did not - or did he not want to believe it? Was this some kind of trick of the Tennallar, played on him? Slowly it dawned upon him what cruel play the woman was playing. He held her good-bye letter in hands, rushing off towards Llora's home. The magi did not wait, no. The doors exploded in a voidal combustion. But Raziel was too late - there he found Llora's corpse. There his dead friend lay, the pulse gone. Blood was everywhere. "Oh Llora," was all the elf could mutter out. A gulp. Then he pressed his lips together and took up her corpse to carry it away. Once he stepped outwards he looked upwards to the stars and the moon. "I hope you are happy there. I hope she is not tormenting you. The moon, a new home for another friend..." Thus, Raziel silently wept before preparing a pyre.
  17. "Who could have thought that the Ranaleth would run under pressure... they were so eager to abandon Idril! Calling her incompetent and idle." - "In a decade they will dwell in Nor-Velyth or Haelun'or." Then, Raziel just shrugged, going back to constructions.
  18. "Maybe I'll join you in your retirement home one day, Mika." Spoke Raziel Amethil upon reading that missive, "Maybe. Maybe one day." His gaze wandered south then where hordes of enemies amassed near his home. "One day..."
  19. "Ready the flamethrowers. Thalien, Althe- I require your help, lliran. We have wildlife to kill." Raziel yelled as one of the creatures set an innocent foot onto his lawn.
  20. 5 years ask me nothing

    1. exogens


      why? (I just did.)

  21. Georg Euler awoke from is slumber once more, confused by the battle-cries. He put on his armour and readied himself for battle - yet when he came to the field, the battle was over already. "Damn it! I slept through it... again!" He exclaimed in this time eagerly watching for the next fight.
  22. "...so, did they show up? No- oh... a shame." Noted Georg Euler from his home within Veletz, "But I would have slept through it anyways." - "A shame regardless!"
  23. "That's my student!" Raziel cheered, pointing at the staring picture. "I need to seek out more students again; there is nothing but a student you slowly see overshadowing you."
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