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Everything posted by Laeonathan

  1. Pastes might take a little longer now.
  2. I don't think so. It kills their characters, but any NL is still free to support their nation.
  3. "Here we go again" one of her students says, taking another attempt to meditate properly, just as she taught him to. "Breath out, breath in..." he murmurs to himself - trying to to somehow concentrate along all the loud noises surrounding him. Yet, he's got no idea what chaos is gonna await him.
  4. "Now that's a story" Ornthalas notes with a click of his tongue "I'm quite interested how this is gonna end. Maybe I'll visit the place."
  5. why are there no war raids going on? War kinda boring rn :O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laeonathan


      me neither... 

    3. UnbanCharlesTheBald2022


      What kind of attitude is this ? You're in the inner staff circle and have the chance to participate in decisions already. You're in. It's time for you to start your own inner revolution and try to change the war rules through a world addition.

    4. Laeonathan


      Didn't know I'm in inner staff circle lol.

  6. Can't wait for it! If it works, it would be a great addition to the server :)
  7. "Minto's the kindest of them all" he states, while smiling at the missive "A great bunch the wayward hermits are, indeed!"
  8. I love that the LC revamp is on priority one.
  9. The Vaelyans were basically greek elves, there city was destroyed in early Almaris however - many still roam the place. Nowadays not many are left, but for example @FlemishSupremacywho played the Princess' husband leads some cool place... I've heard...
  10. Just take a deep breath and read the post again, I won't say anything more. Non of what you've said is true. Take a deep breath. Halflings stop being children at 18. That fixes it.
  11. Nobody is using this anyways. I have NEVER seen in my entire like someone using a different language irp outside of memes. Most just go around using the obvious words everyone know from different languages. "Vyr" "Merci" "Cheri" "Ja". So it gives you the vibe. You're overly dramatic here, I'm sorry. If your cultural is so defined by the coming-of-ages celebration from LOTR, it's no issue, you can easily celebrate it at 33. There is NOTHING stopping you. The only thing prevented is, that you can **** hobbit children. And that is good. Nothing is damaging your roleplay. If you wanna keep playing a kid - just set the age lower again, no one will care.
  12. No, if the rift is growing (you're the first one I've heard to say that, besides the typical 10 forum screechers who never contribute anyways and just complain) - it's because certain people in our community act like staff aren't players. Because people don't want to get involved, don't want to help with our chores and then staff members simply take the quickest route. People think LOTC is some kind of a service from a company (Tythus LTD lmao) instead of seeing it as what it is: A community. (Not directed at you btw.)
  13. That's quite unrealistic. I hope you don't take it personal at all, but it's completely off reality. Staff's already always running at limits. Staff is a volunteer position, without any payment. It comes with annoying work chores nobody likes doing and in the end of the day you only get shit by ungrateful kids. Believe me, I've been doing this for quite a while, nobody does it because they like it, because they know if they don't do it, people will neglect the server and othe beautiful and fun world we created here would cease to exist within months. Just to visualise this: Staff answers roughly 3000 (!) tickets a month. If we're optimistic, one takes roughly 1/2 hour. Especially world team tickets often take 2-3 hours. But let's stay with that: That's 1500 hours of work a month, or 50 hours a day. With the immensely optimistic expectation that all 100 members of staff are active, this is 30min of work every day. ONLY Ticket. With every bold assumptions. The realilty is that 5 people carry the teams. So more like 3 hours a day. Again: Only tickets. We're not talking about internal discussions, planning etc... building maps not included... fixing bugs not included... To properly run the server it would need 10 people working 8/5 - given there's only tickets. Probably twice as much. Lol. I know these numbers aren't perfect, but just to give you a rough idea, how much love goes into LOTC...
  14. I don't see the point though, can happen with humans just the same. 90 years old and 18 years old? Can work! It's dumb to that irp and barely makes any sense at all and I think it's really disgusting. Who would want to be with some ew old gnarly and stubborn man/woman at that age? Even if they love each other, one of them would pass away probably decades, if not a century before the other. However, from and elven perspective, that's WAY less severe. Why? To take your extreme: 300 and 18. Of course, that sounds crazy, but think about that you're basically immortal - it seems way less problematic. The 18 year old won't have some old gnarly and stubborn old idiot, but one that looks alike themselves in age, isn't ugly and probably not stubborn either. One partner doesn't need to be afraid of the other passing away earlier. All these concerns of the human perspective are gone... It's way more troubling for me to see 20 year old human girls marry 50 year old humans, then seeing a 18 year old elf marry a 300 year old elf.
  15. "Orenia welcomes all, friend!" a Kharajyr says upon reading this missive about racism "And if GOD wills it, friend - Sedan shall welcome all soon as well"
  16. Farfolk are cool.

  17. Farfolk are cool.

  18. "Ivarielle, Ivarielle, Ivarielle!" a young fennic boy cheers as he sees the Silver Princess speak "When I'm older, I'm gonna move to Haelun'or and fight for Ivarielle! She is the best!"
  19. "Indeed, friend" a Kharajyr notes "The oddity of these Haensers betraying their own race - I shall never understand why they do it. They probably do not value their own people."
  20. It's pasted properly now... no worries! xD
  21. Pls don't murder me on an altar, thx :O
  22. "by GOD" Ixltub gasps "Attacking the Lectors? Those Irehearts hold nothing Holy! I shall ride to Du Loc and supply them soon!"
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