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Everything posted by Crevel

  1. It looks like someone hid the comment, this is democracy manifest..
  2. Anders Kortrevich would scoff at the Lord Speaker's letter privately in his homely office at the Kortrevich Manor in Karosgrad, he would put it aside as he brings a copy of 'A Guide to the Royal Duma' to his eyes before signing the Hussariyan cross on his chest. Anders would bring out a piece of parchment from his assorted pile of documents and papers as he begins to scribe the following: "To the Lord Speaker, Igor Kort, As a member of the faithful, I find it disconcerting that you were unable to keep your word and oath that you swore in the Duma session previous to last. This was displayed through the lies you spoke in our most recent session where you claimed to have consulted those you did not in order to make your tie-breaking decision. While I appreciate your vote that allowed me to become Royal Inquisitor, the methods you have employed to justify your vote for me instead of to the candidate who had previously seeked your removal has shown a disservice to your position and to Godan. As per your claim that it is not a legal requirement to be impartial, you would be partially mistaken. If you see to the 'Guide of the Royal Duma' published in 353 by the Office of the Speaker, you will see that in the first paragraph under the Roles and Duties of the Lord Speaker that the Speaker is sworn to impartiality, meaning that they must be unbiased and neutral in their position. You have admitted in the past and in your letter too that you have not been impartial, violating one of the simplest duties required of you in your position. The only compromise that I shall accept is your immediate resignation to protect the integrity of the Office of the Speaker. Furthermore, I hope you are able to find penance in the Basilica so that you do not fall from Godan's grace and good will. With Godan in my Prayers, Royal Inquisitor, Anders Kortrevich" Finishing the letter, he would take it directly to the Office of the Speaker himself and slips it onto his desk. @erictafoya
  3. Anders Kortrevich would smile the sun's smile as he sees that the newly wedded Koenas is already committing herself to charitable acts. As he waits for the next session of the Royal Duma to start, Anders would make plans to attend the soup kitchen to show his support.
  4. "Who asked?" would remark a tired Kortrevich with a desire for rest.
  5. A Successful Campaign I would like to thank all of my dedicated supporters. Without your faith in me, I would not be a worthy representative of the Edlervik, and without Godan’s guidance, I would not be in this position at all. I swear to dutifully uphold our laws, the will of the people, and Godan’s Word. I have high hopes for what our nation may accomplish in due time. As most of you may know, we held a charity event alongside my campaign. All in all, we were able to raise a total of twelve krawns for St. Henrik’s Basilica. Given that I too am a heavy supporter of the Church, I will be adding onto this amount as well- bringing the total funds raised to one hundred and eighty-five krawns. Furthermore, any payment that I receive in my position as Royal Alderman shall be donated to the Basilica after all life and work-related expenses. This money shall be given to an ordained priest of the Basilica so that they may combine it with the rest of their treasury and spend it how they see fit. With Godan in my Prayers, Anders Kortrevich 13th of Gronna ag Droba, 375 E.S.
  6. [!] Copies of the letter would find its way on notice boards throughout Nyrheim, presumably put on by numerous couriers. Examining the language of the letter, it can be extracted that it’s very likely that it was initially intended for someone or a select few people but it had been widely spread regardless. Peace and Quiet We have found ourselves fighting a primordial enemy, our heads locked together in what may continue to be a dangerous stalemate. Our conflict derives not from our religion, nor our blood. The conflict derives ultimately from the cultural differences that have eluded us for centuries, and will forever continue to do so as long as our cultures remain separate. Our traditions are what strengthens us, likewise it is their traditions, however broken they may seem, that strengthen them. Our differences are essential to our lives, and we should not aim to alleviate that. I do not regret my place in this conflict. The Empire, which I still firmly believe should be reaffirmed as a Kingdom, has continuously provoked us since we’ve been in Nyrheim, leading to us waging our current punitive war. They conducted undercover investigations in our lands, they attempted to turn our soldiers away from their loyalties, and they went outside of their own law to attack our citizens that visited their cities. This is not new to us. We have all discussed their offences numerous times together, and we have all witnessed, or heard of, similar actions committed by their government in Arcas in times of supposed peace. They are scared of what they’ve started. Their only response to their mistakes is to make use of improper and downright barbaric tactics that the upper echelons of their government claim to denounce while hiring mercenaries that only wish to take the conflict further into barbarism. They lie through their teeth. Despite lies not being generally concerning in Imperial politics, my worry lies in the fact that they are pulling the wool over the eyes of their citizens, cheating them of any dignity that they’re owed. Their constant propaganda, which is either heavily exaggerated to the point of being false or completely fabricated to begin with, has united their people under a banner of murder and subterfuge in replacement of Canonism, the respectable faith that they so earnestly claim to follow. They have thrown sand into the eyes of their people, blinding them and claiming that we were the ones who threw the sand in the same breath. Their citizens have not seen the front lines, yet they chirp the words of their government like an Arthasian Puffin, turning their lies into perceived fact. As long as the Orenian government continues to do this with little consequence in their homeland, Nyrheim as we know it is in danger. When I returned from Providence after serving in the Ministry of Justice as a lowly lawclerk, I found myself, for the first time in my decades-long life, bedazzled by a woman. A Norlandic woman. A modern Athelflaed. Helgi was sweet, earnest, and remarkably talented in her ability to care for children. We found that we had common interests, and we were quick to form a bond. Our bond came so swiftly that before we knew it, we had a child of our own. However, there comes a time that life must be given to create new life.. And it seems that this is one of those times. Einar will never have the chance to meet his mother. Whenever I look down at him in my arms, I see her regret in his grey eyes. It was only shortly after we lost Helgi that the Kingdom found itself at war, a regret that I have for my son. I will not allow my son to grow old as an orphan, not knowing his father and mother, because of this barbaric war. Equally, I will not allow my son to be a casualty in a war where the opposition will justify the massacre of innocents simply because they had war declared upon them. Only those that are cornered will take to using reprehensible actions, and that’s why they are so dangerous. The strongest value we hold as a society is our family. The Imperials to the south are willing to slaughter our women and children, the foundations to a healthy family, to gain an upper hand at the expense of our humanity. I have already lost Helgi, I will not be losing Einar. By the time that a copy of this letter reaches your desks, I will have already packed my own and will be long-gone. As long as this conflict remains, do not come looking for me. I will take extreme measures if necessary to defend my son. Norlanders are a valiant people. In times of strife, we prevail with a victory in our name. I have no doubts that our Kingdom, as well as our allies, will come out victorious in this conflict and we will get the justice that we truly deserve. However, this victory will need to be a victory that I will not share for the sake of my son. Keep the people in high hopes, for they will need it in this war against barbarism but most importantly, make those fuckers regret it. Signed, Arthas II Edvardsson-Ruric, Prince of Norland
  7. One Wrong Slip With one fell swoop, a life can be taken. No remorse. No fight. Just silence. A man’s accomplishments leading to naught once they hit the end of their road. Such is the case of Arthas Edvardsson Ruric, Prince of Norland, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland, and a committed father. He knew that he would eventually meet his end, he just did not know how. Arthas spent the later part of his life making a secure environment for his son... but life is what happens when you are busy making other plans. Any inhabitant of the Palace in Varhelm would quickly learn of the Prince’s demise; his body slumped on his side against the wall at the bottom of the stairs while his eyes offer a bleary glare to anyone who came across him. With no will and a now-orphan son of four years of age, that leaves his relatives to decide what to do with what Arthas has left behind. As he comes to the Father’s Halls, embracing his lover for the first time in years, he can only feel regrettable warmth for while he can now rest, his son will have to live on without him. Strangely, it seems that despite this event, the Prince’s departure was not unplanned but rather in a way he had not expected. Arthas’ final letter was seemingly published posthumously, perhaps by his steward colleagues.
  8. Rally of the Red Rose Our men and women, devout in their faith with loyalty in their hearts. We give earnestly to each other and to our neighbours, but sometimes we overlook the dedication that we owe to Godan for the Virtue He shares with us. We know He is the most holy, and we know He is the most virtuous. We are told in the Scroll of Virtue that He breathes life into our hearts, and into our children. He breathes life into the crops we sow, and He breathes life into the animals we raise. Godan has given us everything and we, as a society, and as Godan’s flock, do not show the appreciation that is deserved for He who breathes life into our children, our farmers, and our kings. Not all pray. Not all confess. Not all attend mass where the Word of Godan is spoken. We fall short of making Godan a daily part of our lives. This is the result of nurture that failed to highlight the importance of Godan. With the appropriate support, it can be addressed and solved in the Royal Duma. Faith must be put to action. Anders Kortrevich, prospective alderman, will be holding a rally outside St. Henrik’s Basilica in the Karosgrad marketplace to encourage the Edlervik to vote in the upcoming elections. Any questions can be asked and answered there. To show your support, red and black cockades shall be sold at the event with all proceeds going towards St. Henrik’s Basilica to fund equipment as well any projects they undergo. 19th of Wzuvar ag Byvca, 375 E.S.
  9. [!] Anders' response would likewise find its way to Yaromir (@Pureimp10), Your Eminence, I deeply apologise for my inaccuracy. I did not wish to discredit the Edlervik nor the current members of the Royal Duma. I was under the impression that what I said was true but it seems that a misunderstanding took place somewhere. The people are strong in faith but as it seemingly wanes there can be improvements nevertheless and I will hopefully be a suitable man for representing His people in the Royal Duma. I will bear my mistake and be more vigilant in the future so that no other is made like the one I've made today. I will be editing my posters so that I can stay honest and stick to the virtuous path that Godan guides me down. I offer you my sincerest thanks, your Eminence. With Godan in my Prayers, Anders Kortrevich
  10. Anders Kortrevich for Alderman Faith in Action Who is Anders Kortrevich? Anders Kortrevich was born in 355 E.S. in the Viscounty of Krusev prior to its destruction and occupation by trolls. In his youth, he lived piously with Godan in his heart and mind. Now, Anders seeks to stand up for Godan’s Word as he follows his virtuous path with His guidance and favour. Although inexperienced with Haeseni politics, Anders is exceedingly literate- being able to speak, read, and write in both Naumariav and Common. He also has extensive knowledge in the Holy Scrolls, having studied it in his spare time with the assistance of the former Archbishop Yaromir, now Cardinal Jorenus. Straying from Godan While the newly appointed High Pontiff is Haeseni-born, it is unfortunate to see that the Kingdom has not taken to integrating Godan's Word in its institutions to a higher degree- something that could benefit the Kingdom's future generations. With Godan overlooked in some areas of its institutions, this has allowed undesirable outcomes that disbenefit the Canonists of the world. deeply felt that the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska is straying further from Godan. This can be seen in the Royal Duma, where a bill was put forth offering legal leniency to those who engage in interracial relationships- a violation of the Canticle of Temperance in the Scroll of Virtue. Unfortunately, this bill gained major support in the Duma; opposed only by those in House Kortrevich. An example of this, the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska has chosen not to assist the Empire with its defence against the barbaric pagans in the Kingdom of Norland. These instances are unacceptable by themselves and represent the larger issue that Godan is losing His presence in Haeseni society. It is unacceptable and the nation should take better actions to defend Godan's faithful. A Solution for Hanseti-Ruska With Godan’s virtue and guidance, Anders Kortrevich will propose and support policies that promote the role of Godan and the Holy Scrolls in Haeseni society and law. He will uphold his office in accordance to His virtues, working diligently yet humbly as a servant of Godan, whilst also upholding it in accordance to Haeseni law and standards. Should Anders Kortrevich be voted into the Royal Duma as a Royal Alderman, he will act loyally, humbly, and painstakingly with faith in action as a servant of Godan and a representative of the Edlervik. 20th of Tov ag Yermey, 374 E.S.
  11. IGN: Crevel Character Name: Anders Kortrevich Age: 19 Place of Residence / Street Address: Koenastriet V Position: Alderman
  12. Arthas II Edvardsson-Ruric would read over the lengthy missive. He nods at the first section until the mention of Caedricsson, which he would then begin to read on with frustration at the ignorance and lies sputtered by Theoderic. In Arthas' anger and confusion, he would throw a ceramic plate against the wall. Waking up his now three-year old son who got up to see what was going on, he would calm down as he dismissively waved Einar to bed. "To think that I had respect for this man for his teachings on the Faith.." he would state simply before sweeping up the shattered fragments from the floor. Arthas would enter his office, reclining back into his chair as he exhales a long breath with his eyes set on the documents on his desk. Hesitantly, he would bring out some Camian Spiced Mead, taking a swig before placing it firmly on the table. "Not only have they taken Imperial propaganda, believing that no diplomacy was attempted before this war... we're accused of isolating our allies..." he would take another swig, the spice of the mead tingling his tongue, "That is why we contact them frequently, outside of Iron Accord meetings and inside, even helping them with matters regarding their nation or faith.. but yes, we alienate them. There is absolutely no fault on our part in this war. So far, we have been victorious. But whatever you say..." he pauses for a moment with an idea, "Theoderic... Hadar..." he pauses for a little longer. Arthas, curious, pulls out a copy of the 1794 Rurikid Registry. After scanning it for moment, he would come to a conclusion. "It seems that Theoderic, claiming to be descending from Godric, is the real impostor. There is no mention of a Hadar in the Rurikid Registry, yet we are the impostors? Come to think of it, I don't recall anyone by their name on our boat to Nyrheim. We, on the other hand, grew up in the palaces of both Morsgrad and Varhelm. Our blood as Edvardssons are legitimate or else we would have been displaced decades ago. It seems that this individual is purposefully trying to spread lies, or they were very heavily misinformed and lied to as a child." Despite being sure that Theoderic was a fake Ruric, there was one answer to a question that seemed to be escape him, "How does Theoderic know so much about our past whilst not having access to the Kingdom's documents?" Letting the question sit for a moment with mead resting in his stomach, he would then address a different topic as he talks to himself, "The only truth I see in this regarding us is that Elysium has not yet been fully taught about the All-Father. However, I would not put this down to incompetence. Moreso it is that other duties have gotten in the way of this. Our Purifiers, whose members come from both Varhelm and Elysium, are a prime example of how the Faith is known heavily among the realm, just not as much as we'd like." He finishes his self-rant with a final swig of the mead, electing to go to sleep before more plates are smashed.
  13. Arthas II would mouth off at the posters to those around him who are also reading, "Whoever this Lady Loud is clearly doesn't know the full situation and has taken the Imperial propaganda which she already claims to acknowledge. Intelligence prevailing would be understanding that the Kingdom of Orenia's problem is not at all a religious one, it is purely the problem in the Imperial government and the way it conducts itself. Furthermore, intelligence prevailing would be able to understand the lies from the truth, which the Imperials admittedly have made it so difficult to do..." "Are we greedy and bloodthirsty for wishing to solve the initial conflict before the war? Not at all, we offered many chances for the conflict to be resolved with a simple public apology and financial reparations to those harmed. We gave them time, yet no response. We were the ones who provided a peaceful opportunity.. and it were the Imperials who whacked it from our hands. The Imperials try so hard to claim that they offered us peace, but they did not even once come to us. When we seek to forcibly take these reparations with a war that we started as a last resort, they massacre our women and children whilst having the gall to call us the barbarians. We are not the ones who are cruel and uncaring on the path to victory, it is the Orenians who are cruel and uncaring. There is no doubt whoever wrote this is an Imperial citizen. One who should remove the wool from their eyes and look within their own nation. We have only attacked soldiers and military targets. Oren attacks the vulnerable and the innocent." "While this war is not at all desirable, it is the only way to allow justice to prevail. This war is necessary. If Lady Loud wants to make a difference instead of spreading Imperial propaganda and gossip, they should petition their own people demanding that the Imperial government apologises for its role in the atrocities and give out the financial compensation to those harmed. If the Kingdom of Orenia has no problem with peace, they would have no problem with agreeing to the petition. After all, it's what we've wanted from the beginning." Arthas, after ranting, would come back to office to sleep in his office chair. The lies of the Kingdom of Orenia in this war are truly tiring...
  14. I also love Fatherism and I am tired of pretending I don't.
  15. Mcname: Crevel Talent: Eating food without clothes on.
  16. so glad I can use the restroom now how's your bladder doing?
  17. Anders Kortrevich, the loyal follower of Godan, would spend the rest of his Saint's week uttering constant prayers for the fallen High Pontiff with a copy of the Holy Scrolls by his side. Long live the next Vicar of Godan. Arthas II, Prince of Norland, would speak sincerely to those in the rest of the King's Council, "The Canonist Church has lost a great representative of their Faith, while we may not share their faith and virtues, we should still respectfully mourn on their behalf. We must also address that the Church lost a High Pontiff who wished for the Church to be neutral in this secular conflict. Let's hope that the next High Pontiff is someone who will not fall for the propaganda spoken by Imperial representatives. It is ideal for us that the Church are able to officially accept the conflict for what it is, a punitive war against secular aggression."
  18. Anders Kortrevich, Proud Follower of Godan, would shove the copy of the published work into the face of his morbidly obese cousin, Jan Otto Kortrevich (@Luminaire), "Dzien‽ This is vasr the czev that I was talking to vy about the other Saint's day." He would further press it into his cousin's face, "Ea would not be serving Godan if ea signed up as a soldier in the Koeng's army. Ea would be serving Godan by preaching His virtue to those ignorant and those in need of guidance alike. The Kongzem of Godan is the only legitimate kongzem to serve and dedicate vyr life to." He would finish his statement matter-of-factly before pondering whether or not he should visit the Priory to learn more about Owynism.
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