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  1. OUR PLACE ON THE COAST Issued at Year 143 of the Second Age Rapid expansion is naturally a sign of prosperity, with it comes many new challenges and diplomatic routes unexpected to have encountered before. Negotiations with surrounding realms have proven to be fruitful, with this our most serene state has simple claims of land to maintain ourselves and maintain content within our own realm. THE CLAIMS Lurin currently has the majority of the floodplains under direct control with a small foothold in the cherry blossoms area as negotiated with the regional powers, however, expansion is not ceasing and here on a map we will present our desired and most likely final borders. (Thank you lotc wiki map maker) (For the tile nerds) With this I would also like those nations who would wish to contest these claims to reach out to our most serene state to resolve this. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  2. The Office of Conservation & Preservation 2nd of the Deep Cold, 141 SA The lands of Lurin and of Aevos are brimming with life wherever one may look, flourishing and blooming with flowers of many kinds, while just as many animals and creatures roam the lands. Such has been the case on many of the other landmasses Lurin was established on in the past. To protect said lands and also important artifacts, which are tied to Lurins history, the new Office of Conservation and Preservation has been established. STRUCTURE OF THE OFFICE Within the newly established Office multiple ranks and positions were created, each of them focusing on specific tasks and jobs within the office itself. Such jobs can range from the establishment of new protected landscapes to the preservation of historical items or items of interest. Grand Protector The Grand Protector is the head of the Office of Conservation & Preservation, taking care of any arising issues within the Office, while also managing and maintaining several projects at the same time. They are also the person in charge of handling recruiting new members for the Office, while establishing and handing out new possible tasks for the members of the Office. Besides such they are often taking care of obtaining the necessary equipment for the members of the Office, such as rewarding them for their work. Archivist Acting as the second in command the Archivists are hand-picked and appointed members of the community by the Grand Protector. They are managing major projects, act as spokesperson and teachers while the Grand Protector might not be around. Besides such they often lead groups of either Preservers or Conservationists and train newly appointed Scholars in the fields of conservation and preservation. Besides such they are often in charge of documenting newly found or retrieved items, writing the newly acquired information down into one of the many historical books, which can be found within the depths of the Office. Preserver Preservers are often jokingly described as treasure hunters, as they are responsible for obtaining and retrieving unique and rare materials, such as gemstones, weaponry and much more for the Office. Said items are often seen as treasures for the State and are displayed in the educational part of the Office, allowing students to learn about the history of such items and the power they might hold. Due to their line of work Preservers are often individuals with a rather unique skill set, focusing on acrobatics, but also knowledge about where one may find such items for the Office. Conservationist Seen as the very backbone of the Office, commonly known as Conservationists, these individuals are experts in the field of conserving the lands, monitoring current ecosystems and even creating new ones around Lurins borders. Most often projects focusing on replanting destroyed fields or the restoration of damaged coral reefs are handled by the individuals with this very rank. They are also responsible in keeping the local populations of animals and creatures in check, may it be through breeding or reintroducing individual animals and creatures to strengthen their local populations. Scholar The Scholars of the Office of Conservation and Preservation are rather newly appointed individuals, who are tasked to study past projects and the very importance of the Office itself. They are often asked to help with ongoing projects, may it be through the retrieval of ancient items or the establishment of new conservation areas. Often working together with more experienced Conservationists or Preservers they are often acting as students of those individuals. PURPOSE AND DUTIES OF THE OFFICE Conservation of the bordering lands One of the major tasks of the Office of Conservation & Preservation is simply the conservation of the landmasses bordering or within Lurin and the State as a whole. Such can include the removal of possible threats to the bordering lands, while also taking care of natural disasters, which might occur. Besides such the Office is also trying to conserve unique plants and animals within the borders of Lurin. Restoration of the local flora and fauna Upon finding any harmed landmasses or any pollutants the Office is tasked to restore those areas to their former glory, either through ordinary or magical means. Most often druids and the likes of such are asked to assist with such work, yet, just as equally often a handy gardener will be asked for some assistance. At the same time the restoration does also involve the repopulation of species into the local lands, most often by creating a core population and then spreading said population. Protection of important landmarks Besides the general conservation and restoration work of the Office many of the members are also tasked in the protection of important landmarks, such as specific buildings, natural occurring structures, such as the reefs, and much more. The general protection of the landmasses and of Lurin hold a high priority within the Office of Conservation and Preservation. Preservation of important items The Office of Conservation & Preservation is often focusing on the conservation of living beings and ecosystems, yet, the members of the Office are also tasked with the preservation of important, and most often historical, items. Such items can range from the crown of a past ruler to the preservation of unique gemstones and even the preserved parts of specific creatures or plants. As such they are creating the perfect environment for those willing to learn and study those items within the halls of the Office. Documentation of historical relics Once obtained by the Office the actual documentation of historical or important items and relics is also important. Most often a set of Archivists will start to document the items in great detail, while marking down any unique properties the items might hold. Afterwards a proper record will be created and added to one of the many files, which can be found within the depths of the new Office. PAYMENT The payment can be requested within the running elven week from the Grand Protector and equals a tax slab. In case of excellent work and the successful completion of difficult tasks and missions the Office is willing to pay respectable bonuses to the individuals, who partook in those projects. This bonus is handed out by the head of the Office. In case of especially hard and taxing missions unique medals and rewards may also be handed out to the partaking individuals. Scholars: 5 Mina-Tax Slab Conservationists: 10 Mina-Tax Slab Preservers: 10 Mina-Tax Slab Archivists: Tax Exemption for one 10 Mina-Tax-Property Grand Protector: Tax Exemption for one 20 Mina-Tax-Property INITIATION Process To join the Office of Conservation & Preservation one may either find an Archivist or the Grand Protector of the Office and inform them of their willingness to join the Office. Upon doing so the responsible Archivist or the Grand Protector will conduct an interview with the interested newcomer, while also explaining the actual work that the Office handles. They are then given a first task to complete, most often simple ones, before they are officially added to the ranks of a Scholar. If the newly appointed member has shown enough dedication and has completed a few tasks at the side of a Conservationist or Preserver they might be recommended to be added to one of those teams as a permanent member. If enough Archivists and the Grand Protector agree the Scholar will be oathed and given their new rank as either Conservationist or Preserver. The Oath Upon being oathed the following words need to be stated by the selected individual; “I [Name] do solemnly swear, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, to pledge my undying loyalty to the Service of the Silver Lubba and the State of Lurin, to the Grand Protector and to the citizens and subjects under the Silver Lubba. I pledge my efforts to the prosperity and defense of the institutions of the Holdings. I pledge my body as a tool for the Silver Lubba, a friend to the commoner, a helping hand to the needed. I pledge my body and mind for the preservation and conservation of the Serene State of Lurin. I shall obey the orders of those placed above me, and I shall never falter from this oath. On my soul and honor this I swear. Stand Eternal with honor and Glory!”
  3. TO KRUGMAR AND THEIR CAELIAN BRIGANDS Issued at Year 140 of the Second Age The orcish and human forces that have arrived at our most serene territories have been a nuisance and have laid harm upon our people through dishonorable practices and banditry of the innocent. My daughter, Princess Freya, has had an attempt on her life by these brigands who are called Caelians. My daughter has survived, but not without having harm done to her, consequences are needed to be had. DECLARATION OF FREEDOM Due to the nature of these brigands, there is only one punishment applicable, they shall be granted freedom. This strips them of all rights that our most serene state could offer and are no longer considered a protected entity by law, making them unable to obtain properties in the future and are free to be slaughtered on sight without repercussions for the one that does so. EMBARGO ON KRUGMAR Until aggression is fully ceased, all horde assets in Lurin will be confiscated by the state and all trade offers will be refused. Merchants of our most serene state will be urged to remove their goods from the markets of Krugmar and their affiliated realms, presumed that any and all trade with krugmar as the embargo us in place is an act of undermining authority of our most serene state. PEACEFUL UNTIL DISTURBED Our most serene citizens have been assaulted and kidnapped by the brigands of Krugmar and held hostage within their very capital without prior aggression from our people before they were released by force. Our citizens seek peace, yet are not afraid to defend themselves if deemed necessary as our Lurinite spirit deems so. May you come to your senses and make the right choice before one is made for you by your own people. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  4. The Wedding and Union Of Einar Kervallen & Tiwari E. Elmwood ╔═══════════════════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═══════════════════╗ Finally, after a long time of waiting and postponing, it is time to officially Wed the two; Einar Kervallen and Tiwari E. Elmwood. As such, this post has been sent out with the goal of formally inviting people into attendance for this Union. The invitation is open for anyone to come, but some are formally invited bellow. [OOC; It will take place at 6pm Est on Tuesday the 1st of August] ╚═══════════════════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ═══════════════════╝ In no particular Order; ❈ The Kervallen Family (You are included, Onon) ❈ Miras & Sena (if this invitation reach you) ❈ The Silver Lubba and his Family, Anarion & Uialben ❈ Juniper Rose & Scrisa ❈ Gaius Kaeronin ❈ The Edevane Family ❈ The Tsecsar Family ❈ The Snowell Family ❈ King Cyrius of Dunfarthing ❈ Thomas Braxley ❈ The Athri'onn Family ❈ Nellis ❈ Kaelis
  5. UNREGISTERED CITIZENS Issued at Year 139 of the Second Age It has been brought to my attention after some years that my very own citizens are unaware of who they invite into their homes to live with them to the dismay of many others within our most serene state. Thus we shall purge the evil from our homes by force. ADDITIONAL SPOOK TESTS For a person to live with an already established citizen, they are needed to undergo a standardized spook test which can be conducted by any Lurinite steward. Failure to comply will result in a fine and if found that a person is hosting darkspawn in their abode, they shall be charged with the aiding of dark creatures, a class A crime warranting execution after seeing the darkspawn they have hosted executed before them first. REGISTERING CITIZENS All citizens who are living in your abode are now necessary to be registered with a Lurinite steward and otherwise charged with Claiming, a class C crime. Temporary guests are allowed as long they stay within a two year period of time total over the course of a decade. Individuals trying to loophole this system will be subject to be charged with the same law regardless and our Stewards are allowed to enforce this law and observe any unfamiliar faces visiting frequently and question them. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  6. STEEL FOR THE LURINITES Issued at Year 139 of the Second Age With a sudden boom in the Lurinite steel industry spearheaded by our most serene state and The Silver Lubba, it has been decided that we shall distribute a fraction of our production towards supplying our most helpful citizens with this steel for projects and personal equipment. THE DISTRIBUTION With the acquisition of a few new iron mines within our borders, we have achieved an abundance of steel in our market and storage, steel that remains unused as Lurin has achieved its more than comfortable surplus of steel that shall only be touched for the most dire of situations. This steel shall be distributed amongst the population through valid requests to the state. THE ELIGIBILITY The eligibility of our citizens to acquire the steel they desire from our most serene state depends on a few factors which are easily met by the more productive members of our society. The following citizens are eligible with proper reason: Silver Lubba Band Members Tavern Workers Critical Industries High Nobility Low Nobility Direct Vassals Special cases may arise and they shall be discussed personally upon receiving a request. THE REQUESTS The requests should always be fair and reasonable to both the productive citizen and the state, any amount may be requested, though the state may always deny a request if deemed necessary. The following reasons are likely to be accepted by the state: Equipment Maintenance Equipment Replenishment Production of State Goods Production of Critical Goods Fortification of Property Supplying Workers These reasons are most valid to the state and one may suggest another if deemed necessary. Any and all requests are able to be denied even if meeting all criteria. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  7. DENOUNCING THOSE OF FALSE FATES Issued at Year 138 of the Second Age A few reports have come out regarding fortune tellers with dark magics, using the minds of our citizens with good faith left for their own malicious gains. No wounds are found on the victims, yet they are left exhausted and unable to work for our most serene state. BANISHMENT OF THE PRACTICE Fortune telling is against the law now, being declared a class C crime and makes the lawbreaker subject to a mandatory spook test. Further elaboration will be made within the codex as to what constitutes breaking this law under 2.6.3f. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  8. Tiwari’s Furniture And Home Designing Workshop DEAR NEW COSTUMERS AND POTENTIAL COSTUMERS-TO-BE! I, Tiwari Edevane Elmwood, Director of Furniture And Home Design (FAHD) finally bring news forth once again about the future of the establishment, following the prior announcement about our development! As some of you may know, low and behold we have silently started to take in a few commissions from primarily around Lurin but also a stray one here and there from other parts of the Continent. Through our experience with this bit of behind the scenes work, and the employment of two new Employees to the FAHD ranks, we have decided it is time to more officially open up for business! Our current target audience in terms of work territory will still be within Lurin’s borders, as our current pricing model uses this place’s space, economy and such as a template for pricing guidelines. However, we won’t be shy to gradually expand out to Lurin’s neighboring Settlements and Nations and work our way out from there as we are ready to do so. For news on that, feel free to check in with us at our Company Headquarters in Lurin, in the Old Town district, or ask if you see any of us elsewhere! Do you live In or nearby Lurin and have an interest in getting building and/or furnishing help for a reasonable price? Then please consider applying for FAHD to come and take a look at the job you want done and we will give you an as fair price as possible with a willing-to-help attitude towards you! Please, do not hesitate to contact us either by mail to me, Tiwari, or finding our establishment in the State of Lurin to seek us out about it, and we can discuss further details together! (OOC: or you can DM me on discord: @thegekko or open a ticket in the official FAHD discord server: https://discord.gg/gkSuX6HCta ) A special welcome for our new Employees is appropriate here at the end! We’re looking forward to continue working with you, Nellis and Kaelis! We hope that with your contributions, we can satisfy more costumers as we go! That would be all for this Company update. Thank you for your time, and we hope to work with you soon! -Tiwari (Director of FAHD)
  9. TO THE MEN IN GREEN Issued at Year 136 of the Second Age Earlier on this day two men, one in green and golden robes entered Lurin as our gates are always open during times of peace, however, this trust has been abused by these two individuals who witnesses have claimed to have set our tree on fire sprinting far into the city and probably through the canals before aid could be called for. As Lurin is a forgiving State, these two individuals shall be only punished for the crimes they have commited according to the Codex of Lurin within our territories, willing or not. - Attempted Murder, a Class B Crime -> Putting Lurin citizens in danger - Grand Vandalism, a Class A Crime -> Burning the Tree Leading up to a fine of 1500 mina per person present or the alternatives: - Execution of All - 2150 mina worth of labor or goods per person - Banishment and loss of both eyes, two limbs or the tongue May this be done peacefully and swiftly without escalation, you have one Eshtael Week to respond or we'll send the Brotherhood after you. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance. Signed,
  10. ─•~❉ Kitty & Co. Grand Opening! ❉~•─ Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of day-to-day life? Do you have a taste for noming in delectable snacks and treats? Is your heart captivated by the enchanting allure of feline companionship? Look no further than Kitty & Co! Immerse yourself in a haven where scrumptious delights abound, accompanied by a delightful assembly of adorable kitties to keep you company during your culinary escapades. Kitty & Co. is carefully designed to provide solace and relaxation to all who seek a moment of peace. And what better way to unwind than in the company of our charming feline friends? Each cat holds a distinctive set of quirks, traits, and irresistible charm, guaranteeing a truly enchanting experience. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ .•° ✿ Our Cats! ✿ °•. Sir Purrito II 'Here lies a captivating little ginger cat, its tranquil gaze capturing the attention of all who stroll by. Encircling the kitty's neck is a delicate light blue collar, adorned with a name tag in the shape of a paw. Suspended from the collar, the tag proudly bears the name ‘Sir Purrito II.’ This feline possesses warmth and affection, embracing every pat with a purr, and may even return the gesture with a gentle paw of its own.' [!] Sir Purrito II's info all seems to have been removed... Latte 'Upon a shelf perches a grey cat, her eyes filled with a judging gaze that scrutinizes all who pass by. Adorning her neck is a magenta collar, complete with a charming fish-shaped name tag. Engraved upon the nametag is the name 'Latte.' This enchanting feline graciously tolerates gentle strokes and is always ready to engage in a staring contest with anyone who looks at her for too long.' ~Staring Competition Wins~ Latte - 2 Challenger - 2 Purrsephone 'Perched on a high shelf, an aloof calico kitty rests, its captivating yet cautious canary yellow gaze warily watching as people walk in and out from the shop. Around this kitty’s neck is a dainty pink collar, along with a little cat head-shaped name tag with the name ‘Purrsephone.’ This kitty is the most distant out of the group, not the most fond of cuddles, but will be willing to let a few loving touches caress her fur, given there’s a few treats to entice her. If the kitty does get closer to someone, she may show her affection with a rub or a bump against the fortunate recipient.' Dave 'Resting comfortably on its back, a large calico cat catches your attention. This feline can often be found in deep slumber or lounging around leisurely. Around its neck is an orange collar adorned with a cute nametag shaped like a treat, engraved with the name 'Dave.' Despite being somewhat aloof towards affection, this kitty may occasionally respond with a gentle meow. However, when it comes to mealtime and treats, this feline will undoubtedly become your best friend.' -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ .•° ✿ Our Menu! ✿ °•. Wheat Be Cute Together ʕʔ This is the perfect choice for anyone looking to indulge in a scrumptious treat. Whether you're sharing it with your oblivious crush or a special someone, this bread is sure to impress with its perfect combination of crunchy crust and soft, airy center that creates a delightful texture in every bite. Chocolate? Here you bar •ᴗ• Savor the delectable flavors of this chocolate bar as it melts in your mouth, revealing a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness, accompanied by subtle hints of vanilla and nuttiness. Unwrapping the cloth packaging to reveal the smooth and creamy texture, each bite will tantalize your taste buds, making this the ultimate snack, whether you're a chocolate lover or just looking for a special treat! Fudge you! ˃ ⤙ ˂ The perfect chocolate fudge cake for when you're a little mad at someone and need a delicious way to tell them! Moist and decadent, this cake is baked to perfection, every bite of this rich chocolate cake is a heavenly delight, as the fudgy texture melts in your mouth, releasing the intense chocolate flavor, even when you're feeling a little bit angry. Love at first bite ♡ This is a cookie that will capture your heart from the very first bite! Shaped like a heart, this cookie is not only adorable but also perfect for sharing with your loved ones or enjoying on your own. Its crispy exterior and soft, chewy center make for a delightful texture, while the premium ingredients used to make it result in an irresistible flavor. Whether you're looking for a special treat for yourself or a gift for someone you care about, this cookie is the perfect choice. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Feel free to drop on by and pay the kitties a visit!
  11. Hoof and Halter By: Gaius Kaeronin About Welcome to the old, but bold shop of Hoof and Halter located in Lurin, where daring adventurers, esteemed merchants or noble centurions seek majestic companions. Led by Gaius Kaeronin, our legendary shop boasts 150 years of expertise going back to the days of Suttica. Discover a collection of horses unparalleled in swiftness and strength, each handpicked for their remarkable speed and health. With meticulous attention to detail, we offer a captivating range of speeds tailored to your preferences. Immerse yourself in a vibrant world of colors and breeds, where our horses embody elegance and individuality. Or perhaps you are a daring merchant, or in the process of moving houses. Then seek no farther as we not only sell the best horses, but also donkey's, mules and Llama's, all prefessionally cared for and with great capacity. Embrace our legacy and step into a world of extraordinary equine wonder at Hoof and Halter, where dreams come alive. The shop is located near the plaza of Lurin next to the library or next to the bank. Catalogue Speed/Heart Breed (best horse) 16-16.87 speed | 22-23 Heart 100 Minas – Heart Breed Mid/high-end Speed | 23 Heart 75 Minas – Mid-range Breed 14-16 speed range. | 13-22 Hearts 50 Minas – Low-range Breed 13-14 speed range. | 13+ Hearts 25 Minas – Mule 15 storage slots Speed and hearts can be specifically bred if needed 20 Minas – Donkey Good for learning to ride horses and children 10 Minas – Llama 3 storage slots (soon up to 15 storage slots!) 10 Minas – Leads, sadles, carpets, food and more in store! prices are negotiable! How to order For obvious reasons you can't just leave some mina in a chest and get your order (ooc: horses and stuff can't be sold in a chestshop), therefore the way of ordering is as follows: either contact me or send me aviary mail (mcname: SirWillz) or leave a note (ooc: /notes write) in the orderbox of the shop and write the following criteria: 1. Name (and mc name) 2. Street, box, town 3. order 4. specific order details (eg. required speed/hearts/breed/) 5. other info that I might need (for example haggle price or order drop off location like coordinates) Once I have received the order I will confirm the order through mail (or dm) and begin completing the order in a most professional way possible. Payment Paying can be done either beforehand by buying the respective notes in the shop or if it is more comfortable for the customer: pay after the order is complete. Note that prices might change, this shop and service is provided by the VOC company. Discretion towards customers is guaranteed and incomplete order are guaranteed to be payed back. The VOC and its subsidiaries operate with due diligence and compliancewith the local law that is present. All rights reserved.
  12. Tiwari’s Furniture And Home Designing Workshop DEAR NEW HOMEOWNERS, BUSINESS OWNERS, AND BOTH OLD- AND POTENTIAL FUTURE COSTUMERS! I, Tiwari Edevane Elmwood, Director of Furniture And Home Design (FAHD) finally bring news forth about the future of the establishment after a long time of silence since the arrival to Aevos! As some of you, reading this, may know, FAHD is a furnishing and furniture crafting professional company originating from Lurin, Almaris. Our business back there did reach out a fair distance, serving a multitude of costumers from primarily the southern nations, but also a few from the other 3 corners of that continent. We did our best to make as many costumers happy during our time, however we recognise and admit that not every part of our provided services was up to standards or costumer friendly, namely an inconsistency in pricings and wait times for either work being finished or finally being served and moving up in line. Therefore, with sincere appologies, we are sorry to those whom we have dissapointed and we hope that maybe we can work together some other time and make it up to you with better managed services. With that out of the way, I want to share plans and ideas about the future of the establishment. Since moving here to Aevos and settling down in the new state of Lurin, better facilities has been established within the confines of my new private home in the Old Town district in the back of the city of Lurin, including an all new public Showroom to show a bit of what we are capable of and maybe to find some inspiration, an office for discussing the details of any new jobs and document management, a new company materials stashing backroom and a lobby with a helpdesk for anyone comming in to find general information and to be served when a staffmember is available. But, that being said and presented, there are still needs within the company before we can truly open our doors once more and serve costumers again, and here is where you might potentially be involved; FAHD is looking for new employees, willing to help serve new clients, help doing furnishing work, collect and import materials into the company storage and assist in managing documents and costumers. This will be a paid job. No free labour. Do you have an interest in such a job description and think you have what it takes to work for FAHD or have a willing-to-learn attitude towards it, or do you perhaps know anyone who might? Please, do not hesitate to contact us either by mail to me, Tiwari, or finding our establishment in the State of Lurin to seek us out about it, and we can discuss further details together (OOC: or you can DM me on discord: @thegekko or open a ticket in the official FAHD discord server: https://discord.gg/gkSuX6HCta ) Our current next step is opening up our services, first within the borders of Lurin and later to neighboring nations and settlements as we gradually feel ready to do so, so keep an eye out for new announcements regarding that soon! That would be all. Thank you for your time, and we hope to work with you soon, either as a new costumer or employee! -Tiwari (Director of FAHD)
  13. The Brotherhood Purpose The Brotherhood is an organisation currently attached to the Yellow Cross with the mission to contain or eradicate any and all darkspawn which pose a threat to the general populous of the realms. Going to any lengths necessary in order to achieve their goals in preserving life and keeping the innocent safe. However, those that stand in the way of the brotherhood may face judgement, and in some cases, punishment. This purpose is given to them via directives that the Atronachs follow to the best of their ability, applying experience and gained knowledge to each scenario and task that they may come across. -A brotherhood Atronach watching over Lurin territories. Ideology The Brotherhood typically strive to bring balance to the realm, although some constructs have chosen to abstain from worshipping any deity, most however have chosen to follow the concept of the void itself, being that it is the method of their creation. These Atronachs revere void as the beginning and the end of all that exists and that which has yet to exist. Therefore they think of the void as the embodiment of balance. Due to this belief in balance, it is on rare occasion that the Brotherhood will come to an agreement with groups of darkspawn that will assist in defeating threats deemed more dire by choosing the lesser evil. Each Atronach hailing from the State of Lurin is able to speak the Lurinite language. Typically being used to relay information to one another when the Atronachs don’t wish to risk the spread of information and/ or express certain emotions. However they still may speak this language in casual conversation due to it being originally constructed by the Atronachs of Lurin. Structure The structure of the Brotherhood revolves around the age of the Atronachs. The older Atronachs are considered more advanced than younger ones. Because of this, the elders of the Brotherhood are considered the leading force. This however, only applies to the Atronachs who have proven themselves and are capable through experience and ability. In these cases these special Atronachs are given a unique set of plates that identify them as leaders. Although primarily made up of Atronachs made by the forgers of Lurin. The Brotherhood do accept other constructs into their ranks. This can range from Sorvians to Golems, as long as they share the same goal of eradicating evil from the realms and keeping balance. The brotherhood will gladly take them in and treat them as one of their own. Atronach Classes Ŝtalo Class Atronachs The standard class of Atronachs which have been equipped with steel plates. This is the class of all recruit Atronachs as well as some leadership Atronachs by choice. Imiti Class Atronachs A class of Atronachs that have been equipped with Arcanium gauntlets, helmets, or other parts. Mimicking either elements or other substances chosen by the Atronach themself or the forger. These Atronachs typically take on a less direct combat role. Malhela Class Atronachs A class of Atronachs equipped with Rokodra plating. These Atronachs are rarer and serve a vanguard role due to their durability and the unique properties of the metal. Atronachs that fall under this class can be considered to be one of the more aggressive constructs compared to their brothers, say for the Detruanto Class. Fajro Class Atronachs An advanced version of the Ŝtalo Class Atronachs equipped with Daemonsteel plating. These uncommon Atronachs are usually fire or ice aligned. Ŝanĝita Class Atronachs A blanket subclass of Atronachs who have had their platings altered in some way or additions made to their current structure. This can include steel that has been enchanted to be denser or have plates that have been enchanted with spells. Detruanto Class Atronachs A class of Atronachs considered looked down upon by the Brotherhood. Although still considered part of the Brotherhood, they are rogue entities which have no aligned impera and are fully independent, able to follow their own rules and beliefs. These are often seen in black plating. These are considered the most unpredictable and dangerous class of Atronachs, approach with caution. This classification also applies to Atronachs possessing outdated directives. The Brotherhood Directives The Following are the current directives for the Atronachs of the brotherhood, say for a select few Atronachs that fall under the Detruanto classification. I. - Never kill unless granted the go ahead by the appropriate level of authority. Otherwise detaining is your first priority. II. - Never turn against your creator or The Most Serene State of Lurin with violence or hostile intent. III. - Always follow the chain of command, somebody lower in the ranks can’t overrule someone higher in the ranks. If no appropriate chain of command is available the other directives take priority. IV. - Always finish a task given unless commanded to do otherwise by the appropriate rank. V. - Always sustain yourself at any cost if threatened to be destroyed or attacked through physical means. VI. - Spooks and undead are unlawful beings and should never be trusted in any capacity. If possible and acceptable by the law of the lands, terminate them. VII. - Study the law of the lands you wish to visit, abide by them and operate appropriately. If you do not wish to abide by the law of those lands, you may not visit there unless it is under supervision of a high ranking member or under direct order to break this directive temporarily. VIII. - During the free time outside of orders you are to explore your personal goals and develop yourself as a living being.
  14. TO THE MEN IN RED Issued at Year 118 of the Second Age Earlier on this day, men in red and black entered Lurin as our gates are always open during times of peace, however, this trust has been abused by these four men who witnesses to have claimed to taken a woman before sprinting out the gates before reinforcements were called. EYE FOR AN EYE The saying is that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind, however, as Lurin is a forgiving state, they will only be punished for the crimes they have committed according to the Codex of Lurin within our territories, willingly or not. Kidnapping, a class B crime Disturbance of Peace, a class D crime General Battery, a class C crime Aggravated Assault, a class B crime Verbal Harassment of a Higher Official, a class C crime Leading up to a fine of 1250 mina per person present, or the alternatives: -Execution of all -2000 mina worth of labor or goods per person -Two limbs, two digits and a final non-lethal cut per person May this be done peacefully and swiftly without escalation. You have one Esht Week to respond. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  15. THE COURTS OF LURIN Issued at Year 117 of the Second Age While The Most Serene State of Lurin is still young, it is seen fit to reform the courts to benefit the state they belong to in an attempt to create strife among peers to progress further than ever possible. With this sudden expansion of influence of the people over the state, it must be noted that the state will provide a counterweight in the form of simple requirements to be considered an active member of Lurin’s courts. THE NOBILITY OF LURIN While the court of Lurin is filled with nobility of varying degrees and the average citizen it should be noted that nobility only applies to one person and only in special cases a family is considered an integral part of Lurin. High Nobility: High nobility is often seen as the most important sect of people in Lurin, though they only get limited privileges compared to the average citizen. Vassal Leaders of various levels Vassal leaders are those granted a plot of land to develop the lands of The Silver Lubba for them and establish settlements for their people or potentially fortify the borders of the territories of Lurin. Often vassal leaders can be found as a voice upon the council and within reason govern their own lands with a certain amount of autonomy in exchange for their service. Division and Office Leaders With the rather unique structure of Lurin’s governance, the various divisions and offices are all granted their ability through The Silver Lubba and have their leaders assigned much through the same process. Division leaders are in every way above office leaders though fall in the same ranking of high nobility due to their importance in a functional state. Division leaders are often at the forefront of progress and military matters which they will need to execute with success as failure is not an option within the state at this level of leadership. The lack of a division leader to a division is often filled back up by the lower ranking members of the division, however, if it is found that incompetency is rampant, The Silver Lubba will personally lead the lacking division temporarily. Office leaders are maintaining the state and their institutions to keep the citizenry engaged, educated and healthy. When a position in these offices aren’t filled then often The SIlver Lubba steps in to personally ensure it stays functional. Previous High Council and Silver Lubbas Previous members of the High Council and Silver Lubbas are viewed as highly experienced members of Lurinite society, making them extremely valuable as advisors to the state and as a reward for their service they are granted their position as high noble. THE REQUIREMENTS OF HIGH NOBILITY To become a high noble within the territories of Lurin one must dedicate themselves to the state and its people with many paths laid out for even regular citizens to work their way up to this level of nobility. (A noble of Lurin ensuring the presence of their levymen) Minor Nobility: Minor nobility is often made up of people who have helped the state less directly or are not yet influential enough to be considered a high noble. Family Estate Holders With the nobility of Lurin working different from most other forms, only the one who holds the family estate is considered a minor noble to avoid stretching out the system to where everyone could be considered a noble somehow. Within reason the patriarch or matriarch of an influential family is the preferred candidate for holding these family estates. Large Company Holders Large companies within Lurin are considered minor nobility to empower them to more easily convey their desires within the territories for the sake of progress. Large companies need to be granted this title of minor nobility and only one leader per company is able to hold this title. The Silver Lubba’s Family The family of The Silver Lubba is most important to the state, some of these individuals considered princes and princesses if they are a direct descendant by blood to the first degree from The Silver Lubba themself. Though regardless of this, they are still merely minor nobles to limit their power within the state unless they manage to work their way up the ranks like every other citizen of Lurin. Lubba Knights Lubba Knights are an integral part of the Lurinite military, providing prowess of both mind and body to the state as their most elite forces of the realm. Lubba Knights are chosen personally by The Silver Lubba to maintain a force of only the best Lurin can find within their territories. Personal Advisors of The Silver Lubba Personal advisors to The Silver Lubba are often invited over personally to council meetings to bring their unique perspective or expertise to courts. Though not anyone with expertise becomes a personal advisor, often minor nobility is granted to those who repeatedly are requested to show their perspective upon certain issues. THE REQUIREMENTS OF MINOR NOBILITY To become a minor noble within the territories of Lurin one must be proficient at their trade or have value to the state as a whole. Each one of these positions bar the family options are achievable within reasonable time and dedication by any citizen of Lurin. Additionally they are needed to bring forth one person to fill up a position within the divisions of Lurin with families considered as one entity, refusing this requirement will result in remaining a regular citizen rather than minor noble. Upon achieving this first step up into nobility, a mundane weapon of choice may be requested to The Silver Lubba themself who will provide the holder of this title with what they desire to use. This weapon becomes a symbol of service to the state and is of great importance to the holder of it as the loss of this weapon is a great tragedy upon the banner this noble comes from. Furthermore beyond this symbol, the fresh noble will need to provide a banner for the halls of The Silver Lubba, representing them, their family or company in the courts of Lurin and is seen as a gift of great prestige from The Silver Lubba to have their banner present. THE PEOPLE OF LURIN While our courts are filled with nobility of varying levels, it should be noted that citizens are often seen wandering in with issues they have found or ideas they wish to bring to light. Our citizens are encouraged to participate within the courts of Lurin to aid us in our governance as if it were their own duty to do so. Periodically a time for these suggestions and issues is hosted by a member of the high council of The Silver Lubba themself. (Lurinite court being held within the designated room) These moments of public court for the citizenry are a right given by The Silver Lubba and must be held at least once per Esht Month, however, it is preferred to host these bi-weekly for a more effective means of dedicated communication outside of conversations held directly with the various council members. Once a public court is called for with a location provided for it, the citizens may bring forth their word without issue unless in direct violation with the current laws. THE MILITARY OF LURIN With the courts set up within reason in our Most Serene State of Lurin, the military duties of our people may not be forgotten in times of prosperity. Without a necessity to maintain an army in the eyes of our citizens it has been seen fit to take a necessary step towards maintaining a proper standing army made up from people rather than the constructs our state provides us so the constructs may focus upon their primary goals instead of having to act as our military. (A Silver Centurion marching forth into enemy territory) This new system includes full participation from our nobility as they are now required to send forth at least one person from their group to be granted and maintain their position. As easily as the noble status is granted, it may be stripped at the same speed if the bare minimum is not met. This one person put forth must be capable of learning, following orders and be able bodied. These people do not necessarily need to be soldiers of the state, they merely have to participate within the government’s system of divisions. Each person put forth can choose their own division to join willingly to maintain a minimal amount of staff within each division with relative ease and keeping ourselves capable in times of conflict. THE ETIQUETTE OF LURIN The etiquette of our Most Serene State of Lurin is rather simple with the rule of thumb being that humility is praised above all and the lack thereof shunned within the courts. Within Lurin a citizen and The Silver Lubba share the burden of the state in different ways, though never must one raise themselves too high to estrange the people of our state as chaos ensues. Every citizen has their worth provided to the state, the lack of doing so may put them in a less favorable light. Additionally, the laws of Lurin will always be maintained by the citizens of our Most Serene State of Lurin as the lack of discipline will be dealt with accordingly. Furthermore, there are simple phrases within court one could use to show respect to the culture of the Lurinites or used to disrespect a citizen greatly. “May Eshtael Bless you” - A simple phrase to wish good health upon them. “May your scales never tip” - Wishing someone stability and prosperity in life. “The Atronachs Missed You” - Accusing someone of being vile in nature. “May Tahariae take care of you” - A phrase to wish someone dead. Along with these simple phrases, there is a good chance they will be spoken out with the Lurinite language to ensure foreign bodies know little of what is being spoken of. However, even among Lurinites this language is rare to be spoken as many only speak it to express the true meaning of their words. THE FASHION OF LURIN Most other settlements and nations of the realm often have difficulty finding out who is deemed important and who is not within Lurin, partially this is because of the odd fashion found within Lurin and on their citizens. Often they are seen wearing their work uniform or a modified version of it for more formal meetings, however, there is still the presence of informal clothing among the people who lack a position within the state. Often viewed as a shame, however, if they manage to become successful without the state then they might as well have earned their share into becoming a minor noble or perhaps make their own clothing for ease. (A Silver Centurion with modified uniform entering court) THE DIPLOMACY OF LURIN As Lurin grows over time, there have been a couple preferences and noted down expressions during the diplomatic process which could be more efficient or avoided entirely. With this revelation, a small list has been constructed to give some oversight for future diplomatic meetings. -Bringing anyone other than your leader or someone authorized to officiate pacts autonomously to negotiate terms is a waste of time and effort. -Bringing more than two soldiers to a meeting is an act of aggression. Additional diplomats are an exception if they bring something of use to the table. -A pact with another nation might end up being pushed through the council and shareholders to see a general census before accepting, declining or altering the terms. -Every pact must be made with both parties present in the room, drafts must be prepared beforehand to indicate a clear goal of what the other entity wishes to achieve. -The offering or exchanging of gifts is discouraged during meetings unless they have a true cultural value to avoid muddling diplomacy with nepotism and other forms of bastardized politics. (Diplomats on their way to the Lurinite courts) THE CULTURAL STANDARDS OF THE COURTS The start of court within the territories of Lurin are rather simple, once a time and place have been chosen then as soon as the citizens, indentured servants, council members and nobles of Lurin start wandering in then the leading figure within the room may announce the start with a simple phrase: “The Serene Prevail Today, May Your Voices Be Heard” Followed by a gesture to either summon the first person before the leading figure or to perhaps announce something for all of Lurin to know. The courts of Lurin are considered to be in a more basic form as titles matter little within these courts and competency is always preferred over them. This unusual form enables leadership and nobility to be spoken at by their first name without mention of their title regardless if they agree or not to prevent bastardization of the process of court. The court only finishes after a simple phrase has been spoken out by the leading figure of this court, usually the one who summoned court: “Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance” Once this phrase is spoken, no nobility, leadership or citizens are needed to stay within the room where court was held, granting opportunity for less global and more personal matters to be discussed if deemed necessary to do so. Furthermore, as Lurinite court is considered more basic in nature, it should be noted that at all times only those requesting to speak up will be listened to, the lack of this basic thought in repeated fashion will enable the Centurions in removing them from the premises. Naturally, this rule has exceptions if the words spoken out are widely considered to be slanderous or vile in nature. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  16. THE SILVER TRADE Issued at Year 116 of the Second Age As there have been marks upon both states inflicted through conflict of the past, a recent more open approach has been adopted by both states to amend relations through trade and non-aggression for the improving of both states’ wealth and ensuring peace in the south to last. On this day Mika Anarion paid a visit to Luthien Maeyr'onn as a letter had arrived to him concerning a council member who had approached them for a potential trade agreement. Discussions were fruitful and both parties came to acceptable terms to form The Silver Trade pact for its set duration ARTICLE I: TRADE I. The Most Serene State of Lurin agrees to provide a location within their walls for The Silver State of Haelun’or to sell their goods II. The Silver State of Haelun’or agrees to provide a location within their walls for The Most Serene State of Lurin to sell their goods III. Disagreements with the goods sold can be cleared up among signatories. ARTICLE II: NON-AGGRESSION I. The Most Serene State of Lurin agrees to a clause of non-aggression upon The Silver State of Haelun’or for the duration of the pact. II. The Silver State of Haelun’or agrees to a clause of non-aggression upon The Most Serene State of Lurin for the duration of the pact. III. Both signatories agree that upon suspected violation they make sure to clear up the situation among each other before potentially declaring the pact null. ARTICLE III: DURATION I. The duration of this pact lasts for 12 years, till the end of year 128 of the second age. II. The pact may be declared null and void if either signatory violates any of the articles of the pact. ARTICLE IV: DARKSPAWN I. The signatories pledge to lend all resources disposable to them in their attempts against Darkspawn. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. signed, The Silver Lubba SOHAER of The Silver State of Haelun’or, Luthien Maeyr’onn. MAHERAL of The Silver State of Haelun’or, Seth Calith Maheral ito Haelun’or.
  17. EDUCATIONAL STATE FORGING ACT Issued at Year 116 of the Second Age With the ideas of what we wish our culture to shift towards penned on paper, an effort must be made to make this into a reality. Industry without a blacksmith is simply impossible and with such The Most Serene State of Lurin has decided to provide a workshop for any and all who wish to visit to learn about the various techniques of craftsmanship. EDUCATE THE MASSES For now the education on forging shall be limited to steel alone with the mere basics as every person that shows up must be able to learn from the ground up how to forge and maintain their tools properly. The initial classes will be taught by Mika Anarion himself and potentially later on a skilled smith is wanting to take over these courses to continue cultural strife towards a more industry capable population. Tools, material and space to forge will be provided by the state to a limited number of people depending on the amount of forges available. First lesson will be held the next stone day at the Workforce HQ. Eternal we Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  18. LURIN WINDOW INSURANCE ACT Issued at Year 116 of the Second Age Due to the increasing amounts of shattered windows and the solidarity of the state to its people, The Most Serene State of Lurin has decided to open up insurance for their citizens. As glass is a resource not many have on hand to quickly repair a window due to the labor intensive process of creating perfect glass panes and the state having the workforce to back them up in such a process, it is seen fit to provide the citizens with repairs. GLASS FOR THE CITIZENRY This deal between state and citizen comes at a bare minimum cost where as long as they pay their taxes their windows shall be patched up with a glass of their choosing. Failure to contact the state for your broken windows for a prolonged duration will fall under our general negligence law found at general safety, 2a. The Payment of tax has to be completed before any repairs may be done on behalf of the state, the one holding the property will be able to avoid this by creating and installing the window themselves. There is a possibility that your window will be repaired without your knowledge initially, however, a note will be placed in the inhabitant's mailbox notifying of a potential break in and offered a potential modification in design to avoid future window smashing for potential invasions of property. DEFENSE OF THE STATE With this alarming amount of mischief and failed robberies, The Most Serene State of Lurin will expand efforts to add new constructs to the brotherhood to more frequently patrol the city and make it clear to any who attempt to do so again will be unpleasantly surprised by increasing the severity of this crime temporarily to a class A crime without the escape of bailing yourself out, leaving only blood payment as an option for the following till the 120th year of the second age. Additionally, The Most Serene State of Lurin wishes to revitalize their efforts on expanding The Silver Centurions to limit reliance on construct production. Those Willing to join the cause of keeping our streets safe can contact John or The Silver Lubba for more information. Eternal we Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  19. The Silver Crow’s Orphanarium Issued at Year 115 of the Second Age It is my joy to announce the opening of this home for wayward children. I realized after the war in Balian, children who lost their parents had been set loose upon the world, it is my hope and duty to give them a safe place to lay their heads. And so I have founded this orphanage for them to do just that, meals and basic necessities are provided of course, the courtyard of the home is gated so that no unwelcome visitors may get too close to the home. All children of any age are welcome here. The home is located in The Most Serene State of Lurin and operated solely by Her Excellency, Princess Lumia Anarion. Pets are a welcomed accompaniment so long as it is cleaned up after by its respective owner. For all seeking refuge or to adopt please contact Lumia Anarion signed, Her Excellency, Princess Lumia Anarion, High Steward of Lurin, Hostess of House Anarion
  20. MISCHIEF MAKERS WANTED Issued at Year 114 of the Second Age There has been an alarming rate of mischief going on within the city of Lurin, making it hard to go through the daily lives of our citizenry without minor inconveniences being bestowed upon them by an unknown source. As normally this is not much of an issue, we have found evidence that it is scaling drastically and makes it a necessity for the state to take action. THE SEARCH FOR MISCHIEF We have collected multiple reports of missing items, such as jewelry, scraps of food, trinkets made from precious metals and the steel tools of varying occupations. While theft is something rarely struggled with due to the security provided, it has caught the state by surprise to have such a spree of crime occur while on the other hand there is an immense increase in mischievous behavior that does not align with the citizenry. Everyone within the city is affected by this spree of mischief from the moving of writing utensils to the other side of the room to having their door jammed with a metal pin stolen from the workforce to having a potato thrown at your feet while having a conversation in the square. The Silver Centurions will be on the case for this strange spree of mischief and we hope to report to our citizens about our findings. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE. signed, The Silver Lubba
  21. MAIN | STUDENT HANDBOOK | THE STARFELL CIRCLE | DISCORD (^ Links ^) Our Citadel has slumbered for too long: now, at last, its classes may begin! The Citadel of Hexenstadt will have its Grand Opening in one year, on the 12th of the Grand Harvest. Refreshments will be offered, and those who wish to attend the school may approach the teacher of each class to ask about joining. Tuition is free and we are non-discriminatory: unless you are banished from the State, you are welcome here. We will also be offering tours of the classrooms! At this time, one medical classroom has been blocked off due to the dissection cadavers stored within it rotting; do not enter lest you wish to smell like rot and have flies cling to thee. We'll have a cleaning team on it soon in order to show off the room to prospective students. OOC INFORMATION:
  22. ON THE CURED Issued at Year 112 of the Second Age After receiving the missive regarding our citizen, Sarah Artenin, of being a vampire, the Lubba’s Council was in shock. Thankful to the shamans that they cured her of her vile disease, however, there was another part of the missive which did not resonate with the citizens of Lurin as Sarah was made to forcefully live in Nor’asath or be hunted down and executed. The council gathered today to draft up an official response regarding the situation and express their displeasure to this foreign policy. ON THE ABDUCTION OF SARAH ARTENIN As Lurin does not want to waste further ink and blood on this matter, while we agree with your sentiment against darkspawn, the holding of our citizens against their will is a vile act and The Most Serene State of Lurin hereby declares a simple warning: The attempt at a repeated taking of Sarah Artenin will result in conflict of degrees the balance of Eshtael will allow. May the wisdom of the shamans of Nor’Asath and The Iron Horde be everlasting and conflict kept to a minimum so all our lands may experience the prosperity it deserves. signed, The Silver Lubba
  23. The Inauguration of the Frederick Library Issued at Year 112 of the Second Age With the recent flourishing of the Lurinian Economy, the city has grown to be wealthy and full of life. Long time ago the Frederick Library found its bookshelves filled with many tomes, parchments and books but it is now, after the dangers in the south have been eradicated that we hold a feast to celebrate its inauguration. THE EXCHANGE OF BOOKS The Frederick Library has been open for a while, but this next elven week we will officially open it to the public. We will hold a feast where drinks will be served and each assistant or assisting delegation will be asked to bring a book of their choice for the library. In exchange we will provide one book which represents the culture of Lurin. A drinking competition will also be held with the following prizes: 1st Place: 400 mina and the copy of 5 books of their choice from the library 2nd Place: 200 mina and the copy of 3 books of their choice from the library 3rd Place: 100 mina and the copy of 1 book of their choice from the library Invitations were sent all Around Almaris: The Citizens of the Principality of Celia’nor The Citizens of The Commonwealth of Petra The Citizens of Nor’Asath The Citizens of the Koengdom of Haense The Citizens of the Grand Kingdom Of Urguan The Citizens of the Kingdom of Balian The Citizens of the Unfied Domain of Vortice The Citizens of Small Tower and North Keep signed, The Silver Lubba Baron of Lalwën and Head Lubrarian, OOC Time:
  24. Tiwari’s Furniture And Home Designing Workshop DEAR NEW HOMEOWNERS, BUSINESS FOLK AND PEOPLE WHO COULD USE A FRESH LOOK FOR THEIR ENVIRONMENT! I, Tiwari, hereby announce the opening of my new business; Furniture crafting and interior decorating! With my business, I hope to serve people’s needs in acquiring furniture of their choosing to fill their homes, or any other type of interior needs, up with! I am also capable of helping you design interior spaces in a theme that you deem fit for the room(s) you need. Are you in need of any one of these services that I can provide you with? Do you wish to see some of my creations? Then I suggest you come see me in Lurin at Riva 9 where you can also leave me a note with your information so we can book a meeting regarding what you need along with the price! Every order from you will help me grow this business into something bigger so I can help more and more people and expand on my furniture creation capabilities. So, I hope to see an order from you soon! -Tiwari (Director of FAHD) [!] The displayed address can be seen has been changed since the current address is taped on with a small lap of paper. If the lap is removed, behind it, it says 'Axolotl 2'
  25. MEAT FOR LURINITES ACT Issued at Year 111 of the Second Age With a recent expansion of the production of animal products and our exports being overflown with meats, Lurin has taken note of the necessity of increasing welfare for its people by distributing our excess to the taxpayers of Lurin before our storages overflow with the meats we produce locally. MEAT IN THE MAILBOX Our most faithful citizens of Lurin have aided us establish ourselves properly in the south and with this the standard of living for the Lurinites must increase accordingly. While we will not hand out grain, potatoes and vegetables due to our production simply being too low to hand out on top of our exports, we will feed our people the best we can, with steak and beef. Lurin citizens who have paid their taxes are entitled to a pouch of steak and beef in their mailbox if one is available. In some cases the tax is lower than the price of the goods provided, though we will stand by our worth. signed, The Silver Lubba Lumia Anarion, High Steward of Lurin
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