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  1. Hey I'm putting all my LotC videos as unlisted and wanted to make this post so that the links could be found without asking me. These videos start in 2013 when I joined and the last one I uploaded was last year in 2017. Green = Better quality / recommended videos. Red = Boring videos that I put in just for the record. Harbinger Fight (Anthos, 2013) Battle of the Nation's Crossing (Thorin's War, Anthos 2013) Battle of Shadowcastle (Pre-Trench War, Anthos 2013) Fall of the Cloud Temple (Anthos, 2013) Deeproads Breach (Ondnarch, Anthos, 2013) Battle of Thoringrad (Trench War, Anthos, 2014) Battle of Indagolaf End (Trench War, Anthos, 2014) Dwarves Help the Conclave (Anthos, 2014) Battle for Kal'Azgoth (Ondnarch, Anthos 2014) The Last Ice Morph (Ondnarch, Anthos 2014) Battle of the Dreadfort (Anthos, 2014) Welcome to the Fringe (Anthos - Fringe, 2014) Skirmish in Kaldonia (The Fringe, 2014) The Battle of Kal'Agnar (Athera, 2014) Battle of Hiebenhall (Athera, 2015) Battle of the Withering Woods Battle of the Melting Frost (1st Frostbeard Rebellion, Vailor, 2015) Dwarf vs Orc Wargames (Vailor, 2015) Battle of Khro'Nagaak (Vailor, 2015) Battle of Kal'Ordholm (Vailor, 2016) Battle of the Gorge (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Battle of Goldfield (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Skirmish of Johannesburg (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Skirmish by Curon (Courland-Haense War, Axios, 2017) Mordring Attacks Bastion (Axios, 2017) Skirmish Outside the Krag (Dwarves vs Norland War, Axios, 2017) Battle in the Cultist's Lair (Axios, 2017)
  2. THE SIEGE OF BLACKREACH Messenger and Duke Thomas I of Riviä Circa 1672 Duke Thomas I of Riviä would be gazing out of a window in the Riviän privy council chambers, surveying his land and watching his soldiers drill in the main courtyard. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet until the privy council doors slammed open with a messenger running inside with a declaration in his hands. “Your Grace, the B-barony of Blackreach have d-declared... themselves ind-dependent from our D-duchy!” the messenger pants, stuttering over his speech. The Duke turns around, his face showing intense anger and confusion “Summon the officers, to meet me here in a few minutes time!” he’d command, with great power. As soon as all the commanding officers in the army arrived into the privy council chambers, the doors were slammed shut and locked from the inside not allowing anyone to give away their plans. Thomas I would clear his throat before starting “I took the House of an Cantwell in when nobody else wanted them, I granted them a Barony and what do they repay me with. They repay me with open rebellion! This will not stand, I hereby say we call up our banners and our allies and march to war.” Ser Kuyouch would simply listen to Thomas for a while "Your Grace. Going to war seems to be the only solution" he'd suddenly say "Though try to keep the casualties on both sides to a minimum. Our only targets are the leaders. With no leader, a group or nation falls apart. Then we could take advantage of the chaos after we killed the leaders, and march into the city or whatever that shithole is." he'd suddenly stand up from his seat and walks to a window, looking outside "Those who give, will be given. Those who take, shall be taken." he'd simply add afterwards, sitting back into his seat and sipping from a cup of rum. Theresa would be sitting in her chair with her arm on the table resting her head on it. “I agree with killing the leaders but cant we spare the barony, have new leaders for it, make it our barony again?” Theresa would say calmly, trying to take the most peaceful route as possible*. Leonard would reply to Theresa “Yeah I think we should spare who surrenders to us after the killing of the Leaders, having more vassals would be useful" he would heavily slam his arm on the table, and his eyes would light up “But everyone who tries to stop us should be killed immediately during the siege, those stupids soldiers must pay for what they do” Leonard would say with a smile. Thomas stands up with a grin on his face “So it is agreed then, we go to war” he then turns to his daughter, Theresa de Hartcold “Call up the banners, we march to war within the coming months” WARCLAIM CBs: Rebellion + Betrayal Side A: The Duchy of Rivia + Allies Side B: The Barony of Blackreach [No Allies] Proposed Date & Time: TBD Proposed Rules: TBD in Warchat Location: x. 2115.153 y. 88.87500 z. 3916.755 (somewhere round here) Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location: Discord: TJBGamer#9681 Sander#0004
  3. Hey guys, thought I would share a total obliteration war claim!
  4. Role-play: An abandoned fortress lay within the area of the Duchy of Nevaria land expansion, it lies as a potential safe hold and strategic point for bandits or enemies of the duchy, and must be seized immediately to prevent the threat. CBs: Minor Freebuild Takeover- Abandonment-Marshal of Nevarian guard was killed by High Rock people. Side A: Duchy of Nevaria Side B: High Rock Estate Proposed Date & Time: Friday 8th, at 8:00 PM EST Proposed Rules: Server rules Location: Blue=Duchy of Nevaria land/Red=High Rock Estate Discord: Anisgar#9993 TriscuitBisquick#4491
  5. Depiction of sleeping lambs before a slaughter, symbolizing the previous skirmish - by Pius. c.1660 Early in the morning, the population of the Norlandic islands would be awoken by the distant, yet audible sunrise ritual of a rooster. A call to awaken, and face their actions on the battlefield. The Northern Atlas Alliance marches closer by the hour, pushing closer to the heathen populated Norlandic capital. As four nations, nine banners and thousands of men and women enter deeper into the Norlandic territory, town criers spout rumors of an upcoming battle. A message would propagate among town folk: "The dragon is starving in a land full of lambs - it will feast soon . . . " WARCLAIM Side A: Northern Atlas Alliance Side B: United Southern Alliance Actual Time & Date: Saturday 28th April, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT. Proposed Rules: TBD in Warchat Location: [GMs have it in Dewper's battleplan] Discord: Dewper#3791 / DPM#1488 / Clouds#1218
  6. ~The Duchy of Arbor~ & House Silversteed ((coordinates to Arbor are X: 27 Y: 72 Z: 1563)) I am now unbroken. From this day, until my last, I shall not bow, I shall not bend, I shall not break. Henceforth I will not kneel for any man, not before any lord, or King. Our hearts are where all truth resides, And so I shall place my willing fist above it, in place of a bent spine. I am now undaunted. I shall not fear, what others fear most. I shall not tremble, when ordinary men break ranks. I am the light in the dark. I am the shield endowed with honor, the protector of Arbor and its lands. I am the sword etched with glory, the guardian of light. I swear from this day forth to protect the innocent of all the realms of Atlas, wherever they may be. I swear my life in the name of Arbor and House Silversteed, to protect the true bloodline of the first. I relinquish all title or titles to be to Arbor, for either I shall hold title within its realm, or no title at all. I am of House Silversteed, I am of Arbor. We are retribution. ~The oath of Arbor. ~A poem, written by a musician of Arbor many years ago, which became popular with the Knights and has since become a common hym among the people of Arbor. Since the Kingdom of Arbor, ordained by the Church, merged with Curon nearly 30 years ago, the realms have prospered. The alliance of nations has formed in the pursuit of lasting peace, and the Global Assembly has had unprecedented success in creating an understanding amongst the people of Atlas. Despite this, darkness still presides in this world. I Aragon Silversteed, Lord Paramount of House Silversteed; only son of Avalon Silversteed, the founder of this great house, have dedicated my life to eradicating the forces of darkness that plague all the peoples of Atlas. We the Knights of Arbor, tasked as peacekeepers of the Global Assembly, take it upon ourselves to seek out this darkness wherever it may be and destroy it. The undead, bandits, and the drakes that torment this world will be hunted and eradicated. To this end I swear my life, let God be my witness. Those who wish to fight the darkness of this realm, may sign up here. If one wishes to join the Silver Knights of Arbor however, they must sign up and pass the trials. Only the best and the bravest can hold the honor of becoming a Knight. If one does not wish to attempt the trials, they may join the Black Guard. ~The grand charge against the undead out of Arbor, led by Avalon Silversteed and The Knights of Arbor The Silver Knights of Arbor ~Ser Ajax, Knight of Arbor (left, with shield) blocking an attack on Avalon Silversteed (right) by Bandits and Undead. Ser Ajax saved Avalon's life this fateful day. The Culture of Arbor Arbor began many many years ago, a split off group during the decline of the Kingdom of Norland in the beginnings of Atlas. Lord Avalon Silversteed, first of the House Silversteed, left Norland with much of its population and his house after the bastard child of Javier stole the thrown from his brother the true heir to Norland, whilst his brother was sickly in bed. Fearing a decline which indeed did come, Avalon and his kin left Norland, for a better life. In the early months of Atlas they established a small town, just outside the Cloud Temple. The town grew rapidly, and eventually became a city. Amongst the massive oak trees of those fertile lands, and like a tree itself growing strong out of seemingly hopeless soil, this city was aptly named 'Arbor'. Avalon believed in honor above everything. What he saw in Norland greatly shaped his view in the world. He saw how brothers turned on each other for power. How they spat on basic principles like the freedom to think clearly, or the freedom to follow differing faiths without fear of persecution. It became his drive, his goal in life to renew a spirit of honor within this new world of Atlas. He started with a simple decree. "Gather round my kin, hear me! I dare not take much of your time, you all lead busy lives, but hear me! Never again, shall anyone bow to me! And I shall bow to none! Just the other day an old and humble farming man came to my court asking for grain. Before he even spoke a word, before he even knew my nature, he attempted to bow before me. The pain from the motion that I saw in his eyes, I shall never forget. What right, do I have, does anyone have, to ask for people to bend their pride and honor before them!? To humiliate people, in such a way, just to evoke status. No more. The heart, is from where I wish to speak. From my heart. That is where my truth resides. Where my honor comes from. And as long as it beats I shall never bend my back again, to no man, no lord, no king. And as long as I live, none shall bow to me, or any of my blood!" And so it was. From that day forth the people developed a new show of respect towards each other. Arborians became known for placing their fist over their hearts gently, in place of bowing to one another. As time went by, and the Knights of Arbor were formed, the people of Arbor found it there duty to take on the roles that other cities and nations found beneath them. To aid the small and unlanded peoples that were scattered throughout Atlas. To protect these small communities from bandits, and the undead. To help them went winters were harsh. To supply them, when times were hard. The forgotten peoples of Atlas, were not forgotten by Arbor. Beside a large trade road leading to the Elves of the Dominion, and at the base of the mountain of the mighty Dwarves of Kaz'Ulra, Arbor's wealth swelled. Developing close relations because of this trade with many nations, Arborians began to develop their own culture and identity. Arborians above all value honor. In every interaction Honor is at play. If an Arborian goes back on their word, it is considered a disgrace, and they are often shunned by fellow Arborians for breaking a contract, or manipulating agreements. Arborians developed this sense that Honor and Humility are perhaps the most important attributes in a person, and thus teach it to each generation. Arborians are masters of the horse, and mounted combat. It is common that parents introduce their children to horses before the children can even speak. The horse is a symbol of freedom, of heart, and of loyalty. The vivid green plains and deep forests that surround Arbor are often speckled with wild stallions. As such, Arborians have developed, perhaps more than anything, the determination and willpower, of the very horses they ride. Arborians are a proud people, and there is often a struggle between to balance humility, and the natural pride within all Arborians. The Black Guard Charter of the Arborian Government, ~History~ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign up for Citizenship RP Name: MC Name: Do you have a skill, trade, or profession you wish to pursue or put to use within Arbor? Are you interested in one of the above mentioned positions within the Arborian government? If so, which? (Senate, Silver Court, Centurion, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign up for The Knights of Arbor RP Name: MC Name: Combat Experience (none is fine): If you wish to become a Knight, are you ready to take the oath and attempt the trials? (Do not respond if you wish to join the Black Guard): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign up for The Black Guard RP Name: MC Name: Combat Experience (none is fine, training is provided): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ((MSG L0rdT0mas, Ajax_Manslayer, or Ye_Haw for further information))
  7. Type of Battle: Skirmish. Proposed Tier: Tier 1 Date & Time: 8/6/17 | 3pm EST. Side A: The Kingdom of Santegia + allies Side B: The Principality of Veris + allies Discord: Already in war chat Location: Veris Direct Area: https://i.gyazo.com/90d51745aed695ef894abec5d46d707c.png Surrounding Area: https://i.gyazo.com/90d51745aed695ef894abec5d46d707c.png Proposed Rules: Standard server rules. No unregistered allies. No golden apples. No one-day alts Roleplay Section: From dusk to dawn, an almost endless stream of men would pour against the border between the two nations. Abdes de Savin would examine from astride his horse, the long file of divisions that stretched as far as the eye could see; the valley and forest is filled with the throng of life, between the excited chatter of allies of Simian and Norlandic origin. In no small part, his own forces hold rank and file as their officers brief them on how they shall conduct themselves in the coming months.. He recalls the affronts upon his nation; the attempted murder of his beloved sister-in-law, Sussane de Castro. He recalls Verisian aggression upon his steadfast allies, and how they too refused to raise arms against the menace of the so called Principality of Veris. These were not forgotten; in fact, the winds of fate implied that these slights would be righted with the submission of the foul Jack the Puppeteer. And let’s not forget their dishonorable way of backing out all the treaties they made and agreed on. How they all just nullified it. This cannot go unnoticed. The time for pondering had ended, Abdes would vanish into his command tent, for it is time for planning; soon the the march upon his enemy would be upon him. Pride swells in his breast upon the knowledge that the Kingdom of Santegia will march to victory again. It is time for justice again.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLoytewvn0g To Behead a Serpent “The House of Horen is in itself a dynasty built upon ambition and the insatiable greed for power and domination. Claiming to be the most pure and divine descendants of Horen I, the Horen will always speak of their ancient rights and privileges to preside over all of man, likely from this day ‘till the very end of all time.” -An excerpt from “The Extinguished and the Exalted: An Opus upon the Prominent Dynasties of Humanity, both present and defunct.” drafted by Herbert of Metz in the year of our LORD 1600. The Fortress of Ostwick, circa 1592. The luminescent rays of the shimmering sun beamed down upon the form of three armoured riders, their steads racing in full gallop down the soil-trodden path winding towards the West Gates of Metz. Each of the riders shared a great deal in common - the standard they all bore, for one - checkered blue upon white. The Lorraine Cross brooch was pinned proudly upon each of their chests, a sure sight to all of their devout adherence to the Canonist Faith and the ornately-designed barbute helms donned upon their heads and sealed over their faces. But most distinctly of all, crimson red stains of blood and gore marked their tabards, soaked into the well-sewn cloth. The three-man troupe rode with hunched backs yet with high heads - evidently they all and each felt some shred of shame and despair, though they would not let a single defeat strip them of their pride. “Christophe, Leopold - rear your mounts. We’re nearly to the gate.” The trio brought their mares to a halt as they came to the tight steel bars of Metz’s west gate, each of their heads rearing backward in near unison as they heard a figure emerge from the cover of the citadel balustrade. A simple d’Amaury soldier - the golden cross of Lorraine stretching out upon his chest on a field of green, a nasal helm perched tightly upon his cranium and and an pre-loaded arbalest clutched within his hands. “Halt! Who goes there?!” In a simple physical response, the rider at the group’s head reached up, withdrawing his helmet from upon his head - steely grey-green eyes met with the footsoldier’s strained hazel-brown, and strands of his inky black-locks hung downward to cover his forehead and upper-face. Beads of sweat and moisture rolled down the rider’s porcelain tanned skin, an effect of both the humidity sealed within the confines of his weighted barbute helm and the pure exhaustion that racked his bones. “Robert de Anjou, Count of Cleves - I’ve an audience with his royal majesty Philip.” The soldier’s expression contorted to one of simple surprise, and perhaps a light touch of relief, as he brought his hand upward and cocked his head backward over his shoulder. “Raise the gate!” And so they rose… ~ Philip Owyn was already perched high upon his throne as Robert and his men filed into the throne hall. The youthful king cut a frigid, yet unimposing position upon his marble chair. The youth had matured greatly in appearance since Robert had seen him last - he was a boy of thirteen then, with puffy cheeks and a jovial smile. But now the boy, once simply a Prince of Lorraine, found himself seated upon his brothers throne - his face had took a gaunter, more mature shape and he held no smile upon his lips. And as he spotted Robert’s entry, his gaze uplifted, and a lone hand raised to beckon him forth. “Come forward, Lord Robert.” The de Anjou troupe strided forth with heavy steps, the flocks of gathered nobility and aristocracy gathered about the court swarming to the sides of the hall, allowing a straight, open passage for Count Robert and his men. As the Count Cleves neared closer., he and his bannerman came to a standstill - and immediately dropped down to one knee. “Rise, my lord - you bring news from Ostwick?” With the command, Robert and his two followers stood. “Aye.” he began, beginning to bow his head as threads of shame overtook the aged count. “We could not hold the keep, your majesty - there was no possible way. We had it seized and under our control for no more than a day before a host from Mardon arrived at our doors with a number far greater than our own. They demanded we surrender the fortress to them at once - we did not oblige, and they stormed through our petty, ill-prepared defenses and cut through our number within minutes.” Disgruntled, indecipherable whispers began to echo quietly about the court as the onlookers spoke amongst themselves. A grave moment of silence filled the air of King Philip himself did not utter a word - either in deep contemplation or feeling grave wroth. After some moments, the king was the first to break the silence; “What of the pretender?” he asked. “What of Anna Sophia?” “Alive, regrettably - when we made it into the keep the rebel Queen was nowhere to be found. My men deduced that she managed to scale down the walls as we were breaking in by the way of a rope tied upon the balustrade. Most of her advisors followed suit.” Philip’s brows furrowed downward with grave concern. Palms pressed to the armrests of his marble throne, he steadily rose up to his feet. Pacing to the forefront of the great dais where the lawful Throne of Lorraine stood, the young King opened his mouth to speak. “It would seem, then, that the work of my father is yet to be truly complete - it was only fourteen years ago to this day that the Battle of the Golden Fields was fought; the fight that turned the tides of the Coalition War to the victory our people longed so. And now, another Horen scion - an unlawful pretender with no true claim upon Lorraine and Lotharingia - would seek to cease my throne and enforce yet another oppressive and tyrannical Imperialist regime upon the people of Lorraine-Savoy.” For the briefest of moments, Philip closed his eyes - and when they re-opened, Robert swore he could see a deep, dark glint of fiery determination and ambition beaming in the youth’s eyes. “It shall be war.” the King announced finally. ((Credits to @Proddy for the RP portion)) WARCLAIM Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1 Type of battle: Siege Date And Time: April 23rd, Saturday 3pm EST, 7pm GMT Side A: Kingdom of Lorraine-Savoy loyalists + Allies Side B: Kingdom of Lorraine-Savoy rebels + Allies Location and boundaries: Direct Area: https://gyazo.com/29954fca356f4ee24dd0aadd03fd8340 Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location: https://gyazo.com/df13205f9fd72716e876ba4afb97758a Terms of Victory Upon Victory For... Victory for the Attackers: All rebel forces are killed, flee the battlefield or lock themselves underground for over 20 mins. Victory for the Defenders: All loyalist forces are killed or flee the battlefield REWARDS Offensive Victory: Loyalists gain ownership of Ostwick. Defensive Victory: Rebels remain in control of the Barony of Ostwick, and have the option to either skirmish the following week or wait for another siege in two weeks time. Rules No status switching. All LoTC rules. No golden apples. No one day alts. Ladders and TNT enabled. No modifications can be made to the Barony of Ostwick and its surrounding area upon the posting of this warclaim.
  9. The Grand King Hodir Doomforge drops his watchful gaze down on a large map of Athera, with a firm nod he’d pinch a little Dwarven figure between his index finger and thumb, slowly dragging it across the map as he suddenly comes to a halt at Drakenburg. “We will liberate tha’ entoire Norf ‘o Orenian scum, we’re goin’ on tha’ offensive.” The Grand Marshal would simply nod in unison with his fellow commanders. “Let us mobilize, fortify an’ inform ‘oor allies ‘o tha’ upcomin’ siege.” Hodir would quickly slam down his fist on the table, with a frown he’d exclaim. “Enuff toyin’ ‘roond, toime t’ey taste tha soles ‘o ‘oor boots, ye be dismissed.” WARCLAIM Type of Battle: Conquest Time & Date: 5PM EST, 7th of March Attacking Forces: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan + Allies Defending Forces: Drakenburg inhabitants + Allies Location and Boundaries: n_savannaplot3 (Known as Drakenburg) + canyonmain Red square is borders for the WC, black area is where the Alliance's / Dwarven fortifications will be built. Terms of Victory: Victory for attacking team: If the defenders are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Victory for the defending team: If the attackers are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Rewards: Victory for the attackers means n_savannaplot3 ownership will be transferred to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, so they may use it as they please. Victory for the defenders means the region may not be war claimed for a time based off the suggestions of non affiliated Game Moderators with the consent of both sides. Rules: Server rules No team killing No fake statuses No returning to battle No meta-gaming No underground fort modifications prior to this post. All additional fortifications must be on ground level or above. All items in this location may not be transferred to another, starting now.
  10. A Forceful Decolonization, the North to None https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G_Ekpq32HA Scouts on horseback dashed through the Northern reaches of Athera. Once previously occupied by Aesterwald, the North was nothing but a desolate ruin, filled with empty shells of once large settlements. The night howled around them as they rode on to their objective, the horses grunting and wheezing as they continued the arduous journey. Under the cover of darkness they dismounted, the satchels slapping at their sides as they did so. They approached the the bridge that lay before them and quietly led their steeds across it, tightly gripping the leads that were wrapped about the creatures' muzzles. The wind pushed and pulled the bridge this way and that, nearly upending the travelers into the icy waters below. Tieing the ropes to a pine tree, they moved off to the opposite side of the snow covered road. Now that they had ridden past the ruins of Vanderfell and that of Cloud Temple, the scouts beheld the tips of purple spiraling towers just above the treetops. Though covered in the night’s shade, they glimmered strange tones and emitted an aura of sorts. Heartened by this sight, they trekked forwards with a renewed vigor. Hiebenhall was within their reach. Swiftly as one can through such thick forests, the scouts began to survey the area around the castle. They took detailed notes of the natural and man-made defenses, huddled quietly in the darkness that gave them shelter. Quite pleased with their work, the duo gladly returned to their steeds and mounted up. After numerous hours of trudging through snow and avoiding Irongut patrols, they road south back towards Orenian Lands and to a much warmer climate. A few weeks later, a dozens upon dozens of ravens flooded out of the rookeries of Petrus, heading out to spread the word across the Kingdom. The Orenian Forces were marching to war. WARCLAIM Type of Battle: Pillage Time & Date: To Be Decided Preferably this weekend Attacking Forces: Reformed Kingdom of Oren and allies. Defending Forces: Hiebenhall inhabitants and allies. Location and Boundaries: Hiebenhall ((and the areas around it)) Terms of Victory: Victory for attacking team: If the defenders are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Victory for the defending team: If the attackers are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Battle area terms will be discussed on by the leaders of both sides. This is referring to the underground of Hiebenhall and the keep like structure the lands house. Rewards: Victory for the attackers means the attacking force will be granted free-reign within the region. They will be able to look and pillage as they please for two (2) hours. Victory for the defenders means the region may not be war claimed for a time based off the suggestions of non affiliated Game Moderators with the consent of both sides. Rules: Server rules No team killing No fake statuses No returning to battle No meta-gaming There must be a way to actually get across the river No underground fort modifications prior to this post. All additional fortifications must be on ground level or above. ​All items in this location may not be transferred to another, starting now.
  11. Urolem and Urim are seen squatted down between the jungle’s foliage, the two look down at the map the Rex has given them and nod in unison. Shortly after they quickly scurry back to the city in order to gather their chosen 20, the warband of Orcs ready their blades, spears and axes as they head out towards the bordering island, preparing themselves to ambush the foreign region and it's inhabitants. OOC: Warclaim Type of Battle: Conquest, ambush. Time & Date: Saturday the 14th of February, 6pm EST. Manpower: 20 on each side. Attackers: Orcish Warband Defenders: Thesserion[?] Location: Thesserion[?] Terms: Attacker Victory: If the defenders are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Defender Victory: If the attackers are all killed or driven out of the battle area. Rewards: Attacker Victory: Conquest of the region. Defender Victory: Region may not be warclaimed for a month by the Orcs Rules: Server rules apply No falsifying status
  12. The Champions of the Just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwZPtgQMlsU Within the Court of Kaer Angren, the seat of the Regency in the Kingdom of Renatus, court is held. Being headed by the Lord Regent of Renatus Edmund Horen, beside him stands Bishop Rags an unofficial religious adviser to the Lord Regent on a personal level. Peasants, common men and merchants fill the court, telling him of the stories of House Vladovic and their banditry in the countryside. Bishop Rags had also brought news of the Vladovic consorting with the Undead. Bishop Rags speaks up “There ist no time Edmund, yuo as ze Regent must make ze First Act!” Edmund responds with a firm nod before standing and speaking to those in the court “People of the Heartland, fellow Renatian Countrymen, I cannot rebuild your homes or restore your dead to life, but perhaps I can bring you justice. We have left the Vladovics in peace up till now, they have shown us nothing but aggression, it is time for me to act.” he looks to the First Commander Thomas Delaney “Call the banners and rally the Kings loyal forces and prepare to lay siege against the Vladovic Keep.” he then turns to Bishop Rags “If you could do me a great service good Bishop, please inform His Majesty the Konig of Aesterwald that we march on the Vladovics for the crimes of banditry and consorting with those who serve Iblees. Send word to the High Pontiff as well as the Church must take action against those who turn away from the Holy Light to the dark one.” he turns to face the Court once more “We will march upon the Castle the Vladovics occupy, we do this to protect not just Renatus but the the entirety of mankind from their acts of banditry and their allegiance to the Undead. We will be a sword wielded by the hand of our Maker to be brought down on the corrupt and the wicked. Word will be sent to Petrus, Werdenberg and Aldersberg and their respective Lords to rally their banners to this righteous cause. Word will also be sent to the King of Akovia for it is known he would join us in our struggle against the Undead and their followers.” Edmund pauses. “Duty calls all of us, we must all be willing to pay the price, I will lead the charge against the forces of Iblees.” Edmund would look at the portraits of all the great knights in the hall of Angren “Assemble the army!” he shouts drawing his sword and hoisting it in the air to the cheers of the men in the court. Ravens leave the coup of Angren, they fly in the direction of Petrus, Werdenberg, Aldersberg and Akovia with a message that tells them of the Vladovics alliegence to Iblees WARCLAIM Type of Battle: Siege/Conquest Time & Date: Saturday 27th, 10pm GMT (5pm EST) Attacking Forces: The Kingdom of Renatus, The Konigreich of Aesterwald and allies. Defending Forces: The Vladov Forces and allies. Location and Boundaries: The Vladov Castle ((and surrounding nexus plot.)) Terms of Victory: Victory for attacking team: Conquest of the upper and middle levels of the castle. Wiping out or routing of forces past Dragon’s Peak and out of the region. If the majority of the castle is destroyed, leaving nothing but mountain, this should also count as a victory. Hiding in Mt St Augustus/underground fortress type tunnels should count as a victory for the attacking team. ((Terms up for negotiation)) Victory for the defending team: Attacking forces wiped out or routed back to Kaer Angren, Petrus or Owynswood. Rewards: Victory for the attackers means nexus region ownership transferred from the Vladovs to the Renatian victors, all items and loot inside to be done with as the victors see fit. Victory for the defenders means nexus region ownership remains with the Vladovs and the chance for a counter skirmish on any settlement but the Capital (officially Kaer Angren) is given to the Defenders. Rules: ((Obvious server rules)) No hacking No team killing No fake statuses No returning to battle No metagaming Defenders have the chance to REALISTICALLY fortify the keep. No impassable traps No underground unreachable tunnels
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