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  1. SCROLL OF PROCEDURE The citizens of Brabant are good and honest people, the judiciary must reflect such traits. One must hold oneself to a standard of transparency and goodness for the dignity of those who find themselves under the scrutiny of our law. To this end, the contents of this document shall elaborate on the judicial procedure of the judiciary for both civil and criminal courts, define the legal punishments, and other important judicial procedures. Section 1- Verdict Ex Curia Section 1.1- Verdict upon Arrest 1. Upon no question of guilt, the need for a trial is voided, and the arrested criminal may immediately receive judgment by a Judge. 2. This should be approved by the Chief Justice or Duke before occurring, but if necessary, it can be skipped over. 3. Upon question of guilt, a court must be convened. Section 1.1 Verdict of Bounty 1. If the subject of the bounty is wanted alive, then a verdict or court will be granted upon their return. 2. If the subject is wanted dead, the death will be verified and legal procedures for death will take place, once the body is delivered to the state. Section 2- Court Procedure Section 2.1 The Call for Court 1. Per the Scroll of Law (refer to section 2, subsections 2-3), any person who attempts, conspires or commits “high crimes” such as treason, murder, poaching, heresy, etc. be subject to immediate prosecution. a. For a crime to be deemed a “high crime”, the Judge must declare it so, after consideration. 1.1. Let any person who commits assault, theft, harassment, or vandalism only be charged if the victim of said crime or the one who accuses such an individual seeks to file charges against the accused. 2. The Judge will review the need of a case and approve or deny it based on legitimacy and need. 3. If approved, the Chief Justice will nominate a Judge to oversee the trial and letters will be sent to all parties involved to summon them to court. Section 2.2 On Legal Procedure 1. All shall rise a moment for the Judge to officially begin court. 2. The Judge, after calling order of the defendant and prosecution/plaintiff, will then announce that: “The trial of ([Defendant] v. [Plaintiff])} is now in session. How does the defendant choose to plea?” 3. 1. The defendant may choose to plead that they are either Guilty or Not Guilty. Should the defendant choose a plea of Guilty, then summary punishment may be issued without any further trial by the presiding judge in line with the guidelines espoused in the Scroll of Law. a. If there is an agreement between the prosecution and the defendant for a guilty plea bargain, the judge will move immediately to verdict. b. No judge of Brabant is required to honor a guilty plea bargain but may choose to do so if it does not violate their responsibility of a fair and just court. 3.2. In the case of a civil court, the two parties are allowed to meet before the Court and settle things out of court but must announce such a deal to the Judge or Chief Justice. 4. The plaintiff will make an opening statement, summarizing their arguments. The defendant will follow after with their opening statement. Both statements should take a maximum of 15 saints minutes. 5. The prosecution will make their first claim at which then the defense may make a claim of their own and/or refute the claim that the prosecution has made. a. All claims must be rooted in evidence or logic that achieves an argument. This must only take a maximum of 15 saint minutes. b. Since judges are not required to have extensive knowledge of all fields of study, they are allowed to ask questions of trusted state members, expert witnesses, and if need be the prosecution or defense so that they can come to a capable understanding of the case at hand c. A judge can call state members to come in as expert witnesses if the judge has a reasonable doubt of the expert witnesses brought in by the court. d. Refer to Procedure of Witnesses for the definition of an expert witness. 6. From there the plaintiff will respond and then the defense may rebutt and so on and so forth. Both parties will be allowed to make claims and counterclaims until the Judge deems the end of the argumentation and moves to closing statements. a. Any Objections by each side are to be allowed under any circumstances during and before court, but not after the verdict has been passed or during opening or closing arguments. 7.The Judge will finally render a judgment after hearing both closing statements which shall then be executed by the state. Judges must refer to the Scroll of Law on what it takes for them to reach a clear verdict in the case of civil and criminal cases. 8. The judge will then say “It is under this Legal Court that I find the defendant to be [Guilty / Not Guilty] in the matter of [Name] v. [Name].” 8.1 If a specific crime in the Scroll of Law cannot be substantiated, the Judge will recognize that the accused is innocent until guilty in accordance with section 2, subsection 3, article 1 of the Scroll of Law. 8.2 If it can be, however, the punishment is up to the presiding judge, so long as it is in line with the Scroll of Law and the legal punishments as defined in Section of this document. 9. Finally, if a verdict was issued, the Judge will make their decision. If they assign guilt or deemed the accused to be guilty, they must elaborate on why they chose guilty and what punishment they felt was best. 10. Finally, the Judge adjourns the court, and the trial will end. 11. All trials should be documented for future reference by a scribe. Procedures of Physical Evidence: 1.All bloody, liquid, or solid objects deemed of evidence to the trial must be put into an oversized and leak-proof cloth bag to avoid creating a mess in the trial. 2. All letters/manuscripts/documents and other paper-related evidence that isn’t soiled or found to dirty a crime scene will be allowed to be presented as they are. 3. Both parties must have access and ability to see the evidence but may not tamper with it anyway. Procedure of Witnesses/Testimonials Types of Witnesses: Fact witnesses are witnesses who have knowledge and testify about what happened. A fact witness is someone who can speak about what they witnessed for the case at hand or in criminal cases can also be the victims at hand. Insider/character witnesses have a direct connection with the accused or other witnesses and speak more to the accused or witness's character or personality and may or may not be Fact witnesses also. Expert witnesses testify about matters within the field of their expertise that relates to the case, i.e doctors for a point about medical injuries or wounds. If either side presents a witness or testimonial, that side will be allowed to ask as many questions until the Judge deems it unnecessary. Both sides must tell the other of the witness they intend to bring to court. After that, the other side may ask questions to examine or cross-examine the witness, until that side rests or the judge deems it unnecessary. Procedures of Demonstration: Sometimes, it can be useful to demonstrate a point or an argument and so sometimes a demonstration is allowed to take place. There is no need for either party to disclose when, how, or what type of demonstration they wish to use, only that they just make the judge aware 5 minutes prior to when they do it by either coming up to the judge during trial and approaching his bench or in private recess. Section 3-Legal Punishments The punishments listed below are not tied to any specific crime and are simply the procedure that must take place if a Judge chooses a guilty verdict and a punishment to fit it. No judge can give a punishment outside of the Legal Punishments below but will have the authority to choose how each punishment may be enacted but is not to create new ones or inventive ones of his own. Section 3.1 Punishment by Fine 1.A fine may be given out by a judge on the spot or during his verdict. 2.All fines must be executed by the state, ensuring proper dues to the state 3.If unable to pay the fine, a person will receive jail time or be forced to pay such fine in different manners not limited to seizure of personal property or mandatory labor, or payment of items of a physical nature. Section 3.2 Punishment of a Physical Nature 1. If a crime warrants such punishment of a physical nature that induces bodily harm, such as lashing, stoning, etc , a doctor must be at hand to administer healthcare to the accused afterwards. Section 3.3 Punishment by Exile 1. If a person is punished with exile, they will be given a Saint’s Day to remove their belongings from the city before they are placed in exile. 2. Following this a sketch should be made of the person. This sketch and their name will be posted in the gatehouse, for any guard to see should the person try to return. 3. Should they return before their exile is over, they will be subject to death or jail time for life. 4. Exilement can be appealed a. If this is the case, the person punished should send a letter to The Magister, who will then review the case and determine the course of action from there. b. If another court is needed to be held, then another court will take place and work on similar grounds to mistrial. c. A letter shall be sent to the exiled individual once their period of exile is over, notifying them that they are free to return should they please. Section 3.4 Punishment by Execution 1. Should a person be sentenced to death, their death will be dealt with humanely. 2. The punished may call for their last rites, as afforded to them by the canonist church, should they be a canonist. 3. Executions are to be performed by knights of the Order of the Titan, with a clergyman to oversee the execution. Section 3.5 Punishment of Repeat Offenders 1. Any criminal who has before been found guilty of doing the same crime repeatedly (typically for 3–4 counts), will have their punishment increased from the original verdicts of their previous trials. 2. Criminals who have done different but more than 1 offense of crime to the state will be left under a Judge’s purview on how to follow forward. Section 4 Legal Procedures of the Judiciary Section 4.1 On Prisoners of War 1. Should an enemy be captured in war, their fate may be decided by the Order of the Titan with a trial being overlooked due to the circumstances. 2. Should there be a disagreement about how to handle this situation, the view of the Judge or Duke will supersede the military officials. Section 4.2 Procedure on Crimes done by the Order of the Titan 1. If a member of the Order of the Titan commits an offense that is not a high crime, their case may be handled by the Head of the Order. 2. If a member of Order of the Titan commits an offense that is a higher crime like assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will receive a Judicial investigation and a subsequent trial. a. Arrest and jail time until arraignment are to be decided by the Order or the Judiciary. 3. Any cruel or unusual punishments carried about an order of the Titan member can also be investigated judicially and receive trial. Section 4.4 Procedure of Marriage 1. The state recognizes a citizen's right to marry as stated in section 4, section 1, article 4 of the Scroll of Law. 2. Once the marriage has taken place, it shall be recognized and into recorded. Section 4.5 Procedure of Mistrial 1. The Scroll of Law guarantees that a mistrial will be held if the original trial contained a significant failure of the legal defense of the accused in accordance with section 2, subsection 3 and Section 4, Subsection 2, Subdivision 3 of the Scroll of Law. 2. Any irregularities of court that could cause a person to have been deemed guilty of doing instead of innocent are also grounds for a mistrial. a. Failure of fact witnesses to arrive, erroneous or false information by expert witnesses, incorrect evidence or false evidence that could have changed the verdict or opinion of the court count as irregularities. 3. A regular court will then take place to investigate the crimes and if the accused is deemed innocent they will be made innocent of all the crimes that he was charged with and the state will award appropriate compensation. 4. If the individual was executed, they will be posthumously declared innocent of all crimes. Section 4.6 Procedure of the False Witness 1. If a fact, insider/character, or expert witness is found to be lying, it shall be at the discretion of the judge of what they shall proceed but a charge of obstruction will be charged. 1.1 A judge may call for a verdict upon arrest, if there is no question or beyond reasonable belief any longer that the witness was lying or in any way obstructing justice. 1.2 If there exists any reasonable doubt, then a separate trial for the accused witness shall be held to determine if that accused will be charged with an obstruction of justice. Conclusion Within this document, it has contained upon itself the procedures of verdict, the establishment of punishments, and the important judicial procedures that must take place for a healthy and necessary judiciary. This document can and will be allowed to have additions and deletions, as long as both the Chief Justice and the Duke have given assent to such changes. Furthermore, all changes in the scroll of law that will directly change this document must also then be modified accordingly.
  2. COURTLY APPOINTMENTS THE APPOINTMENTS OF COURTLY POSITIONS II La Corte de Girasol 10th of Javier’s Justice, 104 D.R. The Girasol Courts welcomes another appointed member within their ranks, looking forward to what they may show for it. Court Scribe The Señor Nicolas Murietta has been appointed as a court scribe, with a focus on history. Maestro de la Caza The Señor Nicolas Murietta has been appointed in a subsidiary role beneath our Maestro de la Caza, the Señor Alejandro Flores, in the study and care keeping of Hyspias farmlands. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts
  3. COURTLY APPOINTMENTS THE APPOINTMENTS OF COURTLY POSITIONS La Corte de Girasol 1st of Horen’s Calling, 104 D.R. With the previous Saints day missive on Courtly Changes, a series of individuals has since been appointed into our Girasol Courts. Maestra de la Modas The Baronesa Fleur Halcourt has been appointed to the role of Maestra de la Modas. Maestra de Musica The Lady Marcela Denodado has been appointed to the role of Maestra de Musica. In a subsidiary role beneath Lady Marcela, the Infante Rafael Arsenico has been appointed Master of Heraldry. In a subsidiary role beneath Lady Marcela, the Princesa Mona of Dunfarthing has been appointed as Court Jester. In a subsidiary role beneath Lady Marcela, the Baronesa Fleur Halcourt has been appointed as a musician of the courts. Maestro de la Caza The Señor Alejandro Flores has been appointed to the role of Maestro de la Caza. Infante Rafael Arsenico has been granted a subsidiary role beneath Señor Alejandro as a gardener of the courts. Señor Pedro Salazar has been granted a subsidiary role beneath Señor Alejandro as a gardener and animal caretaker of the courts. Court Astrologer Infante Rafael Arsenico has been appointed to the role of Court Astrologer. Court Alchemist Vizcondesa Maria Denodado has been appointed to the role of Court Alchemist. Señor Pedro Salazar has been granted a subsidiary role beneath Vizcondesa Maria as a herb gatherer. Court Event Runners The following individuals have been appointed as court event runners: Princesa Royal Renata Alba, Infante Rafael Arsenico, Princesa Mona of Dunfarthing, Baronesa Fleur Halcourt and Señor Alejandro Flores. Court Scribes The Señorita Amelia Miramaris has been appointed as a court scribe. We welcome each of these individuals into our Girasol courts and look forward to just how they come to fill their positions. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chambelan of the Girasol Courts
  4. COURTLY CHANGES ADDITIONS & CHANGES TO THE CORTE DE GIRASOL La Corte de Girasol 15th of Francisco’s Resolve, 103 D.R. [!] A painting of a meeting of the courtiers of the Corte de Girasol. Overview The following missive will cover changes to the Corte de Girasol, the appointment of Gran Chambelán and open up recruitment for the court. Sovereign Consort (Sovereign Prince Dimitri Otto de Pelear) The sovereign consort holds all authority over the courts and will run such as they deem fit with no requirement of permission from the Sovereign of Hyspia. In such a role the Sovereign Consort will be expected to dedicate a lot of time to ensuring the courts run smoothly, and provide care and entertainment for the people. Grand Chambelán (Princesa Royal Renata Alba de Pelear) The Gran Chambelán holds the second most amount of power over the courts and can act on behalf of the Sovereign Consort with the required permission; the Gran Chambelán sees to the daily running of the courts and ensures the court runs smoothly alongside the Sovereign Consort. They can also make decisions on behalf of the Sovereign Consort, should they be given the permission to do so from the Consort themselves. Maestra/o De La Modas (Baronesa Fleur Halcourt) This position is dedicated to overseeing fashion and cultural trends within the Sovereignty of Hyspia; they see to setting a theme for different styles and aethetic trends within the Sovereignty, as such they will work with tailors, designers, and artisans to create clothing and fashion accessories that tie into the overall culture of Hyspia. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. Maestra/o de Musica (Lady Marcela Denodado) The Maestra de Musica is responsible for overseeing all the musical aspects of the court from the creation of new musical compositions, to running performances and other musical events. It is also the role of the Maestra/o de Musica to preserve traditional music and performances of the Sovereignty. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. Maestra/o De La Caza (Señor Alejandro Flores) The Maestra/o De La Caza is responsible for running hunting expeditions and games for the Sovereignty, as well as preserving the flora and fauna that are native to the lands of Hyspia. They are also responsible for the upkeep of any royal animals used in the hunts, such as hounds, horses and falcons. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. Court Chaplain (Vacant) The Court Chaplain is the spiritual advisor and head clergyman for the courts and is responsible for hosting Canonist ceremonies, offering counsel to the people of Hyspia, and helping maintain healthy ties between the nation and the Canonist church. This is an integral role for also ensuring the spiritual well-being of the court and nation. Court Event Runners (Princess Royal Renata Alba) (Infante Rafael Arsenico) (Princess Mona of Dunfarthing) (Baroness Fleur Halcourt) (Señor Alejandro Flores) (Vacancies) While in the name, the role of Court Event Runners is to plan and host events for the Sovereignity of Hyspia. Their work takes place in the writing of missives, the detailed planning of what shall happen during said event and even the setting up of events beforehand. This role is a particularly important one, integral for any court and nation. Court Scribes (Princess Royal Renata Alba) (Señorita Amelia Miramaris) (Vacancies) Court Scribes are responsible for documenting the proceedings of the court, royal decrees, and historical events. They will be required to be able to write in various writing forms, from elegant calligraphy to swift shorthand, and must maintain detailed and accurate records. The scribes will also manage the royal archives. Court Alchemist (Vizcondesa Maria Denodado) The Court Alchemist holds the responsibility of conducting tasks of both scientific and alchemical importance. They will have to do such whilst upholding Canonical law, and only make concoctions that will aid the Sovereignty, such as brewing medicinal concoctions to aid the sick and injured. This role may also involve researching more functional aspects of alchemy, perhaps even being used within the military for conflicts or military strategies. Court Astrologer (Infante Rafael Arsenico) The Court Astrologer has the ability to study the stars and grow to know the Hyspian zodiacs in an more in-depth fashion. Their job is to keep track of the stars and skies movements, detailing it in a monthly report to the Sovereignty of Hyspia, all the while keeping track of the fortunes and lack thereof provided by the Zodiacs. Handmaids (Lady Sera Denodado) (Señora Gabriela Salazar) (Señorita Amelia Miramaris) (Vacancies) The court handmaids are tasked with the personal care and assistance of the royal family members; they are responsible for a range of duties such as attending to their daily needs, providing counsel and perhaps even providing protection if needed. This is position that required trust, discretion and loyalty. Conclusion To conclude the missive, I would like to congratulate Princess Royal Renata on her appointment as Gran Chambelán, and urge those who are interested in a court position to contact either Prince Dimitri or Princess Royal Renata to organize a meeting. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk
  5. A Handbook to Hyspian Court Etiquette Written and Published by Fleur Halcourt On the 7th of Francisco’s Resolve, 103 D.R. In cultivating a splendid Hyspian society and nurturing a culture of mutual respect, it is paramount to provide our young and new members with meticulous guidance in the art of courtesy and chivalry from their earliest days. Here, we offer a handbook that presents a compendium of revered traditions and indispensable rules governing propriety and decorum among the esteemed Señores and Damas of Hyspia. The Sovereign Crown The Sovereign Crown of Hyspia are the highest ranking members of the Royal court and Government of Hyspia, All are to be addressed Formally in both public and private unless deemed otherwise by the Royal member. The Sovereign - Su Alteza Real or “His/Her Royal Highness” The Sovereign Consort - Su Alteza Real or “His/Her Royal Highness” The Crown Prince/Princess - Su Alteza Real or “His/Her Royal Highness” The Princess Royal - Su Alteza Real or “Her Royal Highness” The Royal Family Underneath the Sovereign Crown is the Royal family, this includes the children, Siblings and Aunts/Uncles of the Sovereign. All members of the Royal Family are to be treated with the same respect as the Sovereign Crown. Children of a Sovereign (past or present) Principe and Princesa’s of Hyspia are to be addressed with Su Alteza or “His or Her Highness” Nieces and Nephews of the Sovereign that bear the de Pelear name are titled Infante or Infanta, if born under the second in line and are addressed by Su Alteza or “His or Her Highness” - and if born under those further in succession, they are addressed by Lord/Lady [First Name]. Bows or Curtseys are essential to both the Sovereign Crown and the Royal Family. The Nobility Duke - Su Gracia or “Duke [House name]” Duchess - Su Gracia or “Duchess [House name]” Conde - El mas honorable, His Lordship or “Conde [House name]” Condesa - La mas honorable, Her Ladyship or “Condesa [House name]” Vizconde - El honorable, His Lordship or “Vizconde [House name]” Vizcondesa - La honorable, Her Ladyship or “Vizcondesa [House name]” Baron - Su Señorio, His Lordship or “Baron [House name] Baronesa - Su Señoria, Her Ladyship or “Baronesa [House name] Children of the Nobility are Styled as His Lordship or Her Ladyship alongside any titles they hold or “Lord/Lady [First name]” The Sovereign Council All members of the Sovereign council are addressed as His/Her Excellency unless they hold a higher title. Gentry and Commoners Though not titled, all Gentry and Commoners are still to be treated with respect and are addressed with "Señor/Señorita/Señora" Tiaras, Circlets, Diadems and Flamenco’s Only those donning the titles of “Their Royal highness” may wear tiaras. This includes children, siblings of the Sovereign. When it comes to Diadems, Infanta’s and Infante’s may be included. Circlets are allowed to be worn by those of Mainline Duchies whilst Flamenco’s may be worn by the lower peerage such as Counts. When it comes to persons outside of the Royal Family, Tiara’s, Diadems, Circlets and Flamenco relics may only be worn on special occasions, such as weddings and the debuts. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, and Montenno, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk THE HONOURABLE, Fleur Angelique Halcourt Baroness du’Campagnon.
  6. AN IN-DEPTH LOOK INTO HYSPIA On the 14th day of Maria’s Peace of 103 D.R. Infanta In-fan-ta A daughter of the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne. Infante In-fan-te A son of the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne. What Are They? The Infanta, or Infante, is a special role within Hyspian society that exists within a gray area. Considered that of lesser royalty, they can only be born from the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne, and only if the second-in-line did not marry out. Should these ambiguous conditions be met, an Infanta or Infante is born. Stylized with the honorific of ‘Your Highness’, they are considered to be above the noble-born Lord and Lady but below that of the royal-born Prince and Princess. Their role in Hyspia is to provide for the crown and citizenry, and should the worst happen to the main-line, to take on the role of Princes and Princesses and to go on to lead Hyspia. An interesting fact: The first of their title and name to be known in history, is that of twins born to the Prince Arman of Hyspia and his consort, the Princess Harmen. Born in the year 1959 was His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and born shortly after him was Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba, as evidenced in this missive, ‘The Break of Daylight | The Birth of Twin Foals’. They would go on to set the precedent of what an Infanta and Infante may do and become. What Can They Do? While the lesser royals have fewer perks than their higher-ranked cousins, they still have quite a few advantages that differentiate them from those noble-born. Much like their cousins, upon their fifteenth, they are granted a titular title to hold for their station that will go back to the crown upon death. This, more often than not, shall be a Barony. They are not granted a royal guard, and nor may they wear a tiara or crown - this honor reserved for their royal-born cousins. Instead, they may wear circlets or diadems. In case of debuts into society, or Hyspia’s El Puente, they may wear the heirlooms of their ancestors - a time in life which they may don the tiaras or crowns withheld otherwise when they debut alongside their royal-born cousins. Upon marriage, an Infanta or Infanta cannot make more of the title, but instead go on to make Lords and Ladies under their name - much like their royal-born cousins. An interesting fact: Should the work be put in by the Infanta or Infante, they can be promoted to that of a Prince or Princess, just the same as they may be demoted from their roles for a lack of work. This was showcased in the promotion of Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba to Her Royal Highness, Princess-Royal Renata Alba circa 103 D.R, as evidenced in this missive, ‘An Amendment to Titles’. Promotion does not change their position in succession, but it does allow for the other benefits their royal-born cousins are granted, such as a royal guard and the honor of wearing tiaras and crowns. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente
  7. THE SEARCH FOR AN APPRENTICE Issued at Year 180 of the Second Age With the lack of someone competent coming forth from my call upon mages to take up the position of High Mage within my court, it has been decided that a person of any caliber may apply for this position and if this person is without magic, they shall be taught all that they need to know. All I seek is someone who respects the balance and can remain level-headed in situations where it is needed. WHAT WE OFFER We here within Cerulia offer that which we offer to everyone who works for our Most Serene March, though due to the special nature of what we seek, we also have added additional perks. -A home to live in (Tower if wanted) -Access to a Mana Obelisk -To never worry about food -An optional stall where you may sell goods for free -A potential seat on the Cerulite council as High Mage of Cerulia if proven capable -Knowledge that you search will be searched for you -A painless and swift execution if found you use dark magic or consort with darkspawn If one is interested, send me a letter at your earliest convenience with details of what you may bring and you will be taken into consideration. ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin, Founder of Cerulia, Brickmaster of Lurin
  8. ☼ THE FIFTH ANNUAL ☼ ISSUED BY THE ☼ THE COURTA COMETA ☼ ON THE 3RD OF PETER’S GLORY, 107 B.A. The Symposia Pragma of Balian has been a tradition upheld by the nations courts for many decades now, often seen as a celebration of the life of the youth of the Kingdom and all those who attend from foreign nations. The intent of the Symposia Pragma encompasses the idea of life and coming into adulthood with a sense of purpose and confidence that is highly encouraged for all the youths of the Kingdom. Decades have passed since the last Symposia Pragma held in the dawning days of Aevos. Under the revived Courta Cometa, the Court has decided on the theme of new beginnings otherwise known as The Saturnalia of Beginnings. ✧────────────⥼☼⥽────────────✧ Like most celebrations full of pomp and circumstance, the Symposia Pragma is often seen as a way for the participants to emphasize their manners and their learned etiquette from throughout their youth. Apart from the traditional manners of imposing kindness and respect to those around them, the etiquette of Symposia Pragma chooses to push the envelope with an encompassing theme of BEGINNINGS, specifically with colors and the overall feelings of the events. I ⥼ ETIQUETTE ⥽ Rambunctious Debutantes in the Palatio Gardens The Courts have elected that with the theme of the Symposia Pragma being New Beginnings, we ask that the debutantes wear vibrant colors that represent their individual heritage. There will be many opportunities to express these colors with the year long event schedule of the Symposia, though the best opportunity will be at the Opening Ball and Debut. The Court wishes that these guidelines on etiquette will help push the ideal of BEGINNINGS. A major importance of the Symporia Pragma is understanding one’s surroundings and the respect that is due to those around them, specifically in regards to titles and the addressment of Lord’s and Lady’s who have earned their positions in society. To ignore one’s official honorific is to spurn them and their position in Balianese society so a simple guide of addressment is provided below. Should someone be unsure of one’s official title or honorific, it takes but a simple request of introduction to clarify any confusion: REGNE/REGNA - KING / QUEEN DUQUE / DUQUESA - DUKE / DUCHESS CONDE / CONDES - COUNT / COUNTESS VISCONDE / VISCONDESA - VISCOUNT / VISCOUNTESS BARON / BARONESA - BARON / BARONESS MARQUES / MARQUESA - MARQUESS / MARCHIONESS DON / DONA - LORD / LADY CAVALIER - KNIGHT. ADDRESSED AS SIR OR DAME. ✧⥼☼⥽✧ Akin to the Symposia Pragma’s of decades past, a list of eligible debutantes and suitors will be provided below for the public's perusal. This same list will be a guide to the renowned Symposia Pragma Promenade of presentations, held on the first day of the season for all to bear witness. The ideals of NEW BEGINNINGS will be dutifully expressed in etiquette and in cultural preference of fashion. II ⥼ DEBUTANTES ⥽ A Debutante’s entrance to the Palatio during the previous Symposia The Symposia Pragma Promenade, famously held as the opening ceremony of the season, is where all men and women will present themselves before the Queen of Balian, the Princess Royal of Balian and the Palatiodora of the Courta Cometa. As stated previously, this event is meant to act as a promenade where participants are encouraged to flaunt the grandeur or simplicity of their personalities to their fullest extent. There are no explicit guidelines, save for the rule of wearing a tiara only when appropriate (one being an heirloom or the wearer being of Royal standing). Lined up in order of social class, debutantes and suitors will promenade through the Palatio Arancione hall to make their presence known and to act as a ceremony for coming of age into adulthood. Weapons are only allowed if they are of cultural significance to the owner or an heirloom of their family. All other weapons are discouraged from being brought to the Promenade. THE SYMPOSIA’S CHAPTER: THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD OF NOVELLEN His Royal Highness, Prince Elianos Hadrian Novellen Her Royal Highness, Princess Ophelia Johanna Novellen THE DUCHY OF AQUILAE The Honorable, Marcel Vuiller, Baron of San Haraldo Don Isaac Vuiller THE COUNTY OF SALIO The Right Honorable, Achillius Aurelian d’Arkent, Count of Salio Dona Tryphania Melitta d'Arkent VISCOUNTY OF BANDERAS Dona Rosaline Valerian Denodado VISCOUNTY OF PAVIA Dona Alice Aurelius Roa VISCOUNTY OF SAN ADRIANO His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch Don Paul Sebastian Temesch Don William Godfrey Temesch VISCOUNTY OF VALIO Dona Maria Giavana Henrietta Vilac BARONY OF CASCANOVA Don Esperanzo Adrian Galbraith NON-NOBLE PARTICIPANTS Segnora Amari Morozov-Tabbris ✧⥼☼⥽✧ Not faltering from tradition and past Symposia Pragma’s, a calendar of events will be provided below for all participants to mark into their calendars. Events will be new and old to keep with tradition of the Symposia Pragma all while ensuring a new and exciting opportunity for the participants of the season, all while sticking with the theme of NEW BEGINNINGS which has been selected specifically for this season. III ⥼ EVENTS ⥽ Evening feasts during the Symposia Celebrations The schedule below is intended to make clear the allotted events which will be held during the Symposia Pragma, allowing participants to clear their schedules for the time being to be able to attend. Peers of the Kingdom of Balian have graciously offered up their time and home to host events that will cater to the enjoyment of the participants. All allies and friends to the Kingdom of Balian are invited to attend these events, although the main focus will be catered towards the participants of the Symposia Pragma. APRIL 29TH (MONDAY): THE SYMPOSIA PRAGMA PROMENADE | @5:30 PM EST/10:30 PM GMT APRIL 30TH (TUESDAY): A ROYAL HUNT AND PICNIC | @5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM GMT MAY 1ST (WEDNESDAY): COOKING COMPETITION | @5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM GMT MAY 2ND (THURSDAY): THE QUEEN’S FORTUNE | @4:00 PM EST/9:00 PM GMT MAY 3RD (FRIDAY): THE GRAND TOURNEY | @5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM GMT MAY 4TH (SATURDAY): BLOSSOMING BEGINNINGS | @2:00 PM EST/7:00 PM GMT MAY 5TH (SUNDAY): SUNSET BALL | 3:00 PM EST/8:00 PM GMT ✧────────────⥼☼⥽────────────✧ At its core, the Symposia Pragma is intended to bring individuals together to meet and form relationships that will surpass just initial meetings. Whether it be a friendship, marriage or familial alliance, one’s success during the Symposia will be up to themselves and the future path they have planned to follow. On behalf of the COURTA COMETA, we hope all in attendance enjoy themselves and we look forward to celebrating the lives of those around us. May GOD guide us. Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia and Barçevina, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. His Excellency, Ser Tristan de Lyons Heir to Enderoca, Palatiodora of the Courta Cometa, Knight of the Order of Saint Michael
  9. EL ZODIACO HYSPIA The Hyspia Zodiac Volume I La Corte de Girasol 3rd of Horen's Calling, 98 D.R. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO [!] A depiction of a star cluster. With the recent missive published on the Hyspian Zodiacs, a monthly guide to the zodiacs will be published so as to discern your luck and lot in life for the coming month. Alongside this, any anomalies will be detailed to cover just what is happening in our night sky. EL RACIMO DE GIRASOLES El Racimo de Girasoles or the Sunflower Cluster was found when studying the skies. The clustered stars form together, accumulating almost seemingly in the shape of a sunflower. This grouping of stars is believed to be particularly prosperous, forming during the week of our Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspias Quinceanera. Known to be the Garisol Princess, this cluster bids good tidings to her future and the future of Hyspia. EL TORO El Toro, i.e. the Bull. During this month, the bull will find that they need to work harder than ever to keep things going exactly as they wish. It’s not the time for hotheaded actions, but a time to put the stubbornness to use to aid their friend, the horse. EL ABANICO El Abanico, i.e. the Fan. This month will be trying for the fan, for it will be a month of secrets and trials that will try even the most graceful. When your friend comes to you, do not ignore them or you may find you regret it later. EL CABALLO El Caballo, i.e. the Horse. This month will be difficult for the horse most of all. Their tampered down emotions will come to a head, and they will need to call heavily upon their friends during this time to face the challenges ahead. LA CANTUTA La Cantuta, i.e. the Cantuta. The cantuta will be needed more than ever during this month, being called on by all friends for assistance in keeping peace and unity as they are known for. There will be hardly a quiet moment for this zodiac sign. EL MATADOR El Matador, i.e. the Matador. Unlike a majority of their fellow signs, the matadors' month will be one of ease. Much like the sandy bull pits, they will dance around any problems with ease and find success in most things they do during this month. A great time to be a go-getter! LA ARTISTA La Artista, i.e. the Performer. It is the month of the artist, the performer - for the largest zodiac is shining brightest. During this time, you should strive further than ever. Push for those projects, take on a bigger show and form bonds never to be forgotten. This is your time to shine. EL PAVO REAL El Pavo Real, i.e. the Peacock. The peacock's time to shine is now. Preen those feathers, put on your fanciest outfit and use this time to become exactly who you want to be. This is a great time to make friends, find potential love interests and even start a business or two. You were born to shine and now is the time. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia SENORITA, Amelia Miramaris, Dama de Honor
  10. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO DE HYSPIA The Zodiac Signs of Hyspia La Corte de Girasol 3rd of Horen's Calling, 98 D.R. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO [!] An abstract depiction of the Zodiac Signs. With the Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspia’s, Quinceanera looming close, the Sovereign State of Hyspia recently approved a new, modern study of the zodiacs alongside their meanings. The theme of the Quinceanera is rumored to be of the Cosmos and with this in mind, detailed below are the seven constellations, their personalities and who they are likely to get along with. Associated colors and gemstones are written alongside this for your reading perusal. CALENDAR CONVERSION Attached is The Hyspian Calendar. By finding the month you were born, you can find your Zodiac. The commonly used months of Aevos are listed down below, alongside their conversions to the Hyspian calendar. The month of Sun’s Smile to the month of Carlos’ Strength. [Sunday] The month of The Amber Cold to the month of Javier’s Justice. [Monday] The month of The Deep Cold to the month of Francisco’s Resolve. [Tuesday] The month of Snow’s Maiden to the month of Horen’s Calling. [Wednesday] The month of Malin’s Welcome to the month of Owyn’s Wake. [Thursday] The month of The First Seed to the month of Cesar’s Gift. [Friday] The month of The Grand Harvest to the month of Maria’s Peace. [Saturday] EL TORO El Toro, i.e. the Bull. Born during the month of Carlos’ Strength. Color: Red; Gem: Sunstone The Zodiac of the Bull is seen in the night sky, stars connecting to form its proud horns. In Hyspian culture, the Bull is heavily renowned for its strength and pride, and also infamous for its stubborn nature and hotheaded personality. Those born under this sign are known to be much the same, quick to anger while being incredibly hardworking. Naturally, much like their non-zodiac counterparts, the Bull and the Matador do not get along. Yet, with this symbolic relationship, they can be known to become unlikely friends - pushing each other to be better in their constant challenges. Just the same, the Bull and Peacock clash in personality and outlook. It is said sometime ago the Bull and the Peacock were raised by the Horse, who brought them up each with differing values. The Bull was quick to anger, and start fights - while the Peacock primped and preened. The Bull and the Peacock bickered always, each wanting their own way. The Bull interfered with the Peacock, tired of its incessant preening and so the Peacock dramatically challenged the Bull. Their feud continues even to this day. The Bull gets along with the Horse, enjoying their challenging and aloof nature. EL ABANICO El Abanico, i.e. the Fan. Born during the month of Javier’s Justice. Color: Yellow; Gem: Aquamarine The Zodiac of the Fan is seen in the night sky, stars connecting to form an arc across the sky, representing the Hyspian fan. In Hyspian culture, the fan is known primarily to the upper class. An entire language, one secret, is dedicated to the usage of the fan - each movement graceful and filled with elegance. This sign in question would be seen most often with the introvert, where one rather find solace in the quiet. They are known to be trustworthy, able to keep given secrets. The Fan doesn’t get along with the Performer or the Peacock, disliking their loud and extroverted nature. They get along well with the Cantuta, very much in tune with one another and known to be the best of friends. EL CABALLO El Caballo, i.e. the Horse. Born during the month of Francisco’s Resolve. Color: Blue; Gem: Sapphire The Zodiac of the Horse is seen in the night sky, stars connecting upwards to form the horse. In Hyspian culture, the Horse is known to be the representation of the royal family. Regal in its stature, the Horse is known to be extremely loyal and challenging alike. Individuals of this Zodiac work tirelessly, never seeming to slow down and have a certain aloofness to them that makes it difficult to know just how they feel. The Horse is special in the way that they get along with all, naturally popular. LA CANTUTA La Cantuta, i.e. the Cantuta. Born during the month of Horen’s Calling. Color: Pink; Gem: Lapis Lazuli The Zodiac of the Cantuta is seen in the night sky, stars connecting in a spiral to form the symbolic flower of Hyspia. In Hyspian culture, the Cantuta is known as the flower of unity, symbolizing the bond of Hyspians. They are known to be peaceful and harmonious, bringing people together during dire times. Those with the Cantuta sign are known for their close familial bonds, and their love for socializing. While this sign can bring the others together, they don’t get along well with the louder signs of the Peacock or the Performer. Above all, they get along best with the Fan, known to be the best of friends. EL MATADOR El Matador, i.e. the Matador. Born during the month of Owyn’s Wake. Color: Green; Gem: Bloodstone The Zodiac of the Matador is seen in the night sky, stars connecting upwards to form the Matador's hat, the montera. In Hyspian culture, the Matador is an individual whose entire livelihood is based on whether their challenge with the Bull goes well. They are known to have great courage and bravery, as they dance their way about the sands of the arena, red cape swinging. At the same time, they are known to run into dangerous situations - though quick to adapt. They don’t get along well with the Bull, always challenging each other further and further. Yet, with this symbolic relationship, they can be known to become unlikely friends - pushing each other to be better. The Matador, though, gets along well with the Performer - their professions alike in a way, in which they create performances for those to enjoy. LA ARTISTA La Artista, i.e. the Performer. Born during the month of Cesar’s Gift. Color: Orange; Gem: Turquoise The Zodiac of the Performer is seen in the night sky, the largest zodiac yet in that the stars connect outwards to form the flamenco dancer. In Hyspian culture, the flamenco dancer is an artist dancing to cultural music in the day to day and festivals alike. They are known to be extroverts and to have an adaptability to difficult situations as the show must always go on. The sign has a high drive, always striving to do something more and always bigger and better. The Performer likes all signs, even if all signs do not like them - though they hold a general distrust for the Fan and Cantuta for their quiet natures. They get along especially well with the Peacock, and are known to pair with them in projects and matrimony. EL PAVO REAL El Pavo Real, i.e. the Peacock. Born during the month of Maria’s Peace. Color: Purple; Gem: Jade The Zodiac of the Peacock is seen in the night sky, stars connecting outwards to form the Peacock. In Hyspian culture, the Peacock represents the vibrant colors and passion the Hyspian people are so well-known for. The Peacock is confident and friendly, making many friends but never terribly close with any specific person. They are known to be noisy and dramatic, their feathers ruffled when something doesn’t go their way. Extroverted by all means, the Peacock is a socialite. The Peacock doesn’t get along well with the Bull, the Fan or the Cantuta, finding them troublesome for their day to day wants and needs. Despite this, they will interact with them but never get terribly close. Unlike the previous signs, they get along especially well with the Performer, known to join together in projects and matrimony. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Santana Leya de Pelear, Crown Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Paraiso HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia SENORITA, Amelia Miramaris, Dama de Honor
  11. HYSPIAN COMING-OF-AGE TRADITIONS Quinceañera and El Puente La Corte de Girasol The 15th of Javier’s Justice, 95 D.R. With the new generation of Hyspia, and our recent rise to a Sovereign state, the question has risen as to the coming-of-age traditions of our culture. As is with each generation, new traditions come to be - but this following missive is written to denote the traditions old and new to allow for a better understanding of the Hyspian people and culture alike. HYSPIAN QUINCEAÑERA [!] An image of a Hyspian woman dancing at her Quinceañera When an individual turns fifteen within Hyspia, they are to undergo coming-of-age traditions. A well-known one is the Quinceañera, which is held upon the coming of age of a child into adulthood within Hyspias culture. Traditionally, when the party is decided upon and held, invitations specify a few things. Such as, the forbidden color. A color will be listed, that only the one coming of age may wear and who they specify - and all else are forbidden from wearing that color. In the Sovereign family, that color forbidden commonly is the color blue. A theme is picked, anywhere from the ‘Hyspian Sun’ to ‘Orange Blossoms’ - but is left up to the one hosting the event. For most, the event will take place over the span of a Saint’s day - while those of royal lineage may have one that lasts up to three Saint’s days, including that of the traditional bull fight a royal must take part in for their coming of age. Each Quinceañera can vary greatly, but one item that stays unchanging throughout them all is the pinata. It is a vibrantly colored, reinforced bag that dangles from high up above - and must be broken with a pinata stick or bat. It is known to cause a tinge of chaos with the difficulty of breaking it down, but once broken, a spray of candy and trinkets come everywhere. It is during the Quinceañera that the individual can be presented with pearls, it could be a pearl necklace, bracelet or otherwise - the meaning of such is to declare one’s love and intentions to court them. A recent tradition to take place is a Quinceañera hosted by the royal family, for those less fortunate to have the means of which to host one of their own. This is covered entirely by the royal household, to provide an avenue for all within Hyspia to take part in the coming-of-age traditions. EL PUENTE FESTIVAL [!] A painting of a Hyspian man and woman enjoying El Puente. El Puente is a festival centred around celebrating the connections that are held between the people of Hyspia. During such a festival, events will take place in order to strengthen the bonds between the people of Hyspia, and encourage new ones to be formed. The Cantuta flower will also be central to El Puente, as the Cantuta symbolises the harmonious coexistence of the diverse cultures within Hyspia. [!] A depiction of the Cantuta Flower. During El Puente, the Sovereignty of Hyspia will host three annual events which will be accompanied by events hosted by Hyspia’s respective noble families. The three events will be a Grand Ball hosted by the Sovereign and Sovereign-Consort, and a Night Market promoting Hyspian goods and services, which will then be followed by a Fireworks Display. En El Nombre De Dios HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia
  12. LA CORTE DE GIRASOL The Soberano’s Court Issued by the Soberano-Consort of Hyspia 11th of Carlos Strength, 92 D.R. A depiction of the Hyspian people. Within the history of Hyspia and its changing trends, brief accounts of its peoples' fashion has been given, but never anything more in-depth. This is showcased in a previous missive on the Hyspian culture and its fashion during the Hyspian schism era, the next missive to be found on Hyspias fashion being found during the Hanso-Hyspian era in which a section was touched on within a Haense fashion missive. The most recent missive is under the late Vicereine Karyna of Malkova's reign, speaking briefly on the common peoples form of dress. What the three have in common is that they are brief blurbs of what the Hyspian fashion is, in which we wish to elucidate the understanding of today in this in-depth missive of what the Hyspian people wear in today's era. Hyspian fashion today has come to be encompassed in two words, fabrics and layers. While status can change the meaning of those entirely, you would find more often than not this common denominator showcased amongst the Hyspian people. Breathable fabrics such as linen, silk and lightweight cotton are most primarily used for the underlayers of the Hyspian outfit - Gone unseen for the most part. It is the overlayers that the people see, that are paired together with vests, ponchos, shawls, belts and the like that make up the vibrant blend that is Hyspian fashion. Light, flowy clothing is seen, allowing for an ease of movement and protection from the Hyspian sun. Dyes and pigments dominate the fashion landscape, vibrant colors contrasting greatly against the desert sands, aquas, pinks and deep greens making their rounds. A depiction of a common Hyspian outfit. In the depiction above, you can see a Hyspian couple stand side by side. On the right, a common Hyspian woman is shown, donned in vibrant fabrics. The shoes worn are closed-toed, made of suede or soft leather, the materials used due to the Hyspian environment. Above this is a vibrantly patterned skirt, this one checkered or patchwork, aiding in showcasing her status as one of the common people. Attached to the skirt is an apron of vibrant colors, embroidery and imagery upon the bottom - the imagery showcasing keeping with the fashion trends which aids in telling further of her status, being a bit more well-off. Moving towards the top, a loose long sleeve is worn, the sleeves translucent and easily able to be pinned or rolled up. Tying up the entire outfit is a vibrantly colored shawl, draped over it and pinned before her, making up the average Hyspian outfit. On the left, you have the common Hyspian man, who is not as trendy as his counterpart. He dons a pair of suede or soft leather boots, closed-toed - which leads up to a pair of breeches of a blue color, loose and soft to allow for easier movement. The breeches are high-waisted, with a vibrantly colored fabric belt cinched at the top over a simple beige underlayered vest, which has a further underlayer beneath it, a mid-sleeve top with a collar poking out. Above this all is a blue vest, made of the same fabric and color the breeches are - embroidery at the edges and simple copper buttons. The look is finished off with a draping cape, dark in color and with a lack of patterns, embroidery or imagery. “Hyspian attire can range widely depending on the wealth and social standing. While more wealthy Hyspians can afford more eloquent and traditional clothing, the more lower class Hyspians usually resort to wearing anything they can sew together.” An excerpt from the Hyspian schism era missive on fashion. A depiction of the Noble Hyspian outfit. In the depiction above, you can see a Hyspian couple stand side by side. On the right, you have the trendy noble donned in vibrant skirts, shawl and a decorative hair comb with flowers - associated with the flamenco look which has been rising in popularity. While unseen in the depiction, she dons a pair of closed-toed, crepe soled slippers with a rise to it, intricate embroidery along the edges. The skirt is bell-shaped due to the farthingale beneath it - an underskirt aiding in forming the shape the Noble lady wishes for. The overskirt, a rich green with many folds and layers is seen over top, ruffles showcased with a silver embroidery. Moving up is the square neckline along a lighter green bodice, translucent ruffles showcased along the top and a powdery fabric strung along, in which a shawl is pinned onto - the pins of a lustrous gold. The shawl is long, of a darker fabric towards the end - allowing for further drapery. The top is translucent and patterned alike, leaving it open to showcase any jewelry found beneath and the shawl left open to showcase the entirety of the outfit. On the left, you have the trendy noble man, donned in vibrant colors, embroidery and imagery, alongside that of the widely popular montera hat that the Matadors so favor. Though unseen, he wears closed-toes boots with crepe soles and golden buttons imprinted with imagery upon suede lined flaps, pinning them down. He dons vibrantly colored breeches, tighter on the bottom and looser at the top, allowing an ease of movement. A soft leather belt is worn, a buckle with imagery showcased prominently, tying the breeches together. Hidden is a simple shirt of light fabric, and above it, a doublet tailored to fit snugly. It is of a vibrant color and intricate texture, ruffles coming together in many sewn-together layers. The sleeves are long, becoming looser at the end when they flare out as bell sleeves. Tying together the entire outfit is the highly popular side-cape, of a different shade to the doublet and showcasing patterns and embroidery of flower based imagery. A depiction of the further layering of the Hyspian outfit. “Cardigans with embroidered flowers and ponchos with intricate designs became a staple, silver or aurum chains tying the pieces together. Added layers of vibrant fabrics, belts, buckles, pins, and the like became more notable in turn. Each adornment becomes a fashion statement of their own; the quality of a brooch or pin and its grandeur helps those to tell the individual's status.” An excerpt from a missive on Hanso-Hyspian fashion. In the previous section, we spoke on fabrics and the importance of layering, going in-depth as to the social classes' way of doing so. In this section, we will touch further on layers that go into creating each artistic Hyspian ensemble. Many options can be found when creating the Hyspian outfit, ranging from side-skirts to ponchos. The way of wearing each piece is open to change. The three ranges seen in skirts and capes being that of shape and length. Side, half and full. Side-skirts or capes are used as more of a statement piece, layers peeking out from beneath and of vibrant color, embroidery and imagery as it is the top-most piece seen by all. Half-skirts and capes are much the same, but allowing for a further cover and protection from the desert sun - the full lengths doing naturally as expected with these articles of clothing. Other articles of clothing often seen used are the shawl and cardigan, embroidered or with loose and translucent fabrics. Ponchos are much the same as the above, though often longer in length, with deep-set imagery of a deeper contrast of color to the base color. A depiction showcasing a particularly pious Hyspian woman. “Furthermore, Hyspian clothing holds a common theme of square necklines, various jewelry, and embroidery holding symbolism to that of the Hyspian people and of the church, and each layer of fabric is more colorful than the last.” An excerpt from the Hanso-Hyspian on fashion. Spoken of frequently during this missive is that of embroidery and imagery, which will be touched on further in this section. Each piece of embroidery and imagery holds a symbolism in the Hyspian culture, more often than not, being used to show their piety and nationalism. Religious iconography is most prevalent, imagery of Blessed Francisco, favored Saints and the Lorraine cross found most often. Alongside this, thin, aurum detailings are found in embroidery. Nationalism can be found in the beads of embroidery, and upon ones skirts, doublets or veils. Sapphires and blue based jewels are thus used to showcase the love for Hyspia, with use of its colors. Veils when used can be of varying styles, from the translucent veil growing in popularity, short and delicate - and used to better signify youth. These would be attached most often to some form of head piece, of golds or silvers. Longer veils of a non-translucent fabric tells an entire story of its own, detailed imagery and embroidery showcased upon it - jewels pocketed throughout to make up the piece. The base color is of a simpler nature most often, so as to not detract from the imagery used. Crosses, pins, buttons, belts, buckles and the like each are something added onto any Hyspian ensemble to keep the varying layers together, each adornment further telling a story of the individual in question and their livelihood. A depiction of a Hyspian bride and groom. The wedding outfits of Hyspians range and vary wildly, and cannot be pinpointed to any specific style or color. From the more pious dresses, donned in a cross and veil - the only luxury being that of a rich, pigmented color to that of the exotic, in which the grandest display the individual may ever wear is showcased, in vibrant colors, embroidery and imagery. From heirloom dresses, to ones of no expense wasted, wedding outfits - for men and women alike, range widely from one couple to the next. The one thing in common between each is the showcasing of pigmented colors, long flowing fabrics and religious iconography somewhere upon their person. A depiction of a Hyspian woman in mourning. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is the traditional Hyspian mourning garb. This comes in blacks and yellows, with the uncommon splash of color amongst their person. It is perhaps the only time in a Hyspians wardrobe that one would see an abject lack of color, patterns and embroidery. This by no means makes the outfit simple, for what it lacks, it makes up for with intricate and lengthy veils, aurum and silver crosses, beads and pins - and deep, flowing garments. It is heavily frowned upon to wear anything vibrant during a time of mourning, and once someone is to remove the mourning garb and wear something anew, they are thus considered out of mourning. Hyspian fashion is not just about clothing; it’s a celebration of heritage, creativity, and the vibrant spirit of its people. It's an art form that interweaves tradition with modernity, functionality with elegance. As Hyspia continues to embrace its roots while looking forward, the evolution of its fashion remains a captivating journey to observe and participate in. En El Nombre De Dios HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia
  13. VORLADUNG VOR GERICHT SUMMONS TO COURT Issued by the Großfürst of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1963 Men and women of Minitz making their way towards Kanunsberg Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ0NWv5BjDs SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Hear ye, O kin and loyal subjects of mine, these words that flow forth from Kanunsberg; Hark, as the tumultuous tides of war ebb away and our brethren in Haense are unbound from their solemn oaths, it behooves me to convene the Reinmaren to court. Let all Reinmaren gather forthwith to pay homage to the valorous deeds of our kin and the grandeur of our great tribe. We shall convene in the precincts of Kanunsberg Castle, as has been the custom of my forefathers and Princes past. Amidst the hallowed halls, we shall recount the triumphs of our warriors and all Reinmaren peoples. Furthermore, let it be known that doubts regarding the success of our campaign against the Franks shall be dispelled, and the good state of our banners declared for all to heed. I shall elevate two Reinmaren to the rank of Geehrte, and confer Knighthood onto another. Additionally, a title shall be entrusted to my stewardship, a testament to the unwavering trust placed upon my shoulders. In the august presence of myself and my esteemed consort, the Grand Princess, both Reinmaren and foreigner alike shall be granted audience to proffer their petitions. Let all who hear these words take heed and make haste to the appointed hour, for it is by the strength of our unity that we shall prevail. So it is decreed. The following individuals are summoned: THE ROYALTY AND NOBILITY OF AAUN. His Royal Majesty, John Alexander, King of Aaun and his royal pedigree. His Highness, Johannes von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and his esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Siegmund von Reuss, Margrave of Velen and his esteemed pedigree. Her Ladyship, Olympe-Regina Dieuxmont de Rosius, Marchioness of Haute-Epine and her esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Waclaw Jazlowiecki, Count of Warsovia and his esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Robert Haverlock, Count of Talentine and his esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Henri de Lewes, Baron of Virdain and his esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Emilio Varoche, Baron of Napoliza and his esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Grzmichuj Jazlowiecki, Baron of Triglav and his esteemed pedigree. THE PEOPLE OF MINITZ AND REINMAR. Her Serene Highness, Helena of Formindon, Grand Princess-Mother of Minitz. His Princely Grace, Alfred Barclay, Prince of Sutica and Duke of Reinmar. His Grace, Gottfried Barclay, Duke of Kanunsberg and his esteemed pedigree. His Lordship, Robert von Stroheim, Baron of Langenkirch and his esteemed pedigree. Her Ladyship, Frederica Barclay, Baroness of Sigradz. Her Ladyship, Alice Barclay, Baroness of Brandthof, and her esteemed pedigree. THE WALDENIC DIET. PERSONAL INVITATIONS. Her Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, Queen of Numendil. Ser Wulfram Rademacher von Hexenwald. Lady Olenna Rademacher. Ser Malcolm MacKenna. Ser Hodrick Morne. Ser Galadain. WER RASTET, DER ROSTET HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Leon Barclay, Großfürst von Minitz, GMSTSR, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen and Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Minitz Reinmaren, and Warden of the Franklands
  14. [!] Pamphlets appear across the city of Valdev. Each one-of-a-kind piece is twenty minas, and must be purchased directly through the Curator.
  15. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the year of our Lord 1957 As Petra popped at the seams, the infamous town crier stepped up and announced to the masses as another pinned this missive throughout various holdings of the Commonwealth; but most notably the Free City of Vallagne’s noticeboard, PAUL ALEXANDER BY the GRACE of GOD PRINCE of the PETRA A little over sixteen years ago, I was sworn in as the Lord Chamberlain of the River Court of my Royal mother, then Queen Renilde I. Throughout her reign, we hosted many events to be proud of, with the very successful Golden Jubilee bringing her time on the Throne of Garmont to a close. After serving faithfully until the end of her rule, I was then allowed to continue my work on the Court of my Royal niece Queen Catherine I, long may she reign. As I continued leading the Court I met a very competent Lady whom I trust to guide and counsel Catriona, Marisol. Almost as instantaneously as her appointment to the department of the Mistress of the Robes, she was hand-picked by myself to become someone that I regard to be the most successful Court Deputy of her time. I have thoroughly enjoyed each moment spent offering my leadership and guidance on matters dire to our success such as matrimony, court workings, Royal protocol, event planning, social and cultural enrichment, and educational initiatives through the inclusion of Wards. Though, much like my mother's time on the Throne of Garmont — all good things must come to an end. With great joy and a hopeful demeanor, I announce my impending retirement as the Lord Chamberlain of the River Court. My darling wife has birthed two beautiful heirs who I should hope will take up a majority of my time; as well as a new project that I have taken up since the successful delivery of Lord Adrian of Valfleur that will be dubbed the Royal Academy. As soon as this war comes to a close, so, too, shall the Valfleurs concern themselves with matters of construction—I am trying to say, “My cup runneth over.” On the subject of a new Grand Chamberlain, my counsel towards the good Lady Chancellor Thèresé von Theonus and the Pious Queen Catherine would be to award this honor and ability to the ever-competent Lady Deputy of the River Court, Marisol Palamo Solís. Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra The Lord Chamberlain of the River Court 1941 - 1957 86 - 102 WITNESS Ourselves at the Royal Palace on the 5th day of the Sun’s Smile in the year of Our Lord 1957 / 102 Atstana de Regne Petrére Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Duke of Valfleur, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur ((thank you @tillyand @Zaerie for all of the opportunities you guys have and will continue to grant me with!))
  16. ANKÜNDIGUNG DER INTHRONISIERUNG ANNOUNCEMENT OF ENTHRONEMENT Issued by the Großfürst of Minitz in the year of our Lord 1956 An embellished portrait of Leon II, Grand Prince of Minitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKhkyFqOb4w SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, Hear ye, O kin and loyal subjects of mine, these words that flow forth from Kanunsberg; Since my father’s untimely passing, I have taken up the mantle of ruling his holdings. I now declare that I will formally step into my birthright as Grand Prince of Minitz, following a ceremonial enthronement. After the event, there will be a funeral service for my late father led by the Cardinal Albarosa. This event will be held in the halls of Kanunsberg Castle, as is tradition of my hallowed house. Additionally, I would extend an invitation to all my subjects in Minitz, to attend this event and welcome in the advent of a new era of stewardship under myself, the new Grand Prince of Minitz. Beyond invitations to all Reinmaren in Minitz, invitations are sent to the following found below: Formal Invitations to those of Aaun: His Royal Majesty, John, King of Aaun and his royal pedigree His Highness, Johannes, Prince of Merryweather and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Siegmund, Margrave of Velen and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Robert, Count of Talentine and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Henri, Baron of Virdain and his noble pedigree Formal Invitations to those of The Waldenic Diet Personal Invitations: His Eminence, Brandt, Grand Prince-Emeritus of Minitz and Cardinal Albarosa Her Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, Queen of Numendil His Princely Grace, Alfred, Prince of Sutica and Duke of Reinmar Kato Oijin of Sakuragakure GOTT MITT UNS, His Serene Highness, Leon Barclay, Großfürst von Minitz, GMSTSR, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Hussen and Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Minitz Reinmaren, and Warden of the Franklands
  17. Department of the Justiciero The Judicial Department of the Viceroyalty of Hypsia Issued by the Office of the Justiciero 15th of Maria’s Peace, 82 N.R. El Departmento De Justicia [!] A prosecutor would be in the middle of stating his case against the defendant, while a scribe writes down what he says Structure Justiciero Current Justiciero: Demitrey Denodado @Nymstra The Justiciero is the head of El Departamento De Justicia in Hyspia. They are in charge of organizing and running trials within the lands of Hyspia, along with delegating tasks to their Prosecutors and Investigators. He or She is also in charge of charging citizens with crimes, or allowing citizens to charge others with crimes when deemed necessary. When a person is charged with a crime in the lands of Hyspia, a document is created and passed on to the Prosecutors and Investigators. The Justiciero assigns a Prosecutor and an Investigator to work the case. The case file originally starts with a rough outline of what both parties must complete before the court hearing. Prosecuters Current Prosecutors: Rheya @scoobi N/A Prosecutors are tasked with writing the formal argument as to why the person charged with a crime is guilty of this crime. Their job is to convince the Viceroy, through the court hearing, that the defendant is guilty, by using the evidence given to them by the Investigator. A prosecutor will fill out their argument into their case file before the court hearing, so that it may be provided to the Viceroy. A Prosecutor is not allowed to take mina from anyone affiliated with the defendant. A prosecutor is not allowed to break the Law in order to prove to the Viceroy that the defendant is guilty Investigators Current Investigators: N/A N/A Investigators are tasked with investigating a crime that has happened in the nation of Hyspia. This can be caused by being instructed by the Viceroy, Justiciero, or a Citizen that a crime has occurred. The investigator will look into the incident and provide their findings to the Justiciero. If a crime has indeed occurred and the Justiciero pushes forward with a formal court case, the Investigator will provide all of the evidence that they have collected into the case file provided by the Justiciero. An investigator is allowed to question individuals about an incident as they see fit. An investigator is not allowed to break the Law in order to gain evidence. EN EL NOMBRE DE DIOS, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY, Sergio Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Justiciero de Hyspia, Baron of Sevilla, Oficial de Imigracion
  18. — CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF THE COMMONWEALTH — 100 | Astana de Régne Petrére PENNED BY THE RIVER COURT COUNCIL One hundred years have gone by since the fall of the Harvest Confederacy, thus resulting in the rebirth of the Heartlands. Paul Salvian I was the first sovereign of the Commonwealth of Petra settling on the title of ‘Archduke’. This title was passed prematurely to his eldest child, Renilde Helena, following Archduke Paul’s untimely death. Dame Catherine of Petra, ex-Princess Royal of the fallen Kingdom of Oren, till Renilde came of age. She worked tirelessly to set things in place for Renilde. One of these cornerstones being the arranged marriage to Prince Constanz-Anton. This marriage had but surface-level strength and eventually led to more pain than prosperity, the consort finding his only power in betrayal. The Petran Civil War broke loose and the Commonwealth stood in ruins. However, Renilde I and the loyalist forces took back their rightful spot as true leaders of the Commonwealth. Since then, Petra has looked adversity in the face day by day, year by year, and reinvented herself to be the metropolis of the Heartlands that she is today. We have stood in the face of all ridicule from those who would wish to see us burnt, bloody, and broken. We have defeated those demons that wish to keep us from being a country that serves the people and not only the crown. We have done all these things and stood righteous in the eyes of GOD. We have done so for a hundred years. We shall do so for one hundred more. We shall continue doing so until the end of days. GOD Bless the Commonwealth — Ave le Petrère! ✧ | ITINERARY OF FESTIVITIES | ✧ Charognard Cauchyrebut (c. Scavenger Hunt) [Dec 17th - 4:00pm EST] The people of the Petra have remained steadfast and persistent. Likewise, those who continue to relentlessly search for the truth shall always come out ahead. In honor of this, a Scavenger hunt shall be led by Lady Marisol Solis. May those who show their persistence, thrive. Soirée Corteis Bracine (c. Royal Tavern Night) [Dec 18th - 5:30pm EST] The people are a hardy bunch, filled with tough souls. What better way to show overwhelming resilience than with a drinking contest? Prince Paul Alexander of Petra hosts all who believe they are worthy of this challenge at Fairweather Pub! Here is to 100 years of Petran resilience. Ballary des Chevaliers (c. Knight’s Ball) [Dec 21st - 8:00pm EST] The Commonwealth is strengthened by those who seek to keep it safe. The Sovereign Order of the Petrine Laurel is the cornerstone and focal point of Petra. Let us celebrate all they have done and continue to do for their country. To 100 years of the Petran Knight! Corteis Jostyr (c. Royal Joust) [Dec 22nd - 5:30pm EST] Jousting is a contest of skill common across the island of Aevos. This is a challenge that tests both strength and agility. For those who believe themselves to be the toughest around, saddle up and joust for some extra coinage and the title of Grand Champion of the Petra. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Paul Alexander of the Petra Prince of the Petra, the Prince of Valfleur, Lord Chamberlaine of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Elector of the Garmont Assembly, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur HER LADYSHIP, Marisol Paloma Solís Assistant Head Physician of the Vallagne Medical Society, Mistress of the Robes & Curator of Jewels of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Founder of Rosa Dorada, and Protector of the Sun HER LADYSHIP, Mrs Sorcha Elspeth MacPherson Majordomo of the River Court, Matriarch of House Macpherson, Protector of the Daelish Culture, Maker of Mead, HIS LORDSHIP, Sir Marius Lovetts, Appurtenant to the Chancellor, Poet Laureate of the Petra, Knight of the Order of the Petrine Laurel Rapids,
  19. PROCEDIMIENTOS JUDICIALES The Judicial Process of the Viceroyalty of Hypsia Issued by the Office of the Justiciero 15th of FRANCISCO'S RESOLVE, 80 D.R. Procedimientos Judiciales [!] Court underway in the courthouse of Hyspia, where a defendant pleads their case. Judicial Proceedings Legal Practices and Ethics The Legal Practices and Ethics of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia have a complex and hierarchical system of governance and justice, based on a series of reciprocal rights and obligations between individuals, with the structure of the overseeings of judicial proceedings. The Rights and Duties of the Viceroy The rights and duties of the Viceroy are as follows: Preside over legal proceedings; ensure fairness; appoint the Gran Canciller and Justiceiro; maintain law and order; adjudicate disputes; protect his subjects regardless of their social status. The importance of the Viceroy is to ensure that justice is accessible to all. ---- The Rights and Duties of the Gran Canciller The rights and duties of the Gran Canciller are as follows: Act on behalf of the Viceroy in his absence; provide legal advice in accordance with the law; preside over trials in the absence of the Viceroy or Justiceiro; advise the Viceroy; uphold the law, ensuring fairness and justice and protection of the Viceroy’s interests. ---- The Rights and Duties of the Justiciero The Rights and duties of the Justiciero are as follows: Preside over trials by ensuring fair conduct in line with the law; interpret and apply the law; issue rulings; control court proceedings by ensuring fairness and impartiality; weigh and evaluate evidence; instruct lower judges; render judgments, sentencing, and remedies; record court proceedings; apply precedent and uphold the Law and the Viceroy’s interests. ---- Manorial Court of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia A manor court with a local judicial and administrative institution held by the Viceroy of Hyspia to settle disputes among the citizens of Hyspia. Decisions of this court are based on local customs and traditions, typically used with the purpose of local justices, land tenure and property matters, collecting dues and fees, administrative functions, enforcing customary law, mediating disputes and documenting trials. The Burden of Proof Burden of Proof is a fundamental principle in the legal system of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia, The Burden of Proof refers to the responsibility of a party in a legal dispute to provide sufficient evidence to establish their case. Different stands of Proof depend on the type of legal proceedings, detailed below. Civil and Criminal Cases apply to the Burden of Proof with different standards. In both criminal and civil cases, the plaintiff bears the burden of proving the defendant's guilt. In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove their case ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ This is the highest standard of proof in the legal system and means that the evidence must be so strong that there is no reasonable doubt about the defendant’s guilt. ‘Preponderance of the evidence’ is typically identified as the burden of proof. This means that the prosecutor must show that it is more likely than not that their claims are true. The evidence provided must be clear and convincing, especially so in cases of fraud or civil liberties. In cases of bigger crimes, this form of evidence may fall between the preponderance of the evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt standard, requiring a higher level of proof than standard civil burdens. The Legal Proceedings of Hyspia may employ legal presumptions that can affect the Burden of Proof. These are assumptions made by the court unless proven otherwise. The role of the Justiciero has a significant role in determining which party carries the Burden of Proof and instructing the Viceroy on the applicable standard of proof. The Justiciero’s responsibility is to evaluate the evidence presented and determine whether the Burden of Proof has been met. Consequences of failing to meet the Burden of Proof may be decided in favor of the opposing party. If requested, another trial may be presented or a Trial By Combat may be pleaded, but can be rejected by the Justiciero or Viceroy of Hyspia. Pre-Trial At the beginning of a trial, a case initiation will be instituted upon arrest or filed complaint of the accused. This will conduct a charging of the defendant and will initiate a lawsuit or prosecution. ---- The parties involved have the right to exchange pleadings. These documents outline the allegations and defenses in the case. ---- Both sides will engage in the discovery process, where they gather and exchange evidence. This will involve dispositions, interrogations, requests for documents, or other means of obtaining information. Other means may involve testing of darkspawn and other warrants of arrest from other cities. ---- Parties may file pre-trial motions to address legal issues or seek certain rulings from the court. These motions can include motions to dismiss, motions to limine or motions for summary judgment. ---- Parties often engage in settlement discussions or negotiations to resolve the case without going to trial. Settlement can occur at any time during the pretrial process. ---- Pre-trial conferences can be informal meetings between the presiding judge and the parties involved to discuss the status of the case. The judge may also address procedural matters and evidentiary issues. ---- Motions of Limine are requests that the judge exclude specific evidence from the trial, typically for legal or evidential reasons. ---- Preparing trial exhibits is not mandatory but is preferred for each party to prepare physical evidence, documents, and exhibits they intend to present at trial. These exhibits should be organized and labeled for easy reference during the trial. ---- Parties identify and prepare witnesses they plan to call at trial. Subpoenas may be issued to ensure the attendance of witnesses who may be reluctant to testify voluntarily. ---- Trial briefs will be conducted before the trial to help the presiding judge understand the case better. These will be outlining the legal and factual issues, arguments, and case law relevant to their positions. ---- Any unresolved pre-trial motions may be argued and decided by the Justiciero or Viceroy. Trial Opening Statements The plaintiff or prosecution will begin their opening statement that will be followed by the defense. During opening statements, each side provides an overview of their case and what they intend to prove. Presentation of Evidence The plaintiff of the prosecution presents their case by calling witnesses and introducing evidence. The evidence provided may include documents, exhibits, and witness testimonies. The defense has the opportunity to cross-examine the witness. Direct Examination The speaker presenting their case questions their own witnesses. The goal is to elicit information and testimony that supports their side of the case. Cross-Examination The opposing party’s speaker questions the witnesses called by the other side. The purpose is to challenge the witnesses’ credibility and the evidence presented. Rebuttal and Surrebuttal After the initial presentation of evidence, there may be a rebuttal phase where each side can call additional witnesses to respond to points made by the opposing side. Closing Arguments Once all the evidence has been presented, both parties make closing arguments. These must be summaries of the case and a final opportunity to persuade the judge or jury. The prosecution goes first, followed by the defense. Verdict Once the presiding judge reaches a verdict, a decision will be announced.. The verdict can be “guilty” or “not guilty.” This decision is based on the evidence presented and the law. If not enough substantial evidence is presented, a second trial or a request of a Trial by Combat may be put in motion. Post-Trial Motions After the verdict or decision, either party may file post-trial motions to challenge the outcome. These may include motions for a new trial or motions to set aside the verdict. Appeals Once the trial is over, either the prosecution or the defendant can appeal to the Viceroy, Justiciero, or Gran Canciller to take a second look at the trial. All citizens of Hyspia, and those prosecuted, are granted the privilege to Appeal. Appeals are not a new trial, and no new evidence can be submitted. Submitting Appeal To submit an Appeal for a trial, either the Prosecution or Defendant must submit a formal Letter of Appeal to the Viceroy, stating the reasoning for why an appeal should be heard. Those that submit appeals without proper grounds will be fined 50 mina. Preparing an Appellate Argument Before the actual in person oral Appeal, both the Prosecution and Defendant submit a written argument in which the sides lay out their side of the case. The Oral Argument After submitting the written arguments, the Viceroy, Gran Canciller, or Justiciero will summon both the Prosecution and Defendant to court, where the Appellate argument will begin. Both sides will plead their case. The Opinion of the Court A verdict will not be announced at the time of the oral argument. Rather, the Viceroy, Gran Canciller, and Justiciero will meet and vote on the outcome. The Viceroy or Gran Canciller will then write the formal opinion of the court, which can be published if the Viceroy sees it fit. If the vote is 2-1, the person in the minority of the vote may choose to write a dissenting opinion explaining their reasons for disagreeing. 5. The Verdict The Court of appeals, in their opinion, may: -Uphold, or affirm the decision of the Viceroy. -Reverse, or overturn the decision of the Viceroy. -Remand, or retry the case. 6. Closing. Once the Court of Appeals gives their verdict through their vote, the decision is final. Another Appeal cannot be made, and the decision of the Court of Appeals cannot be overruled. Sentencing A sentencing phase will occur where the Justiciero or Viceroy will determine the appropriate punishment. Type of Punishments will be the following determined based on the Justiciero or Viceroy. Corporal Punishment Capital Punishment Exile and Outlawry Mutilation Fines and Forfeiture Public Humiliation Imprisonment Trial By Combat Trial by Combat are only subjected if a trial has no proper verdict of the first trial. This may be requested in order to avoid a second trial; a judge or the Viceroy has a right to reject this request based on their own jurisdiction. Combatants will be a Champion chosen by the Viceroy or the prosecutor and the accused. A divine judgment based on the belief that GODAN would favor the innocent or just party and grand them victory in battle. A trial conducted in the presence of clergy and legal authorities, who would oversee the proceedings. Outcome will determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. If a combatant is incapacitated or yields, it is considered a judgment in favor of the opposing party. If both combatants are severely injured or killed, the case may be considered inconclusive and alternative legal methods may be employed. CON DIOS AVANZAMOS, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY, Sergio Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Justiciero de Hyspia, Baron of Sevilla, Oficial de Imigracion
  20. PENNED BY THE LADY CHAMBERLAIN C. 1954 As our court gracefully undergoes a transformative era, the Aaunic royal court, formerly known as the Clementine Court, shall henceforth be hailed as the Paradisian Court under the orders of Queen-Consort Amelia of Middelan. In this transition, the Court extends profound gratitude to the Viscountess of Valence, Adela of High Peak, and the other ladies whose unwavering contributions graced the Clementine Court during its time. The stewardship of this refined court is entrusted to the distinguished Lady Chamberlain, Clementine Francisca of Salia. Under her governance, and with the gracious blessing of Her Majesty, the courts are poised not only to function but to flourish, and to ascend to become something great. May this proclamation resonate with the regality befitting our court, and may the Paradisian Court thrive and prosper under the illustrious reign of Queen-Consort Amelia of Middelan. Her Royal Majesty, Amelia of Middelan @bickando HEAD TO ALL COURTS The Queen-Consort of Aaun is the pillar of the Courts; all members below shall fall in line and align themselves to be above her expectations. The Queen-Consort shall hold and forever have direct authority over the structure, culture, function, and traditions of the Paradisian Court. The Queen though has constant and direct power, in case of her absence, Lady Alba shall hold this authority in her stead. - The Current Lady Alba, Adeline Johanna shall assume Head to All Courts in the Queen-Consort’s absence. @Marshi Her Excellency, Clementine of Salia @sanriu HEAD TO THE COUNCIL OF ALBA Whoever assumes the position of Lady Chamberlain shall be appointed and considered the senior most member of the Alba Council. They have bestowed the task of managing the court in the interests of the Consorts, aiding in its functioning and growth. Despite the weight of the responsibilities, this member must be competent and well versed in court etiquettes, and be able to command authority and show great leadership skills, considering they shall lead the Paradisian Court. The Council of Alba comprises women of grace, intellect, and unwavering dedication, each chosen for their outstanding capabilities and commitment to the court's wellbeing. Under the wise guidance of the Lady Chamberlain, these esteemed ladies play a pivotal role in managing the intricate tapestry of courtly affairs, ensuring a harmonious environment within the courtly precincts. Her Royal Highness, Sophia James Alstion @Kitomine Head to the Office of Household The Majordomo is a highly respected member of the court who manages the grand palace and all its affairs. They work closely with other council members to ensure the smooth functioning of the court. In addition to being the keeper of the palace keys, they supervise the servantry and welcome new courtiers and nobility into the court. The Majordomo is an expert in court etiquette and is responsible for organising courtiers on the proper decorum to observe. They are also responsible for designing and implementing court education programs. Positions within the Office of Household, The Court Chaplain [Father Frantzisko | Nescaffier] - The Chaplain, normally the Archbishop of Albarosa or the Bishop of Buron or Gelimar, will be in charge of managing all religious matters concerning the palace's courtiers. They must be certified by the church and will have a variety of responsibilities, including organising charities, baptisms, prayers, and rites of maturity. The Chaplain will also be available to provide religious advice to the court when needed, and is critical in ensuring that the court's religious needs are met and that the courtiers have a trusted figure to turn to for guidance. The Royal Confessor [Father Leofric | MCVDK] - The Royal Confessor, normally but not always the priest in charge of the Chapel of Our Lady of Paradisus, acts as the personal confessor and confidante of His and Her Majesty’s Royal Household. They give advice, both personal and religious, to the Queen, and act too as a steward of the court’s morality in the eyes of the Mother Church. Principal Secretary [Johannes von Alstreim | Vylkmir] - The Principal Secretary is the personal steward of His Majesty’s Royal Household, charged with maintaining its upkeep and appearances as well as the taking and forwarding of important letters and documents. In such a manner they also maintain a role as a chief advisor within His Majesty’s Privy Chamber. Mistress of the Robes [Parisa Monet | Sefardi] - Just as the Principal Secretary personally waits upon His Majesty, the Mistress of the Robes is the foremost handmaid of the Queen. She manages the daily schedule of Her Majesty the Queen, as well as The Keeper of the Crown Jewels [Daniel Gale | Aehmi] - The Keeper of the Crown Jewels is essential within the court, as their primary responsibility is to ensure the preservation and protection of the Royal Regalia collection. Their duties are fulfilling the documentation of the collection, as well as the pursuit of expanding it. The Keeper of the Crown Jewels plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity and historical significance of the Royal Regalia, thereby contributing to the preservation of the monarchy's cultural heritage. Governor/Governess - Court governors and governesses are responsible for caring for and educating the children of the court and the Royal Household. They are trusted with the responsibility of providing care and guidance that will shape the future of these young individuals. To fulfil this role, they must possess not only exceptional intellect but also a great deal of patience and empathy to ensure that the children under their care receive the best possible education and upbringing advisor. Ladies-in-Waiting, Grooms of the Privy & Maids of Honour - These courtiers are intricately crafted to serve as loyal and devoted companions to the members of the Royal Household to whom they are assigned. With their refined and sophisticated demeanour, they provide personal assistance and support to their assigned individuals, ensuring that their every need is met with the utmost care and attention. The Servantry - The Hand of Horen relies on the diligent work of its servantry to maintain its smooth operation. All servants must ensure that the halls of the palace are kept in impeccable condition. It is expected that both butlers and maids remain available at all times to cater to any events taking place within the Hand. They must be prepared to provide their services, as required, in a timely and efficient manner. Her Ladyship, Laruene de Lewes @annanicole__ Head to the Office of Entertainment The Grand Reveller is responsible for the upkeep and designing of the event schedule. Their duties may also include Hosting events outside the court, overseeing productions at the renowned theatre The Plane, and managing events during the Aaunic social season. The multifaceted nature of their role necessitates extensive knowledge of creative arts such as theatre, music, and dance, as these are essential components in delivering exceptional and engaging entertainment experiences. Given the importance of the Grand Reveller role, it is fundamental that they possess a deep understanding of the creative arts, this includes staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in theatre, music, and dance. Positions within the Office of Entertainment, The Master of the Hunt [Stefano Montelliano | Sebbysc] - The individual appointed as the Master of the Hunt holds the crucial responsibility of efficiently managing the Royal hunts and private artillery. The position demands an elite level of expertise in the art of hunting and the maintenance of the royal woods to ensure that the Royal Family can indulge in the sport whenever they desire. The Revellers - As expert event planners, revellers are responsible for meticulously orchestrating gatherings and ceremonies of diverse scales, ranging from courtly affairs to national events. The revellers' work involves a range of tasks, from conceptualising the events to coordinating with vendors and ensuring smooth execution of the event. Their work demands a unique blend of creativity, organisational skills, and attention to detail, and they take pride in delivering events that are memorable and meaningful for all stakeholders involved. Division of the Arts - In the past, the organisation was divided into three different sectors. However, it has now been restructured into a unified division that encompasses various roles. The Division comprises of skilled artists who are responsible for providing the courtiers and the royal family with personalized commissions, entertainers of the theatre and The most skilled dancers of the court,who are both responsible for performing and organizing regular productions to ensure that the plane remains vibrant and lively. Division of Entertainment - This Division is comprised of skilled musicians, minstrels, and bards who are responsible for the management of court songs and performing at events. Their expertise and dedication ensure that the court's musical performances are of the highest quality. They are available to be called upon to perform at events as required. Her Ladyship, Olenna Haverlock @MapleSunflower Head to the Office of Enlightenment The role of the High Curator within the court is one of great importance and responsibility. As the overseer of all publications and texts within the court, the High Curator plays a crucial role in preserving knowledge, literature, and academic pursuits. In addition to these duties, the High Curator is also responsible for the intellectual arts, culture, and history of the realm. The person selected for this role must possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise to ensure that the court remains at the forefront of knowledge and learning. The curator’s guidance is essential in fostering a thriving intellectual environment that encourages a passion for learning and academic pursuits. The duties of the High Curator are instrumental in creating an intellectual legacy that endures for future generations. Positions within the Office of Enlightenment, Head Librarian[Witold Jazloviecki | Rohlik] - This Courtier oversees the library of the Royal Hall of St. Godwin. They protect and mentor these books of information and upkeep such books to ensure all can inform themselves of various historical events. Whomever shall be in charge must be organized, and good in management and knowledgeable on several Historical periods. The Lady/Lord Archivist [Ser Alaric deNeurem | Paulobig] - The archivist is charged with upkeeping the more intimate ongoings of the royal household including births, special events, and changes in power. The Court Apothecary [VACANT] - This scholar shall be charged with all alchemical studies for the betterment of the nation, as well as overseeing other alchemists. Simply knowing alchemy itself is not enough, for the Master Alchemist ought to be capable of different types of the craft, considering its knowledge is so vast. They shall be tasked with providing regular studies for the court. The Court Herald [VACANT] - A retainer of the Queen not only tasked with upkeep the daily duties of the Council of Alba, but one tasked with announcing courtly initiatives, festivities, decrees, and national news to the common folk of Aaun. To meet these demands and responsibilities, the Court Herald, with the help of the Curator, shall be charged with printing a yearly newsletter detailing these very things. Division of Scholars - This division holds all philosophers and scribes of the Kingdom of Aaun. They are constantly at work, making regular or daily publications of their findings or research and etc. ADDRESSMENTS OF THE NOBILITY King - His Royal Majesty, or “Your Majesty” Queen, Queen-Consort - Her Royal Majesty, or “Your Majesty” Children of a king or queen are styled as His/Her Royal Highness, and addressed as “Your Highness” or “Prince/Princess [First Name]” Grand Prince - His Serene Highness or “Grand Prince [title or house name]” Grand Princess - Her Serene Highness or “Grand Princess [title or house name]” Children of the Grand Prince/Princess are styled as His/Her Lordship alongside any titles they hold or “Lord/Lady [First Name] Non-Royal Prince - His Highness or “Prince [title or house name]” Non-Royal Princess - Her Highness or “Princess [title or house name]” Children of a non-royal prince are styles as His Lordship/Her Ladyship alongside any titles they hold or “Lord/Lady [First name] Duke - His Grace or “Duke [title or house name]” Duchess - Her Grace or Duchess [title or house name]” Margrave - The Most Honourable, His Lordship or “Margrave [title or house name]” Margravine - The Most Honourable, Her Ladyship or “Margravine [title or house name]” Count - The Right honourable, His Lordship or “Count [title or house name]” Countess - The Right Honourable, Her Ladyship or “Countess [title or house name]” Viscount - The Right honourable, His Lordship or “Viscount [title or house name]” Viscountess - The Right Honourable, Her Ladyship or “Viscountess [title or house name]” Baron - His Lordship or “Baron [title or house name]” Baroness - Her Ladyship or “Baroness [title or house name]” Children of Dukes, Margraves, Counts, Viscounts and Barons are styled as His Lordship/Her Ladyship alongside any titles they hold or “Lord/Lady [First Name]” Beneath GOD’s Gaze, HER ROYAL MAJESTY Amelia of Middelan, Queen-Consort of Aaun, Princess of Alstion, Duchess of Corazon and Balamena, Countess of Enswerp and Whitespire HER EXCELLENCY Clementine of Salia, Baroness-Consort of Montfort, Lady Chamberlain of the Paradisian Court
  21. THE REFORMATION OF THE - C. 1952 ISSUED BY THE ☩ GRAND LADY ☩ Immense the Wake of Stassion as we celebrate our newcomers and blessings from the Saints. A new Grand Lady has been appointed, awakening our once quiet courts and entering them with a vision of refinement to our illustrious Aster Court. The Court is now set to undergo a profound metamorphosis, and to be guided by regal winds of change. It truly is with profound honor and pleasure along with a sense of duty that I the Grand Lady announce the forthcoming provisions and altercations that shall reshape our Courts to be befitting of the exquisite tastes of the March of Stassion, and our esteemed Margravine. As custodians of our noble traditions, we shall ensure that the court reflects the evolving desires and preferences of those who choose to grace it with their presence. Our meticulous endeavors shall encompass not merely superficial changes but a comprehensive reformation that harmonizes the essence of tradition with the contemporary aspirations of our revered dignitaries. The Court of Elegance, a beacon of refinement, shall be tailored to exalt the sophistication and cultural richness that define the very fabric of our March. Further Elaborations, about duties of the Official positions Of the Aster Court are the following: I 〈 HH, Ottavia Kasimira of Pompourelia 〉 @Marshi Head of the Entire Court Her Highness, The Consort holds full sovereignty over the Aster Court gaining the ability to appoint whomever she pleases. She is also tasked with ensuring that all members of the Aster Court follow the Expectations and maintain proper images befitting of the Aster Court. II 〈 HE, Marie Capucine of Valcour 〉 @sanriu Head to the Aster Court The Grand Lady has an important role in the hierarchy of the Aster Council and Court; whoever assumes the position shall oversee the court alongside the Princess-Consort. Ensuring all Council and Court roles are filled and properly managed keeping the Court in proper functionality. The Grand Lady shall also be knowledgeable on the Magraviate’s History and Culture. Allowing herself to be a perfect example for the rest of the Court. ☩ The Princess Amanuensis [ Dame, Caterina Sarkozic of Pompourelia] @sondher The Princess Amanuensis is tasked with the role of writing invitations and ensuring that they are sent out. They are also to write the transcripts of any Court meetings held within the Aster Court. ☩ COURT PHYSICIAN [VACANT] The Court Physician, also known as the Royal physician is a Medical Doctor who serves the Aster Court. Their primary responsibility is to provide care to Members of the Stassion Household And other Important Individuals of the Court. 〈 The Heads of the Court 〉 Painting of HH, Ottavia Kasimira and HE, Marie Capucine The Heads of the Aster Council Courts shall welcome various ideologies that shall benefit our lands. They have been carefully selected by The Consort, and The Grand Lady themselves going through a series of questions to determine if they were worthy of such positions. The Dames promoted their Intelligence, distinguished skills, and awareness of the realm’s diversity and dynamics, understanding the challenges both Nobility and Commoners face. Showing their ability to be empathetic and reasonable to problems they have yet or shall never be able to experience. 〈 TITLE, VACANT 〉 @ Head to the Office of Entertainment, and Primary Castle Decorator The Castle Conservator plays an enormous part in the court’s overall liveliness, they are tasked with ensuring the regular holding of activities and events within the Margraviate are to take place. Along with the responsibilities of holding feasts and soirees, The Castle Conservator is also to ensure the castle is properly decorated for the coming seasons and events taking place. ☩ Members of the Event Commission Members of the Event Commission are to assist the Castle Conservator in hosting, and holding events; These Courtiers are also allowed to propose and run events of their own. ☩ Court Fool [VACANT] The Court Fool is usually a rather humorous individual who is tasked with Entertaining the Courts and people of Stassion. Typically brought to Events purposefully to entertain the audience. ☩ Court poet [ HH, Mathilde Augusta of Stassion] @annanicole__ Typically responsible for teaching the arts of Poetry, this Courtier typically has studied Poetry has a passion and or love for it and shall teach generations to do the same. The Court Poet also writes poetry for the Margravate, typically for the Court and Society to Emplore themselves in. ☩ Master of the hunt [ HL, Henri Fredric Ashford de Falstaff] @mojanghunter The Master of the Hunt is a Courtier within the Margravate charged with securing frequent hunts for the Aster Court whenever he shall please. 〈 HH, Charlotte Valentina of Marsana 〉 @Kitomine Head to the Office of Household The Lady Concierge is in charge of maintaining the Castle itself, they shall be in charge of maintaining the Castle itself, they shall be in charge of handing off keys to those in need of them. They also control the management of servantry and make arrangements for Visitors and Courtiers of the Aster Court. They also play to ensure all Courtiers and Visitors of the court are informed of proper etiquette and fashion standards. ☩ The Court Governess [ VACANT ] The Court Governess is the Head of Stassions, and education and is tasked with the care and ensuring that the Youth of both the Aster Court. Throughout more specifically the children of the Stassions Household. ☩ Mistress of Attire [ VACANT ] The Ladies of the Court Tailor is in charge of providing the finest of garments to the Aster Court Male Courtiers, Ensuring all men within Stassion are dressed within the latest Stassion fashions. ☩ Grand Master of the Wardrobe [ VACANT ] The designated male Courtier Tailor is in charge of providing the finest of garments to the Aster Court Male Courtiers, Ensuring all men within Stassion are dressed within the latest Stassion fashions. ☩ Ladies In Waiting When a Lady is of age, the Princess-Consort may choose to Invite them to the court in order to either attend her, or other Ladies within the Household. This can also include being paired with the Princess’ daughters from a young age. It is very important for all Ladies In Waiting to know the proper etiquette within the Aster Court, along with acting as a confidante to her Lady. 〈 MISS, Valindra Nullivari 〉 @Morigung-oog Head to the Office of Enchantments A Scholar within the Aster Courts registered as a licensed mage within Stassion. The Grand Mage serves as not only an advisor but also is tasked with Studying and Furthering their knowledge even whilst within their position. They are also to oversee any other mages within the Aster Court, and other forms of Magics that shall proceed within the Margraviate. Whilst also keeping up with the logs of Magic and who is permitted to practice magic within the walls of Stassion. ☩ Court Mages A group of licensed Mages, who are under the Office of Enchantments are well versed in Several types of Magic. The Court Mages should be knowledgeable and able to spread information about their practice and ope ☩Court Alchemist [ VACANT ] The Court Alchemist, within the march, are permitted to distribute potions to the Margravate when asked or required and to teach their craft to Students. They should be permitted to note and collect local herbs and guide those who are unaware of their locations as well as teach citizens about their properties. SIGNED, HER HIGHNESS, Ottavia Kasimira of Pompourelia, The Princess-Consort of Providentia, Margravine of Stassion, Baroness-Consort of Renzfeld, Lady of Fredricksburg, Lady Stassion HER EXCELLENCY, Marie Capucine Dresnay of Valcour, The Grand Lady of the Aster Court
  22. THE COURTS OF WINBURGH; STARTED ANEW FOEDUS VELEC In the year 18 of the Age of Rights and the Age of Reckoning “Elegance is not a dispensable luxury but a factor that decides between success and failure.” ✠ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ BY THE UNWAVERING AUTHORITY OF THE STATE AND THE REPUBLICAN MANDATE BESTOWED UPON THE ILLUSTRIOUS CHAMBER OF HEIDMEN, WE HEREBY ISSUE THIS IMPERIOUS MISSIVE, RESONATING WITH THE EMINENT VIRTUES OF HONOR, DUTY, LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, VALOR, AND WISDOM. WITH THIS COMMUNICATION, WE ENLIGHTEN THY READER UPON THE INTRICACIES OF STATECRAFT AND UNVEIL THE CURRENT AFFAIRS THAT ENGAGE OUR SOVEREIGN REALM. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ LO unto the Heartlands, With great pride and esteemed anticipation, we herald a new beginning in the halls of our cherished castle, formerly known as the Courts of St. Emalyne under the rule of the Duchy of Adria. Today, it is with a deep sense of purpose that we announce the naming of our courts - the Courts of Winburgh. This name befits not only the land of Veletz but its noble people. Under this new name, our courts come under a new jurisdiction, brimming with roles that fit the stature of our homeland. It is our profound hope to see the Courts of Winburgh flourish under this banner of change and renewal. To this end, we invite the denizens of Veletz to fill these key positions as we usher in an age of prosperity and cultural distinction. ________________ The Castellan of the Courts The overseer of our beloved castle, overseeing all its daily affairs. They are tasked with coordinating the castle staff, ensuring harmony within the courts, and nurturing the cultural heritage of Veletz, from etiquette to scholarly works and grand celebrations. The Chaplain of the Courts The Court Chaplain is charged with the sanctity of faith within our beloved courts. Their duties align themselves with the responsibility of baptisms, hosting courtly masses, and providing ecclesiastical guidance as needed to the nobility of the League. The Almoner of the Courts The custodian of courtly meals and alms, the Almoner is charged with overseeing kitchen preparations and serving staff. In a broader sense, they too provide for the townsfolk, collaborating closely with the Court Chaplain in the providing of alms for the ill and poor, as well as organizing the foodstuffs given out from the castle on feast days. The Keeper of the Hounds The Keeper of the Hounds is a position as old as the House van Aert itself; first held by the de Vilains, later breakers of Oren, the position of organizing hunts, caring for the Ducal family’s bloodhounds and maintaining the balance of Veletz’s wildlife has long held a special place in the League’s courts. The Chamberlain of the Courts The Court Chamberlain is the curator of Veletzian fashion and culture, tasked with researching and promoting the rich history of Veletzian attire and cultural heritage. ________________ Deputies of the Castle The Castle Deputies are appointed on a case-by-case basis to assist the courtly council in its myriad tasks, ranging from missive drafting to meeting arrangements, and timely deliveries to acting as hosts. Wards of the Castle A Ward of the castle is a promising individual under the age of eighteen, seeking to learn and grow within the courts. Often chosen from the pastoral nobility, they are assigned to a council member and given tasks to build experience, with the promise of a formal position upon coming of age. Servantry of the Castle A diverse group of individuals including hostlers, maids, and gardeners, dedicated to maintaining the castle’s cleanliness and upkeep, and tending to its needs with diligence. In this new chapter of the Courts of Winburgh, we look forward to welcoming those who wish to be part of our vibrant and evolving community. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ GOD WILLING, HIS GRACE, Gaspard of the House van Aert, Captain-General of the League of Veletz, Duke of Middelan, Bannerlord of Velec, Protector of the Midlanders THE HONORABLE, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, Baroness of Brasca, Lady Castellan to the Courts of Winburgh
  23. Etiquette hen court Issued on the 4th, of Dragon’s Flame of the year 11 of AST. SUMMARY/INTRODUCTION The following is a set of guidelines; explanations of the expectations which well cultured citizens of the realm ought to emulate. The court of our Grand Principality is the center of our honor, and is given weight only by the reverence which is shown within its chamber. Therefore to bring honor and grace to the court is to accept these standards upon one’s self; and the rejection of these principles reveals much more than just one’s lack of respect for the Prince and his Peace. Definitions In Court: In the presence of any gathering, or dedicated place of the Prince and Royal Family will be known as ‘The Court’. The prominent examples are the courtroom itself during ceremonies, the capital Palace, and any social gathering at which the Royalty or Nobility is principally involved. Ceremonies: Any organized event of royal/noble significance, lasting from the opening until the closing of the occasion. Hospitality: Active and mutual attention with one’s friends or acquaintances. Includes the exchange of gifts and giving honorable greetings to a friend’s House and kinsmen. Physical Bearings in Court Encouraged Behaviors - Stand with high posture Legs firm and straight when standing, and bent perfectly at the knee when sitting. Men position their legs parallel to each other at the knees, while women cross their legs at the knees. When standing, arms are either held straight at the side or bent directly at the elbow, with the hands either joined in front of the abdomen or behind the spine. - When addressing those around, speak in a whisper It is most appropriate, when speaking to one or a few nearby acquaintances, to carry one’s voice at the lowest tone which one is able to. Primarily, to ensure that conversations do not impede the proceedings of court, and secondly, to emphasize the attention that one must take to fully understand the meaning of one’s speech. - When addressing the court or the Sovereign, speak in a clear, loud voice It is most appropriate, when addressing the attendants of the court, and especially the Royalty of the Realm, that one ensures their message is clearly given to all. It is imperative when in such a position of attention that one upholds the best display of their civility. - (For Nobility) Humbly set the standard Nobility are charged to be the public example of the most distinguished and respectable citizenry. Therefore, they must always be seen carrying themselves in the most honorable forms, and be heard to use the most dedicated and precise language. Such things inspire trust in one’s countrymen and appreciation for virtue in all citizens. To note; it is dishonorable for a noble or group of nobles to compete with each other to out-display each other with increasingly elegant dress, for all should reserve it to the Royalty to adorn themselves in the most distinguished garments and jewels. - (For Royalty) Dedication to Regality Royal persons are expected at all times to acknowledge what they are; the living essence of the Realm. As such, these must comport themselves with only as much honor as they would compel others to render to their crown. To achieve this aim, the royalty is always seen to act, dress, and speak in such ways that inspire reverent awe in their subjects and enforce the interests of the people. - Maintain the order of pets and children Any young children and wards, as well as pets and other dependent entities, are expected to be at the constant attention of their caretaker at all times. Whether this is a parent, relative, or otherwise designated guardian, none of the above listed subjects should be seen out of the control of their overseer. - (For Generals) Comport oneself with Stoic Honor For men of such heavy and hallowed duty, word must be little, and action much. As such, it is not appropriate for the distinguished captains and generals of the realm to be seen consumed by various energetic cares during court, but must at all times be a rock upon which the glory of our realm stands. For this reason Generals are bid to limit conversation for the duration of court and ceremonies, only speaking when called upon to do so, and when called, speaking with the authority and dignity bestowed upon them by the Crown. - (For Soldiers) Display universal respect It is for the sake of every Aeltarosi citizen, merchant, child, and priest which calls this island a common home; that the soldiers of the realm gather for their protection. From these citizens, our fighting force is fed, and to these citizens our soldiers sacrifice their honor and lives. Therefore any man shall be greatly dishonored who takes up a false enmity with a soldier of the realm, and any soldier will call such dishonor upon his own self if he takes up enmity with a subject of his Sovereign. Such is the manifest command of the Prince’s Peace. Discouraged and Dishonorable Behaviors - Consume Food (Drink is Encouraged) Unless a courtly event specifically invokes the gathering and eating of food, courtiers ought not to be seen eating food during ceremonies. As an exception; the offering and consumption of fine, non-overwhelming drink is encouraged between friends and allies; all the better if this is done from elegantly crafted glass vessels. - Attract undue attention during ceremonies To selfishly call the attention of the gathered court to oneself when it is not in due season, is disrespectful to one’s countrymen. The Royalty and courtly staff are especially harmed by such actions of outburst or dramatic display, and it does little honor to one’s House to show a small measure of public decency. Most especially, to be seen and heard running from place to place in constant movement and climbing upon furnishings during court is disruptive and offensive to the Prince’s regality. - Be seen in deficiency in court To be in ill condition at court makes the public eye and the private consciousness skeptical of one’s integrity and diligence. Actions such as being seen loudly in need of food, vocally thirsting for drink, blowing one’s nose, or belching, are outward signs of inward impurity. - Display Public Affection during ceremonies All attention during courtly events ought to be directed as best as possible to the cares of the court and its proceedings. Display of overly affectionate behavior toward one’s courtship undermines the special dignity of the women of the court, and undermines the gallant self control of the men of the court. As the only exception; married units of man and wife are encouraged to hold hands as a show of the eternal and manifested bond of one soul to another. Resolving mistakes in Etiquette If a noble is seen performing or not performing an act which would bring indignity to themselves or the name of their house, it is the responsibility of the fellow peers to ensure the common accordance to the culture of excellence. To resolve any issues of this sort; first inform the lady of the house (or most prominent daughter) of the details of the improper deed. She will take the knowledge to the peer, who will set the arrangement of his space to hold more firmly to the etiquette of the prince's peace. It is critical that this is only done with the utmost respect as to not cause offense. Misunderstandings arisen from uncareful speech is a thousand measures more harmful than any violation of proper etiquette. (Verbal) Addresses For Royalty ○ For Sovereign Prince - ”Your Highness” - ”Lord Sovereign” - “Prince [Royal Name]” ○ For Princess-Consort - ”Your Highness” - ”Lady Sovereign” - ”Princess [Royal Name]” ○ For Designated Heir - ”Your Excellency” - ”Lord/Lady Excellency” ○ For all other Royal House Members - ”Your Reverence” - ”Lord/Lady Reverence” For Nobility (Comital & Ducal) ○ For Title Holder/Consort - “High Lord/Lady [Title]” - “Your Grace” - “Lord/Lady Grace” ○ For Non-Title House Members - “Lord/Lady [First Name]” - “Lord/Lady [House Name]” For Nobility (Baronial & Viscomital) ○ For Title Holder/Consort - “Honorable Lord/Lady [Title]” - “Lord/Lady [Title]” ○ For Non-Title House Members - “Lord/Lady [First Name]” - “Lord/Lady [House Name]“ (Written) Addresses For Royalty ○ For Sovereign Prince - “To our Sovereign Prince, [Royal Name], Prince of Aeltarys” ○ For Princess-Consort - ”To our Beloved Princess, [Royal Name], Princess of Aeltarys” ○ For Designated Heir - ”To our Excellency, [Royal Name], Heir to Aeltarys” - ”To our Excellent Reverence, [Royal Name], Heir to Aeltarys” ○ For all other Royal House Members - ”To our Reverence, [Royal Name] of House Valraenos” For Nobility (Comital & Ducal) ○ For Title Holder/Consort - “To His/Her Grace, [First Name] of [House Name], [Primary Title]” ○ For Non-Title House Members - “To High Lord, [First Name] [Second Name ], of [House Name]” For Nobility (Baronial & Viscomital) ○ For Title Holder/Consort - “To The Honorable [First Name] of [House Name], [Primary Title]” ○ For Non-Title House Members - “To Lord [First Name] [Second Name] of [House Name]” Feasting Arrangements During feasts, the Family of honor (usually the host, unless otherwise specified) will be seated at the most prominent seat of the table. To the right sits the consort, to the left are placed all of the heirs, with proximity to the center indicating the order of their succession. Such an array should be achieved whenever possible when gathered at courtly events. It is customary, even at the smallest of tables, to leave the first left seat empty if the heir is not available, or if the House has no declared heir. When hosting dignitaries and peers, it is expected of the organizing lord to assign spaces for every titled noble who is most expected to attend. Note *When addressing nobility and royalty of the realm, it shows a respectable level of learning and virtue to properly attribute titles to Houses. Even more important is distinguishing titled nobility from the families of titled nobility. Simply; when addressing a noble of title, use the name of their title, preceded by ‘Lord/Lady’ or ‘High Lord/Lady’. When addressing non-titled nobility, use the name of their House or their First Name, preceded by ‘Lord/Lady’ Essential Principles Common Honor: At all times, one should act, dress, and speak in such ways that displays the honor of their family, and the good learning of one's life. The living sovereign and the immortal realm are both most highly honored when their citizens act with constant grace and balanced measure. Enduring Hospitality: One must always give the most hospitality to the common citizenry which are the lifeblood of all civilization. It is the love of the common people which gives legitimacy to the sovereign crown and the dignity of the nobility. Nothing does a man or woman more honor than to be seen selflessly giving of oneself in service to virtuous deeds. Likewise, nothing brings so much dishonor than to be more loving of wealth and high dignity than the interest of all Aeltarosi. Resources & Their Use (OOC:) Houses of The Realm: [Link] Use this to associate oneself with the names and ranks of the various nobility of the realm. As such things are subject to change from one generation to another. Aeltarys Public Forum: [Link] Use this to be informed of news and discourses of the court Overall Court Summary: [Link] Use this to acquaint yourself and other courtiers with the ongoing description and operations of the Royal Court of Aeltarys. Otherwise known as the Orbar Court. Zālagon Jehikagrī, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Maegor I Valraenos, Grand Prince of the Aeltarosi, Prince of Dragonclaw HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Arabella Valraenos of Pavia, Grand Princess of the Aeltarosi, Princess of Dragonclaw (Authored By) Casstrucio Dandalo
  24. Eglie court isse jorrāelagon hen iā portraiteer Issued on the 17, of Laenor’s Escape of 146 S.A. SUMMARY/INTRODUCTION This missive is a summons to any and all clerical citizens of Aeltarys and beyond. Because it is the will of the Crown to share its honored presence with its citizenry and noble class, the High Prince and Princess have resolved to host court and give weight to the announcements and conversations therein. While such things are to the great pleasure of all Aeltarosi, the object of royal desire has shifted to attaining a body of Portraiteers. Duties of the Court Portraiteers 1) Attending major events and gatherings of Aeltarosi, especially courtly events 2) Drafting and composing portraits of various scenery and particular figures 3) Using tools and resources to modify the portraits 4) Sharing portraiture with the public and royalty on often occasion Compensations 1) Special access to places and events of Honor 2) Recognition of merit and good service 3) Training in skills and career path of portraiture Examples of Works: Contact High Princess Arabella of Aeltarys (tadabug#2000) Casstrucio Dandalo (Lomiei#5456) Zālagon Jehikagrī, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Arabella Valraenos, Grand Princess of the Aeltarosi (Authored By) Casstrucio Dandalo of Pavia
  25. SE COURT HEN ŌRBAR Issued on the 11th, of Bloodwings Flight of 5 AST. INTRODUCTION Se Court Hen Ōrbar, or in common the Court of Smoke is the first Aeltarosi court established upon the expedition of the Aeltarosi to Aevos. With the ceremony of His Royal Highness, Maegor I and Her Royal Highness Arabella I, the newly named Grand Princess has seen it fit to herald the creation of the Court of Smoke, advised by the natural-born Aeltarosi. “May the flames burn as bright as an inferno.” THE DRAGON'S BREATH The highest tier of the courts, commonly referred to as the Dragon’s Breath is kept solely to the royal family of Valraenos. It consists of the Grand Prince and Princess, the Crown Royal once an heir is named and the royal family itself. Their roles are showcased in many ways, in which they may fill any roles of the court. It is the consort, though, of the Grand Prince or Princess that will be seen running the Courts and thus appointing the roles below them. THE INFERNO The second highest tier of the courts, in which is it commonly referred to as the Inferno, as the difficulty of getting into the positions and keeping them in this fast-paced and ever-changing environment is that of akin to an inferno. THE INFERNOS OVERSEER The Infernos Overseer of the Ōrbar Court is second-in-command to the Dragon’s Breath, and the highest-ranking position. They are an individual who speaks directly with the upper tier and assures their expectations and standards are kept to. They are tasked with setting the example, and thus must always be the epitome of their role. Alongside this, they ensure the court is running smoothly with all the essentials it may need. They directly interview and hire those of the second tier, the Inferno, alongside those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants. THE INFERNO OF CEREMONIES The Inferno of Ceremonies of the Ōrbar Court is the second highest-ranking position. They answer directly to the Infernos Overseer and the Dragon’s Breath alike. They are tasked with the introduction of games, traditions and ensuring each event that takes place is more exciting then the last. They must be ever-fluid much like an inferno, and thus must always be the epitome of their role. They directly interview and hire those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants. THE INFERNO OF SERVITUDE The Inferno of Servitude of the Ōrbar Court is the third highest-ranking position. They answer directly to the Infernos Overseer and the Dragon’s Breath alike. They are tasked with ensuring the courts are fully stocked with necessities, they are to keep the cabinets full, upkeep the palace and to assume responsibility for the lower positions running smoothly. They directly interview and hire those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants and those of the fourth tier, the Embers Servants. THE INFERNOS WEAVER The Infernos Weaver of the Ōrbar Court is the fourth highest-ranking position. They answer directly to the Infernos Overseer and the Dragon’s Breath alike. They are tasked with the keeping of court archives, the keeping of important documents and the introduction of new ones. They are to keep the Court relevant, with the finding of various art pieces, bringing forth traditions old and new and keeping a keen eye to our history. The most notable of this, which gives them their name, is that they must be skilled in embroidery. When appointed to their position, they are to embroider the scarf used in Aeltarosi ceremonies, a great honor for any Aeltarosi to have. They directly interview and hire those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants. THE SCALES The third highest tier of the courts, commonly referred to as the Scales, as they bring a much needed balance to the courts. While not as difficult to get into as the Infernos tier, it is a difficult position to uphold nonetheless. THE SCALES ADVISOR The Scales Advisor of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath alike. They do not have specific tasks set, and as advisors can be hired on for any number of reasons, depending on talent and ability. They are called upon when their particular set of skills or talents are needed within the courts. THE SCALES ASSISTANT The Scales Assistant of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath alike, though they may have a primary they answer to. What they assist on depends solely on who they were hired on to assist, i.e. event running with the Infernos of Ceremonies or managerial work to the Grand Princess. THE EMBERS The lowest tier of the courts, commonly referred to as the Embers, in which they can be blown out with the wind or be tended to and be made into fire. The work set out can vary wildly, much like a Princess choosing her apparel for the day. THE EMBERS SERVANT The Embers Servant of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the upper tiers of the court, though the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath always takes the utmost priority. They are set a variety of tasks, which are not exclusive to the upkeep and cleanliness of the palace, serving during various functions or even the rearranging of a flower pot to another corner of the room. THE EMBERS WARD The Embers Ward of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the individual they are warded to, though the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath always takes the utmost priority. The tasks they are set are based solely on the discretion of the individual who warded them, though it will primarily be seen to be based around the role in question, i.e. being warded to the Infernos Weaver will see you organizing the palaces books, or embroidering a handkerchief. Zālagon Jehikagrī, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Arabella Valraenos of Pavia, Grand Princess of the Aeltarosi, Princess of Dragonclaw, Lady of Pavia, Lady of Atalais, Lady of Erice, Lady of Austerone
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