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  1. Past hour
  2. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "I may have entered your tentbut that does not obligate me to answer you. Unless of course you explain what you mean by expecting me.
  3. Esfir is so ready for Ricky.
  4. "It's cooooming hoooome" says Brother Ninnias
  5. "That's mea borsa!" Florian Kortrevich cheered as the pamphlet was set in hand.
  6. Sabine, even in her distant travels, receives a copy of the young Kortrevich's poster. She presses it carefully into her travelling-bag in its very own binding of leather, and beams with great pride - for Rickard Kortrevich would make, she knew, nothing short of a fantastic Maer.
  7. Once again, Astrid Thriceblood reads the missive with a long-suffering sigh. Does he mind? She was in the middle of something really quite important, and to be interrupted because some megalomaniac arcane lich couldn't keep his trap shut was incredibly annoying. She mutters something unkind in Scyfling, and goes to shred the parchment for reptile bedding - but decides against it, and shoves it in her desk drawer. ...Just in case.
  8. Rickard 'Ricky Dicky' Kortrevich puts his name forward for the ballot as well as a copy of his propaganda.
  9. Thank you everyone for the suggestions- I am looking to implement a few of these into a build rules proposal soon. :)
  10. The Viscountess casts her vote for RICKY DICKY.
  11. RICKARD KORTREVICH FOR GRAND MAER STEWARD AND WARD TO THE LAST GRAND MAER Published by: Baruch & Kortrevich Publishings On this 10th day of Tov ag Yermey of 534 E.S. “We prosper to prosper others. We prosper to prosper our city. We prosper to prosper our Kingdom. Prosperity starts when one wills it. GRAND MAER IOANNA D’ARKENT-KORTREVICH, THE 528 E.S. GRAND MAER’S FORUM I have been encouraged to run for the esteemed position of Grand Maer of New Valdev in the forthcoming elections and have never so readily accepted a challenge. A Maer must be competent. A Maer must be good at communicating. A Maer must know the city and what it needs. A Maer must be as passionate, energetic, driven and diligent. It is most fortuitous then that I possess all these qualities. That alone is reason enough to take a chance and vote for me, Rickard Kortrevich, however beyond the necessary self trumpeting and boasting there is much I would do and strive to be that I may use my background knowledge to facilitate. Though my working career has admittedly been short due to my young age one should not be dismissed for that alone. Instead I say why not decide based on their potential in the role. What can they bring to the table? I offer the perspective of the soon to be dominant generation. On top of that I do have some experience prudent to being a good Grand Maer that gives me greater insights into what I may do for the city. As Master of the Hunt and even before, having started a bestiary and kept a journal on all the Haeseni woodlands and countryside, I can see the need for culling certain creatures that pose a risk to travellers, pilgrims and merchants coming to our fair city. As a Steward, the one with the most house sales in the last six years, I have seen behind the curtain on what properties are popular, what we need more of and I have plans on how to maximise on that to make our city prosper even further. As the Ward of the last Grand Maer, Lady Ioanna, I personally collected the information and drew the sketches of the city as well as wrote the guide entitled "The Royal City of New Valdev". This was published through my own company, Baruch & Kortrevich Publishings which firstly makes me more in tune with the business requirements the city needs to ensure good trade is maintained but also allows me to circulate news, guides, articles, etcetera for the benefit of the people of our city to the cost of myself and not the Crown. This leaves more money for the things that truly matter. I intend to keep producing works like before and I have many more loftier goals should you vote for me and give me the opportunity to show that my will to make the city prosperous will be made manifest. Should you elect me I solemnly promise to see through these goals as swiftly as I can. They are: THE ENACTMENT OF THE CITY ACCESSIBILITY BILL As many of you will be well aware of, the back gate of the Royal City has long been lacking a set of citizen doors. In the bill by our own Princess Stefaniya, passed by the Duma this very Saint’s day, it outlines and shows clearly the want for this. I concur wholeheartedly and as soon as I am elected it will be the first act done on my first day in office. THE REVITALISATION OF WALTONBURG Waltonburg has fallen on hard times as of late, never quite recovering from the fallout of the Midlands War and the destruction of its natural beauty, farms and even its church at the hand of the mecha-priest. I would strive to see Waltonburg returned to a state where people not only can live there but want to! Retirees of the Brotherhood could retire and farm according to Biharism and the Jeremic Liberties that every Haeseni is owed most of all our fighting men and women. It would also offer more viable housing within the city limits that has been growing dwindling short in years past. I would enquire with the Crown the current plan and aid or spearhead the revitalisation however I can. CONTINUATION OF THE MAER’S FORUMS My mentor introduced the Maer’s Forum where petitioners could seek them out easily in the Tipsy Tarchar Tavern at a set time and day. This gave them an insight into the lives and needs of the city’s inhabitants. I would continue this practice and host a forum the Saint’s day before each sitting of Their Majesties’ Royal Duma to present the common people’s petitions in the chamber on their behalf. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE MUSEUM Firress Deia has done an admirable job of setting up the Haeseni Museum in the Aranykort section of the city. They have done the majority of the work single-handedly and without complaint. I would offer my own time and expertise to help get the museum open as quickly as possible, aiding the Firress however I may. I would also begin supplying the funds necessary for its completion. CULLING OF MONSTERS IN THE GATES OF MULDAV In my role as Master of the Hunt for the Crown I have witnessed and recorded first hand the effects of our local fauna on the city’s trade and its roads that connect it to the rest of the world. While most are well maintained and unproblematic, the Gates of Muldav have proven a breeding ground for dangerous species such as giant cave leeches and manticores. With the increased resources afforded to me with the office of Grand Maer, I would see these more frequently culled to ensure safer roads with the help of the city’s bravest volunteers, hunters and members of the Brotherhood. Signed by Lord Rickard Kortrevich Steward of New Valdev [!] Attached below is a pamphlet.
  12. Today
  13. please make a /trash command i keep littering in the river petra.

  14. "Yes, I think so. I'll have to prepare my fishing gear as well." Henrik-Otto Ludovar would say in response with a warm smile towards his student and fellow smith, before departing to get his equipment ready. @JuliusAakerlund
  15. time for the silence of HotD sunday...

  16. Looking for someone who wants to play the son (Wahaj Hemoss) of my persona (Hacket Hemoss). I have a form if you are interested: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJ3pwSqsM96RQk779diVo9GV3TdN7ETEkdGZvVntjJjr7A0g/viewform?usp=sf_link The human boy was born into a family of people who worship Azdromoth, yet they want to leave the choice of worship up to him. He was not told yet, but if you want to say he saw the markings we can discuss that path on Discord. Looking for someone interested in the family aspect, as well as an adventurous life. The Darkspawn aspect is up to the player if they want to pursue it. Some things to note/get an understanding of the setting: *The mother had passed away a year ago from an illness that came after she fell into the icy waters of the North in an incident. So it will be the father that will raise the boy from this point. The kid is a bit older (14), as the first player never played him past one day. *The boy has tan skin, straight black hair like his mother, and blue eyes like his father. When he gets fired up, he tends to get reckless, it's up to you how reckless he becomes. (We have a skin premade) *The actual lifestyle is humble, nothing big like a noble bloodline or royalty, got a house in Norland and Ravenmire.
  17. Yesterday
  18. "I'll have to get my fishing cap for this. What do you think Margravir Ludovar?" Davyd spoke to his mentor and fellow smith with a smile. @HogoBojo
  19. A pale 'ame snatched the page from where hung in the air, the red tinged breeze passing away from the cliffsides without a trace. His shoulders slumped. I think we're runnin' outta time. He grasped at another small parchment he always held on his person; the final will of an elf more ancient than he could reasonably hope to become Llun, llir. I wish we could see better days, but that requires better men. I'm afraid we've lost 'em both.
  20. The Widow squints, noticing a lack of credit for yassifying the formatting of this missive…..
  21. ENEST I STRATLYYFEST ENJOYMENT OF THE RIVER FESTIVAL Issued by the ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN On this 8th day of Tov ag Yermey of 534 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, WHEN WINTER’S CARRIAGE DEPARTS AND THE WARMTH OF SPRING BEGINS, THE RIVER LAHY AND DULES THAWS IN ANTICIPATION. In celebration of such an event, and to ensure good tidings for the months to come, ENEST I STRAYLYYFEST, a tournament aside the river, is held. For every fish caught, there will be a different sum of points that will be displayed on a board aside the tournament. After the day has passed, and night approaches, your fish will be totaled up and points will be issued. From the Royal coffers, a hefty sum of mina will be provided to the lady or man who harvests the most fish from the water. FIRST PLACE will receive TWO HUNDRED MINA as well as a first place trophy SECOND, will receive ONE HUNDRED MINA as well as a second place trophy. THIRD, will receive FIFTY MINA as well as a third place trophy. Once concluded, the fish will be cooked fresh and served at a feast that anyone may dine at. Stalls will be open to sell wares, music will be played, and fun is to be had. TO BE HOSTED UPON; The Month of Wzuvar ag Byvca Wednesday, June 19th, 6pm EST GODANI JEST WIELKI, HER LADYSHIP, Svetlana vas Ruthern, Court Chamberlain of Kastell Lesanov
  22. An Executioner’s Decree Issued at Year 185 of the Second Age In recognition of the necessity to maintain law and order within the realm and to ensure swift and just punishment for heinous crimes against the state and its citizens, a new branch is to be formed: An Executioner's Branch shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Silver Lubba, charged with the solemn duty of carrying out sentences of capital punishment duly decreed by the judicial authorities and governing bodies of Lurin. The Executioner's Branch shall possess the authority to execute individuals convicted of crimes punishable by death according to the laws of the realm. This authority shall be exercised with diligence, impartiality, and in strict adherence to legal procedures. The duties of the Executioner's Branch shall include, but not be limited to: a) Carrying out executions and punishments in accordance with court orders and legal protocols. b) Maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of execution procedures. c) Providing necessary security measures during executions to ensure the safety of all involved parties. d) Maintaining records of executed individuals and related proceedings for archival and legal purposes. Members of the Executioner's Branch shall be recruited based on stringent criteria of character, competence, and loyalty to the Most Serene State of Lurin. They shall undergo rigorous training in execution methods, legal procedures, and psychological resilience to fulfill their duties with professionalism and dignity. All training will be done by the Head Executioner, or by those who are appointed by the Head Executioner. Cases that are given to the Executioner’s branch will be reviewed by the Head Executioner. Warrants pardoning the Executioners from murder charges will be written and granted accordingly, signed by the Head Executioner. Official punishments will be overseen by multiple assigned witnesses to prove their authenticity to the law. The Executioner's Branch shall be subject to strict oversight by the Head Executioner and Silver Lubba to ensure compliance with legal standards and ethical principles. Any misconduct or abuse of authority shall be promptly investigated, and perpetrators shall be held accountable before the law. This decree shall come into effect immediately upon publication. All relevant authorities, departments, and future personnel shall take necessary actions to enforce its provisions accordingly. Under my hand as the appointed Head Executioner with the permissions of the Silver Lubba, on this day forth, shall justice be served. Eternal We Stand, Long Live the Lubba. Wren Tsecsar Head Executioner of The Serene State of Lurin, Matriarch of House Nuremberg, Mistress of Menagerie
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