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[Ooc - Recruitment] The Orman's


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The Orman's


Quick insight: The Orman's, a bloodline shunned in most instances from society. A disproportionate percentage of the Orman children suffer from a hereditary sociopathic nature. They tend to be malicious and cruel, with but a few exceptions. Most "true" Orman descendants inherit Patrick, the first recorded ancestor's instantaneously recognizable features; those being his blood-red eyes and pale white hair. Their sadistic sense of humour and dashing good looks are also a recognisable trait most Ormans carry. Their ancestors comprise of High Elves and Humans, oddly enough. Perhaps that explains their sense of superiority toward others.


Orman's available to be RPed:


Rupert Orman:




The eldest recording living Orman descendant. Witty, wise and equipped with an arsenal of insults, Rupert tends to spend his days drinking ale and visiting the Dwarves for a fair bit of boysterous "banter." Despite being alive during Aegis's early days and with an age so grand even he couldn't care to remember, he looks and feels quite well for his age. He rarely speaks with his grandchildren, tending to prefer the company of elder, wiser folk whom he could get up to mischief with. 


No skin has been made for him, yet. 



-White Hair

-Red eyes

-Mostly human but has some high elven blood running through his veins. His ears are ever so slightly pointed.


Hileia Orman





Born in mid Aegis, the eldest sibling of that Orman generation. Her parents, James and Hileia (Mother, whom she was named after) were slaughtered from a unforeseen attack, leaving her to nurture her siblings single handedly. Hileia is often considered to be the mature Orman, quick thinking and a talented archer. Her time is often spent mounted on a horse roaming Anthos and spending time by the sea.


No skin has been made for her, yet.



-White hair

-Red eyes

-Tall and slender

-Half High elven, half human.


Syla Orman




Like the like the majority of the sons of Goliath, Syla was conceived in a wh*re house. Born the twin of Gawin (unbeknownst to the two) and adopted by his uncle Valzar from birth, he grew up un-tormented unlike the rest of Goliath's children and is disputably considered the sanest of Ormans. Born in Asulon, Syla is intelligent and like his father was, talented with a sword. He tends to refuse to take orders from others and therefore prefers to make his own decisions and set his own path in life. Not deterred by his fathers pessimistic attitude.


No skin has been made for him, yet.



-White hair

-Red eyes

-Well built and toned.

-Quarter High Elven, three quarters Human. 



Note: Despite the eye colour's being what they are in the drawings, all of the Orman's will have red eyes.



If you would like to RP one of these characters then simply state so below. You will need to find your own skins. Any questions? Shoot.

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Where do their loyalties lie, what is their allegiance? 


They tend not to have an allegiance to a specific "superior" or anyone really for that matter. Each Orman is loyal to one another (except for a few of the current already RPed children of Goliath.) Rupert would intervene and help out any family members in trouble or any of his dwarvern friends but he's fairly free lance. He'd care more for an ale than any "superior". Hileia is much the same. She is loyal to her family but because she spent so much time as the figurehead for her siblings she had no one to look up to. She can be loyal to her friends and perhaps the king of the kingdom she finds herself living within but again, no one in general. Syla would be loyal to any of his elders. He is still rather young and unscathed by life so is drawn to any figure head he would instinctively trust and seek guidance from. Like the others, he is loyal to all of the members in his family.

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I would be interested in Syla, we've talked about it somewhat already.  If you'd like me to I would be willing to give him a go.


Find yourself a skin, add me on skype goliath_orman and you're good to go!

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Can I have an Orman called "Long Sch-long Orman"?



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Assuming Syla is no longer up for grabs, i'd be interested in Rupert.

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Assuming Syla is no longer up for grabs, i'd be interested in Rupert.


Add me on Skype: goliath_orman.

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