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[Idea] Let's Give Criminal Executions And Exiles More Meaning.


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The problem is not that the villains are 'strong'. The problem is that the executions and exiles are 'weak'.


Give me rope, give me brands, give me rotten fruit and stones and blood and swords and screams and curses. Don't just make a quick speech of crimes and lop off his head. Make him bleed, make him never want to experience this again, in character or out of character.


OOC barriers put in place by rules are weak.


Fear is strong.


Brand body, throw stone, drown the damned.


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We don't need a rule for this. We can actually do it with just guards.

If someone has a banishment order on them, they are immediately PvPed (after a few lines of requiste RP informing them of their felony) by city guards. They won't RP in your city because they can't without being PvPed by the city guards. They don't RP their capture or meaningfully give them RP in any way. Just "You are banished from this city, acelor. Leave now or be slain."

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Agreed, I once had a bandit that tried to kill me, then my char defeated him. 35 minutes later the bandit comes back, and attempts to kill me again. Annoying as ****, and when I played a criminal I never abuse the rules like that. However, maybe make this for assassinations also. It always sucks to put in a lot of effort towards assassinating someone, just to have them come back a half hour later. The rule shouldn't just apply to villains.

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I would like to note:



Branding without CONSENT apparently isn't aloud.



I tried branding someone back in Ager - and they got a GM to alleviate.


I was quite unhappy I could not tattoo the guy in the face.

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I would like to note:



Branding without CONSENT apparently isn't aloud.



I tried branding someone back in Ager - and they got a GM to alleviate.


I was quite unhappy I could not tattoo the guy in the face.

Anything that changes someone's character permanently isn't allowed without concent as far as I know. sorry if this is a little offtopic.

I normally stop playing a character for a while if the death is meaningful.

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Honestly, this isn't something we need a new system to fix. When you have a repeat, don't go an complain about it on the forums. If a villain is actually returning often enough to be annoying, talk to a VAT or a GM. Popping up every thirty minutes to try something new isn't good villainy, and I am almost certain that, given screens, it will be taken care of.


For the sake of the majority of villains, who do things reasonably, stop looking for ways to punish all of us because of a few that can be handled otherwise. If a villain creates enjoyable RP, and everyone around him has fun, why is it fair for him to have to never return to a city? To sit in a cell with no rp for a day? Villains have a job to do, and that's to provide fun RP. If they are successful in doing that, I think we can all agree they aren't a problem needing to be fixed. If they aren't successful,  we already have systems in place to have them fixed or removed.

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Force PK!


There have been many threads about that - with GMs (And an Admin I think) Noting that that WILL never happen.

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There have been many threads about that - with GMs (And an Admin I think) Noting that that WILL never happen.






A character that is dumb enough to get executed is not really that essential, is it?

... Is it? D:

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A character that is dumb enough to get executed is not really that essential, is it?

... Is it? D:

I was executed for asking a guard if he knew if their were any religious institutions around... He called me a heretic for not knowing - than had me hanged.

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I was executed for asking a guard if he knew if their were any religious institutions around... He called me a heretic for not knowing - than had me hanged.


Well of course if the reason is pretty stupid, I would ignore it too. I'm talking about big executions, like executing a Flay.

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Well of course if the reason is pretty stupid, I would ignore it too. I'm talking about big executions, like executing a Flay.

But yet - we are now discerning what counts as a BIG, or a little execution... which makes a fuzzy subjective line - which will constantly be disputed, and overall cause problems.

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A character that is dumb enough to get executed is not really that essential, is it?

... Is it? D:


Force-PKs aren't fair to the player. They tell the villain "You did a good job, and didn't PG/Meta out of being captured. Now you're PKed."


If we did forced PKs, we'd have to make it to more than just villains. The old "Assassin and target" argument comes to mind; how is it fair to PK an assassin of he can't PK his target? And from there it all just snowballs. How are bandits and assassins that different? Guards and Targets? Soon enough we'd have PKs for everyone, and that's something nobody wants.

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Soon enough we'd have PKs for everyone, and that's something nobody wants.

*Akward cough, and shifty eyes*

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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