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The Agerian Guard


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The Agerian Guard


The Barony of Ager is seeking able bodied men to compose of its levy and guard force. Members of the guard are expected to:


1) Be well suited for combat at any time

2) Attend any battle he is able to make

3) Protect the barony of Ager at all times

4) Be an active part of the town


These men are to be loyal to the Barony of Ager and the Kingdom of Oren only. To join fill out the application below and send it by bird to the Baron of Ager.




There are five ranks of the Agerian guard. They are as follows:


Guard Captain

The head of the guard, pay is 60 minas an Elven week. Private bunking is provided. There is one Guard Captain.

Current Guard Captain:



Guard Sergeant

Directly below the captain, pay is 50 minas a week. Semi-private bunking is provided. There can be 1-4 Sergeants depending on the guard force size.

Current guard sergeants:



Guard Footman

The footman is the bulk of the guard force. They are payed 40 minas a week and have bunking in the barracks.

Current footmen:




Guard Recruit

Lowest rank. Payed 20 minas a week. Provided bunking in the bunking room of the barracks. They are overwatched by a sergeant for an Elven week in order to prove loyalty and competence  



In charge of maintaining a stockpile of supplies for the guard. Payed 5 minas more than their rank a week. A Quartermaster can be any rank and will rank up just like everyone else. There is only one Quatermaster




All ranks other than the captain are appointed by the captain.





MC name:

Do you have skype, and if so what is it?:






Previous occupations and experience:


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Wasn't ager destroyed for a reason?

(( It was part of the restoration of Oren. All towns were demolished  and Ager made it's way back, and for good reason because it is valuable to the food supplies of Oren, however this is not the place to discuss this and OOC is not really allowed in guild threads if I'm correct, so if you wish to talk to me more about Ager, which you can feel free to message me via Skype or PM. You know both.))

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An aging man in a blue trench coat looks at the poster and bites his lower lip. Turning to his family and those left in his service, he takes a stamp to a piece of parchment, writes something, and posts it on the bottom.


"Back in my day, Ager was safe enough that only my personal vassals were necessary to prevent banditry or attacks.

-Darek Althered-York, previous Lord of Ager and Highrock"


It is stamped with a flourishing cross on a plain background.

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George reads the note, then leaves another one below it:

Back in your day you weren't required to supply a certain number of men in a levy to keep your land

And to note, Ager is protected as it is.

-Baron George Blackwell, Current Lord of Ager.

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MC name: hugges2

Do you have skype, and if so what is it?: No skype



Name: Saph 

Age: 34

Race: Human

Previous occupations and experience: I'd be good in the position of quartermaster because I used to work on a merchant vessel. I would write down what ports we were in and kept a ship's log. I also handled the keeping of stock and merchandise. . 

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MC name: hugges2

Do you have skype, and if so what is it?: No skype



Name: Saph 

Age: 34

Race: Human

Previous occupations and experience: I'd be good in the position of quartermaster because I used to work on a merchant vessel. I would write down what ports we were in and kept a ship's log. I also handled the keeping of stock and merchandise. . 


George takes the application bringing it back to his office, he pulls open a compartment grabbing a  stamp. George proceeds to stamp down on the paper a large ACCEPTED onto it, underneath George writes a note. "If you wish to be quatermaster we must speak first, other than that ACCEPTED" George seals it together with the Blackwell seal before having his messenger bring the note back to Saph 


((As an OOC note I really hope you can get Skype, things are a lot easier in the long run.))

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MC name: flyer4617

Skype: Yup


Name: Rodger

Age: 23

Race: Human

Experience: Grew up hunting and such, no true work experience.

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MC name: flyer4617

Skype: Yup


Name: Rodger

Age: 23

Race: Human

Experience: Grew up hunting and such, no true work experience.


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