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Jayko Lokomo Azura: Last Of His Kind


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Alright, here's the best advice I can give.


Basically what everyone is seeing here is a 'main character/spotlight' kind of character. Which would be fine if you were playing Skyrim, or writing a novel. But here on LOTC, a communal multiplayer RP community, no one really has the luxury of playing that 'one of a kind special' character we all want to be.


To quote the movie incredibles: "Once everyone's super, no one will be."


What I suggest is wipe the drawing board and start off clean. Create a weak, flawed character. A complete normal joe. Someone just like you and me. It's the adventure of interacting with people and how your character develops naturally that makes LOTC so immersive.


My first character had absolutely no special traits other than he was an elven farmer. He got recruited into a magic guild and that's how his adventure started, made quite a name for himself.


tl:dr, I suggest you play someone normal. A simple farmer, blacksmith, sellsword, artisan, et cetera. The uniqueness in a character is how it develops IG, not how many traits you give it in a bio.

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So in other words, i have to somehow get in Clerical Order to rp with War Cleric (According to what I saw in the article)?

Im just trying to clarify things. In the wiki, "In fights against the darker beings... the clerics receive the gift of magical powers to aid them", " While it is not necessary to be in the clerical order to receive the blessing of the patrons", and "While clerical healers have been seen outside the order, most if not all of the war clerics are part of it", make it seem like War Clerics don't truly necessarily have to be part of the Order (Although it seems highly recommended for them to be a part of it with the "most if not all"). I'm just saying that this part makes it seem possible for my char to be able to use war cleric powers.

I'm not trying to make it look like your wrong. As stated earlier, I'm just clearing things up. If you want a preview of what i wanted for my char, the powers (until I think of something else) would be just a shield and those light balls being bigger than they currently are (to about the size of a baseball or tennis ball), emitting more light (so a portable torch), and making for a good projective attack (which after typing that and reading the wiki, is Battle-Cleric magic (Battle used interchangeably with War))

Correct, unless you join the clerical order, and have Taherai (or whatever his name is...) as your patron - you are unable to have any form of war cleric magic for your character.

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Alright, here's the best advice I can give.


Basically what everyone is seeing here is a 'main character/spotlight' kind of character. Which would be fine if you were playing Skyrim, or writing a novel. But here on LOTC, a communal multiplayer RP community, no one really has the luxury of playing that 'one of a kind special' character we all want to be.


To quote the movie incredibles: "Once everyone's super, no one will be."


What I suggest is wipe the drawing board and start off clean. Create a weak, flawed character. A complete normal joe. Someone just like you and me. It's the adventure of interacting with people and how your character develops naturally that makes LOTC so immersive.


My first character had absolutely no special traits other than he was an elven farmer. He got recruited into a magic guild and that's how his adventure started, made quite a name for himself.


tl:dr, I suggest you play someone normal. A simple farmer, blacksmith, sellsword, artisan, et cetera. The uniqueness in a character is how it develops IG, not how many traits you give it in a bio.


I guess you're right. And you were right in how it looked like i was making a novel. On the original server I made this char on (Massivecraft), Jayko was nothing more than a swordsman who wanted to avenge the death of his parents. I suppose it's only appropriate that I rp that. In other words, I'm restarting the entire history. I will keep some things but erase all sections related to magic. If it was in the original first draft bio, I'm keeping it. That means that yes, he'll still keep his knowledge of Ancient Elven and his weapon prowess. The original draft also still had him as the son of Nobles (which he will still be working towards restoring his status (eventually)). However, he has more weaknesses such as falling apart when things go wrong and not taking failure well. Also, while the prophesy was in the original, I might remove it depending on what you guys think (Although with magic removed, it doesn't seem likely it will stay).


So here's a basic overview of the clean slate:

 - No Magic

 - Flaws including: Being unsure of himself at times (thus causing a bit of doubt and loss of focus), Hates failure, and loses focus when things don't work out. 

 - Most of everything else stays relatively the same

 - History up to after the death of Jacoba will stay (minus anything magical related)


I will have the finalized version by tonight (it's currently about 10:47 where I am just to give a perspective on how long that'll take).

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Jayko was nothing more than a swordsman who wanted to avenge the death of his parents. 


I have a question for you- are you still using this?

If yes

Are your characters parents played by someone on the server, or were they at some point

is the person who killed them on the server 

Was the person that killed them an orcccc? ((Have to ask))


If this is all just back story, and he plans on avenging people that don't exist- killed by someone who doset exist- This is often grounds for a pending or even a denial when applying to the server...


Having a character's parents dead and needing to avenge them is one of the most cliche and frowned upon things that you can do- UNLESS it legit happens while you are on the server. 

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I have a question for you- are you still using this?

If yes

Are your characters parents played by someone on the server, or were they at some point

is the person who killed them on the server 

Was the person that killed them an orcccc? ((Have to ask))


If this is all just back story, and he plans on avenging people that don't exist- killed by someone who doset exist- This is often grounds for a pending or even a denial when applying to the server...


Having a character's parents dead and needing to avenge them is one of the most cliche and frowned upon things that you can do- UNLESS it legit happens while you are on the server. 


That was the first draft original "quest". However, looking back at the story, he knows his mothers murderer was killed and hasn't really felt any initiative to avenge them as I never even hinted that. Instead, the "quest" was changed to one of finding answers. Hope that explains that part.


As for anything being cliche:


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