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Just A Concept I Came Up With: Witchcraft/wicca Inspired


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Only read the first page, and I try to stay away from religion debates on internet, but come on guys. LotC =/= Real life.


I like the idea of equivalent exchange, where like, you have to take to get. That's one of the problems with magic atm. You just rp tiredness, and you can't be 100% consistent with that.


But I think this just, if it was ever rped, to be only rped. No spells in the plugin, just pure roleplay.


I agree with this. The idea of give and take does interest myself and I'm sure a few others. I am not in any way offended (Being Jewish and having this not in any way offend my religious beliefs), but can see how others are. I would suggest taking a different approach to this "new magic'. Instead of what you had wrote, try a dark arts "buff" magic. If you want more strength, you lose speed. If you want to be smarter, you lose strength, so on and so forth. With that being said, do not make it with blood (then its basically blood magic which we already have). just include either minor extractions from animals such as a rabbit's foot, a bear claw, etc to provide that "buff" power. This change in no way coincides satanic rituals(as far as i know), and goes along with the give/take idea.    


Now for the arguing, This is just our community and we need to respect everyone. If there's a disagreement then we don't point fingers and shout, we compromise. If you disagree with this idea, look to make it better rather than completely dismiss it into the void. 

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I think this server is honestly cringeworthy to christians/catholics already (neckbeard atheists playing templars and such). I don't see why we need to make it more so. That being said it's just a matter of OOC opinion.


Rewrite it so it's not stolen from another medium, and sure, why not?


I mean, I mean no offense, but who cares? and calling people neckbearded atheists is a bit much. If catholics can't stomach roleplay, then maybe they should stick to their own communities. Now, as I said, my opinion is that magic is far too common, but denying things based on >muh Christianity is a bit daft. I could claim to be a freaking Scientologist and claim that the idea of Iblees being locked away in the Void is too close to their creation myths, and it offends me thereby the lore must be structured to fit my unfounded spiritual beliefs. This thread, over the last page, seems to be Catholics saying in a sentence or so how something is Satanism, and how (as one person put it) good Catholics would be driven clear of the server based on an ideal that only exists in a roleplay setting. Things should be denied on their merit and utilization, not how one group of people feels about them.

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I'm going to declare this concept not worth it anymore. Was hoping to create something a little more exciting, but this doesn't seem to be it.

I'd like to apologize to anyone I have unintentionally offended. I just wanted to bring an idea to life, but it doesn't seem like it would work out.


I do believe this is a request for the thread to be locked.

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Try to stay on topic when you post feedback, my apologies this wasn't seen sooner.

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Well this was just trying to get feedback, but a few magics, such as soul puppetry, already kind of work this way. Moved to denied.

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