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Dude, Science


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Wait, I am confused. Are you two offering to help lads with the Science homework via roleplay in LotC?


If the people who come to me for the lesson are serious in listening, obeying, and scrutinizing when it needs to be done. Yes I would warmly welcome a student, if not I'll dump them under a bridge after an accident in the lab.

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No I don't know that stuff, but equally I'm not inventing a technology that would require those things. Which is what I'm saying, people will be making technologies even though their characters don't know the principles they rely on.

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No I don't know that stuff, but equally I'm not inventing a technology that would require those things. Which is what I'm saying, people will be making technologies even though their characters don't know the principles they rely on.


Would you consider the possibility if you knew that some of the servers most intelligent individuals are making every effort to ensure a fair, and balanced environment. In which progress could occur through peer review, giving new inventors a fair chance to have their contributions recognized?

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Also I recommend a system in which we use for the foundation of measurements, whether that be the metric system or one of our own, crazy LotC-based systems

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I don't doubt that after a due amount of roleplay these inventions could come about, I doubt that these people will be happy when their invention is instantly copied over OOC. Which will happen. So now you have wide scale meta-gaming and technological advance globally that occurs at an infeasible speed.

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I don't doubt that after a due amount of roleplay these inventions could come about, I doubt that these people will be happy when their invention is instantly copied over OOC. Which will happen. So now you have wide scale meta-gaming and technological advance globally that occurs at an infeasible speed.

That won't happen though. For instance your argument about the steam engine. In order to get around the originally invented steam engine, you would have to innovate your own way into making it work, thus requiring much more research just to get around the fact that you don't want to waste your time learning how to make a steam engine. Also, by adding a system where players can peer-review other people's scientific work (and also attempt to discredit it) would mean you would have to have a reason as to why the technology works, not just because "it's a copy". For instance say you make a steam engine and post it on the forums and everyone loves it and it works. Say I want to make a steam engine my own way, I couldn't just make it and go "lol", I would have to put it on the peer review of the forums and have everyone else see if it were technologically and mathematically feasible. A lot more than just copying stuff goes into engineering and technological development. It is a lot of math and a lot of trial and error.

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Also, with current lore we have, because of the system set up for adding new ideas and lore people can't just steal ideas from others. We already have a system in place for lore that works and disproves your original problem with the addition of science and slow yet steady technological advancement onto the server

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You're being too idealistic about this; it has happened before. Like I said, even rumours of technologies being allowed to exist causes them to spontaneously pop up around LoTC.

And what about the availability of information en masse? People don't have to roleplay these things out at all, they just have to look up all the equations and methods and simply reword them.

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Also I recommend a system in which we use for the foundation of measurements, whether that be the metric system or one of our own, crazy LotC-based systems


I believe that this question will make me recognize this as one of the finer details, the question is do we use the Minecraft Table Of Periodic Elements, or do we use the European Model?

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I believe that this question will make me recognize this as one of the finer details, the question is do we use the Minecraft Table Of Periodic Elements, or do we use the European Model?

I'd assume minecraft, as a majority of the system base for mech-standard revolves around specifically the minecraft table

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You're being too idealistic about this; it has happened before. Like I said, even rumours of technologies being allowed to exist causes them to spontaneously pop up around LoTC.

And what about the availability of information en masse? People don't have to roleplay these things out at all, they just have to look up all the equations and methods and simply reword them.


The question there is, do you want Science Police to teach the Science, or do you want unknown players making crazy science that is lore breaking?

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You're being too idealistic about this; it has happened before. Like I said, even rumours of technologies being allowed to exist causes them to spontaneously pop up around LoTC.

And what about the availability of information en masse? People don't have to roleplay these things out at all, they just have to look up all the equations and methods and simply reword them.

To the first part: probably because there wasn't a proper system set up to deal with it

To the second part: originally some of that will happen, yes. But as the technology were to grow and expand and as the system were to change with the growing amount of science roleplay, as well as the hoops people would realistically have to jump through to get technology on the server, would make it rather difficult for that to come through. You're making assumptions about a system that hasn't even been instated yet

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People don't need the science police, they only need google the information and reword it in order to to pass through your system. And a lot of the time people won't even bother with that, they'll just have the thing that's been given a green light to exist in roleplay.

Anyway regardless of the feasibility of technological advancement in LoTC, the GMs and Admins have on several occasions disallowed such a thing because technological advancement isn't in the spirit of LoTC.

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People don't need the science police

You spent all of your arguments on the idea that we wouldn't have enough regulation and control over the system. Why do you simply refuse an idea that adds to roleplay when an idea to regulate it and advance it in a controlled way is presented to you?

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