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[Lore Revision] Void Nodes, And Hollows


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Void Nodes, and the Hollows

There are many magical marvels within our world, many of which simply lying in wake, waiting to be discovered. Focus crystals, mana streams, and many other such oddities cover our world, the very fringes of Void and our Realm constantly toying at each other. However there is still greater mysteries yet unsolved. Long ago in the lands of Anthos, rumors spread about a mystical place beneath the Wyverwyn College. A place with immense power, and seemingly born from whimsical essence. Alas, these caverns were not as innocent as the rumors would have foretold.

Void Nodes, metaphorical holes within our realm which leak massive amounts of energy. Void Nodes rarely take definable shape, sometimes an old tree, or perhaps a giant stone sphere. It has also been documented that a Void Node once  took the shape of a rift, seemingly into the Void. The reason this happens is beyond our comprehension, and most likely simply the chaotic nature of how the Void functions. It should be noted, due to the ludicrous amount of energy which pours from these holes, the vicinity of the Node can disrupt Voidal magics, making them unstable and unwieldy.  It has been recorded of brave mages attempting to harness this power, however to no avail. Only stories and legends depict few mages who can harness this intense power, and use it to their benefit.

This is also to imply that this mass amount of mana has the capability to affect the wildlife, and fauna around it. Mutating mana, and therefor life, altering it into great monstrosities, or possibly interesting applications for the denizens of Athera. However this leaking energy isn’t the only harm these Nodes can offer; Nodes have been recorded to implode seemingly randomly, or explode if its form is disrupted with a massive force. Although the likelihood of purposely exploding a Node is slim, the thought of settling around one of the Nodes is certainly discomforting. The outcome of these hazards have caused great changes, specially beneath the Wyverwyn College, and yet hold the ability to forever change our plane.




Hollowed Lands, or otherwise known as The Hollows, is the devastating outcome of massive magical explosions, or implosions; leaving nothing but a wake of destroyed, magically scarred land. This outcome has been recorded to be mainly caused by Voidal Nodes, however Hollows can also be formed via any massive accumulation of mana, it simply needs a reaction suitable to its size to set off. The land, wildlife, and fauna caught in the wake of this explosion can permanently alter, forming into abominations, or oddities never before seen by mortal eyes. The possible outcomes that are present with this are beautiful, yet terrifying; as these altered wildlife and fauna are capable of being docile, or incredibly dangerous, it’s all quite random.

Physical devastation to the land isn’t the only detriment these Hollows provide, but also an emotional and mental one as well. Perhaps the sight of the Hollows is what causes it, maybe it’s the discomforting sensation they provide, or perhaps there’s a deeper manipulation of the senses at work; one thing is certain, staying within the Hollows for extended periods of time can cause mental decay, emotional outbursts, and other such unpleasant symptoms. These effects are rarely permanent, and can vary depending on the Hollows in question. Simply put, the Hollows are certainly not a desirable place to settle, as long term exposure can cause issues.

There is a difference of results between explosion, and implosion Hollows.

Explosion: Generally crystalline in appearance, beautiful yet grim. It seems to cause severe mutation to animals, plants, and the land as a whole. This is known as a “magical scar” on the land, and its appearance certainly displays such. These explosions of mana tend to be large in radius.

Implosion: When a Node implodes, the result is far more bizarre and other-worldly. Rocks churn into pianos, walls of stone form into millions of unreadable books of gibberish, and flying railcars float about. This version of the Hollows is far more rare, and is often found deep in caves, hidden from the world.


And so ends this entry, and this lesson. Great beauty often times comes with great sacrifice.

Journal entry: Voidal Nodes and Hollows






((This is clarification, and revision lore for Void Nodes, and Hollows!))

Here’s some OOC notes for both Nodes, and Hollows.



Voidal Nodes:


  • The mana being spewed from the Node is so intense, it negatively impacts spellcasting. Spells take an extra emote to charge, and are significantly more chaotic- all (targeted) spells landing within 5 meters of their intended destination, or are even highly liable to detonate upon the caster randomly. Spells casted upon the self may cast incompletely, or fail to fire at all. To cast without one of these detriments is to powergame.

  • Normal players cannot harness the mana from Void Nodes. This means that their manapools are unfortified and unable to replenish quicker with the area of a Void Node. This is purely reserved for ST-Event purposes.

  • Void Nodes can be felt by well attuned Mages, and Druids, as it’s a natural occurrence. However the feeling is vague, unless if in clear sight of the Node.

  • Nodes can alter wildlife around it, however only to minute extents, generally forming crystalline formations on plants and animals alike, surely a strange mutation.

  • Location of Void Nodes are up to the digression of the LM team, so if you “have one”, check in with the LM team to ensure this is cannon. Otherwise, it’s null.

  • Thanhium armour/weapons within a voidal node would heat to a steam, if absorbing more than [1] total spell, beginning to melt to unusability. This obviously overrides the spell-absorption based by tiers outlined in Thanhium lore.


Hollowed Lands:


  • Hollows are to be approved, and are made via ET, for event purposes.

  • Considered a natural disaster, however also a beautiful wonder.

  • Consumes large portions of land, depending on the size of the explosion/implosion.

  • Drastically altered wildlife and fauna, which offers a whole new possibility for creature/fauna lore, which pertains to exploded Hollowed lands.

  • Imploded Hollows has far more peculiar results, and allows for even more event-based freedom.

  • Hollows offer mental deterioration, however this is depending on ET or LM digression, for specific Hollows in question.

  • Hollows are not simply reserved for Voidal Nodes, and can be caused by other disasters such as large mana reactions, or simply a natural disaster-like scenario in an event line. Once more up to the discretion of ET and LM once the event arises.

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Would Druidic Blight Healing be able to heal the results of magic explosions/implosions, and return the area back to normal?

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Would Druidic Blight Healing be able to heal the results of magic explosions/implosions, and return the area back to normal?

That's actually a really good question. Implosion Hollows won't be able to be healed. As it's transmuting natural things, into objects. Like bookcases, pianos and weird stuff.


However, explosions, I don't see a huge issue. As long as it's a long drawn out process. A Chernobyl kind of situation.

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Glad to see this lore revised!

Good job Mooty.



Wyverwyn College*

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Not exactly what the wiki says (cause the wiki I wrote based off of Asulon & Anthos Void Nodes) in terms of Explosions being your regular kind of pure energy explosion that destroys matter in the natural world, and Hollows only being a possible outcome of an implosion (the more likely outcome being the Node just disappears altogether). If this is one of those "well I wrote this and I'm an LM" moments then... update the wiki entry.



But more importantly, 2nd last line is discretion, not digression.

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