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The Drachen


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The Drachen

"All hail House Horen"



What're we? 
The defenders of Dragon's Peak, the Drachen are the servants of House Horen and endure rigorous training to earn their place as a guard of the Horens. Long have we served, and long shall we serve, all in the name of being the hand of the patriarch or matriarch of House Horen. We will defend the holdings of man, and foremost of all, Godfrey the III.



Senior Lineman


I, your name, abandon my life as common man.


I accept the burden of bettering humanity.


Of being it’s hand, it’s head and it’s heart. I cast away my cowardice, my doubt and my fear. In their place, I take in the fire of ambition, courage and duty.


I shall be the blade of my master and the shield of his people.


I will act without question, I will strike without hesitation and creator willing,


I will die whilst the fire still burns within. I stand now as Drache, shunning the weakness I have left behind.


Should I falter or break, I demand the fury of my brothers and accept the shame of becoming nothing more than a common whelp.

I shall be the blade of my master and the shield of his people. I will act without question, I will strike without hesitation and creator willing, I will die whilst the fire still burns within.


Dragon's Peak



As you ascend the ranks of the Drachen, you gain more responsibilities as well as boons. You may get a free house or room of boarding within Dragon's Peak, and once you serve for four years (one irl month) you are given a significant tax decrease, once you serve for eight years (two months) you will not be taxed at all.

You are given food provisions and provided armor, however there are massive consequences for any action committed against a senior member or Captain's orders. 


- Losing armor: You are fined 700 minas for losing provisional ferrum armor, 350 for chain.
- Abuse of privilege leads to a court martial or execution at the hands of the Captain.
- Breaking orders leads to a court martial.
- Being a turncoat leads to imprisonment or execution.
- Only a Captain or person granted permission by the Captain or Liege-Lord may take the money from taxes and fines.  Thievery of this money by anybody with a lower ranking will lead to dismemberment or execution depending on severity. 

Five Pillars:
*You mayn't harass or attack a civilian without just cause.
*Follow the Drachen Guide Book.
*You may not ignore or disobey orders from an official or Captain.
*You may not fight with another Drachen.
*Do not break laws.



Reasoning for joining:
Do you swear by the rule book, the laws of Oren, and the laws of Dragon's Peak to uphold order?


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Franz nods and folds his arms at the notice as he leans back in his chair, reading over the document.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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