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The Archaeologists of Aegis


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Sabet, 28th of Snows Maiden, 1316:

We are starting to uncover multiple grottos that may have served as cave dwellings and hiding spaces for the dark elves. These caverns seem damp and cramped, and I would abhor spending just one night in one of them. The original inhabitants must have used them out of necessity, perhaps a fear of being found if they spend too much time above the surface.

One of the caverns is directly below the largest tree of the village, baring its roots and the water that feeds it. I wonder if the elves tampered with this pool of water in some way, in order to have the tree grow to its unusual vastness.

Spending too much time in this grotto makes me ill at ease, my senses urging me to leave. This feeling might be the remnant of an ancient spell ment to keep intruders out. If this is true, I can only assume that within this grotto is something the former owners did not want to be found.

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*Upon reading the note. Pikel runs home to scribble out his application, excited with the thought of adventure and knowledge*

((In Game Name: ParagonWarrior))

Ye Name:

Pikel Greenbeard at ye service

Ye Race:

I'm a Cave Dwarf

Historian or excavator?:

I would like te be diggin' and fixin' buildin's. but i can write if need be books have taken me fancy lately.

Main job or extra job?:

I'm also a guard o' Kal'Urguan

and Traveling Ores merchant

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?:

Bah i lookin' forward te the adventure o' findin' these old forgotten places. many a folk forget about what lies beneath them and I'd be likin' te show them.

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*Nails a note that reads:*

Hail, a good time ago, one of your historians was found wondering about nearly lost in the woodland near by capital of Nuremburg. Upon taking him in, he had divulged his intention and the map that guided him, knowing the lay of the land I most amicably assisted him in anyway I can. He was a kind fellow, one whose name I sadly forgot at the moment of writing this, but he gave me a hope that I was much curious in delving into. I have come to realize that there are men in the world who truly seek knowledge to progress, to advance, and to reform what we have done in the past into better circumstances in the future.

This seeking of knowledge seems to be of pure intent, not one lead by a man wishing to gain knowledge to use against opponents or for selfish reasoning. A measure I would like to perhaps present to you is that due to those corrupted by greed of the land and greed of the rule over others, I would like to extend an invitation to build a library in my town of Nuremburg. If ever an iconoclasm was to be upstarted by a ruler who sees this flow of countless knowledge a threat to his rise, he may have those grave intentions. Thus my Order, the Teutonic Order would very much see to the protection of the books held therein a possible library that your group can found within my town.

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Tidings, pursuers of history. I have finished indexing our findings into a new book and will soon spread our work for public perusal. I am also copying a fascinating report down upon fresher and more preservable paper.

We consider our work done on the site of Inwe. We will break up camp as soon as the final excavations on the Dark Elf cavern systems have been completed by my competent colleague. We invite you all to earnestly educate yourself by visiting the site: You will not be disappointed.

To those who have attempted to contact us in the past days, I regret your queries went unanswered. Sting Surion is currently coping with responsibilities elsewhere, but I am sure you will find a response headed your way at his earliest opportunity.

After this, we must see if we have the strength and interest left for a next endaevour. I would be glad to accompany a new project, but have not yet discussed with anyone about possible leads for a worthwhile excavation. I hope to hear more about this as Sting, and perhaps our more wayward members, find time for feasible field frivolities.

((Oh, and get me on skype))

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Very Well then, I understand you and Sting are quite busy at the moment, do hope you men have found an abundance of knowledge in your latest excursion!

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RP name:Gamil_Zirak

In Game Name:Gamil_Zirak


Historian or excavator? ((lore/history writer or builder)):Excavator

Main job or extra job?:nothing

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?:i would help excavate the various ruins and sites over aegis. i look forward to helping people remember the past.

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RP name: Alexander_deLarge

In Game Name: ElectrcWizard

Race: Human

Historian or excavator? ((lore/history writer or builder)): Builder

Main job or extra job?: Main job

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?:

I am interested in building old temples of former religions, the earlier humans may have developed certain sects to the current religion in which I could build a few monasteries in the more remote areas of Aegis. I'd like to add old, broken-down walls and ancient outposts along the borders of old nations.

I also would enjoy designing things for the historian's lore, any story they propose, I will read it and build my interpretation of them.

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*A notice was pinned over the original Archaeologist recruitment poster. The writing on this new poster is delicate, with many symbols and words of unknown language lingering along the margins. Your interest piqued, you move your head closer to the paper in order to make out the fine, curvy handwriting*

As Sting Surion settles into his construction work with the Aegis Academy, Rivell Gordian, to continue the noble pursuit of uncovering long lost knowledge, has been permitted to act as the guild steward as it is lead into a new stage. Expansion can be expected in the near future. Until further notice, this guild may be considered idle.

Individuals who have shown their affiliation towards the guild in the past can expect pigeons. Other interested parties would do well to keep track of this noticeboard, as information will be divulged here as it becomes available.

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so you will contact us?

Yes, as soon as I'm ready handling some affairs.

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((Holy Crap do I want to help with this))

RP name: Elindor

In Game Name: Jerry_Man

Race: Elf

Historian or excavator? ((lore/history writer or builder)): I am not much of an architect, but I have a love of history, ancient stories and forgotten lore.

Main job or extra job?: Extra Job. My main job is mostly just wandering and learning, [until I become the Aegean Academy's scribe of course ;) ]

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?: I want to tell stories of forgotten civilisations and discover missing chunks of history ((also to help build the wiki's history so that future players can see a chronological timeline of ancient events, if they so desire))

((I'd also like to experiment with creating a sub-story that would lead players from libraries to palaces to ancient dig sites and back again to get to the bottom of the mystery))

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RP name: retrov

In Game Name: Dante Blackheart

Race:Dark Elf

Historian or excavator? ((lore/history writer or builder)): leaning towards lore writer, however building is part of the lore so I'm interested in that as well.

Main job or extra job?: Main: Dark elf lore Extra: protecting Dark Elf Artifact's and Dark Elf interests.

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?: I would assist with the Dark Elf philosophy, belief structure, ancient history, and current social structure, and anything Dark Elf really. I'm looking forward to getting started.

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RP name: retrov

In Game Name: Dante Blackheart

Race:Dark Elf

Historian or excavator? ((lore/history writer or builder)): leaning towards lore writer, however building is part of the lore so I'm interested in that as well.

Main job or extra job?: Main: Dark elf lore Extra: protecting Dark Elf Artifact's and Dark Elf interests.

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?: I would assist with the Dark Elf philosophy, belief structure, ancient history, and current social structure, and anything Dark Elf really. I'm looking forward to getting started.

The Archeologists are obsolete. We've revamped the guild over here:


And would be happy to have you apply.

May I request a lock over here?

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RP name:


In Game Name:

Minecraftname = Domainoft


High Elf


Historian or excavator? ((lore/history writer or builder)):

Historian, I would help with Excavation when needed.

Main job or extra job?:

I already do this every day. I have a giant library over 300 books. And spend more of my days teaching students, or exploring ages for lost or missing lore to preserve.

Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?:

I would uncover more of Aegis's current affairs and help the guild figure out how they are shaping the future as well as put together pieces of the past so that we might better understand it.

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