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[Lore Revision] The Môrghuul


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This may be a bit of a stupid question, but can only a small amount of living flesh be eaten without killing anybody? Like, a Morghuul could, say, bite off someone's hand and then go on their merry way? How often do Morghuul need to eat?


Also, I'm sure you mentioned it somewhere in this post, but can Morghuul use magic?

A Morghuul needs to eat an entire body of a mortal creature, preferably of the races, in order to keep themselves fueled for a set amount of time. A small piece of someone, like an arm, isn't a lot of sustenance. It's like feeding a starving person a small bag of chips.

They can't use magic, but they can excel in other lesser arcanic arts, like alchemy, or something that doesn't really require mana or a connection to something. The fact they passively absorb lifeforce by feeding suggests some magical qualities within them, but that's only on behalf of their curse's function. If a Morghuul is made into a Lich or Darkstalker, though, they gain or regain magical power. Since Liches can't learn magic, though, a Morghuul would have to be a mage in life, and before they had been cursed, in order for their old skills to carry on into Lichdom.

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How will the 'upgrade' to Morghuul of the already player ghouls go? Does it need the necromancer to do it for it?


Edited by Angmarzku The Undead
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How will the 'upgrade' to Morghuul of the already player ghouls go? Does it need the necromancer to do it for it?


It's not so much an upgrade as much as it is a recreation. Old ghouls still exist, but this lore is intended to make Morghuul the "primary" ghouls, meaning that old ghouls fall in line with this lore's 2-tiered system. The current ghouls are considered disposable and lack a soul-- what this means is that your ghoul would just remain a ghoul and a new character, preferably an active one, would have to be chosen to become one of these Morghuul.

The 2-tiered system is essentially just the degradation of the curse. It goes from Morghuul, whom have eroded/cursed souls, to ghouls, who are now defined as Morghuul who lost their souls on behalf of the neglect of their hunger. Becoming a ghoul is pretty much a PK sentence, and by default applies to all ghouls if and when this lore is approved. But it can be negotiated!

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I quite like this. It is well balanced and not too similar to ghouls that no one would want to be them anymore, or in other words not a replacement. I also quite like how you state what they could be best suited for, especially a sage... I feel this could add a lot of RP to the undead and refresh it a little. +1

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