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[Playable] Sprites


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“Jewels of the forest can sometimes be found in the smallest of creatures.”





Going into this lore, I’d like to go ahead and explain my reason for writing this. The original idea came from Zer0_ which was removed and planned to be rewritten but never was. Using that as a basis, I’ve rewritten the lore to be just a good as the original. Originally, a small group of players were chosen to play them and participate in their event line, but I’m fine with them being an event-only race or one that is staff controlled for the player base to enjoy. Please post any and all feedback in the comments. And now, for the lore!



Exactly how these small creatures came to be is still a mystery. Perhaps the Creator brought them to being or Cerridwen’s breath on the mortal realm. Whatever the case, these small wonders of the woods can be seen many a night far into the forest lighting the darkness like fireflies.

Sprites are known for their mischievous nature, some going as far as to call them ‘The Tricksters in Flight’. These creatures will almost never pass up an opportunity to torment the traveler in any way they can. However, that is only if one can find an area in which they live. They prefer calm, serene sections of the forest, preferably with no mortal interference on the landscape.

For those well versed in Sprites, it is said that they hold important jobs such as changing the seasons but no one has ever recorded seeing such an event. In fact, most have never seen these creatures do much at all and doubt they can. Sprites are known for their short attention spans. Imagine them as a child with wings who needs surprises to keep them interested.



-Sprites stand about 5-7 inches with elf-like features and translucent wings sprouting from their backs.

-Sprites are genderless but have features resembling male or females.

-Sprites clothe themselves in flower petals and any soft, pliable forest-growths they can find.

-Sprites speak an odd tongue that can be learned but is quite difficult for Descendant minds to wrap their heads around (will be writing it if its accepted for Sprite players)

-Sprites are not born like normal beings. Sprites are grown from a special flower called “Acerifolia ” that blooms in a perfect environment found in some forests. Imagine the Sprite like the bloom of the flower. When the growth of the flower completes and it blooms, a sprite is born and the flower withers and dies. When a sprite is killed, they are reborn as a new flower and go through the same process again. They come out full-grown with all the information of the world that they need to survive.


The color of the sprite determines almost exactly some of the mannerisms of the sprite. Each sprite can be any color with no rhyme or reason as to which they will be. Each are unique in their own way whether that be their color or their appearance.




“Wisdom and immaturity in a stunning union.”


Sprites born with the color green are wiser and more intellectual than their kin- often more keen to learn something new. They can provide interesting outlooks upon a situation based on their observations, and are even known to have a bigger attention span.




“Curious and kind.”


Sprites born with the color blue are considered the most likable of all. They are known to be the first to explore, and the first to make a new friend. Taking that in mind, they are much more adventurous than their kin, wanting to seek new places and new friends, which can often lead to trouble.


Sky Blue


“Deceit and deception in the wings of the sky.”


Sprites born with the color of the sky are known to be the most deceitful. They use their similar coloring to their blue kin to lure people to trust them, only to torment them and trick them for their own amusement.




“Laziness and ambition in the wings of the clouds.”


Sprites born with the color grey are very similar to their sky-colored kin. They use their words and sickly appearance to trick others into doing their work for them.






The sprites born of red are known as being the most short-fused of all their kin. They tend to take their tricks and jokes to a new level, doing all they can to cause problems and disputes. They are jealous and rude, often coming off as the least likable of all sprites.





     The Acerfolia is a small flower with a large oval shaped bud and triangular leaves. It grows about five inches, and is the birth place of all Sprites. They can only be found in sections of warm forests near streams. After the span of about six weeks, the bud will flourish and a Sprite will be born from it. There is usually only one to two places in a realm where these flowers grow. When a sprite dies, another flower will sprout in one of these locations.





+Can commune with nature

+Very smart

+Can fly, but can’t fly very high(Minecraft mech only 2-3 blocks high). Due to using too much energy they would need a surface to rest on before getting into place. (High to us and their size are different.)


-Can not wield magic

-Can not hold a weapon

-Easily trapped

-Not many of the Sprites exist, If one was to destroy the flower during the development or destroy the tree around the flower. Before the Sprite is born, the sprite will die.

- Injuring the wings of a sprite can be potentially fatal, as the sprites main blood vessels are located there.

-Magic is super effective towards the sprites and can kill them quickly due to their connection to nature.

-Can learn the Common tongue but it would be difficult due to their attention spans.


Red lines



-Can not be pets

-Only live in woods, marsh, lake, or other water based areas, mostly forestry

-CANNOT USE OTHER MAGICS but can only commune with  animals/nature, they are not connected to Druidism or it’s magic.

-Can not be tamed


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6 minutes ago, The Great Uniter (Sythan) said:

Just a quick question. Wasn't something like this already accepted? I remember fairy/sprite things from Athera.

In the intro I explain it was accepted and then removed because of a few issues. 

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I see what you did there.

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After glancing over the piece, I've got a few questions.

  1. Do you mind explaining more on the "Acerifolia"? Such as defining what a "perfect" environment is and how long it takes for a sprite to grow? Such as defining what a "perfect" environment is and how long it takes for a sprite to grow?
  2. And when a sprite is killed, does the flower magically appear in the "perfect" location or does it appear where the death occurred? If it is the former, what explains the link between the two and the keeping of the memories (albeit vague ones as you said)?
  3. Why is magic super effective against them in comparison to being skewered by a spear or something along those lines?

  4. You say they do not know how to speak Common right off the bat, but can learn. What language do they speak if they do not know Common? Or are they not capable of communication at first?

  5. And what RP do you believe this will provide where other creatures such as the bryophite/cervitaur/Draoichta can not?

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16 hours ago, The Pink Lion said:

After glancing over the piece, I've got a few questions.

  1. Do you mind explaining more on the "Acerifolia"? Such as defining what a "perfect" environment is and how long it takes for a sprite to grow? Such as defining what a "perfect" environment is and how long it takes for a sprite to grow?
  2. And when a sprite is killed, does the flower magically appear in the "perfect" location or does it appear where the death occurred? If it is the former, what explains the link between the two and the keeping of the memories (albeit vague ones as you said)?
  3. Why is magic super effective against them in comparison to being skewered by a spear or something along those lines?

  4. You say they do not know how to speak Common right off the bat, but can learn. What language do they speak if they do not know Common? Or are they not capable of communication at first?

  5. And what RP do you believe this will provide where other creatures such as the bryophite/cervitaur/Draoichta can not?

Edited. And for the final question, I've already seen roleplay different from those races provided. If accepted, I will most likely be asking the ET to do a few small events to introduce players to the creatures. From that point, they could be used in small road events to create some small problems with travelers. As well, I hope to keep them as active as possible to keep providing interesting events. I know that's not much, but they are different and will provide a different experience.

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This lore has been accepted for a trial period.


You have two months to prove they can both be roleplayed well, and be well received. Do not ask a GM to change your race at this time, simply add to your character description the nature of the creature you're playing (races may be changed when the trial period ends). The lore creator for the trial period has say over who gets to play one.


Don't make me sad! Trial period begins... Now!

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Trial period is passed early, heard overwhelmingly good things from Sprites so, good job guys. You may now modreq to have your race set to 'Sprite' - the base race should simply be 'Elf'.


Of course if standards now drop then no lore is safe. Keep up the good work!

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