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[Playable Creature] The Lasairi


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Intro: This is something I’ve been thinking about for months now, and finally had the inspiration to write it down. This is something that would bring something new to the server, and make use of the large ocean that we have around our world. I’d also like to thank the wonderful Gemmylou for helping me so much in this lore idea. This would be a player curse, similar to that of the frost witches, yet different in many ways.


The Lasairi

As the descendants of this world travel from continent to continent, one thing has always been constant; the sea. It is dark and churning and it envelops the world around us, untamed and relentless. Throughout history, there have been many nautical legends of the deep, stories of sweet music coming from the waves, luring sailors overboard to their deaths.


These legends are those of the Lasairi, the cursed servants of the sea.


Origin Legend One


The legends begin in the demise of Anthos; as the tremors sought to rip apart the earth, the descendants fled for the sea, piling into their small ships and setting sail upon the churning ocean. Easy food for the great beast that lurks in the deep, monstrous in size. The beast’s attentions were drawn to a small elven vessel, that cried out with the screams of families. In one bash of it’s monstrous arm, the ship was shredded in two, the elven families being pulled into the sea and into the beast’s open maw.


Yet upon the wreck of the ship, clung a young elven maiden. She pleaded the beast to spare her, in return she swore her life to him. For the beast had grown too large and proud to serve himself, he constantly hungered for the taste of a drowned soul. This was an opportunity he wished not to waste, so the beast dragged the woman down to the deep, forcing his curse upon her.

This was the first Lasairi, the first servant of the sea, cursed for all eternity to be his.

She served him for decades, using her song to lure men into the depths of the sea.  Yet she longed for the shore, to have a companion of her own. So for her years of service, the beast gifted her with the ability to walk upon land once more. She could love and find love, as long as she returned to the sea each new moon to serve her master.


Origin Legend Two


Legend tells of an ancient city overlooking the sea, plagued by constant storms and tides. The people there lived off of what the sea could provide, poor fishermen in small ships. As their patron, they worshiped the kraken and built large statues and temples in his honor.


Yet the city soon grew wealthy, and their king prideful. He saw himself as a god, and no longer wished to pay tribute to the god of the sea. So, in his foolishness, the king claimed the temples, using them to store his gold, and replaced the statues with ones of his own image.


The sea god grew furious at the betrayal. The seas churned and the waves tore apart at the city, bringing down the ships and claiming many lives. The city was decimated, and the king begged the sea god for his forgiveness, for mercy upon his people. It was not enough. As punishment, the sea god demanded that most precious of the king as tribute. He demanded the only child of the king, to serve him in the sea for all eternity.


To save the people of his nation, the king complied, offering his only child to the sea god. And so the sea god took the child into the sea, marking him as one of his eternal servants. From then on, the sea god demanded another child of the land, every twenty years to serve him in his ocean realm.


Centuries passed and the city was reclaimed by the sea. It’s ruins being used as the realm of the beast.



Creation/the curse:


Young men or women of any race can be chosen by the beast to serve. These individuals are oft strong individuals, who can work well with the rest of the group.


Once chosen by the Lasairi mother/father (the head Lasairi), the Lasairi will begin to sing to the chosen, calling out to them from the sea, trying to lead them into the depths. The Lasairi’s song will put the chosen into a trance, they will feel almost a madness growing inside them, calling them to the sea.


It can be fought, simply by freeing themselves of the ocean, or being strong willed, until the Lasairi lose interest.


When the chosen steps foot into the sea, the curse begins by the sirens bringing the chosen into the water, dragging them down into the darkness. The curse is not pleasant, and they suffer. They are forced to deal with the pressures of the deep ocean, and left by the Lasairi to drown. They watch as the chosen gasp for air, singing their lullaby. Then, as they turn blue, the Lasairi mother swims forth, kissing the chosen and marking them upon their skin, sealing the curse. They do not die in this process.


Change then comes over them, being brought to agonizing pain as their body adjusts to the curse. Gills form along the Lasairi’s neck, a long dorsal fin growing along their back. The largest change is their legs, two flippers forming upon their feet, scales forming along their body. The transformation is extremely painful as the fins and scales must grow each time.


They are now bound to the curse, bound to serving the beast’s every command.




The goals of the Lasairi, is to be the faithful servants of the sea god. They have the belief that in serving him, that he will release them from their curse. So it is in this idea  that they serve him without question. They serve him by bringing him the living from the land above to consume.
*edit* Preferable this being would be a descendant, as it is what their master most prefers, yet in desperation it could be something similar in size such as a cow.


Lasairi song:


The Lasairi song is a melody passed down from being to being, sung over the waves to bring forth poor souls to the deep. It works by lulling the victim into a trance like state, for the Lasairi to manipulate and pull into the deep. The Song can only work on the weak willed, and can be fought with enough willpower.

The song can also be used to pull newly chosen ones into the sea.




Lasairi are not monsters, they are cursed beings stuck in an impossible situation. They live in fear and respect for their master, doing his bidding, which the Lasairi mother/father gives onto them. They do this in hopes that with service, the beast will free them from the curse.


Yet, should the Lasairi serve well, they are granted the freedom to walk upon land once more. This of course is not a constant thing. They must stay by the sea at all times, should they be called to do their work.


*Edit* Lasairi have the same physical lifespan that they had before they were cursed. They age as they would upon land. It is for this reason that the sea beast is in constant need of new servants. One cannot be born a Lasairi, they must receive the curse through rp.


Lasairi are not infertile, they can bear children, yet they can only have children every 50 years. When a lasairi  is with child, they are stuck in the form they are in BEFORE they were cursed, it is a temporary break from the curse. They must not go to sea, and owe tribute to their master for the ability/opportunity to grant life into the world.





When in the water, the cursed remain some semblance of what they once were. They’ve the same facial features and body structure, yet there are many differences. Firstly, their skin is is covered with thin blue and green scales, upon their limbs. Upon their neck are three gill slits, that help them keep their breath for longer beneath the water.

A long dorsal fin is formed that starts at the back of their neck and ends at the bottom of their abdomen. They’ve also got fins along their arms, and long fins for swimming upon their feet.

Their skin also is marked with faint tattoos/scars, that determines their rank in the family.


When not in the water, a siren looks like they once did, granted that they have earned the right to walk upon land. The physical way that one can tell a Lasairi  from anyone else, is they will still have the markings upon their skin.




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Water-Land changes


When in water:


When a cursed enters salt water, such as the sea, the bodily changes take place. This change is gradual and not instant, taking about five minutes. A Lasairi is vulnerable when changing, as they cannot yet swim away nor hold their breaths for long periods of time. The fins and scales must grow back each time the change occur, it is extremely painful.


When on land:


When a Lasairi has done his/her duty to their master, they are granted the privilege to walk upon land. This is done by giving them another special marking upon their skin that allows them to take their old form once more.


The Lasairi must first sit upon the beach, vulnerable once more in their changing state. It will take time for them to dry. It is then that the marking will form their disguise and give them the use of their legs once more. The fins fall away, and the scales brush off, leaving evidence. It is a long process, like a snake shedding it’s skin. The thing that remains is the markings upon the Lasairi’s skin, usually left on their neck, hip, or arms.


Effects of Magic upon the Lasairi


Lasairi are not beings that hold curse specific magic. They are only capable of using voidal magic that they have learned. Yet magic does affect them differently than uncursed beings. As beings of the sea, they've more capabilities with water evocation, and are unable to conjure fire.

*edit* They are indeed capable of learning new voidal arts after being cursed, and are not capable of evoking ice as it is harmful to them.


Ice : Ice is the biggest threat to Lasairi, it chills their blood and leaves them more weak then before. It is for this reason that for the winter months, the Lasairi choose either to migrate, or to spend the season in their sunken home.


Holy Magic: As they are cursed beings, holy magic has a strange affect on the Lasairi. When holy magic is used upon their form, their true nature is shown. Their scales will be forced to grow upon the place in which the magic is used, forcing them to change and bringing them pain.




-Can breathe underwater for an extended period of time (because unless we can get that changed mechanically)

-Better with Water Evocation

- Strong swimmers


-Can only stay on land for a month at a time, before having to return to the sea.

- Physically weaker on land.

-Their transformation is painful and physically tiring.

-Negatively affected by both holy magic and Ice evocation/unable to evoke fire.

- Can only have a child every 50 years, in land form.

-Unable to be in dry places. Deserts, far from sea. As well as a weakness to extreme heat.

- Contact with salt water makes them change form.

-Bound to the will of their sea god.

- There is NO going back once your character is cursed, as there is no cure.


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1000x support this idea; lots of event ideas can come of this and I think it would add a fantastic twist to the monotonous "Mary Sue" roleplay. 




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Why not. +1

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Ehhh shrug +1

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Oh my, this sounds wonderful, has great potential. +1

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All i can think of! But yes! +1




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Okay I am blown away by this, please make this a thing oh my god.

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Just now, Yung Luv said:

Okay I am blown away by this, please make this a thing oh my god.

I agree strongly.

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