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[Magic Lore] Arcane Displacement


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12/22/2017 - LT Notice - Magic is temporarily shelved. PM FlamboyantRage/The Pink Lion for more information.



Arcane Displacement is a magical theory turned magical art that does not count as a ‘slot’, rather an ability any Voidal mage can learn to use. That being said, this talent is coveted and may not be used willy-nilly as approved by the lore keeper (Zarsies, currently); portalmaking must be watched over or talked with the lore keeper to ensure the user is indeed a user of the Displcement charm and that they have or are properly roleplay(ed/ing) the enchantment’s creation.


“Double, double, toil and trouble.”

-The inscription within the first page of .raSmoT the Mad’s

Displacement Notes: Planar Relocation and Hardsoul Movement.


Inception - Toil


Madness. Lunacy. Delirium. This was the mania of .raSmoT’s Tower; lightning-tossing brooms, bickering tea cups, and flying boats. In the halls of the horizontal spire, .raSmoT’s particular study was a matter of organization. Each hall held it’s own rows of chambers, each unique; a room of frost and wintery winds, a room of assorted yarn, and a room of various chairs. Of the sixty four rooms, one held a displaced secret unusually obvious. In the advance of the Mage’s Guild in Athera, their ranks infiltrated the tower and came to call it home. In the opening interaction amongst a mess of other playing, the secret came upon the hands of a strong heart. A heavy, sealed tome was snatched from the very back of the dining-room-furniture-room and held dear until the proper time came for the book to open itself; the time has come.


Mechanics - Double trouble


Arcane Displacement works through the art of locational linking as created by the mind of .raSmoT the Mad. A single, enclosed space always fitted with some kind of ring or walls -- much like a closet or outhouse -- is the only compatible area with charming. When preparing the area, the immediate proximity within the small space must be exceptionally clean where any kind of dirtying may disturb the nature of the enchantment and cause it to falter and thus fail by causing a physical disruption in transportation; a misfiring portal can cause one to relocate inside of a chimney, a stone wall, a pool of magma, a jail cell, far into the sky, or any other random, potentially fatal area.


Placing the enchantment is akin to a sort of ritual, where it requires a fine lacing of mana over the area’s floor, walls, and ceiling repeatedly which thus causes the spell to take roughly twelve hours [[IG, IRL the RP should persist for at least thirty minutes or longer]]. The same placement in the same pattern placed elsewhere will link the two locations. At the end of both creations of the charm, the creator must speak aloud a word or phrase which the locks the charm to only be activated when the given passphrase is uttered when inside the enchanted area. Only a single sentence is the limit of a Displacement charm’s passphrase.


A person can learn the Displacement charm only by ‘reading’ the aforementioned tome and, when making an magic application for the ability, the lorekeeper must verify that you have indeed read the tome.


[[Mechanically, a door must be locked to enter a given space with a sign next to it /cprivated by the lore keeper explicitly saying that the lock cannot be picked and that the door is the mechanical alternative to the portal magic. Only those who in turn know the passphrase may enter into the chamber and may then teleport.]]


Red lines:


-The user must be taught the ritual, they cannot just pick it up from hearing about Displacement or experimenting. This may change but is unlikely.


-The Displacement charm must be repeated in a complimentary location of similar size and structure, where the two enclosable spaces are linked via relation.


-The areas where the charm is placed must be very clean and enclosed, meaning an open space and a dirty space cannot host the spell without breaking it.


-The act of activating the charm can only be done through speech, where whispering is the most quiet the activation word(s) can be spoken. Using /q (Undertone), /rp (Talk), /s (Shout), or /w (Whisper) are all acceptable. The word must be used verbally. Mutes may still go through Displacement portals via mimicking the act of speaking the correct passphrase.


-Users cannot create undocumented portals, meaning all Displacement charms must be investigated by the lore keeper and documented so that no phony or false portals can be made. GMs are encouraged to never make fast travel signs for any portals unless explicitly told by the lore keeper to do so.


-Doors to Displacement charms cannot be lockpicked and GMs performing lockpicking modreqs must check for signs by the door locked by the lore keeper that explain why the door cannot be broken. In the event of the entrance to the portal being broken or destroyed, the enchantment also fails.


-Users of the Arcane Displacement talent are unable to support more than three pairs of charms; when a user attempts to finalize (not start) a fourth portal pair, the links of the oldest pair created by that user are unwoven and undone to accommodate for the newest couple.


End note:

I’d like to state that I don’t mean for this lore to be very deeply explained because I have further ideas regarding physical and magical laws which restrict and define teleportation which I only want to bring forth later (I’m in a bit of a time crunch). Also, as mentioned in the Inception portion of the lore, ------ is the current holder of Rasmot’s Displacement Notes and during the event where it opens to ------, ------ will be able to learn the charm and spread it as ------ sees fit. It is, however, possible for the book to be stolen from ------ by some means. (Name removed in case of metagaming.)

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You're a quick one. [:

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I like it.

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